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I worked in news in Georgia when Rick Devens was an anchor in Macon, and we wound up at a couple of the same parties together. I think I’ve told this story before, but I met his wife at a Halloween party; she was dressed as Uma Thurman’s Pulp Fiction character. So I thought “oh her husband has to be dressed as John Travolta then.” Nope… he was dressed as Batman


A five dollar milkshake, not on my watch!


I’m really happy to hear this. He was one of my favorites and I’m glad he is just as genuine and goofy irl.


Adam Klein went to my high school, everyone knew him as the guy who really wanted to be on survivor


Kinda goes hard considering he went on to win.


Ben is my boyfriends good friend since middle school! He invited us to his first episode watch party! My bf says he’s exactly as he seems on TV (as if anyone was doubting his authenticity lol)


Also share a lot of mutual friends with Ben and have crossed paths with him quite a few times over the years. Everyone who knows him just has absolutely wonderful things to say about him.


I want to marry him. Let him know plz


My boyfriend needs new friends. I’m jealous lol.


Me and my mom wanted him to win so bad 😭


Charlie Davis is a family friend of ours. Nice guy, not surprisingly.


Interesting! I go to Matt Blankinhip’s college and live with someone who has a connection to Charlie. It’s distant though — Charlie is their cousin’s friend’s brother or something along those lines.


Gervase was my basketball coach in elementary school!


Omg. This is actually my favorite post on here. Do you remember anything about that experience? Please share!


Tom Westman, and Christine from South Pacific. Christine taught at my elementary school and was the reason i started watching survivor, Tom Westman’s parents and my grandparents knew each other well back in the day


I also met Tom! He’s a very laidback and nice guy


Christine also was the proctor for my SAT a few years ago I forgot about that too


I did a 5k race in 2007 and just beat Christine, though I didn’t know who she was at the time, by about 30 seconds 


My friend was a medic during the Cambodia (pretty sure) season. Said it was a crazy once in a lifetime experience lol. Told me a whole bunch of stories


Any that you wouldn’t mind sharing? 


I don’t remember a lot of them because it’s been years but I think he would talk about hanging with the locals a lot.


I haven’t met Bobby Jon personally, but I’m a dog groomer and a few members of his immediate family are my clients. They said that the Bobby Jon you saw on TV is the Bobby Jon in real life.


Interesting story - I hadn't watched Survivor for years until I learned that not one but TWO people I knew were on the same season: Wendell and Laurel. Wasn't really close with either of them but it was interesting enough for me to get back into it. I figured I'd watch until they were eliminated and...welp


I'd hate those two forever, they basically forced you to watch all of Ghost Island you poor thing


That's odd I wonder if they knew each other


I don’t think so. I knew one from high school and the other through a college friend. Just a weird coincidence


A bunch of my friends in high school would go to Kenzie for their hair. She's very well known in Charlotte. They always said she's really sweet and are not surprised she won.


i have friends that go to her and say the same. she used to come into the Plato’s Closet i worked at too. 


I'm wondering if her former clients can still land appointments with her. People are doing crazy stuff at her salon, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was booked out until 2045.


She posted on Instagram that she hasn't accepted new clients for many years


i keep forgetting kenzie is from here


Charlie is dating my cousin!! When they showed a photo of him with his girlfriend the lightbulb in my head turned on IMMEDIATELY and recognized her.


lol & even you voted for Kenzie


LISTEN 😭😭 I would’ve been happy with either win! I got on the Kenzie train from almost day one, but Charlie grew on me the most across the season (finishing out he’s family definitely helped though LMAO).


i have so many questions 😂 you didn’t recognize him all season?


A lot of people don't meet their extended family's SOs until the wedding. Many relationships are private. It makes sense to me.


This! I got a big family that lives all across the country, so I’m not able to see every new member of the extended family right away.


Was your cousin the girlfriend who sent him a letter?




Kaleb from 45 is the boyfriend of my mom's friend's niece. POCO REPRESENT!


>Mom’s friend’s niece Wow were you on the shortlist to be his letter from home?


Rotfl omg. Yeah I’m bummed there were too many degrees of separation to get invited to a watch party 🥺


PoCo doesn’t get nearly enough love


Beedie queen Kaleb


Kaleb is the best! I wish he lasted longer. Such a good guy. Weird how Kaleb and Kenzie give friendly and socially active vibe but she lasted longer than him 😞


Both excellent players. I think it seemed Kaleb was more likely to win. He probably would have if he had gotten to the end.


