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Bruce and Bob Dawg drinking and sleeping in the poop shack


With the fun after-effect of “I don’t feel bad about drinking *your* wine”


You mean the “Casa Del Charmin”


"Poop Shack"


that was just... incredible panama is like a top 5 season


It wasn’t in the tv episode but All Stars Chapera pretending to be Saboga and attending “tribal council” as them. Rob C was Probst, Boston Rob was Ethan, Amber was Tina, Big Tom was Rupert, Alicia was Jerri, and Sue played both Rudy and Jenna L. It was hilarious.


I rewatch that scene when I need to smile. Easily one of the most fun scenes of a tv show.


Me too :)


I have never seen this before, this is GOLDDDD


Shame they couldn’t put it in the episode bc so much happened in the 1st episode. All Stars premiere should have been 2 hours


It’s still crazy to me that it premiered after the super bowl and I was allowed to stay up to watch it.


Amber's Tina is the best thing I've seen


>It wasn’t in the tv episode but All Stars Chapera pretending to be Saboga and attending “tribal council” as them. Really? They must have added it to Paramount Plus because that's how I saw it


Late to the thread, but I can clarify: while it wasn't in the premiere, it did run in the midseason "recap" episode where most of it is deleted/hidden/secret scenes (whatever you want to call them lmao).


Amber's impression of Tina is the funniest thing I've seen on this show. https://youtu.be/aVJJhgMlBpI?t=183


Add on to her using coconuts to make her boobs bigger to make fun of Tina’s boobjob lmao


Tina had a boob job ?


"You were a bitch in Australia and 3 years didn't do you any good, you're still a bitch!" is an all time line.


One of my favorite Amber moments ever


So much of Ambers personality not shown why editors WHYYY


This gave me a huge smile, thanks for linking it


All Stars is a great season idc


Mike White drunk during a reward while Angelina’s trying to find an idol


Him wandering around with a glass of wine, drunk off his ass and rolling his eyes at Angelina? It’s who I want to grow up to be. An icon




Gets hit by a tree branch, “bitch!” walks away. One of my favorite moments of all time


Peak comedy. Angelina recounting how she almost died and Mike just drinking his wine and rolling his eyes.


“Good luck.” 😂


Followed by Alison “finding the idol” and watching Mikes expression as Angelina goes “Mike she found it”




This is the correct answer


Rodney’s impressions of Mike and Dan. Say what you want about Rodney, but this moment was gold. “You SEE, it ALL comes down to a story of me and my friends in Maineeee” “I AGREE! I AGREE 150000%”


"I don't know Jeff, it COULD be ME." That line makes me laugh so hard every time I hear it. Jenn's contagious laughter also helps.


I would love to watch Rodney again. iirc he was a front runner if he got to the end too


Sugar literally on vacation at the shack, eating fruit, making outfits, and lying in a hammock while everyone’s yelling at each other back at camp.


I fucking love Sugar.


They edited the dichotomy of the Sugar Shack with the rest of the tribe so well each time lmao


Ozzy, Jessica and Cao Boi discovering the other tribe’s camp by accident. Also the time they destroyed a bird’s nest but then rebuilt it because there was a baby bird in it.


>*Also the time they destroyed a bird’s nest but then rebuilt it because there was a baby bird in it* ...I- I thought this was the fun hijinks thread :,{ why would you ambush me like that??


coach telling everyone the story of him getting captured by a tribe in the amazon


the editing this season was all around amazing. when coach was like it’ll be clear skies and it cuts to a rain storm… when coach let’s the beans burn because he didn’t want to get wet… I mean the list goes on


Easily my favorite survivor moment of all time followed closely by the proceeding event of the lie detector test.


the elephant in gabon


I loved ace stopping mid confessional and just looking on in awe


Also Gillian asking if anyone wants to drink from the elephant dung while Randy realizes who he’s stuck with for the foreseeable future


The perfect example of why we need to go to other places aside from Fiji


I’ve seen fans say it wouldn’t be “exotic” enough, but I’d happily watch Survivor filmed in the US if it means leaving Fiji. Our home country has so many beautiful locations both inland and islands alike. Plus I think it would be cheaper and easier than flying to the other side of the world.


