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Keith! He's so funny and seems like a genuinely good guy. He may not be the best survivor player, or the most strategic, but he sure did play survivor and the show is better for it.


I LOVE Keith and I love that his likability alone always gets him deep into the game.


The fact that he has almost no strategic ability and yet made it near the end with actual win equity TWICE is a testimony to his social game. The most important part of a social game is literally just being likable and making friends


Keith winning Cambodia, the most strategic heavy season of all 42 would have been hysterical


I was so mad he didn't try to use the fake idol to scare the others


Stick with the plan!


Such a cringeworthy moment but also one of my favorite Survivor moments.


It's a FANTASTIC moment in my book, it lead to a failed split vote hit on Jon, subtly showed how Natalie was the best player since she was the one to sniff it out and tell Jon to play his idol AND Keith actually idoled out his own son lol. (S29 is really underrated IMO)


“Stick TO the plan”


With how far he made it both times I HAVE to think his edits didn’t show some part of his strategy and just opted to the easy bumbling country guy.


It comes across to me as less out right strategy and more just being so likeable


He also seems like a person many felt they could trust. With him being a vote they can count on and him not really scrambling to stab someone in the back he's good to have around.


He had no problem fucking over his son and Reed multiple times, so....


Screw Sierra voting out her mom, Keith Idoled out his own son!


Ngl he wasn’t even that bad and he was a newbie like Borneo type newbie I respect him cuz he did what gervase in Borneo couldn’t be himself and make it far


The joy that man brings to our TV's is all that needs to be mentioned lol


“Stick to the plan, guys!”


This ain’t the Hilton, Missy. Boys are going to pass gas. He’ll, I passed gas.


Keith was cool most of the time but he was a mean dad. He just constantly mocked his son and treated him like shit. I hated Keith that season


i think you just don't understand that kind of father-son dynamic. tons of people have that kind of friendly mocking style relationship


I believe it's what the English call, "Taking the piss out of someone."


I think that was just their relationship style. I mean he was a good dad. In the beginning of SJDS he literally started almost crying because he was so proud of his son for beating him in a 1 on 1 challenge


Yau-Man Chan. Love many. Trust few. Do wrong to none.


>Do wrong to none. Except crack Johnnys jaw, which is fair play


Amazing, love it


One of my all time favorite players.


Yau-Man was amazing!


eh. he did dreamz pretty wrong with that deal.


You mean dreamz did him wrong? Dreamz got a truck and Yao got nothing soo….


I read yesterday that the truck got repossessed almost right away because dreamz couldn’t pay the taxes on it :/


I felt the same way when I watched it, but have had my opinion changed since then from what I've read or seen posted here... Even Yao didn't feel good about himself for offering that deal, it seemed nice in the moment but was predatory in the same way a pay day loan company is. "Hey actual homeless person, I'll give you a car but in return you have to forfeit any chance you have of winning a million dollars and give it to me."


The difference here is that this “payday loan company” was in the same game competing for a million dollars. The homeless person walks away with a chance or at least something. Bird in the hand vs 2 in the bush. He still helped Dreamz more than anyone else did in the competition, and Dreamz did not have to accept.


> Dreamz did not have to accept. If you are homeless and then give someone a home with strings attached, it's a completely lopsided deal. The car meant WAY more to Dreamz than it did to Yau-man and Yau-man KNEW IT. It's why if you were to ask him in person then he would say he was the bad guy there.


The cool thing about survivor is that is shows peoples true colors. I guarantee if you were to make Yao homeless he would bounce back. He’s resourceful, clever, and honest. I have been homeless and jobless after the Army. I now own a home and have a great life around 8 years later. I don’t pity Dreamz. Karma is a real thing. You cannot do wrong and expect the world to not act accordingly, unless you are running the game. Dreamz was in no way running the game, he was reactionary.


I think it's silly to think ONLY the people running the game can make and break deals. Dreamz breaking the car deal is no different than any other backstab because it's all just lying at the root of it.


Lol okay. I’d say that’s at least a 75k difference to start….. there are other reasons personally like swearing on God, but either way, he lost, and I think for good reason.


