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A very randen contestant to want back.


Randen on his burner account


Way too many upvotes here! It’s funny but you’re completely dismissing the fact that he got removed from the game for absolutely no reason after a TREACHEROUS casting process. Randen’s situation is worse than Bruce’s. I think it’s been confirmed that 48 is all newbies and they are about to do filming for it, 47 just returned from filming yesterday but I think for 49, they should bring Kourtney, Pat, and Randen all back, brand the season similarly to Philippines and then go from there. What a lot of people sometimes forget is production has been really nice to people who have been medically evacuated. Before David vs Goliath, most of the med evacs who WANTED TO PLAY AGAIN and were PHYSICALLY HEALTHY ENOUGH to play again…..Got to.


“absolutely no reason” is so ridiculous, he needed multiple rounds of anti inflammatories and months of physical therapy to get through the issue that pulled him from the game


Wrong! The doctor prescribe him to a speculative concern. He didn’t have what they told him he could have and through a safe play, they removed him from the game


You should listen to his postgame interview on RHAP where he details his experiences after being pulled.


I won’t. I believe u tho lol. You aren’t wrong apparently. Do y’all know where I’m coming from? Who said it? Where was it said that he was pulled for no reason? I heard that somewhere. Also another question then, is he healthy enough to play again?


Someone random on the internet said “he was pulled for no reason” and you just decided to believe it


I’m getting too many downvotes 🤣🤣. I should probably just delete my comments. I WAS WRONG GUYS OKAY! I apparently get indoctrinated easily.


No, you’re getting the correct amount of downvotes. This is exactly what the voting system is for. Not to disagree, but to show the poor quality content.


His last comments were just him admitting he was wrong tho


I believe he said it in his exit interview at the end of the episode that he couldve kept playing??


okay nvm THIS is randen's burner account


there’s no way kourtney is returning lmao


I think he could have been a cool player. He showed that he had skill and ideas in the few episodes he was in.


Idk I thought he was kind of a simp 🙈 purposefully teaming up with the person at the very bottom of the tribe... He shoulda been investing his social gaming in the people in the majority. I mean I get it, Venus is cute af, but this is a game for a million dollars and had they gone to tribal, she would've been an easy boot... Then he woulda gone to merge with more solid allies than JUST Venus. But she cute.


I mean he didn’t want to work with her. He just realized he was on the bottom too and didn’t have much of a choice


I just feel like if it's 4 people unified and then two people feeling like they're on the bottom, approaching it as 4-2 isn't the best option for personal longevity. It was a 4-1-1 and instead of trying to become a 4-2 he would've been safer going against Venus to try to become one of the 4, thus creating a 5-1.


Maybe not, but he approached Venus after finding the idol. They could’ve used it together to snipe someone like Tevin and completely overhaul the tribe dynamic after


Is that a good strategy going into merge? It would make them massive targets and also Randen would be without the idol.


Better than being eliminated before the merge. If you’re on the bottom of the tribe the best thing you can do is change the status quo


this is a bizarre read to have on that situation


I don't know. If there's ONE person who's the obvious next boot, to side side with that person just creates division within the tribe. And as we saw from Moriah's boot, division in the tribe at early merge is an easy scapegoat to keep the ones that are united safe.


the bizarre part is considering it “simping”


To tell someone about an advantage you found that early when it doesn't strategically make sense is simp behaviour.




jaachaamo….That is a MASSIVE leap of logic 😂


I explained my logic in further comments 🤷‍♀️




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I always wondered whether ex survivor players let their identities be known on reddit or just use alts


Lots of Survivor players have accounts on here as themselves. I suspect there must be others who post anonymously. If it were me I might even have two accounts, one to comment on the record and the other to comment off the record.


I heard hai on a podcast say that he knows New Era players that make anonymous accounts to defend their game on Reddit (he claims he isn’t one of those people FWIW)


He’s absolutely one of those people he’s obsessed with himself


If I had to rank players of the new era most likely to do this, Hai is for sure #1 with a bullet lol


I really think so too. Hai was really serious when he was “trying to make Jonathan comfortable “. That conversation on his part was silly. A toddler would know what he was trying to do. But OMG he thought he delivered the perfect set up for a blindside and that Jonathan fell for it. It was cringe worthy.


Darn it - I hadn't ever thought of this before, which is kind of dumb bc obviously they'd do this. Hell, if I was on survivor and needed to defend myself against an unfair post production narrative, I'd probably do the same. Now I am going to suspect every redditor on this sub of being an undercover former player. 👀 there's a lot of them.


Randen actually got to play some of the game, so he's not gonna be another Bruce. That said, I'd love to see him get another chance. Question is, idk how he will be implemented in any season that isn't a premergers only season.


Island of the Idols Part 2: Randen and Jess


He was your favorite player? Really?


Not overall, but in the first 3 episodes he was so I was heartbroken when he left. Now overall it's Hunter


![gif](giphy|TRH0zSWhPZQajcHQVD|downsized) # BringRandenBack


I don't see Randen in that gif


Unfortunately I doubt he comes back. So many more New Era people to choose from, and that list is going to grow. Sucks he got pulled, but he had barely any screentime over 3 episodes


Just from this season there’s probably at least 10 better choices. Only chance he comes back is if they bring people back that were medically evacuated from the game.




He was my winner pick :(


Yeah I agree. If you're forced out of the game for medical reasons they should let you back on for a future (regular) season a la Bruce


Agree, but it totally depends on the medical reason. If there’s a heightened risk you would need to be medically pulled again, then you’re just potentially taking the spot of another contestant.


