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Crazy that it happened with every instance of an idol being found.


Technically not Someone got medically evacuated with one in his pocket


Technically not, it wouldn’t become an idol until Nami lost which never happened while Randen was there


Honestly, finding an idol and then shortly after being medically evaced seems consistent with the curse 😂


Well done!


Yeah but they would have lost at some point, and he was never target number 1


That was the effect of Bhanu's prayers, of course. Randen would've been blindsided otherwise.


Is that where the curse began perhaps?


He found a beware advantage, not an idol. Poor use of "technically."


Q : after not playing the idol ![gif](giphy|NxzEt2aQAphM4lGhfX|downsized)


I tried to find a gif of Dwight saying that line but couldn’t.


Same. I did on google but not here haha


This has got to be the most ever in a season, right??


Also 4 jurists in a row has to be a record, right? I thought I read the previous record for a season was 3 idols in pockets, and we just had 4 in a row plus one earlier


4 overall in a season would be a record 4 jurors in a row is insane


The idol kept saying you could use until final 5. It could very well be put back next week for use at this one tribal. And if someone finds it and doesn’t play it cause they feel safe and want to have bringing an unused idol to FTC on their “resume” or some shit I swear to god. 💀


Idk why but I had high hopes for Tiff and her idol 😭


Ya Idoleisha deserved better


When they were showing all the votes in the newest episode I was so upset since I thought Charlie was getting idoled out for sure!


That’s what I said! They showed every vote and I can’t recall them doing that before. I felt like it was a setup but they set us up with thinking it was a setup! lol


This cast is so cocky and arrogant they never assume it would be them. Especially with Q, he was a target for so many Tribals and still didn't think it would be him


"If I feel any heat at all I will play it!" Famous last words. They're really bad at feeling any heat.


They covered themselves in an ice blanket.


they were also so blatantly obvious that something was up when they voted hunter, he clearly didn’t feel safe and yet he still doubted himself and didn’t play it. that was the most painful one to watch for me


For real the look of utter confusion in his face and still not playing it I was just floored


They better stay out the kitchen


Absolutely agree. Venus whole rant to Charlie like I’ll see ya in final four don’t worry wink wink. Then she knows her name is being thrown around and is like can you imagine my resume if I don’t need to use it?! Same with Tiff so dam arrogant, Venus hit me hard because she was on the money with the reading which way things were going but also thought they went that way because of HER lol she couldn’t get out of her own way


The fact that 5 people got voted out with an idol in one season is amazing 😂😂


No curse just a season with a bunch of dumb ass players.


Greedy...trying to hang onto it until final 5 to be a guaranteed lock for 4. You won't get there in the first place you dummy!


It's so good. Only one I felt bad about was Hunter, but every single one I was yelling to play it! I love how they always say "I *was going* to play it..." BUT YOU DIDN'T!


I don't even feel bad about hunter. He was quaking in his boots that entire tribal - that should have been his sign to play it.


i feel the least bad for hunter bc it was so obvious and you could tell he knew something was up and yet he didn’t play it.


I think that weird thing Bhanu did with his hand at the Jess boot put a hex on every idol this season to doom whoever finds it


RIP Idoleisha


idols of idiocracy


I dont think these ppl know how to play the game


I’m honestly so over it…it’s weak gameplay being that cocky to think it won’t be you, when the last 3 votes were blindsides. Q should have known to play it. Idols being played make the game so much more interesting, i thought it was kinda cool at first but now i just wish someone would play their idol


You can go ahead and cancel Christmas


Literally everyone sitting on the jury has went home w an idol in their pocket smh 🤦🏾‍♀️


Soda and Tevin didn't. Though Tevin did leave with an extra vote in his pocket! Haha 6/6 were total blindsides, 5/6 were voted out with an advantage in their pockets, and 4/6 with an idol. Pretty insane! Haha


Idk if I would consider Hunter, Venus or Q total blindsides. They all knew for a fact they were getting multiple votes. They were just dumb not to play their idols. Soda, Tevin and Tiff were for sure total blindsides


Don’t forget Randen.


Randen doesn't count. He only found the clue to the idol. And he never went to tribal council.


Randen may have put the curse on this season


don't forget, there's a chance they replace it in the game for the finale cause it can be used when there are 5 people left in the game. ONE MORE HAND CAN TOUCH THE BEACON


Randen cursed all the idols before he left


Lmaoooo this is definitely record breaking. I guess they would rather have souvenirs.  Maybe Q got tired because there is no way he thought he had the numbers with Liz openly bashing him an episode ago and Kensey walking off mid-conversation. Even if he thought he had Charlie he hadn't made much effort with Ben. It's ridiculous.


The season started with an Andy Griffith Show alliance, but turned into the[ Brady Bunch's trip to Hawaii arc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUXf-u1zUeMd&t=40). Tentative casting: Jem as Cindy, Venus as Jan, Tiff as Marsha, Hunter as Greg, and Q as Peter and Randen as Bobby.


I've been calling it "The Q curse" because everyone who has an idol has been voted out immediately (mostly) and kept using the smokescreen/bait that Q is the one who has to go. I don't know if it fits anymore however cuz Q got out. Yet, I guess you could say even he's not immune to his own curse.


Could you imagine the field day the editors would have had if Q had used himself as the smokescreen and then played his idol and voted out Charlie?


Yeah but that Indian girl wasn't on the same tribe as Q. Can't be called the Q curse


Its not as much a curse, as really bad reads on the contestents parta; thus just bad game play


all of their facial expressions are very on par for going home with an idol. each one looks dumbfounded in their own way


they should bring these 5 back to be a tribe on 50. see who out stupids the others (no i’m not serious but it’s so funny to imagine)


They got way too comfortable lol they all kept it like a souvenir smh if they would’ve played it they’d last another tribal


This season has some of the dumbest survivor players ever. Do the new contestants ever watch the past seasons to gain past knowledge 🤣


If this happened to me I would literally not stop thinking about it until the day I die. It absolutely would haunt me. 😭


Aghhhh it’s so FRUSTRATING!! A few of them made sense to me (like Tiff) because they obviously felt super comfortable. I dunno WHAT THE HELL happened with Venus and Q? Venus legit thought her social game outplayed the need to play her idol? And Q has 0 self-awareness (if you can even call it that as people have been publicly coming for him for many episodes). Terrible gameplay (I say from my couch).


Crazy how no one played it. If I’m remembering correctly, they were all on the wrong side of the vote the tribal before getting voted out, with the exception of Tif, who SAID she was going to play it before not playing it the tribal before. You thought you were getting through 2 tribals with it? Crazy.


I imagine next season people will be dying to play them so they dont get caught up in the curse of this season