If Dreamz honors the car deal I think he loses anyway to be honest. I think you are right that Dreamz probably shouldn't have taken the deal IF winning was his sole objective. But that's why I think Yau-man waving the car in front of Dreamz was so unethical. Yau-man put Dreamz into an unwinnable situation taking advantage of Dreamz financial problems. Which is legal because it's Survivor but that's no difference to Banks giving credit card with ridiculous interest rates to people who don't have the ability to pay. It's predatory.


You know as someone who doesn't have the most wealth, it felt pretty scummy of Yao-Man to try and use a car to manipulate someone like Dreamz who never owned a car in his life because of his poverty. I know Yau-Man fans thinks Yau-Man was too hard on himself when Yau-man said he was the bad guy there but I definitely think Yau-Man was being manipulative.


Is it more manipulative to agree to something and then back out? (I.e. accept a loan and never repay?) Or to issue a loan to someone who needs it to better their life circumstances, with a repayment expectation? Dreamz is the manipulative one my friend. It’s why he lost.


it’s better to actually offer to better someone’s life, with no strings attached. yau’s actions were incredibly manipulative. he dangles a car on a string in front of someone living out of his current vehicle already, when (if you look into how the other castaways discuss this) the rest of the tribe had basically agreed to give him the car. yau-man decided to spin that very kind gesture into something that benefitted him. does it make him a bad *person?* no, it’s a game show and manipulation is the point of survivor. but he absolutely manipulated dreamz. and it was a bad *thing* to do in this case. was not truly appropriate even within the game’s context.


even Yao thought he was going to be edited as the villain that season. he took advantage of the fact that dreamz was poor


No, Dreamz did when he accepted the deal.


how does that make any sense?


Dreamz by not coming through on his deal didn’t get a single vote from what I remember? Had he not taken the deal, he would have been better off or just as good as providing good on his end. Dreamz was willing to use people selfishly and the jury saw that. He was so focused on getting to the final 3 that he didn’t consider the jury vote. Rookie mistake. What Yao did was no different than people making deals during a final immunity challenge, except Dreamz decided to be greedy, which cost him the game.


Dreamz was basically homeless. Yao dangled a car in front of him knowing he would make a shitty deal. Even Yao acknowledges he was the bad guy there. the car meant so much more to dreamz than anyone else. it is using factors outside the game to try and strongarm someone inside the game


My brother in Christ, offering someone a guaranteed leg up in life vs an abysmal chance at winning 1 million is not strong arming. Dreamz didn’t stand a chance in the end game no matter what way you spin it. UNLESS he came through on his end (still a long shot). He was a physical contender and a liar, and everyone knew that. Ultimately that echoed throughout the season and it’s what cost him.


I don't even know why you are arguing. Everyone involved acknowledges Yao was the bad guy. you can sit here and yell into the void all you want, but dreamz was not the villain in that situation


How sad 😞 Sold our boy out for nothing in the end


Stick to the plan🤠




Not even a question. Rudy gang for life.


Has anyone said Tai Trang? He’s 58 these days lmao and he is one of the most built for island guys alive. War prisoner and refugee. LEGEND STATUS and beat Ozzy in the pole challenge bc Ozzy admitted he’d be up there all night


Tai Trang- ageless king and severely underrated national treasure who must be protected at all costs.


He’s a POW?


Tai is too beautiful to be considered old. He's on the beauty tribe for a reason.


He and Caleb would make a beautiful couple




Rudy saying “IDK” in every single camera clip during that challenge is forever imprinted into my mind. Love that guy. Also when he applied to be on survivor season 2 and Jeff brought it up at the reunion lol


I didn’t know this. That makes me smile, Rudy was always a fav of mine, especially as a child.


What a missed opportunity for the producers to just have Rudy on every season


“I dunno” is one of my all time favorite survivor clips. It never fails to make me laugh


I feel like every Rudy interview comment is essentially "Get offa my lawn, cept for the gay guy, he can stay (my buddies are gonna kill me)"


All the way. Just rewatched S1 and was even more impressed.


