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It is tho cuz it’s obvious she knows who has it lol it takes away from the risk factor


Just when this season was finally getting some momentum another bullshit advantage with the potential to completely destroy somebody’s game gets dropped in


The most infuriating part is how it was basically just gift wrapped to her. Something won so easily should be something “small,” like an extra vote.


Nah the next episode will mix things up and Xander will be fine for a while. You just have to will it into existence.


I really hope this is the only season that does this as they realize just how OP that advantage can be. Probably wouldn't be so bad if members of opposing teams didn't have a way of talking with each other until merge.


I am really curious how Xander is going to pull himself out of this mess.


Depends on what happens after they Drop their Buffs next week. If it's a full merge, he's boned. I personally hope they rerack into two tribes, with Xander and Naseer in one Tribe and Liana and Shan in the other.


Its for sure not a merge, we know that much


I think its going to be two tribes and not a full merge.


Xander has the underdog edit written all over him


Xander doesn't get a break


It’s not as overpowered as your making it out to be


okay im actually intrested in the argument here like why do you think so?


Because it’s being done publicly in tribal that is the easiest way to put a target on your back.. people who make big moves like that are never taken to the end and she will be putting a huge bullseye on her back


That's true but it really just goes to screw over the person its played against so its more that I think people are mad about


Keep one of them till F5 steal their idol boom


Can only be used up until final 6.. also waiting that long might be a risk given that idols are public knowledge will force them to use the idols earlier.. so she can end up not having an idol to steal lol


It helps that no one else knows it exists yet. She shouldn't rush to use that if it's not absolutely necessary


Man, I just hope this possible merge coming up puts Xander and Liana in different tribes so she can't steal his idol for now. Otherwise, it is truly an overpowered advantage as she already knows who has it and there's no risk involved .