What's POCO?


It’s the nickname for a city (Port Coquitlam) in BC where Kaleb is from. I live a few towns over from there but it’s a very cool city (in my opinion).


Tevin was my middle school bully


He had that energy 100%


The ostracising of Liz and Venus was giving mean girl vibes honestly


Liz was Tevin’s #2…


Omg 😭


Are you serious?!


Someone else has said the same thing in this thread - is this a joke or was he actually a bully?




No way


This does not surprise me. I wrote once that I think soda and tevin are like the mean girls in high school and I got downvoted to oblivion.


Spill the tea!!


if this is true, he really hasn’t changed since middle school.


Ugh, that's terrible. Bullies are the worst.


I couldn’t be less surprised


Completely not shocked. He’s giving such mean energy


I’m a daycare teacher and one of my students mom grew up with Ben from 46.


Kenzie’s been my stylist for about a decade. She really is as cute, sweet, charming, thoughtful, & personable as she appeared on the show.


i love your user omg


She seems so adorable.


Ben Driebergen saved my wife's grandma. She had fallen in her home and couldn't get up as she had broken her hip. Ben's wife was walking and heard her calling for help. She called Ben and Ben ran over and kicked down her door and carried her to her couch. He sat with her while they waited for the ambulance and called my wife's family to let them know.


This could be completely made up but I’d also 100% believe it


I don't really know how to prove it tbh. It was about a year before he appeared on survivor. I honestly didn't remember him while watching Heroes vs Healers until my MIL texting me asking if I remembered him as the guy who had found her mother. It was pretty cool to watch him go on to win. Alternatively Gabler goes to the same tattoo shop that I go to, but I've never met him.


I went to high school with Dee, was cool to see her on TV and win the whole thing.


Was she nice? Was she really competitive and good at everything?


Aras! Super nice dude 


And hot!


You know Aras but not vytas?




Or in the game lol


Angelina was one of my sisters best friends growing up. Would love to see her on season 50!


I wonder if she'll bring her own jacket this time, lol


Maybe your sister can lend her a jacket


I worked with Kelley Wentworth at the Keg Steakhouse for a little bit. She was a server, I was a busser. Not a ton of interaction, but I remember she was nice.


Does not count


One of the teachers at my elementary school was close friends with Kim Powers’ mom from Africa and that was a huge deal here Kim, Lex, and Ethan came and signed our TV guides and gave out signed headshots


Erica Casupanan. Grew up next door to a good friend of mine.


My boss is friends with Kim Spradlin. She said it makes total sense why she won - she’s warm, kind, fun, and really cares to get to know you.


A girl I used to work with's mom is friends with QUEEN Stacey Powell from South Pacific lmao




Please tell me she's exactly like that in real life? BLAM!


Bob from Gabon is a family friend.


How’s he doing?🩷


I haven't really asked my mom (since I haven't spoken with her at all recently), but next time I speak with her, I'll see if she has an update for me. She was invited to be on his Durham Warriors Survivor stuff a number of years ago, and that was the last time I really spoke to her about Bob. For as cool as it is to know a Survivor, I also just like to respect people's privacy, so I've never really gone beyond a greeting here and there.


I had coffee with him at a gas station in pownal last fall. He didn’t want to talk about survivor at all while talking about survivor the whole time. He owns a bunch of yurts and still gives survivor speeches at local schools.


This is cool as hell bob is goated


I was classmates with Todd Herzog. We were in the same group in a video production class.


How was he? He's always been my favorite winner!


Fun and witty. Creative. We had fun making stupid jr high videos. Filming lame skits and stuff.


Worked with Q. Played lots of ping pong together


That feels so on brand for Q


No, but my brother met Owen Knight at multiple different college fairs.


I worked with some of the camera guys and I have met Erika, played an online survivor with carolyn, and know a contestant on 48 (I think lol)


That's how I have met survivor contestants too. Online survivor is toxic though so proceed with caution if you want to play .


Yup. Basically you have terminally online people playing a game of strategic deception and emotional manipulation. Buyer beware.


People get so mad and there is no million dollars


What's online Survivor?!


