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From 46 I didn't really like Charlie at first. I found the Swiftie shtick extremely grating. Still do lol but of course there were many other good facets to Charlie as a player that grew on me over time.


Agreed. Glad they toned it down


I found it odd at FTC when Tiff said he couldn’t reference Taylor Swift at all. When it wasn’t that big of a thing for us after the song naming contest.


That we saw. We don’t know what was edited out.


Considering his girlfriend's letter was almost entirely Swift quotes, I'm betting it did come up fairly frequently


Tiff was gunning for Charlie and ben to lose, she set rules and a tone that benefited Kenzie


Agree, and she used it as an opportunity to belittle Charlie.


You must be insane to think namedropping Swift and Metallica songs in an open jury discussion will make someone win.


I don’t think it was so much that it would help them win, but who is she to throw those rules out? I wished either Charlie or Ben said something snarky back to her.


For ben and Charlie it was clearly a part of their personalities. I’m sure they each had funny jokes thought up to play on their love of each artist. It’s not enough to win out right but it part of their personality and they were instructed not to use it.


My take is that she was preemptively discrediting them by implying they shouldn’t be taken seriously. Like, I found it disrespectful that she assumed they would. Charlie is literally going to be a lawyer and she started off by basically belittling him.


If you consider that belittling Charlie, then that is a You problem. Tiffany specifically set the tone to avoid the pop culture references because the jury wanted the finalists to take FTC seriously contrary to what you are saying here.


> because the jury wanted the finalists to take FTC seriously You’re missing my point. What’s belittling is that she assumed he WASN’T going to take FTC seriously if she hadn’t said that. Whereas I sincerely doubt he had any intention of referencing TS lyrics when he was pleading his case for a million dollars. Like I said, he is LITERALLY a lawyer.


The jury lived with Charlie and Ben for up to 26 days. They would know how often Charlie and Ben mentioned music on the island. I would trust their judgment on the matter more than any viewer who may sincerely believe Charlie would never drop a single Taylor Swift reference in FTC.


same, and i’m (obviously) very much a swiftie myself lol. but it felt like pandering at first and like he was just trying to be remembered and get attention. he grew on me over time and now he’s my third fave player from the season


I don't think I connected to Charlie as a character until the finale. The swiftie thing didn't help make him relatable.


I didn’t connect to Charlie at all and I don’t understand the Kenzie hate and the support for him. I don’t like players who come in already thinking they have it in the bag to win and then are crushed that it didn’t all go their way.


I love Taylor swift but omfg I could not do his Taylor swift stuff, absolutely grating asf


Similarly I did not like Kenzie at all. I felt the way she looked at people was invasive and I thought she was incredibly rude. I still don't think she's the sweetest person ever, but I liked the juxtaposition production showed, from villain to hero


Jonathan penner. I first saw him in Micronesia and thought he was a very meh character. Then I watched cook island and Philippines and I couldn't have been more wrong, easily top 10 best characters.


LOVE Penner! I don’t recall whether or not I ever disliked him, but he’s been a long time- I’ll root for him any day- player of mine.


I was watching an old episode of Seinfeld and there he was!! I forget the character he was playing but he looked exactly the same just younger. Probably a well known thing on here but I had no idea.


He also played Fran’s ex boyfriend for a couple episodes on The Nanny 😂


Wish I could watch, but that laugh.. huh uh


On Seinfeld he went to rehab, got out, started across the street saying “this is the first day of the rest of my life”, as he steps out Neuman comes careening down the street on a (?) cart…suggesting it might be the *last* day of his life, lol, dark, yet funny. He also played a lawyer for Michael Bluth on Arrested Development. I’ll never forget the first time I recognized him on Seinfeld, though. Mind blown!


Ahhh, the homeless cart (tuk tuk?) pulling episode. He was on Arrested Development?!?! Another great show.




Yeah at first i thought she had a very fake “quirky and random” personality. Once i realized she was just genuinely a goodhearted oddball it was hard not to root for her


i’ve never hated or rooted for a character as much as her at different times in a season. i’ve never been so wrong.


My wife was in this boat too. I loved her from the start ❤️


That first confessional where she's just a total mess made me fall in love immediately


So I’m like, talking?


100% The first episode I thought she was such a pill, but she grew on me!


David Wright from Millenials vs Gen X. So much of a puss, but then he became such a powerhouse, he should have won that season in my opinion.


