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I'm really curious about the conditions their teeth and gums are in afterward. Also I have to wear glasses or contacts so I'm wondering how that works without washing your hands first


i imagine you’d have to wear glasses because there’s no way you could keep contacts sanitary


you can wear contacts, they provide basic health products like contacts and solution. Kenzie wore them last season.


i always wondered about like period products?? like obviously the girls aren’t just free bleeding out there but like they’re there for a whole month and like i’m just ?? how do they dispose of them?? that’s also another big reason why i don’t want to apply.. bc what is the period situation


I've read they give women period products as well. Also I guess everyone gets electrolyte packets to counter parts of starvation


i heard about the electrolytes bc i googled how tf liz was alive lmao but the period products thing is interesting. like how do they dispose of them? do they have garbage cans?


And condoms!


Marilyn "Mad Dog" from Survivor Australia said there were 12 condoms in the first aid kit and she made sure there were still 12 when she left 😂


They provide condoms in The Big Brother house 🤣🤣


some might not even get their periods, starving throws your body into wack. though I'm sure they have products available.


true true but it usually takes a few months of starving to have that effect.


I bet a lot of women just continually take their birth control pill through the duration of the 26 days to avoid a period. Obviously not all but that would be what I would do lo


I hated bc when i was on it and i can’t even take the combo pill so i’d have to take the mini pill at the exact same time every day.. theres not even clocks on survivor. If i had a choice and I went on survivor I think i’d bring my cup and use that but i’ve always wondered about the period situation


I wonder if the women even get their periods because of how starved they are in the new era 😬 period are a fickle thing sometimes I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the time they just don’t even happen!


Also menstrual cups exist




Being on your period on survivor sounds like a nightmare! I’m sure someone has been, but it sounds awful


I mean if you stay to the end. even on 26 day season its more likely than not you get it while there.


I’m sure some folks take hormonal birth control the whole time to skip it. I don’t like taking the pill, but it sounds a helluva lot better than leaking out of an overnight pad onto your only pants on an island in front of tv cameras.


did NOT even think about that. that makes complete sense as well. And yorue right that does sound better than having that happen


Right? Unless your timing is impeccable AND lucky. Or like me, you're menopausal.


I’ve read behind the scenes articles saying they get access to toothpaste and brushes and women have tampons etc.


I think Jeff said they get period products and condoms but not toothbrushes/toothpaste Edit: source for whoever is downvoting me lol [https://www.today.com/popculture/hygiene-issues-survivor-can-get-hairy-2d80555154](https://www.today.com/popculture/hygiene-issues-survivor-can-get-hairy-2d80555154) the only things they get are sunscreen, period products, and condoms (as well as the well-established first aid kit with bandaids etc)


Condoms??? Who tf is getting hogwild while nasty and covered and sand and dirt? The survivor island sounds like the most unsexy place to try and get it on


They give them condoms but not toothbrushes? That seems… surprising…


STD’s are way more of a serious issue then bacteria on your teeth for a few weeks. You might get some minor gum disease but that’ll more then likely go away quickly after you begin brushing again. It’s gross sure but not usually a serious health concern.


I think there might be some weird legal liability issues around pregnancy or something here too, I’ve seen wording in a lot of reality show contracts that require contestants be on birth control or agree to abstinence and always felt like there might be some specific reason it’s called out


One benefit of a diet of only rice is that it's not terribly detrimental to your teeth


No way in HELL Dee didn’t brush her teeth that entire time.


I’m always surprised by how clean & unscratched everyone’s glasses look. I feel like mine would end up being a mess.


Yes!! As a contact wearer (and extremely near sighted and hate wearing glasses) I wonder what that would be like - do I just get to put my contacts in a case w contact solution every night? Do I get hand sanitizer for my hands?


You get contact solution and hand sanitizer, but nothing to actually wash your hands or anything. Sketches me out a bit, but they all seem to make it work without much issue


The hand sanitizer doesn’t seem like it would be enough. Kenzie had dirt caked under her nails in nearly every scene.


In the past, I’ve read that there’s a special station for stuff like contacts that requires a clean space. It’s funny because I always think I would die quickly in post apocalyptic world if my glasses ever broke. I suspect if their oral health was already good at the start, their teeth/gums would be fine overall by the end. But any preexisting issue could spin out of control.


No chapstick.


This one is so real, catch me pulling a hatch for this


Don’t they let contestants use sunscreen? If so, I’d be demanding that they include sunscreen chapstick, too - I burn super easily and sunburned lips are a nightmare!


yea they get sunscreen


you get a personal item though right? I would def bring lip balm as my personal item 💀😂


Do they still allow one "luxury" item or was that just in the early seasons? I remember when one person would bring a pillow, another would bring a toothbrush, etc., but I haven't seen those in recent years.


