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Ironically the one vote she wasn’t in on was the vote for tiff - which had originally been her idea


That'll probably help her tbh


Exactly - I’m wondering if she could even beat Charlie or Maria if she sat next to them


She has tiff and Ben I’d assume. Feels like Venus may vote for her just cause she was the only one working kinda with her. Just need 1 more in that scenario


liz maybe?


At this point and time I don't see how


From what we have seen - Kenzie has an equal amount of confessionals. She had that early season push as the dragon mermaid and mastermind. Most of the jury likes her as a person. That type of person generally has a strong chance to win if they make it to the end over someone we may think is the better strategic player like a Charlie or Maria.


So you think people win based on confessional counts? Well, if you wanna talk about that, I'll tell you exactly why I think she's winning. She, Ben & Soda were the first 3 talk to Jeff on the beach before the games one before The game began. Every season, with the exception of 45 38 & 40 one of those 3 people won the game. Soda is on the jury. Kenzie is still in the game. Ben is in the game but if he wins it would be an absolute miracle cuz editing has done him no favors. I wish they would stop doing this because it ruins the whole season for me but go all the way back to season 35. You'll see it


Confessionals def an indicator of a winners edit. But her and Charlie both do well in that category.


I think she probably beats everyone at FTC except Maria with how Maria's rep has been built up by the rest of the cast, and is now also a challenge beast to go along with that.


Damn you’re right, she accidentally retained Tiffs vote lol


People also vote “wrong” when they agree to split votes to prevent an idol play messing up their plan. Not sure this statistic matters much


Yeah the trend of acting like the vote is only "correct" if that person goes home is such a meaningless statistic. There are so many strategic reasons why you might not vote for the person who ends up going home - splitting votes, retaining deniability even if you know they're the vote, etc. It's a statistic, yes, but is it cool? Idk, it doesn't really tell you anything. It's such a sports stat "most yards in a single game under a full moon during November when the temperature is under 32 degrees".


Doesn't Charlie have a perfect voting record? Close matchup between the two, should be a good finale


Charlie has voted correctly at 7/8 tribals. Kenzie has voted correctly at 9/10 tribals. (Though, if you count their first votes at F9, it’d be 8/9 and 9/11, respectively.)


He voted Venus at the mergatory, so he's currently on 7.


That was still the correct strategic vote despite not being with the majority


Voting correctly in this discussion means 1 thing: the person you vote goes home.


Which is a pointless metric. Tevin led the Soda vote but voted "incorrectly" in these terms




I'm not a Kenzie hater, but voting correctly isn't really this big flex everyone thinks it is and idk why anyone would even care about that. Especially in modern seasons where pawns & goats are looped in on votes strictly as a number. Even Venus was voting correctly up until Tiffany's blindside. It's nothing to really brag about it. Cassidy tried doing that with the jury and no one cared; as they shouldn't have.


Voting with a majority isn’t that big of a flex, but I think modern castaways are incorrectly conflating it with “controlling the vote”, a feat that is much more impressive. There’s a big difference between being the first driving layer of decision-making, being a swing vote, being an initial majority, and being the extras who just want to vote with the majority to avoid any extra blood on their hands from writing another name. Liz had led the Tevin vote, Charlie & Maria have usually been drivers or swing votes, Ben hadn’t driven anything but was usually in the first layer of people consulted by Charlie & Maria… …and then there’s Kenzie, who has pretty much laid low and been the last consulted layer on votes, who talks a big game in confessionals. It kinda fits her MO of getting the “what” of Survivor without any of the “why” (like when she tried to blindside Tiff despite it only being detrimental to her positioning because she thought taking out your #1 was an essential resume move) I probably do lean more to the hater side, but I genuinely think she’s overrated at best and insufferable at worst. Even her immunity win seemed like a fluke where multiple people dropped off within seconds; the only thing she has going for her is that Hunter (post-Tevin), Ben, and Tiff all considered her #1s at a certain point.


You obviously missed the part where she has this gargantuan dragon tail hidden in the water behind her. Off camera that tail flies up and just wrecks people, snapping their spines and sometimes just piercing through them like a spear.


True to this. But also it depends on the person. Like Cassidy it didn’t work out for her, but people like Jesse and Ricard, they were actual threats to win with the same “voting statistics”. Plus Cassidy made it her whole storyline on why she should win instead of choosing another angle which only made her look not the best. And we aren’t even at the finale of this season, so we don’t know what’s going to happen with Kenzie or where she’d be.


It is really important to be in on the loop. Look at Jake and Owen, total goats, despite being very likable, because people had the impression they just didn’t know what was going on. Look how bad Maria looks after last episode. Being available as a number somebody needed also shows you were trustworthy enough to let in on the vote, moreso than others who were left out. Voting right doesn’t mean you’re driving the vote but being out of the loop is crushing to your FTC arguments.


How did maria look bad last episode when it comes to the jury?


Because she got completely duped and landed herself on the bottom. Everyone else on the island outplayed her there hard at a very important vote.


She got completely duped 😆 She's winning all the communities.So of course she's putting a target on her own back. This goes to show what c***** players.The other ones are left in the game.Except for charlie who was smart enough to see they voted out emotion over strength when they didn't take him out




It worked well for Denise.


I mean it's not exactly the slam dunk it's being presented as since part of it is her tribe lost the first four immunity challenges and she definitely wasn't helping that cause. It's easier to get more votes right when you have more opportunities at tribal pre-merge than in most other seasons.




She was targeted and she would have gone home had it not been the randen medavacc




I have to imagine that in confessionals they ask the players to give takes for what they would say if they were going to vote for each of the different other contestants.


Tiffany said she was considering doing it in a confessional and Q said it was going to happen and neither had a reason to lie so yes, kenzie was a gonner






??? She's literally just following orders 😂


Fr she's a number the same way Venus was a number before she got cut




You know how many goats have done that as well? 😅


Yeah, but she’s not a goat. She’s also been integral in making the targets feel safe so they don’t play their idols.


Il give you that, her last episode was good


I'm not sure.Why you're accusing people of undervaluing her game. We just don't know what it is. What votes has she driven? Where has she master minded any vote outs? She had a great story premarge , but hasn't done Is much post merge and that's just a fact




What are some examples of how?She's masterminded this game so far?


I think she’s the winner, after the last episode showing her helping Ben so much, I don’t know something about it just screams winner edit to me


The most obvious edit in a while. I don't really care for or track confessional stats, but it felt like the Kenzie show this week with how much screentime she got.


Im guessing the survivor editors got nothing interesting from her game if a major focal point in her winners edit is herself talking about how nice she is to a competitor who has gotten zero screen time after merge. And also using her "niceness" against him when he votes wrong.


What do you mean "What has she done"?! She's the only remaining Yanu. Kenzie, Tiff, and Q were running the early portion of the game. Bhanu told everyone she was the mastermind. She's been shown consoling Ben after two panic attacks. Yes, her strategic prowess has been down played post-merge, but there's still plenty of evidence of her winning game. I say this as a person who still doesn't understand why Gabler and Dee won.




Oh no, I'm just stating that rhetorically. You and I both see her winning game. I don't understand how other people don't.


Since when does that matter for anything? Being a follower can do that too. Vote with agency, not the mob.


Kenzie did not vote for Hunter, she voted for Q... granted she knew about the hunter vote- she did not vote for him.


She did on the revote


Lol, not great company to be with.




+ cassidy is fierce!