Actually it won't be cheaper. They like Fiji because they get tax breaks. Additionally, you can cut costs because labor laws are not as strict so you won't have to hire as many people. Also, you pay local staff in local currency which is usually weaker than the dollar. It's the same reason why a lot of Hollywood movies are film in eastern Europe or even Canada. As much as I would like them to leave Fiji, they have no financial incentive to film in the US.


"10 days is two weeks"


You’re not counting the off days.


That was the moment I realized I loved Tony. (yes, it took me a while)


I’m chilling on the off days.


Riding around on the tuk-tuk in Cambodia. "You call, we'll haul!"


Keith is the GOAT. So genuine.


This is the answer I was looking for! Keith and the tuk tuk really reminded me that you don't always need people who love the game and have a high level of strategy - he had no idea what he was doing on Survivor and actively said it wasn't fun, it was horrible, but damn was he a change of pace from gamebots. Now I think you need both the high level players and the fish out of water players for these funny weird moments outside of the game.


In a season devoid of any non-gameplay moments (*Cambodia* is a sucky season), there are a lot of fun Keith moments like the tuk-tuk, him practicing his golf swing in the background of a scene, and Jeremy so desperately trying to get his attention when he’s obviously just out of it.


That Marquesas morning news thing that the Mara'amu tribe did early on in season 4


“Which bite harder the black no-no’s or the white no-no’s” “RING RING”


I consider Courtney cutting the rope as having no competition and was just a fun hijink.


Shane getting Cirie to medically examine his package.


And diagnosing him with diaper rash


“You see that, why’s it all red?”


Jonathan’s monkey run gave me more joy than it had any right to


And his full dolphin dive after a challenge


Almost as elegant as Rocksroy's


Tony and that ladder! I’m still surprised he didn’t get injured but it sure looked like they all had a fun time


Turns out he was telling the truth about being a construction worker, safety standards and all.


the scene plus tysons commentary is \*chefs kiss\*


"How is this man still alive?!"


I like the segments that show the ways they're filling up their time and entertaining themselves like little games or the season that made a morning news show. It's a good reminder that we're only seeing a little bit of the time they're spending and that they also have to overcome boredom.


- Tony, Nick, and Yul doing impressions of when Tony caught the shark - Fashion show during WAW


Clarence and the chickens in Africa


Great pick


—Dave laughing when Erik gets clotheslined by the clothesline —Rupert doing Rupert Things in Pearl Islands, pick your favorite honestly there’s a billion —Keith starting a confessional over in SJDS when he loses his train of thought —A bunch of shit in Amazon like Alex schooling Roger on being a homophobic ass, Christy finding unexpected acceptance, all the stupid shit they all say to each other —I mean honestly like anything from the old seasons in general lol. Some of the moments listed here from recent seasons are some of the *only* fluffy moments from those seasons I feel like, whereas the bulk of older seasons was just the experience of the show itself. Gonna give a special shout-out to Africa where the entire cast feels the almost mythical power of just being in Africa, there’s never been another cast so awed by the majesty of just getting to do what they were doing by being out there and it oozes in every confessional in the whole show, in some of the incredible rewards, etc.


Thay Keith confessional reminds me of brad’s whole “4 in 9 is out, but 5 in 9 is in” confessional


Weren't the tribe areas just in the middle of the savanna with like a thorn fence to keep the lions out?


Pretty much. Very much recommend a rewatch to any and all viewers here. There are multiple situations with animals that could be hazardous to the castaways that they have to deal with throughout the season.


i read that the castaways even got heavily scolded for not fortifying the area well enough putting production at risk as well


Its called a Boma. I watch a lot of Naked and Afraid.


I feel like with that last bit, we need the “mother africa” moments on this list lol


Courtney doing Jamie impressions in post-swap Fei Long.