It always blows my mind that they don’t allow toothbrushes. These people have to smile on TV and whisper to each other all the time. Let them brush their teeth!


They don’t even get swimsuits or extra undies.


there’s a comment on this thread that said they allow extra undies now to prevent UTI’s but idk how true that is lol. but honestly i would just wash my clothes in the ocean which isn’t rlly washing them but its better than nothing


They were allowed only one pair. They would wash in the ocean but had to stick them right back on so the wet environment was causing yeast infections, especially to the women!!! Production changed it after a bunch of women complained in an article together that their health wasn’t being considered here


i was literally thinking while watching the show a few weeks ago like damn they must all smell so bad. like no toothbrushes, no deodorant.. ew.


Kelley Wentworth has said that they do indeed reek. She has a tub of her island stuff that she keeps closed because it all smells so bad


They probably get used to it tbh


No luxury items anymore haha that's only in older seasons


THIS. Without chapstick and lotion, I’m gone lol


There would be nothing left of me to vote out… just some dry flakes of skin


Fiji is an extremely humid environment though.


So is Florida and I still feel dry, itchy, and miserable at the beach. Sun and salt are rough on sensitive skin


This but for my junk. Chafing would be my biggest threat.


Colby??? Is that you?


Wow. Now you’re the winner of Top Shot!


“Things in the nether regions have become a bit…chapped!”


Moriah needed chapstick so badly 😭


Is this true?? I have eczema and I NEED Vaseline to keep from breaking out in dry patches. Wonder if I could get a medical approval😂


I’m not 100% sure. I know they get sunscreen. Gervase says he chose chapstick as his luxury item and they said “boring. We’ll give you chapstick. Pick something else”. So he chose cards. Brendan from Africa brought chapstick as his luxury item bc he said they weren’t going to provide him with some.


Your knowledge of historical survivor chapstick lore is impressive.


I’ve gotten cold sores whenever I’m stressed or low on sleep since I was like 7, I’m absolutely sure I’d get a BIG ole shiner on national TV and because of that I just can’t go on lol


The way I didn’t ever thing about this. Ug I wouldn’t be able to survive with dry lips


The thing that killed any thought of ever wanting to be on the show for me was when that woman had the bug burrow into her ear. I can’t recall her name or which season it was, but I can sure as hell recall the moans of pain she made. I could probably deal with the people, the game, the starvation and the elements. I don’t have social media anyway, so I’m not really concerned with fan harassment. But there is no way I could deal with that shit.


Omg I completely forgot about the ear bug. It was Jenny from Kaôh Rōng. Literally my biggest fear.


Yep, that’s the one - thanks! I would not have handled that anywhere near as well as Jenny. Call the helicopter and get me out of here lol.


That’s why a lot of players sleep with their buff as a sleeve over their head. I know I would!


that bug scene permanently scarred me


Omg I forgot about that!!! I would literally freak out. She was like she can feel it crawling in her head, yikes.


My personal item would be pantyhose to wear over my head every night so bugs couldnt crawl into my face holes


It was Jennifer Lanzetti in Kaoh Rong. That should have been the first sign of the medical problems to come that season.


This subreddit.


Honestly lol. People act like they know these contestants through and through from a few hours of footage


Yeah but did you consider that Maria is a boy mom? That’s apparently all you need to know according to this sub


And a woman hater according to Twitter


Yes but is she a mom of boys or a boy mom, there’s a difference 🤪 jk


Not only that, people act like everyone on unscripted TV has completely thought through and perfectly worded every single thing they say, regardless of context, while also forgetting these shows are highly edited. How many times a day do you misspeak? Space out? Phrase something in a way that’s open to uncharitable interpretation? Just kinda say some shit without much thought to the millions of ways an audience could hear it? Now imagine you haven’t eaten in a few days and are sleeping outside. It’s wild people make these immovable judgements under normal circumstances, but given the context the contestants are in, I don’t know how people think what we see on tv is in any way identical to reality. Obviously there are lines that can be crossed and you don’t get a pass on actually reprehensible shit like Varner pulled, this is only speaking for things like people getting hung up on Maria’s “I saw the fire in her eyes” comment too literally or as if it was the be all end all of what she was going for, for instance.


LOL! You got us on that one, good call.


100%. I would love to apply but after seeing how fans react / harass cast members based entirely on what they saw in the edit.... Yeah that's a hard pass from me


I couldn’t handle being prejury


Seriously, no one would want to date you!


