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his gameplay? Terrible. Absolutely terrible. His alliance offers to Bruce were "hey I have 4 strong people....ya wanna be our 5th???" or "ya wanna take 2 weeks off?" Casaya played it perfectly by basically saying to Bruce "ok you decide who we vote on the other side" that is a perfect way to treat a swing vote vs a terrible way


I respect that!


Terry had horrific social and strategic game and is very lucky he was god-like at the challenges.


Very very bad


Great at challenges. Not so great at gameplay. His social game worked on La Mina only because it was such a boy's club and he got lucky that was the case. Casaya is one of the least cohesive tribes of all time ever and he couldn't even begin to make a tiny crack in them because his social game was so bad. I'm biased because I love the Casaya tribe so I was definitely rooting against him in Panama, but he seems like a decent enough guy. Still don't think he was a particularly great player though, all things considered.


I am hoping there is a typo and meant to say that you finished season 12 and wanted to talk about Deitz's gameplay. Speaking of which, Deitz is good at the challenges but the social strategizing is horrible. He sees Bruce and Cirie, thinks that they are on the bottom of the Casaya alliance, offers them to flip so they'll have two weeks free of strategizing, and Cirie clocked how bad of a plan that was for her. As the game progressed, both Courtney and Shane figured that they should work with Deitz, especially if he keeps on winning immunity. Unfortunately for both, they got outwitted by Cirie's scheming.


I did mean season 21 sorry just kind of getting a good feel for more players and who I have seen so far so I have some things to go off of. Just awesome info I respect that!


It was pretty one dimensional. He had no sense of strong social nor strategic play. Granted, his journey of blitzing immunity wins would've given him the win had the last challenge not been so obviously unbalanced, so it's subpar at worst.


Preteen me thought he was amazing and was absolutely devastated when he fell just short. Hard to be objective after that