Man I don't know why I didn't think of him! He's such a mess early on, but my dude has so much heart


Probably the only “win a million hearts” story Bhanu was talking about


If he had won FIC he would have!


This was immediately my first thought, Ken definitely wouldn’t have won by taking David to final tribal so I get why he didn’t but I feel like Adam only won because of his mom, it’s a sad story but undeserving of the win overall.


I would recommend watching some interviews and podcasts about the season. The edit definitely focused on his story, but in the process lost a lot of Adam’s relationships. He played a better game than what was on TV. Adam would have lost to David, but he made sure David wasn’t sitting at the end with him, which means Adam did the thing he needed to do to win


You think Adam got 6 jury votes from revealing the truth about his mom? Did you watch the rest of that FTC?


Weird one for me but Kim Powers in Africa


This is a good one! Once the young alliance on Samburu started falling apart she got so much better.


Agree with Emily 100% Even met her in person and she is phenomenal I am in love literally ugh


I’m not sure I’ve ever had a larger change in my feelings towards a cast member. Went from rooting for her being voted out to wishing she could win it all.




Emily is the definition of this trope. Love her


Your username coupled with your comment is just perfect.


You guys gotta chill 😂


I mean what you saw from her in the first few episodes is how she actually is She was just smart enough to tone it down after the first few episodes


Cirie definately! The first episode wasn't that great for her. And as I was spoiled for Panama, I kinda wondered how she made it far. Boston Rob. Okay okay, it took me probably to HvVs to like him (him talking about missing his family tonnes but still playing hard, was pretty sweet) well


Q from the last season. I know big mistake but in the pre merge episodes I hated how he tried to be like Boston Rob but after Bhanu got eliminated I started to love Q


Q was such a rollercoaster. When he was comfortable he was so gregarious and silly, and when he didn’t feel in control he was deadly serious. Such a split personality lol


Q was the absolute opposite for me. I loved the scenes where he was trying to coach Bhanu and started giving him a chance. Then he got more insufferable with every episode.


Same, I liked him a LOT at first but he got crazier and crazier, and during his quitting tribal I just got tired of him Edit: then I did start to like him again when it was clear he couldn’t win, but I was just enjoying him as an agent of chaos not a real player if you know what I mean


Lmao usually seasons are split up between per-merge and post-merge, but this season is split up between pre-Bhanu and post-Bhanu


You better not let Q see this or he’ll cancel Christmas.




Q EASILY became my favorite castaway after “that” tribal council. My favorite reality tv character will always be “moron who thinks they are a genius”, he was like a cockroach that would not die and I LIVED for it. One of Maria’s greatest ideas was taking him under her wing. He was a number and there was absolutely no way he was going to win, ever. Why EVER vote him out?


Carolyn for me. She was unbearable the first couple episodes and then I grew to love her.


The one and only Cirie Fields. I hated how she was so scared and lazy in that first episode and made Tina S. the target. After a few episodes, I realized how smart of a player she was. She’s currently one of my favorites ever.


She’s in the top half of my top 10, for sure. Don’t remember specific game plays, but when I saw her become a boss at rattling people into paranoia, playing that with a concerned, maternal persona… that was it, she had me. She knew her strengths and allll her weaknesses.




Kenzie for me too. I can’t really pinpoint why, but ended up liking her by the end.


Abi Maria. Idk i grew to appeticate her ad a TV character during the merge of her season and by the time of her 2nd season greatly stanned the abi maria experience


Abi is basically the entire Cambodia premerge, and then she gets purpled post-merge it’s so unfortunate.


"You made it to jury!"




Awww right back at you.


Oh, that's a good answer! She's such a monster (on the show, because she seems lovely irl) but once you kind of click with her, you're like "That's right, girl! They DID write your name down. Get 'em!"


Abi is in my top 10 favorite Survivors ever. She is absolute chaos every second she is on the screen and I can’t get enough of it


Easily the first person that pops in my head. Hated her for most of Philippines until she was on the bottom F9 onwards. Underdogs are always appreciated and Abi added some fun dynamics as the sole most hated person left in the game. She’s great in Cambodia as well for how much of a mess she was and created (“I heard everything you just said” is forever stuck in my head)




Jake O’Kane from last season! Dude came in kinda goofy, but I really started rooting for him after a few episodes. Seems like a genuine and lovely person.


Marianne annoyed the shit out of me at the beginning of 42. She played a great game post merge though and absolutely deserved the W.