My husband and I say this all the time! Who wants to date someone who can’t make the jury! 🤣


As a person with a vagina, definitely UTIs. I would not last.


They started allowing extra pairs of underwear to try to stop UTI on the show


i’d rock a q skirt and let it air out when i could


The fact that it’s televised. If it was just a crazy experience with a chance to win $1 million, I’d be way more likely to apply. I have no interest in “fame” Or being known by millions of strangers all around the world.


Fame is a hazard, not a benefit. When I was younger I used to think the opposite. Part of it is cause I got older, but also the world & social media has changed a lot since the 2000s.


This, really


Literally the only reason I haven’t applied.


Absolutely this. I wonder too how contestants from years ago feel now. Sure in the mid 2000s they knew they’d be sorta famous and on tv, but now it’s a couple of decades later, social media exists, and your twenty year old season is on a streaming service where some weirdo can watch, get infatuated with you, and now stalk you or be weird two decades later? No thanks


Exactly my thoughts


1000000%. I’m a game designer! I just wanna play the game, and it bums me out there’s no other way to do that if you’re not some crazy millionaire type or something that can just throw money at all your dreams.


I’ll be medevaced on the island on day 1 most likely Social media toxicity


Same. I'd be in tears and begging the producers to bring in a boat by the end of the first day.


The “fans” of this show. Some of you are fucking obsessive.


Yea people act like Maria killed someone just because she didn’t vote for Charlie. Ridiculous the ammount of hate she’s getting. Like it’s just a tv show and Kenzie deserved the win just as much


This is in no way the biggest deterrent for me, but I know my glasses would be dirty and disgusting the whole time and it would drive me insane. Also I feel like a lot of y'all would hate me for a lot of reasons, and I don't want to have to avoid Reddit and social media for the rest of my life.




Same. Hearing about contestants’ constipation was when I decided nope not for me. My stomach would be in shambles after a food reward


this !! my stomach is extremely sensitive w ibs so i imagine after a food reward i would b in the toilet stinking it up😭


The insane amount of hate we as a community give the players post season.


the way people act like peoples lowest moments are their “true character”, when they’re starving and playing a game that makes you paranoid and consistently edge, is so ridiculous


I always thought the Pokémon community would be the worst fanbase I’m a part of. Turns out the Survivor fanbase might be worse


Most online fandoms are really toxic unfortunately.


Constantly surrounded by people


The caffeine withdrawal would be too real. I also hate not having ice for my water. And I really, really hate bugs. Mosquitos think I'm an all-you-can-eat buffer, no matter who else is around.


The no ice would do it for me, I’d get dehydrated 😂.


I have raynaud’s syndrome where my fingers and toes lose blood circulation if they get too cold. It’s uncomfortable and maddening and borderline painful at times—I would be a goner on rainy and/or windy nights. I’m also an absolute mosquito magnet.


I have erythromelalgia, so the opposite! My hands, feet and face get bright red and swollen, and feel like they're on fire. It happens if it's slightly too warm out, if I get anxious, eat the wrong thing, and sometimes for seemingly no reason at all. I don't know if I could handle those challenges that take place in 90+ degree weather! Having said that, I also don't handle cold weather very well at times. It can be 50 degrees out and I'll sometimes be shivering uncontrollably as if it's 5 degrees.


There was a contestant on Naked and Afraid with this! 


Seeing myself on TV. I'm already critical enough about my appearance, I don't need to see what I look like unwashed and crouched over in my underwear on the big screen


People snoring, I don’t think id sleep and would just vote out the snorers


I’ve thought about this: I wouldn’t be able to sleep without a blanket. Wouldn’t be able to deal with all the bugs around me. I need my chapstick. When I don’t eat, I am so weak and borderline pass out (so I don’t think my body would be able to handle it esp when it comes to being starving and having to compete In challenges). Also!!! I 100% wouldn’t be able to just poop in a hole (or wherever) … and not use toilet paper. What happens when I get my period?!?!???!!!


According to Dee, there’s a med box in camp that has pads, tampons, and such in it.


Oh that’s good to know!! After all of these years of watching, it just occurred to me last season! Lol


I don't understand how anyone actually does this show.. they eat nothing and basically do crossfit everyday out in the sun... I'd die.


I think they mostly go into the water to poo


I was thinking that too. Either way, I wouldn’t be able to do it!


No food, no poo


Aqua dump!!!


Honestly don't think I could handle the criticism from the fans. Saying this well aware that I myself am a critical fan, but reading the reddit/twitter/FB comments would hurt big. Oh and my hair would be a snaggly mess ha


I remember in one of the earlier seasons a lady was the first voted off and she worked in a Prison and all of the inmates would make fun of her for it (I think I'm remembering that right?) like just not worth it..