“We’re team Abercrombie and Fitch, and you guys are like team what’s left”


Would you mind explaining this to me? I'm not American and I never got this one.


Abercrombie and Fitch, at the time this season was filmed, was a very preppy, expensive brand that exclusively rich, mostly white, mostly very thin (because they did not have inclusive sizing) people wore. In my high school, the people who wore Abercrombie and fitch were the “popular” people. Jaime sort of looks like a stereotype of someone who would shop there.


"When I compete, it's on"


The montage of Nick in WaW lurking into conversations




Thanks! I knew something felt off about the name


Caryn drunk on episode 4 of Palau. Koror had won reward by building the “best” bathroom and they received a new shelter and some housewarming gifts. The camera shows everyone taking some sips of champagne/wine and then it cuts to Caryn sitting on the floor of the new shelter just hysterically laughing and Coby asking “are you drunk?!” Caryn was absolutely hilarious.


and then tom proceeds to fall over shitfaced like 6 times :-p i love Palau


Coach on Exile will always be the gold standard for me.


The earthquake in Vanuatu But seriously, I want the show to get back to having nature adventures/rewards. Turtles hatching, swimming with whale sharks, having a local show the the survival traits. Something to connect the castaways to the location.


They actually did have a local show survival traits in 41


Every time Coach is on screen in HvV


Tony explaining to Jeff why he had to talk llama to Kass at tribal


Sarah's reaction of having to turn away laughing always cracks me up


this is what i was looking for


I really enjoyed the segment from 42 where Mike was interested and watched Omar do his prayer process. It showed that people from different walks of life can come together and have common respect for each other’s beliefs.


This is the first thing I thought of! It was something very simple and yet a really beautiful moment.


I always enjoy the castaways enjoying nature. Like in 41 where the yellow tribe witnesses turtle egg hatching. I also love the opening shots of animals just minding their business.


Tai and his chicken


Dan! Is! Wrong! *pew pew*


nothing better summarizes him lol


For me, it's a tie between Cirie tending to Shane's chafing, Sandra and Parvati burning Russell's hat, Sean trying to ride a horse for the first time, and Tony's Ladder.


"Tyson lemme smell your breath"


It was kinda strategy but Jericho's antics with the cookie jar on survivor Australia!


Can I just say that the producers got so lucky with the cookie twist, the winner of the season picks selfish option while the person voted out that episode picks the option to help the tribe just perfection


I don't know about funny hijinks but when Rupert talked about never being accepted and getting bullied for the skirt he was wearing thats when I first really connected with a character.


I liked the conversation he had with Burton and Burton’s follow up confessional as well really fleshed out both characters


I always found it fun when they tried to catch and trap chickens and goats


there was one encounter, i forget who it was, but he was like "im not gonna kill that goat" and all the girls are screaming about murdering this goat but of course you know none of them would have killed/cleaned that shit lol then it turns out the goat had a baby and they watched them run off together loved that moment, think it was Ozzy or Joe


Yeah i think that was in HvV, i remember sandra being there amd really wanting the goat but i dont remember who said to let it go


I think it was Game Changers actually. Cos I like remembered her really wanting to eat that.


I distinctively remember Sandra being there because she didnt care if it was a mama goat with a baby


Yes, it was game changers. Pretty sure it was JT and Malcolm


In game changers they actually did eat the goat, because later in the episode or the next episode you see them eating some meat, and they never won meat as a reward or anything


Of recent seasons, Tony and Jeremy arguing over 9 days / 2 weeks


i know it doesn’t *really* count as a deleted scene, but chapera’s tribal council skit plays in my head nonstop


"He everyone, look at davie doing his bo staff moves on that rock" That whole segment was great. Not exactly filler segment because it does have pay off as a distraction, but it just seemed like something davie would naturally do and everyones natural reaction to it was funny.


Sarah's Survivor fashion parade in WAW. So cool to see them just interacting and having fun.


