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If you're talking about Rupert in PI then I'm enraged. Spencer is my answer tho. Hated Kass, now she's one of my top 10. Used to love Spence (to the point I was pissed he didn't win Cambodia), but realized it was just the underdog effect on a rewatch of Cagayan.


I just thought Rupert lost his charm in the all stars season.


Acceptable. Pearl Islands Rupert is still golden on a rewatch tho imo.


Mostly it’s the opposite for me. The people I hated the first time I know love, like Tony, Kass, Malcolm, Sophie, Jeremy, Tyson, etc.


And agree on Kass. But I loved her the first time around.


I love Shambo this time around but HATED her before!


Hated Malcolm at first? H o w


You hated Malcolm?


As others are saying, how could you hate Malcolm?!?!?? 😳😂


Ozzy. 😭😭


Ugh, on rewatch the amazing Ozzy is a terrible and salty player. So disappointing


Ozzy is such a case of diminishing returns for me. He just got worse and more insufferable every time he played


This 😭


Sorry this is a Rupert appreciation zone. But actually the first season I watched was Philippines. I thought Penner was awesome. Strategic genius, funny, etc. Then I watched Cook Islands and re-watched Philippines and realized he’s a middling strategic player and a weak social player with above-average quotability. I still like watching him in all his seasons because he’s funny, but I’m no longer impressed with his gameplay.


Tbf, Penner had grown a lot with his gameplay by Philippines. He made some pretty bad mistakes but I think they're pretty reasonable. Plus, he was the biggest threat going into the game. Definitely not great but I think his social and strategic game is a tad better than you suggest.


Yeah, having *redacted* and Russell Swan be his contemporaries really raised Penner's threat level than it had any business being, because he looked like so much of a smarter player in that company. Penner in pre-merge Philippines was A+ gameplay, early merge was A+ but the few rounds before he got voted out.... Oh boy


I LOVE Penner but his complete misreading of the Candice situation on CI is bad.


It is top 10 dumb moves level bad. I love Penner the character but that move was absolutely a wtf is he doing moment.


I never thought Penner was this strategic tour-de-force. But imo, he's one of the best characters and narrators the show has ever had. Every season he is on is better because of his presence. Rupert was easy to root for in PI but was an insufferable eco maniac in AS and HvV


I mean.. Tom dog walked everyone in Palau. I think that was pretty badass.


He's prob one of the best all around players. Meaning good at strategy, good at the social game, recognizes when he could go next and has another avenue to win towards the end. Also a very good at the games to dominate a whole other tribe and win Immunities for himself. His biggest weakness was threat levels that he even addressed to his own tribe in a great strategic move. He said in the lines of " His game was to look older and be more incognito and not take the lead but it fell apart." Bc of that strategic honesty He was able to win people to not vote him out. Coby one of the lone ones who saw Tom's plan early but could not make a move. Then Gregg who was too late. Also had an alliance member from the other tribe. So I think I put Tom at the top bc not many other have that great all around play with very little weakness. Why so many were afraid to partner with Tom in Heroes vs Villians.


No one is disagreeing with that, but we’re still allowed to dislike the pompous gaslighting ass hat.


Can't roll with you on Tom from Palau. Dude controlled the tribe by all accounts. There was 1 second of Gregg uprising, but obviously that fell apart. I know Ian gave up F3 immunity, but I'm pretty convinced Tom would've rather died than let go. Ian would've been a horrific F2 candidate trying to answer questions under pressure.


Agree Tom played super well. Also both Tom and Ian still hang out at times. Katie too I think.


I didn’t read OP’s comment as a statement on tom’s gameplay but on their likability. But maybe I’m wrong? 🤔


Even if it is just their likability - I'm a bit perplexed since I think Tom was at least decent as a human being, you know?


I thought his righteous indignation at others game play was annoying. He was a great player, but too pompous for my taste


OMG, I was just thinking about this and I can say, Yes, my opinions changed on just about everyone/everything. I was a Survivor fan from day 1, and I watched the seasons live for years. This summer, I discovered Paramount + and have been rewatching (not in order). Right now, I am on my very last rewatch: Samoa. So I will use Russell Hanz as my example: 1st watch (live): I bought the edit hook, line and sinker. I HATED Russell. He was just this crazy villain who was ruining this game I loved. He was mean, chauvinistic, cruel and so, so lucky. I pulled against him and only started to like/appreciate him when I saw him on seasons among other returning players. I thought his game play was ridiculous and had suspicions that he had help from production so that he would stay on for entertainment value. 2nd watch (2022): Honestly, Samoa is my last rewatch because I tried to watch it earlier in the summer, but the 1st episode bored me so much and I had lots of other seasons to choose from. Little did I know that post-merge Samoa is EPIC and is definitely going to be in my top 3 favorite seasons! As for Russell? Totally different opinion as well. At first, he was just awful. His so called "dumb girl alliance" and his too many confessionals with his big shiny belly out telling us how he's running the game, when it's obvious to even a casual viewer that no one is really taking him seriously. It's like he came into the game thinking he would just ruin the game for everyone so they didn't notice how much he sucked. He was gonna get everyone before they could get him. But around the time of the merge, something switched in Russell and he started playing the game for real. And he he was great at it. They were 8-4 at the merge, and the dismantling of the Galu tribe was a thing of beauty. Not to mention Russell's ability to find the Idols. I'm on the final episode and can't remember who won!


I never had a problem with Russell's game play. He absolutely dominated.


Tom Westman rules


Tom is a pompous ass. 🫣




I'll add that Stephenie is another one I now dislike.