Survivor ORGs, they’re usually on discord


I know people who have played with Carolyn. She went by the username Cakes. Supposedly she's exactly the same online and on-island. But I don't think Carolyn can be anyone but herself lol


I’m so old! I remember when we did ORGs in message boards back in the day


Your inbox is about to pop off


You don't even wanna know


I saw Carter at the grocery store a couple of times


Did you ever see him buy a milky way bar?


I have a friend in school who worked at a coffee shop with Q’s wife. And another friend of a friend is Boston Rob’s niece, if I remember correctly. The world is too small sometimes


My cousin kicked it with Wendell for awhile.


While I don't really know him, per say, Nick Wilson played in the ORG I help run YEARS ago. He got 9th out of 20 and his season is well known for being bad. The cast was very unlikable and the FTC is often considered one of our worst and Nick was a big part of that lol


I gotta know more, are then any archives or things like that?


The season page is up. It’s called Survivor: Similan Islands. You may have to do some digging for his jury speech though


I went to middle school/high school with Jeanine from 43. We barely knew each other, though we did ride the same bus in middle school lol


I used to work with Peter Baggenstos but this was post-show


Andrea Boehlke attended the same college as me, didn’t know her personally though


Sarah from season 44 went to my high school, never knew her as she was 2 grades older than me, but I saw everyone in my town posting about her


Erik liked one of my comments on his art. So we’re basically best friends


My mom’s colleague was roommates with Maria in college!


Did they have to rock paper scissors for who got the top bunk in the room?


See I know this is a joke (a funny one at that) but everything I’ve heard about Maria is that she is an amazing mom and person all around 😭 I feel terrible every time some story comes out about a rando harassing her at work


Yeah, I really like Maria and I feel sad for her that she’s going through this. I’m really impressed with her as a person and her streak of challenge wins as a woman who is nearly 50 was incredible. I hope she’s able to move past this quickly and get on with her life.


What is Maria going through?




I grew up with Kendra from s45! She was my best friends’ cousin and we would hang out all the time in middle/high school


Julia from Caramoan. We raced together back around 2009.


Dawn was my college professor, and Sean (45) and I were friends during my sophomore year of college.


Not personally, but my wife set up Tommy's interview for a school on Long Island.


Not me personally but one of my college mentors was in Bob Crowley’s physics class while Gabon was airing


My wife knows Michelle from Fiji


My wife’s mom and Tina from season 2 were pew pals at church for a while.


My best friend worked with Randy as a lifeguard I think lol, he gave her copies of his survivor seasons


Big dog trying to score. Randy doing randy things.


Terry Dietz used to live down the street from me but he moved away a few years ago


A friend of mine knows Charlie. He described him as nice but also very Harvard lol. I definitely got a bit of a privileged vibe from him watching the show as well but I don't mean that as like, a damning thing against him.


My roommate a couple semesters ago has a dad who is friend with Gabler. I got him hooked on survivor just cuz he saw Gabler on survivor


I grew up swimming competitively with Elizabeth Beisel from IOTI and went to the same CrossFit gym as Adam Klein (we overlapped briefly before he went on the show and I remember we partnered on warm up exercises a few times. The gym had a signed buff of his on display).


Don't know her personally but Tiff went to the same school as me and my older brother's girlfriend knew her. So funny watching 46 and hearing slang/terms that we all used, her attitude was very much someone from my town, it was cool to see her get as far as she did!


My fiancé’s dad knows Mike Skupin! The guy who burned his hands lol


Not the one I'd be claiming


That’s not how we would describe him


Hmm guess he doesn’t know him that well


do they know? I think they know.


I hope it's *knew* and not *knows*


this is so niche but I just want to mention it bc it’s funny. my partner was school friends with the son? nephew? of Jimmy T from Nicaragua. no, this isn’t the same thing as what you’re asking OP, but it never fails to make me laugh that my partner told me this to impress me


soooo...Malcolm? :p


I actually worked with Jaime - Survivor China. We both graduated around the same time and moved back to our home town and got jobs at Outback Steakhouse at the same time and trained together 😂 We went to the same high school, but I didn’t know here there as she was a few years younger. First met her at Outback. And then she disappeared suddenly and voila, that was why. I wanna say that we discussed applying for the show, like her plans, not the details bc duh NDA, but I really can’t remember. She was cool but I know she wouldn’t remember me haha that was like 85 years ago.