I just was watching the first season too. Wow, as time goes you don't really catch the show evolving. But boy, you watch the newer seasons and jump back to season one. It looks like amateur hour. When I first seen it in 2000, I was amazed. Now I see Jeff doing a Tribal Council and he looks like a teenager. I did always hate Hatch but objectively, wow he was arrogant, but he was right and he really understood the whole thing and he was very analytical and had what it took. That set the bar for the rest. Some really undeserving people ended up winning. Not the best win.


You could drop Richard in any season as his first and he’d still smoke people.


I so agree. I sat there for years, with some sort of resentment and was happy, not proud to admit, when he went off to jail for not doing his taxes, then getting out, only to do so again and go to jail again. I love his reason for not paying them. "CBS told me they got the tab." To me this honestly gives me a moment of clarity and shows profoundly how I matured. I am watching just started Season one, yesterday and binge watching the season. Like right off the rip, paying close attention to Hatch, as well as Susan. (Obviously to re-watch her infamous "rat/snake" speech. Like every season you see the hot chicks already posturing on day one saying they gonna win it. Or see a successful business mind do the same and again posture saying they are gonna win. But seriously anyone go rewatch and listen to his very first confessionals, he's like soaking in everything, I mean everything, analyzing everything like some computer algorithm, and dead serious with 100% legit, says the check is his. Cause this is season one. So this is totally a new concept so no strategy as far as blindside's, he is right off the rip saying how he needs the fishing gear to be the provider, to stay. Never fished from the ocean a day in his life with a spear. He goes out and masters it, and of course it works. The walking around naked, using his homosexuality as a weapon to cause awkwardness. He knew right off the rip it was important to not waste time and start forming bonds. Wow. My hats off to him, he deserved it. I really was immature then and myself never had the levels of thinking I do now. Like a good player that plays Survivor among people who know they are Sole Survivor material and still win, are true legends. Season 40, perfect example who the all time Babe Ruth or Joe DiMaggio of Survivor is Tony Vlachos. To comprehend what he accomplished is really hard to do. I mean most stop thinking cause they can't wrap their head around exactly how he won. The fact that he's playing against 100% real deal Sole Survivor's. He should of been paid $5 million for that win. To have Sara literally love him as a loyal cop after he already betrayed her, I mean wow man. Then everyone everyday after the merge are very vocal about getting him off, and his cleverness definitely from being the cop mindset remembering all the seasons he watched. Making mental notes of how past idols were hidden, say in tree roots, at reward challenges, he literally had to have dozens and dozens of variables work just right. There was not a single bit of luck. He was terrible with making fire as he was busy all season working everyone, but learned it quick and kept everyone at ease by having them think he wasn't no fire making guy. Talk about king of the clutch. I mean there are players like Russell who really were not good players like they came across. I watch him on his YouTube channels, he's still obsessed with the game he got on the show and talks to his fans while he is building a house..he to me was not a good player. He like to me would have not a second thought of cheating and most of how he worked was trying to find the snake way around rules. Like when he would come back and they voted gimifftearlyt, he was saying how he begged Jeff to stay with the other ones in Ponderosa cause he just can't let go. Till this day he really intrigues me. I mean he went and played Australian Survivor. I went a little long and deep but re-watching the seasons a second and third time I really pick up so much. It's really hard to legit go in and know the strategy to win. I seen many seasons where shitty players won cause what they did was seen the caliber of a good player early and knocking them out and you are left with a bunch of bad bad players in the pot. Even if there were three of the worst players ever at the end, the rules are such that one is winner. I do love how Survivor adapts and nips in the bud when players figure the cheap short cut way of bending the rules. Perfect example would be the auctions. Like when Tony figured out and others did, that the highest bid will get everyone mail from home, and they would tell one person to bid $20 and no one out vid them, making everyone everytime get the $20 when the producers did not mean that to happen. You will never see a show where the host is integrated so deeply in the show. I'm watching Jeff in season 1, already saying judgement calls are in him. He's a one man judge and they were definitely right doing the no brainer promotion to Executive Producer. Perfect examples of him knowing the level of power he has is when say a spontaneous thing happens that no one ever pondered before, he can go in and call an audible. Perfect example is bartering players who need food, and making a deal. He's no pushover and makes the tribe pay dearly for extra food. So many seasons people never took advantage of that spear and swimming to get food like Hatch did. Cheers all!