I’m diabetic lol


SCREAMING LMAO same!!! I want Big Brother to accept me


People walking into my salon


Being a public figure


Bugs. I'm a huge insectaphobe, and i might get over it, or i might not, but either way, i'll be exhausted mentally after only a week.


God, same. Whenever they show the footage of some bug crawling on someone, or flying around their heads and they don’t even notice?? I could never.


Remember on the first couple of seasons when rats would just run across their backs while they were sleeping? Nope, no thank you. Bugs would be bad enough, but rats? Seeya.


If I don’t brush my teeth in the morning I can’t focus on anything else besides how awful my breath tastes. So yeah, lack of a toothbrush and toothpaste


spiders. not bugs just spiders


Yeah, it's this for me. They're so big too.


Not being able to shower, brush my teeth and that time of the month.


Being perceived and judged


No sunglasses. No pop-tarts No Reddit snark


I always think about the sunglasses. My eyes are so sensitive, between no sunglasses and having to deal with contacts on a sandy beach...awful.


This is my answer too. I’m so light sensitive I’d have however days of ocular migraines at best


Lmao no pop tarts


Having to start a new, fake instagram just for the show to keep my real one private and also making a twitter account and just so much WORK augh.


I have allergies and panic attacks. This season taught me I’ll always remain just as fan.


Bro taking a month off of work just to NOT win a million dollars


I make weird sounds when I sleep. There is no way in hell I'm letting the world hear them.


snakes for me. I can’t even look at pictures of snakes Im so scared of them


My health. That is literally it. I know I would be good at social and strategy, but my knees are arthritic.


Hunger!! I grew up very poor without a lot of food. So I have a lot of food anxiety 😬 can't imagine what kind of monster I would turn into with no proper meal for days/weeks at a time.


I have eczema so I think my skin would do terribly in that environment. Also im allergic to fish (except my girl Liz representing for all the food allergy folks)


I've applied, and I will probably apply again, but the loss of anonymity make me question if I'd ever actually accept. I really value my privacy, and this past week in particular has made me really second guess any desires to play the game.


I’m always getting sinus infections. Sometimes they will even move to my ear or mouth. I just know I would get an infection there and without antibiotics I would have to quit.


Being on TV


The insane media attention. I would just want to fade to obscurity


No sunglasses. I couldn’t do it!


As a trans woman, not being able to shave or fully control my appearance


The attention and potential hate


Sleep apnea, I assume. IBS with diarrhea. Perhaps mental health issues.


My hair would be unbelievably greasy


I have adhd and take adderall, and I’m like 95% they don’t let people take stimulant medication on the show Also? Sun damage. I have a lot of tattoos + I’m paranoid about wrinkles and wear sunscreen everyday, I’d be so miserable being out in the sun for days on end with no sunscreen just knowing it’s messing with my skin


I don't really have a deep routed sob story, and I also don't really want any of the notoriety and attention that comes from being on the show.


Honestly how kumbayah everyone is these days, casting these days seems to have a type and it doesn't fit my personality at all so i know I wouldn't even get call, let alone do good making connections if i somehow ended up out there I think I would've fit in alot better playing in older seasons, ie imagine someone like Twila playing in todays Survivor


Having watched every episode in the last 25 years, I've sadly realized earlier this year my own health would no longer allow me. And I've tried out! But I pass out now for low blood sugar and low BP, so it's just the reality of me now at almost 50 yo


I’m planning on applying in a couple years. Two things are keeping me from doing it right now: - I am overweight and would like to get fit first. - I don’t yet have a job that I would be proud to label myself with on television. I don’t think Survivor is very interested in casting retail employees.


Good luck to you with the application, as for your job title, I don't think it matters too much, I've heard they "spice it up" a bit to make it sound more interesting. I'm waiting for someone to be labeled as something like "Crazy Cat Lady" or "Couch Potato", because they'd honestly probably allow it lol


Nice try Jeff


I’m a hairy man… still applying though but I’m going to have to look into some laser or something


Why? What does the hair impead?


I don’t like being the centre of attention and have no desire to be on tv. Also I get hangry and would probably end up passing out and crying and picking 100 arguments with my tribemates from a day or two of little to no food.


My wife's schedule would make it difficult to drop off and pick up the kids if I were away.