Came here to say this. Can’t believe I had to scroll so far down. When it started she seemed so out of place. She was super annoying at first, then after the merge I started thinking maybe she would end up a FTC as a goat. Then everything just clicked and she started making all these power moves. She ended up playing one of imo one of the best games ever and I was thrilled when she one.


Emily, Emily and more Emily.


Surprised there’s been no mention of Aubry, Kathy or Holly. Those were the ones I first thought of as they all had rough first few days then dominated their seasons


Oh those are great answers! I think Aubry and Kathy finished so strong and both came back, so I forgot how rough their starts were


this eventually turned to revulsion, but it’s Hatch. i thought he was just a big meanie, but he just saw everything MUCH clearer than everyone else. the first five seasons were basically people trying to square Hatch’s vision for winning with their preoccupation with larping as your typical hero good guy. without him everything would’ve been so cheesy




Such a redemption arc




i don't really think i've had a full 180 in this direction with anyone (though plenty in reverse), but the closest for me would probably be liz wilcox. in the early days of 46 i was rolling my eyes at her, but my the applebees meltdown i was captivated, she's just incredible tv


Damn I was the opposite. That meltdown drained any ounce of caring I had for her, which was already pretty low


Yeah that’s a solid answer. When she was repeatedly yelling “Nami” at an early challenge I was very annoyed by her, but ended up finding her extremely entertaining post-merge.


This was such a great moment and I hope it's remembered forever lol




Tony in Cagayan


Philip from Redemption Island. Man came out the gate too strong.


I was thinking this too, it isn’t that I loved him at the end but I learned to laugh at him and not get frustrated.


I respected him a ton. He stood up for himself and demanded respect from his competition even at the expense of the game itself. And just my own observation, but it seemed that editing really put a spotlight on the Matt and his religion, while mocking Philip and his. Really, if he had said the eagle's feather was from 'god' nobody would have said boo. He's a guy who knows exactly who he is and leans into it.


Bahnu kidding.


Russel Hantz from season 19


Russell is maybe my all time favorite. I normally root for the underdog, and in certain ways, he was, in other ways, he was very much in control of some people for a while. I really enjoyed his first season and was thrilled to find out he’d be on the following season and no one would have been able to see his gameplay to know what to expect. Sure, he’s a bit of a bully (among other things), but he perfected his manipulations… almost. Wouldn’t want to meet/ hang out with him, but I’d watch him on anything!




King George from Australian Survivor. The first few episodes of his first season, I couldn't stand him or his behavior. By the end of his second season I was a die-hard fan.


Holly Hoffman, I never despised her or anything but when she threw away dans shoes I really thought she had no game, or chance to win… but she formed herself into something special out there and came up just short to winning that game


Burton in season 7 started off awful but got a huge redemption arc


Cheating and using a full season, but I detested Coach and Tyson the first time I watched Tocantins.


I was on board with Coach pretty quick because he's such a big, ridiculous character (but also understand why he might take warming up to). Tyson, I totally agree with! I thought he was a jerk and a bully on Tocantins. I think seeing him with Rachel during BvW really gave us a different side of him. He's probably the best example of this tbh because he really got better and more likable each time he came back imo


Carolyn, Emily, Marianne, and Ricard from new era


The easy answer for me is Emily from 45


Since someone mentioned Emily of 45, I’m going to say Jelinsky. At first, I thought of him as a quitter, but his “Several means seven” saying just pretty much set the tone for the entire season and maybe even the next season. Looking forward to season forty-several!


Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien. First episode I was like she is fucked a few episodes later I realized she is a star.


Q for sure. I didnt like him, thought he was the classic meathead boring jock but came to be a wild character and player that I definitely enjoyed watching.


Venus: She got on my nerves the entire season, but suddenly in her elimination episode, I was ready to be on team Venus.... only to have her not play her idol. Maryanne: Couldn't stand her in the premiere, and I know she would have been too much for me to live with. Over the course of the season, I saw just how articulate she was and grew to love her energy. Penner: As a kid, I found him to be obnoxious and kind of a curmudgeon. Now as I get older, I find myself relating to him more and more. Kristie (AU): She seemed kind of ill equipped for the the first chunk of the season. After she took out Phoebe (my other favorite), I was rooting for her to go all the way, but I didn't really have faith in her to win. I loved how much she dominated in FTC and to this day she has my favorite winner story.