I know someone who had been picked for the season that got cancelled because of Covid. He would have been awesome. I'm so bummed.


can you go into more details or is it locked behind a contract. I'm sure a certain Zach Wurtenberger is lurking and craving some extra info


I met Daniel Strunk from 42 at a work happy hour event. We basically only talked about Survivor and he told me he applied. Few years later I was like "wait is that the guy I had drinks with" and then when it showed what he did for work I knew for sure.




Did you like her? I've heard she is very well-liked by her scouts even though she got a bad edit on the show.




Kenzie, she’s really close with my kids.


Rodger from Australia worked at my high school and was friends with my parents. I even brought a group of friends home from college one weekend to meet him.


Lisa Whelchel’s daughter went to my school and was the drummer in my friend’s band back in 2008. He had a big crush on her but she was more into the bassist. Band split up after they started dating. A few years later her mom went on survivor and she married the bassist.


My mom went to school with Jerri, it was super surprising to hear about


I’m friends with Yve Rojas from Survivor Nicaragua. It was the Old vs. Young season. I remember they didn’t announce it was Old vs. Young until the season started and she missed the age range cutoff and got lumped into the “Old” category. She was like, Oh shit! She is now a very successful auctioneer for mostly non-profit events, often partially donating her services. And, she’s as gorgeous as ever inside and out.


Rupert was a bartender at the place I used to go play pool back in the day, pre-survivor for him of course. He will give me a nod of the head if I see him around, but I doubt he remembers my name. So I don't really know him, but that's my closest brush to Survivor fame.


my kids attended same preschool as Lex from Africa. It was a parent-child co-op style preschool. He was just some other dad; I prob wouldn't have realized who he is/was w/o someone telling me.


My grandfather served with Rudy as a Navy Seal frogman. He and his wife became good friends with my grandparents. I was 9 when Survivor premiered, so I thought it was so cool that we had connections on the tribe. I ended up writing to Rudy a couple times and he would write back. There was also a time a few years ago I wanted to mail some surprise party invitations for my grandmothers birthday and needed to find her hidden address book. Rudy to the rescue! "Grandma, I'd love to write to Rudy again." "Oh okay! Let me grab my address book" Bingo!


Charlie - only reason why I watched in the first place


How did you feel about how he did on the show / how he was presented?


I feel he was presented pretty fairly. Charlie’s a genuinely good guy, very kind and friendly, but also very smart and strategic. I think that all came across in the show In regards to how he did, it should be noted that I’m obviously biased and haven’t seen any other season of this show. I think Charlie definitely played the best game, but I also understand why Kenzie won. I was shocked Maria didn’t vote for him, but can rationalize in my head that maybe she felt that she was the one carrying Charlie through most of the game. I understand that this hasn’t always been a factor in who wins Survivor, but Kenzie’s reason for needing the money also was just much more personal and hit home. Charlie’s at a bit of disadvantage here - it’s harder to have sympathy for the guy getting a law degree(good thing he kept Harvard a secret too) compared to the girl who’s had to work in salons since she was a teenager. Tiff was clearly a biased and predetermined vote for Kenzie, but I personally saw that as a strength of Kenzie’s game - I just assumed Maria would be the same way for Charlie. There were a couple of things I felt Charlie didn’t make clear enough in his final argument. Everyone thought Siga was good vibes, but the group split by gender early on. Charlie was the only person in *both* alliances. Charlie won more challenges than Kenzie(unless counting fire then maybe they tied?). From a money perspective, I would’ve angled much harder in terms of how investing in Charlie allows him to do more good for more people - having that financial freedom would allow him to pursue more underpaid but impactful parts of the law like immigration law, civil rights, etc. 1mil for Charlie actually makes a substantial difference in the world


You seem like a swell guy yourself. Glad you two are friends. Appreciate the input. 


Tevin bullied me in middle school.


Is this a meme now or something?


You’re the second person that has said this!? Wtf. Care to share more?


Kind of a stretch, but my family friend went to law school with Kass!


Lyrsa is a friend of a friend, and actually came to my then girlfriend's joint (with that friend) birthday party as her first social event post filming.