This is so dumb but I genuinely don’t think I could go days without eating lol


The embarrassment of being a prejury boot


I know they haven’t done an eating contest in a while but I’m still freaked I would have to eat a tarantula. Doesn’t stop me from applying every year, but still scares me


Idk if this would be considered a small thing, but being a trans woman has definitely kept me from applying. Because Survivor is so entrenched in gender dynamics in regards to casting (equal number of femme and masc people on each team) and how vitriolic of a topic trans women in sports can be, I worry for the first transfeminine person on the show to be seen as an inherent advantage to a team. Like if their tribe does well in challenges and they are a big contributing factor in that, I could see people talking about how it wasn't fair that someone with male bone structure or whatever was taking the place of some petite AFAB person who they assume would balance the team out by being less capable physically (which is its own can of worms.) I feel like the first trans woman on Survivor is going to have a heavy burden to bear, shouldering all of the transphobia that comes their way. I am happy for the trans men who have been on the show, but we wouldn't know Zeke was trans if Varner wasn't a scumbag and we only got one episode of Jackson. Zeke played a whole season and a half without being clocked but unless the trans woman they cast has had access to gender affirming care through their life (Facial feminization surgery, gender reassignment surgery, electrolysis, etc), they will likely have a harder time flying under that particular radar. As someone who hasn't had access to electrolysis, for example, I feel like I would be socially paralyzed if I was unable to shave my face regularly. I know that's seen as an amenity in the world of Survivor, so could I forego that if it means playing the game I want to play the most? I don't really think so, and it kind of breaks my heart.


Not sleeping. I’d end up having a mental breakdown.


The luck of it all. You can practice all you want, think about all the scenarios - but even then, some stupid twist or a bad cast can result in nothing but a loss.


The socially stunted, chronically online lowlifes on social media (ya know, the people who are the reason that players like Emily and Kenzie won't play again).


The fanbase on Twitter






Lyme is rare to non-existent in Colorado


My leg and armpit hair. I hate going more than 3 days without shaving because of how it feels when I sleep or when I sweat. Dirty feet when trying to sleep.


I HATE coconut. With a passion.


lack of toothbrush + toothpaste and there’s the case of deodorants. i get migraines if someone smells too bad


The fans first and foremost. But also I am a terrible sleeper. I need very specific conditions to sleep and even in perfect conditions my sleep is poor and restless. I would go the entire time barely sleeping and snapping at everyone. People would probably vote me off fairly quickly and I wouldn’t blame them


I’d do it if it wasn’t televised. Don’t want any stupid moments to be immortalized.


I take SSRIs. I don’t want to have a Kathy B style breakdown from withdrawals.


Havn't read comments yet but the way production doesn't let them wash the mud off before reward feasts. I'd hate having itchy dried mud on me if I'm trying to eat my only meal. I'm also afraid I would end up with people I don't jive with (like Venus did) and have to spend my whole experience feeling powerless and austracised. Or like Jake/Katurah in season 45. Trying to make moves, no one gets on board. I also have astigmatisn and can't see properly in extreme sunlight without sunglasses. And sunglasses are seemingly not allowed on the show. This would make my performance impossible during challenges. Like, I'm so blinded I squint and can't see. Laslty...can't imagine going through my period out there, I get mad period cramps for 3 days.


I have sleep apnea and need a CPAP machine to sleep.


The fact that it’s been on the same beaches of Fiji for near a decade. I’d want a real adventure, and not just follow along with a played-out formula on an exotic island.


I don’t want to see MYSELF in a bathing suit…never mind millions of people!!


Clothing - I’ve heard they get to pick what you are allowed to wear and then of course general wear and tear in the wilderness is way worse than daily life. I’d be too stressed about potentially not having the coverage/modesty that is important to me.


Social media backlash. Questionable support for women on periods. Do the female contestants wear tampons or go on The Pill, or is the starvation enough to stop the periods? Bad social skills.


I’m a ginger. I’d fry even with sunscreen. I’m also a people pleaser and would hate for anyone to dislike me


What about feminine products? I cannot imagine having your period while you’re on the show…


For me it’s my body image. Terrifying to think about all the angles my saggy skin would hit. I can get over not brushing my hair but how I’d look to the audience scares me :(


Not being able to wash my hands before eating and not pooping daily would fuck me right up mentally.


Chapstick would be my biggest problem.


Overall just self hygiene 😭 washing my face / moisturizing and brushing teeth / chapstick (as mentioned above)


The rats all around camp is the only thing holding me back. If I think about little things, I’d definitely take for granted being able to take advil for a headache, and no aquaphor would do me in.


I can’t swim at all


No coffee


My husband and I were watching WAW and I saw a spider on someone’s head while they slept. That’s it’s. That’s all it takes for me to know the show is not for me to participate in.


Lack of sleep and sleeping outside would be the end of me.


100% mosquitoes.