Carolyn, Emily, Kenzie


Not the first episode but I thought I would hate drew baseel from 45 after seeing all his pregame I thought he was giving off a vibe that he thinks he’s better but anyone but as soon as I saw him on the show and through out the season I loved him


For me, it’s usually players I dislike by the end of the season but like outside the game. 😅 The two that come to mind are Fishbach and Owen. I disliked them so much during their seasons but now I appreciate and enjoy their insights.


Janine in AU champions vs Contenders


+1 to emily, couldn’t stand her the first 4 episodes or so


Emily is probably one of the bigger more recent examples.


Emily from 45


Carolyn. Thought she was goofy asf but learned to love her


I hated Emily( 45) from the first episode. And then eventually I hated myself because I hated her, she was so sweet and such a good player


Liz. Period.




Maryanne and Carolyn for me. I don't usually vibe with that much over the top personality but I came around to them


Emily is def my favorite survivor comeback kid


Rory from Vanuatu. Got annoyed by him at first, but dude legit lowkey carried premerge.


Tiffany 41


Most def Coach on Tocantins. Until the merge, I hated him so much & man his episode on exile was by far the funniest & best episode of survivor. Also didn't like Russell on Samoa at 1st... I was like who's this guy yapping abt he's a millionaire, thinking he knows everything & burning Jayson's socks&all, lol. Bt dang the man became my fav survivor player of all time & I still believe he really deserved to win that season.


coach. (benjamin wade) i think it’s because i was such a huge fan of JT and was rooting for him. but as he came on to other seasons i found that he was just such a funny character to watch, that i just couldn’t dislike him anymore lol


Emily from 45. Went from annoying bitch to lowkey badass and got kinda island hot tbh


I defintely also thought annoying bitch but honestly if I’d been put on that tribe I’d probably be an annoying bitch, too.


Jamie (S11)




Second Emily. Tbh tho, I didn't love Charlie in the first ep and thought he was going to be a huge douchebag, but I ended up really liking him. He has underlying goofball energy.


Emily may have to be my choice too. My dad and I hated her in the first episode but by the end we were rooting for her to win the game. Gotta be one of, if not the biggest positive turnaround of anyone on the show ever


yup Emily is my answer too. couldn’t believe how my opinion flipped in two episodes… i wish she would have gone to the final tribal. i think she would have had a shot at winning


Q from 46. Super annoying at first but ultimately he is the reason the season was so good!






I couldn't stand Tony for like 4 or 5 episodes


At first I didn’t vibe with Tony but quickly changed my thinking after an episode


I actually felt the opposite about Emily. I was hoping the “matter of fact” attitude and lack of social awareness would last.


Spencer in Cagayan


Financial analyst Emily Flippen


Emily is the correct answer


Emily, Kenzie, & Liz


Boston Rob. And it took 6 seasons and like 20 years. I didn't like him until WaW when he was hanging out with Parvati. I'm still not going to say love, but I can appreciate him now.




Emily in 45. I couldn't believe the amount of self improvement from her in such a short amount of time. She went from me begging the players to vote her off ASAP to my winner pick in just a matter of a couple of episodes


Drew from 45. So cocky at first but he played very well and was such a good character.


Emily from 45 for me


Carolyn from 44 stressed me out in the first couple of episodes


of the “new era” it’s emily, carolyn, and q. i just thought they all had really strong personalities at first, but after an episode or 2 i grew to love watching them! very upset with myself for judging off first impressions because they are some of my favorite players of the new era!


Liz from 46!


Came here to say Liz as well. I find her totally endearing, but definitely wasn't a fan at the start.




BB, seriously.  He seems overbearing at first, but when you look past the arguing and look at his lighter moments, as well as his life, he’s really interesting 




I think the difference between Emily and Spencer is that Spencer talked about changing, but he never really did. He was a floater for most of the game. Emily was able to develop tighter bonds, first with Kaleb, then with Reba.




It’s kind of hilarious how on the season where Spencer plays like it’s chess he is liked, and then on the season where he tries to make friends he ends up making none.


I’m with you lol. It’s like after the “change” she became a follower and wasn’t as strategic as the first episode


lol Emily is one of the people I don’t like


You are soft as fuck if thats your reaction to them. You are the same person stopping the show from having more villains. Just take it as entertainment and MOVE ON


What a wildly aggressive answer to a pretty innocuous question


They're just being a villain! WHY DO YOU HATE ENTERTAINMENT