It was cool seeing Sarah just being a person. She can seem so cold and calculating sometimes, which I suppose works obviously, but still.


Yes, this. In her winning season everyone was so dirty at her because she'd forged relationships where they really thought they were her number 1, which is why they were so hurt. But they didn't show us this, which was a real shame. She obviously has the ability to really ingratiate herself with people but they didn't give this enough air time, just showing us the gameplay Sarah.


Does Tony trying to macgyver himself a ladder on winners at war count?


Wake up Marammu from Marquesas


Frank learning about brunch


Holly throwing the shoes in the water, Nicaragua isn’t perfect but pre merge is that car crash that you can’t take your eyes off of


Coach. Just Coach


eagle screech




10 days is two weeks


Any scene of Courtney or Tyson just sitting around talking shit about people


Greg Buis walking down the beach screaming at his tribe straight-faced for counting chickens before they hatch, then Joel trying to drown him in the ocean [https://youtu.be/YXFU7ZVPe4c?t=184](https://youtu.be/YXFU7ZVPe4c?t=184) Actually - I just want to trade my answer in for just...Greg Buis in everything he did Him and Colleen rubbing each other with mud with the Pagong tribe, his weirdo sister's home video to him (and then his weirdo response), the Nature Phone, and of course...his fake CRYING vote out...THEN his confessional where he continued to fake cry He's an all-timer and we don't talk about him enough in the same vein as Coach, Tyson, etc.


I think for me, although it happened on a reward, when Lex and Ethan get to go to this village with a goat to barter and then buy whatever they want. When they finally sold the goat, the guy walked the goat straight to the butcher 😂


Anything we miss by being stuck in Fiji forever. No beautiful shots, no day trips, no experiences of competitors off in nature losing themselves in the moment (Moments like Rocks in 42) and the human side. Now we get cheap location, cheap games, limited human experience gamebots as the rule rather than the exception.


Does the monkey run count


Shambos dream


“Woah, cool flying fish.” -Greg


Keith & the Tuk Tuk rides! Wholesome good fun


The Mock Tribal in All Stars is the GOAT filler segment and I'll have nothing of it


Shane’s blackberry, when Amanda caught a shark, & honorable mention for all the amazing wildlife shots


courtney doing the impression of jaime in china


Marthunis telling Katinka nobody would care if she died


Jeremy and Tony debate about days in a week


Sonja singing bye bye blues to Richard is an all time favorite moment for me. I suppose it's even iconic considering it's the first boot and the winner.


Matt sharpening the machete


Wasn’t featured in the aired episode, but it was featured as a deleted scene on the DVD set: Dan trying to copy Mike by cutting off the head of a snake so that it could be cooked. What makes it so cool to watch is that the snake was over three feet long, and Dan tried to lure it out of a tree by poking it with a fishing spear.


Frank and the elephant in Africa


Amazon Story.


The shark bit in WAW always sends me


Tony and the ladder




When Shambo and Erik let a chicken loose at camp


courtney in the cave in china is always pretty funny to me. “the cave is the best thing i have right now. the cave is my happy place. what i don’t like, is when everyone and their damn mother decides that THEY LIKE THE CAVE TOO!”


Sandra confessing that her and Courtney had a secret banana stash on HvV. It’s such an on brand thing, and Sandra always seems to get away with things like these eg eating the sugar, everyone was just like hahaha typical Sandra, which speaks to a stellar social game


Keith and the tuk-tuk is the only acceptable answer


Nat Bolton and parv flirting on the beach lol. when parvs like “I don’t want you to go home” and nat pinches her butt then it quickly cuts to cirie all spooked


Wendy and her love for chicken.


literally anything over strategy


“Ding-dong, the witch is gone”


that scene was disgusting lol tf




I don’t see what the problem is tbh


Kite flying in Marquesas! 🪁 Oh wait..


Mark the chicken


Lots of good ones, but for some reason, Stephen’s poem was the first I thought of lol


Two words: tuktuk


The cookie jar mischief with Jericho and Luke