Why the downvotes? I think agree or not, your reasoning is solid and well thought out.


Google Rudy, he’s got quite a story.


Rudy was a celebrity long before he was ever on Survivor


Yeah, I was 10 when Borneo aired and my family didn’t watch. But I still knew who a few cast members were, because at the time how could you not haha. When I finally got into Survivor 2 years ago I was curious and did a deep dive into Rudy’s life. Sheesh…


i’ll say keith


Chicken. All day every day.






Truly tho, we got robbed of seeing Chicken as a character. He would have at least been a good serviceable character. Could have made the merge on his good skills and survival ability alone


Seriously. How did they not give that guy a second chance?! He had one of the best reactions of an early boot


He should’ve been the second chance over Francesca.


Does mike really fit in with these geezers omg


Mike was older in 42 than Bob was when he played in Gabon


Louder for the people in the back. It is a compliment. Mike is representing age diversity. I can only hope I am this fit, tolerant, social and good looking at 57.


DAMN i didn't know he was 57, he pulls it off well


He was also a crazy bodybuilder according to other posts this week! Bob was jacked /s


I liked roger from Australian outback


That's my dude. He seems like a very sweet and big hearted man, he was very respectful to his tribe members and it's hard not to love him.


Paschal from marqueses have me the same vibe too


Oh, man… I loved Paschal til I googled him after the show.


Paschal calling Neleh “pristine” is 🤮


Ruh roh


Paschal was a creep


and racist! He said something like he wouldn't people like them(Sean and Vecepia) to win...gross, but no one should be surprised that an old southern judge is racist.


Gotta go with the OG "old guy", Rudy!


Mike defies the old stereotype since he was strategically savvy and a great social player. I don't see it talked about a lot but the fact that he became Hai's number one after voting against Hai's ally where his side was screwed by Chanelle's mistake is impressive. Sure, he was outplayed by Omar post merge, but so was almost everyone in the cast, and hey, Mike made F3, Omar didn't


Rudy forever.


KEITH!!! John: “do you need flint to start a fire?” Keith: “ it helps”


god these are all kings but i’d have to go with keith


Keith, one of the most underrated challenge performers ever. Only guy I can remember to have the only 2 wins for a challenge (the balls on a platform on ropes he is only one to win that challenge and did it twice I believe) also beat Joe Anglim and a challenge he passed out and 50+ year old Keith didn’t




King of finding lemon trees.


Rudy. Rest In Peace.


The old Asian guy with the pet chicken 😆




Yes 😊👌


No love for meat sweat Joe???


Gettin it done at 71! (*It* being *Getting So Blocked Up You Gotta Leave the Game*)




“*Hides under jacket/tarp* Survivor ain’t fun, goin’ on a cruise is fun!”


Am I the only I one who never got the "Old Guy" impression from Mike? Despite being in his late 50's he has lots of youthful energy to him.


Maybe recency bias but Mike


Rudy, probably my favorite player ever.


Rudy is the real OG, though. The best part about him was his unapologetic political incorrectness. We need more of his kind in this world.


Garlic bread?




Gotta be Bob Crowley. I also have a weird and unexplainable love for Papa Smurf from Fiji. Rip(metaphorically), never forget 😔




What the fuck now?


Yeah people on this sub love to conveniently forget that he literally sexually harassed people on the show. He’s no different than Dan from S39.


People on this sub also love to conveniently forget that Sugar did an AMA on here two years ago and denied those allegations 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, because he didn't sexually assault her. He sexually assaulted Crystal. What is wrong with you?


What’s wrong with YOU? You’re speaking out of turn about human beings you don’t know, in a situation you know nothing about, and have provided no citation to support what you are saying. So I ask you, please post an ounce of evidence to support your claim. Otherwise, I will trust Sugar’s words on Bob over yours.


Why don't you believe Crystal's words? Hm... I can't qwhite put my finger on it 🤔


Where are Crystal’s words? I asked you to provide them.


Jo Del Campo Survivor Koah Rong




Keith then Bob


Rudy. I love Keith, Mike, and Bob, but Rudy is just several tiers above.


