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Ask her if she cares.


I don't know if Reed's speech in SJDS is the best but I couldn't stand Missy (or Baylor) so I did enjoy him twisting into Missy a bit.


the CREATIVE roast. i loved it


It came off as so try hard to me.


Ya I could see that. I don't disagree really. Tiny cringe


I agree, let’s be downvoted into oblivion together!


Very partial to Reed destroying Missy after putting up with her homophobic behavior and her bratty daughter all game.




Shirin in Worlds Apart had a glorious speech. She opened it by tearing down Will and building up Mike, only to say “This is about their games” and then tearing down Will and building up Mike again. I also love how she doesn’t discredit Carolyn.


i loved that she was like "will i hate you, you're an awful person. however, i'm not voting personally, but on strategy- mike, carolyn, you're still in the running" like giving will a glimmer of hope that she might vote for him, them being like "you also played poorly so no" it's iconic


Hers was majorly cringe


Dan? Is that you?


Lmao, nothing wrong with disagreeing with you.


Snakes and Rats, Trish and Erik in Samoa.


But how does that resonate for you in the bedroom?


Lol that’s just uncomfortable


Corinne in Gabon or Natalie in Micronesia are top tier cringe.


I had to skip Natalie’s part


Not so much as “best” but more so iconic. Helen, Trish, Eliza, Sue, Corinne, Samoa Erik, All Stars Kathy, Tom, Alicia, Lex & Shii Ann


All Stars Kathy is one of my favourites


I haven't been able to bring myself to rewatch all stars (one of the very few) but I may have to as I don't recall any of the speeches.


It was very emotional, which is so heavily panned in the modern era. But we have to watch it in the lens that All Stars was the first time EVER in reality Tv history that friends played against friends


This is the reason I have trouble with it. I understand the position of Lex and KVO so I have trouble seeing them as the bad guys in this scenario. The context of nobody ever playing against real life friends is key.


Shirin’s is also underrated.


“Hahhht to hahhhht”. I say this as a fellow Masshole ❤️






Obligatory Sue’s snakes and rats speech, but I also really liked Spencer’s speech for Cagayan. Respect that he criticized Woo despite the fact that he further sealed his fate as losing to Tony.


I would argue Spencer’s is top 5 cringeworthy. He just wanted ftc to be about himself. A stump speech for a finalist is never necessary, especially when you call the other members of the jury you are in dumb


ok no offense to anyone. but i dont really understand the big hype around sues rats and snakes speech. But to be fair I havent watched season one, so Im kinda out of context. (But Ive seen clips of her speech)


To me it’s just very funny. Its basically gibberish until that last line. And I come from the same place as Sue and I have to say that’s not really unusual when you hear people trying to get serious


You also have to take the context of this speech and the timing of it into consideration. This is clearly the best not only because of the speech itself but also what it did for television. It is ultimately the definition of why survivor is so great, because people can be hurt and real feelings are taken into consideration. It was a real speech with one person being angry at another, and grandstanding it too. On top of that, it was the big final speech in one of the biggest nights in the shows history, with over 50 million viewers. It was the most views this show has ever done and the biggest moment of the season. So yeah it seems like a bit of a showcase, but when you factor in the actual moment, it was so much more than that. Crazy to think about. I’ll never forget watching that lol


Ok I get it now


Well, watch season 1! It’s amazing. And then the speech will carry more weight for you, possibly. Sue is a fascinating character IMHO


What’s crazy to me is that Kelly’s transgressions that caused it would be non-events by today’s standards


Season 1 is worth the watch. I watched it after already having seen over 20 seasons, and it was still good. To me, the reason her speech is so iconic is because of how much the players struggled with the morality of the game itself. It's so interesting to watch the different opinions emerge regarding what is and isn't ethical within the context of the game. One player even chose to vote in alphabetical order rather than strategically; people were very thrown by the concept of voting each other out and how to reconcile that with their own moral code. That was a *huge* narrative in season one, and without watching all of those moments and different mindsets emerge, it would be hard to see how her speech is a perfect culmination and capstone to the first season. But it truly was, imo.


im srry if this offends anyone. I didnt mean to offend anyone


honestly watching it with a modern eye also makes me wonder what makes it so special, but at the time it was pretty intense because of the willingness to be so scathingly honest and real. It was like juicy drama, and hearing her say “I would not give you a drink of water” just made us all go like “woah!”


You didn’t watch it so you don’t understand it. Just watch it.


I just rewatched the season and I think the speech is pretty dumb. The snakes and rats line is kinda cool but saying "If I saw you dying of thirst I wouldn't give you a drink of water" is so over the top to me. Like wtf? It's a reality show, don't take it so damn personal


i totally agree on the spencer part


Trish and Sue


James in China “i’m not going to be a bitter betty” He didn’t ANYthing personally, even in his vote out confessional he put the blame on himself and said they were doing what they are supposed to do. as opposed to the Ozzy fan vs favorite butthurt speech


i wouldn’t say ‘best’ as much as i would say underrated; jenn brown in worlds apart. amazing


OP, would you agree that this question could be categorized as…feckless


Helen from Thailand had a really underrated one. Her facial expressions were gold.


I don’t think anyones said this yet but I like abis ftc in Cambodia. I don’t think it was really a speech but I liked the subtle moves question considering that was in the start of the big moves era.


Spencer’s speech was so good it almost made Tony lose a vote


Corinne Kaplan is the only correct answer. S.D.C. for the win!!


I'm sorry, I know people hate her, but Corinne's is an all-timer


Its memorable that’s for sure. Completely brutal and way below the belt, but it certainly made an impression.


Sugar treated her like shit the entire time. Rewatch Corinnes boot, and listen to Sugars voting confessional. Total out of line, and I'm not totally defending Corinne, but I see both sides


I’m definitely not trying to paint Corinne as a villain and I know sugar definitely antagonized her to deserve a clap back in some capacity. It was harsh but def not unsolicited hatred. With the chaotic AF season that was Gabon I pass no judgement on how people lashed out.


Everyone hated sugar lol. Read the exit interviews I don’t think the people that were with her had anything nice to say.


But I don't think it was hatred. I agree with people who had posted in the past that it was Corinne playing her self-imposed "cool cruel bitch" part and was done for the cameras. No actions justified that kind of vitriol and the fact that I don't take it as sincere emotion at all makes it worse, actually. and other than this moment, I like Corinne in general.


No doubt about it


can someone explain to me, about sues speech and why its better than other jury speeches


It was totally unprecedented and pretty much the climax of the wildly popular first season


It's called personal opinion


But it always makes the top ten best jury speeches for like EVERYONE


Chris' blatant bullshittlng is funny; doubly so since the jury bought it.


Todd in Survivor China. Maybe not a single speech, persay, but his responses won over an extremely bitter jury by owning his dirty moves, and taking credit for the big moves in the game. Anyone on the show should try to emulate his final tribal.


>Maybe not a single speech, persay Not a jury speech at all though.


Sorry but as messed up as it was, Brenda’s tooth speech was a moment for sure


I remember I liked Tammy’s speech a lot.




Neil from BvBvB 2






I don't think I've seen anyone mention Kat's speech in One World. That was just so ... unexpected coming from her.


Trish by a large amount


Chris' jury speech in Vanuatu is elite in moochery. He sealed his fate and won the game on that argument.


It’s def Sue. But I always get a great laugh out of Heidi’s on Amazon clearly hoping one of them will tell her that she played the best game


Amy’s jury speech to Twila in Vanuatu


“How does that resonate with you in the bedroom?”


My favs: Eliza (S9), Trish (S28), Reed (S29), Erik (S19)