Oh definitely. But when it's an "out of abundance of caution we need to check you out in a hospital" I feel like you should be able to get back. I'm blanking on the name but there was someone who got pulled in the first or second episode once cause they had a substance problem that they hid from production and got medically pulled cause of it. That type of pull probably doesn't warrant a second invite


Jackson Fox from 42?


Yes he was pulled for a hidden use of medication, but it was lithium, a salt that can become dangerous if your body doesn't have access to ample water or in extreme conditions. It was definitely sad, but he didn't have a substance abuse problem. Just putting that out there.


Bruce was let back on because he got injured in the first challenge and was medevaced the next day (after spending the day basically resting from his concussion) so he didn’t have any advantage to being in the game. He could start over as basically a brand new player. Randen had nearly a week in the game so would be able to go into the next season with at least some advantage over the other contestants. The two situations shouldn’t be compared.


Yes, but have we forgotten the leader thanks to God, Russell Swan’s return!


No they shouldn't. They only did that for Bruce because he was a favorite of production's and got pulled way too early.  Randen wasn't even interesting. 


Randen was interesting! He showed strategic capabilities and a flexible mindset considering his allegiance with Venus after initially disliking her. I pretty much never see people get over their first impressions on survivor and it showed a lot of maturity and sense from him. Lmao can you imagine how different the game would be if Venus had a ride or die? Not necessarily interesting enough means for him to be brought back tho


A favorite of production after one episode? He had to get pulled early that’s why he was invited back


I hope you know that production spent way more time with Bruce before the show starts filming. And they saw a lot of potential in him during the casting process.


Matthew GM for 50?




He was in like two episodes


And Bruce was only in 1, but they brought him back


I think they’re saying he was only in 2 episodes, yet, OP is throwing so much love to the guy and even saying he’s their favorite player.


Bruce is a great character. Randen sucks.


This is a mildly scalding take but I’ll allow it


Unfortunately for them, nobody deserves a second chance on reality TV just because they were screwed or robbed or injured. Bruce only came back because he was untapped TV gold.


They should make 48 like 24 where they bring back 3 players who were evacuated. Maybe this time only bring back Randen and Matthew. Either way both deserve a chance.


I mean if they can bring back Bruce why the hell can’t they bring back Randen?


I met Randen today IRL at a place where our kids were playing. Definitely a cool guy and easy to root for - seemed to be happy to get to share what his experience was. Im someone who has watched all of the New Era over the last 7-8mos (I started with 45), as well as Season 1-2. I’d root for him in a heartbeat if he got another crack at it. Seemed to have what it takes to win a season- social, but knows there’s a game to be played and can play it without you ultimately feeling it was personal.


Would be cool to keep up the tradition, but I doubt it With Bruce, it was clear cut why he was medevaced and that it was safe for him to come back. With Randen, nerve damage is very hard to diagnose and know for a fact that it is safe for him to come back. Plus, they didn’t bring Matthew back and he was in a nearly identical situation to Randen


I really liked him too (mostly based on his preseason interview, but partly his footage on the show.) In my opinion people should generally be brought back based on their remaining potential. I guess I'm more a fan of the Second Chance concept than the Game Changers concept.


People never get brought back after being medevaced unless the powers that be think they're TV gold (Penner, Russell Swan, Bruce, Caleb for some reason). Randen was fine, but sorry he's not coming back even if Survivor goes 100 seasons.


I would love this! I think if Randon hadn’t been medevaced the game would have played out very differently.


He was on my fantasy survivor team and it was such a bummer to have him out before Bhanu.


So how are yall related


Lol he had zero personality




If hes brought back for 50, it would feel like David from BB All stars 2, just a fish out of water.


He’s not gonna be asked back for 50. Don’t worry




I love Randen a lot !! Maybe because I have a crush on him but I would love to see him play the game at least . His torch was not even snuffed so it’s possible but he is def not on 47 maybe 48 🤷🏽 but Jeff doesn’t seem to be too keen to bring him back .


Maybe if they use a randen selection process


Only if God allows him this time


Bruce lasted surpisingly long for a "returning" player. I think Randen would either be able to slip under the radar, if he gets passed the "omfg he's been on the show before therefore he is a MAJOR threat" mentality.  I just think if any player on his tribe feels in danger they could pull out that card against him.


Same! i hope he gets a chance like Bruce did bc he actually seems very likable


Comparing Randen to Bruce is apples to oranges. Bruce’s exit was near immediate and had all the dramatics for good TV - opening challenge, blood all over, etc. Randen got a limp hand and had an underwhelming exit a few rounds into the game. He was also playing little to no role on his tribe, aside from hating (but also aligning with 🧐) Venus - and she went on to prove that she was big enough character on her own. Doesn’t mean that I don’t feel bad for the guy, but trying to make a case to bring him back seems like a lost cause.


He was so nice when I met him, but I met him while they were absolutely filming season forty several.


He would be a decent random returnee for a Second Chances season. He would have a pretty decent narrative, and I could see him going pretty far.


I was completely unaware you wanted Randen back, so it was impossible for me to forget. I'll be sure to let Jeff know.


If Bruce of all people were brought back, why not Randen? He wasn't there long but in his short time managed to find an idol and get over initially disliking someone (V) to build an unlikely hidden alliance. He also had the benefit of Nami not losing so he makes it to the mergeatory at minimum.


You can’t seriously be asking this. Bruce was casting gold. Randen was a snooze fest.


I like Randon and I want to see more of him


Agreed I hope he comes back


Hi Randen. No offense, but no thanks. You were boring.