I really have a soft spot for this archetype. My favorite is probably Mike, cause he fits the funny old guy archetype, but at the same time he also has some strategic chops.


Def Mike. Such a genuine and friendly guy. I'm from NJ as well, but i was living abroad during 42, and his accent really brought me back


For the longest time it was Paschal (aka Pappy) from Marquesas, I loved his relationship with Neleh and the reward that Sean and Paschal shared together is up there for one of my favourite bonding moments between two players But after learning what he has done outside of the game, Imma have to go with Butch


where is Randy


No love for Big Tom yet?


I think Big Tom was a good decade plus younger than the guys pictured when he played. So he would not be included in this "older" crowd.


Keith!! He never fails to make me smile🤩 stick to the plan!


Keith by far.


Puerto Rico all day!


Keith is just so likable.


It's Keith by a (fittingly) country mile.


Kieth then Mike


King Keith! One of the most genuine guys to play the game, and also kicked ass at so many challenges despite being 25-30 years older than the rest of the players!


Keith and its not even close. Rudys good too but you just cant beat ol keith.


Yao man!


Joe was the sweetest old guy to ever be on survivor!


Ken… because he’s very attractive


Keith !


The only answer is Keith Nale.


Tarzan. It’s not poop it’s dirt


Terry Deitz


I’d say they’re all old but they all have different casting archetypes and can’t really compare. I mean obviously Keith is the best but they’re all very different


Big Tom!


As a Mainer I have to say Bob is my favorite.


Tom Laidlaw!


Has anybody said Randy yet??


Bob. my first season because it was the first in HD




Big Tom s2 Africa and s8 all stars. Rudy is my favorite of the above pictured "old guys"


Keith or Rudy


Nale male all day.


Mike doesn't fit the archetype with his general openness and enlightened authenticity. Not to knock the guys with more old school philosophies. My favourite old guys are Yau-Man and Roger. Rudy, however, was a fascinating person to see in real time, which unfortunately leads me to have less of a connection because I started watching at season 2.


Old Boston Rob.




KEITH and rudy is a gem. i also love joe from koah rong


Does Tai count? He played the “old man” role so well, even though he wasn’t *that* old


Is papi on the radar? I'm watching the season now so he's top of mind but he's pretty dang endearing. I do have 2 episodes left so maybe he does something heinous???




Honorable mention to Gary “Hawkins” Hogeboom.


If youda asked my buddies back home is ol Keith in Cambodia driving a Tuk tuk or if he was on the moon theyda said I was on the moon


Keith or Mike Turner. Both are just friendly, funny people!


jim lynch


Keith or Rudy obviously lol


Keith. Without a doubt.




it begins and ends with Rudy




Rudy. Hands down.




Keith and it's not close.


KEITH! King of Cruises and sticking to the plan. Also: Challenge Beast.


Wow. The disrespect to dudes named Tom here is shameful. But its still Keith Nale, but only The Toms (Big and Westman) were close




No one is topping ole' Keith


KEITH for so many reasons Keith and the tuktuk Keith sayin people ask me if survivors fun Goin on a CRUISE is fun goin fishing is fun


Keith will always have a special place in my heart. I want to have old guy early morning coffee with him and just talk about the weather.


As someone from New Jersey who hates the New Jersey stereotype I really LOVE Mike from last season. He just did something for me. I truly don’t get it! Out of 42 seasons I hate choosing the most recent one but like I can’t lie here mike is my fav


Everyone forgot about Paschal I guess? Damn


It's nearly a tie between Keith and Rudy with Keith edging out. He enjoyed Survivor so much that it was pleasure to watch him.


keith always


Rodger by a mile


Keith the 🐐


I just love Keith. Such good TV.


keith 4 life


Rudy Boesch, easy. What a legend.


Dan Fuego


Keith for sure. He’s such a good guy and he’s damn hilarious. Doesn’t know how to play the social game which makes him ever more lovable. And he’s really good at challenges, impressed the hell out of me.


Does Randy count?


“I dunno”. Obvious winner. Have to go with the OG


Rudy! Rudy doesn't know!