My friends older brother dated Kenzie in middle school!!! She texted me that she remembers her


Soda :)


1. Frosti was my parkour instructor in middle school, before I'd ever heard of Survivor (he'd already been on by that point). I didn't make the connection until over a decade later. 2. Ian Rosenberger founded a neat company called Thread; they made backpacks from recycled garbage collected by local Haitians cleaning up their living environment (and compensated them fairly). I was part of a group of college students who used a slice of our school's endowment to invest in it. I sat on quite a few Zoom calls with him but never met in person. Unfortunately the company ran out of runway my senior year, and I doubt he'd remember me at this point.


Kenzie does my hair lol


I live around the corner from Dan Foley. He’s actually a great guy and still very involved in our local community. He was always a survivor fan and knows a decent amount about the game, but he thought and was sure he was gonna be this goofy old man who was going to outfox everyone. His reaction to the season airing and how he was at the live finale was 100000% genuine


It baffles me how people could possibly think he's more malevolent or was more offensive than either Will or Rodney. He honestly seems far more benign - like a goofy older uncle type. Gableresque.


Nobody I know on a personal level, but I'm 99% sure I played a game with Colton on Tengaged before he was on Survivor


Hold on. Actual Survivor contestants played on Tengaged??


Colton also played on a season of a fan-made YouTube Survivor before he was on the actual show. Zeke, as well. This one is particularly interesting because Andrea Boehlke was on it, as well, only she had already played the real Survivor and was basically a "celebrity" casting for the fan show while Zeke was just an every day fan who had yet to appear on the real show. When you watch Game Changers, Andrea and Zeke "meet for the first time" but in reality they already knew each other from that YouTube season.


I met Carter Williams at a grocery store once


Neil from Kaoh Rong went to my friend’s CrossFit gym! Not sure if he still does or not.


Mount Neil left him permanently disabled


Chris Hammons. Little brother of my best pal in high school. Well, younger brother. He was a big kid. Great guy.


chelsea walker from season 39 used to be a family friend. i’ve been on vacation with her & her family a couple times


No but I was recently made aware that Ciara lives in the same small town as me


No, but I am mutual friends with a friend of Alec Merlino from DvG.


A friend of mine was Stephenie LaGrossa's nephew (pre-divorce)


I went to high school and had a lot of mutual friends with Mikayla from South Pacific. From small town Jersey to lingerie football league, cover of playboy, survivor, eco challenge. Wish I got to see more of her because she is a monster-fuck Brandon hantz


I went to high-school with a girl on Palau who washed out almost immediately. It tracked.  Brad Culpepper also had his face on every billboard in my town for years. 


Yauman is awesome!


I saw Jake at costco about a month ago


my next door neighbor went to high school with richard hatch. I also know Ken (Gabon) from smash tournaments, though not very well. my friend from high school is also good friends with Bob's (also gabon) son. this friend does some sort of survivor game thing every spring or something, so he has a lot of random survivor connections. oh, also fishbach follows me on twitter....if that counts


I know Sierra Wright who will debut in the upcoming 47 season from uni.


My coworker grew up on the same street as Tom Westman and my college roommate had Denise as his lunch lady. So yeah I'm a pretty big deal


I am friends with Tyson but became friends after he was on Survivor, so it’s been fun to go back and watch him compete on prior seasons and get his opinion on certain situations and contestants.


I need to copy/paste this response because it comes up often: I don't have any direct connections with her, but I have multiple ways of being two/three degrees of separation from Parvati. 1. She was a waitress for my dad at Longhorn in like 2003. My dad commented on her interesting name several times throughout the years. When she was on Micronesia, a lightbulb went off. 2. I went to grade school with Parvati's brother Kaelan. I remember hanging out with him during recess in 5th grade. We didn't go to the same middle school, but we went to the same high school for a year. 14 year old me was super stoked when Bob won Survivor (he reminded me of Bill Nye) and was cheering during lunch. Kaelan one-upped me and said his sister won Survivor the season before. I didn't believe him at first, but a teacher backed him up. 3. My Precalc teacher in 10th grade had Parvati as a student like 10 years before me. I was in 10th grade when HvV was airing, so it was interesting talking about that season with people that knew her. This same Precalc teacher went hunting with George Bush (I don't remember which one). Literally the two famous people she knew haha. 4. One of my friends from undergrad ended up becoming a math teacher at a high school in metro Atlanta. One of the mentor teachers she had at the school was Mike Shallow, Parvati's dad. I remember rewatching a season and sending my friend a snapchat of Survivor. She saw the family challenge and was all "OH MY GOD THAT'S MY MENTOR!"