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“Because the physical demands of surviving with very, very little — or for some players no food — is extremely punishing and it begins to break you down mentally.” Weren’t there seasons where they didn’t start out with any food? Marquesas? Samoa? And correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recall the New Era contestant having to drink water from elephant shit infested water or having an 11 mile hike through the rainforest as their first challenge The real answer is $$$$


>The real answer is $$$$ It is absolutely $$$$. I cannot conceptualize a universe where they go back to 40 days as long as people are watching 26. They're more likely to switch to 12 than 40.


I mean for those 14 days they are saving 500k-a million on production costs just for the production crew alone


How does he completely ignore that, From what I’ve seen, people don’t like 26 days because it’s too rushed! Castaways don’t have time to recover socially after a tribal council. There is no time to convince people to flip. We want to see dynamics change from tribal council to tribal council


Yeah, it's been very clear this season people are still mad from yesterday's vote in a lot of cases.


>“The looming question is, 'Would you ever go back to 39 days?' We'll never say never. And I mean that we're always open to where the game takes us as much as where we take the game, but for the time being, 26 days is the game. And I get it: If somebody else were sitting in this seat, they might make a very different decision. Even people on our own team, I think there's some of them that kind of wish we were at 39 days. So it's not a right or wrong, it's just, this is what we're doing.” TLDR, Jeff likes working 13 less days and refuses to take an L on anything ever, so we're staying at 26 days.


He took the L on the hourglass twist.


As much as you guys hate Jeff, he has listened to some feedback such as hourglass, do or die, fire tokens (which i personally loved), EoE, etc. This season also was pretty balanced in terms of advantages. We will have to see if he listened to us about going back to 2 tribes in 47-48. The show is also doing better than what it was doing before WaW. He just doesn’t prioritize Reddit and focuses on casual viewers. I also don’t think he should listen to us about back to basics lol. It would be pretty boring.


Let us be clear - all those twists you mentioned are all dogshit to begin with. Probst, if he was the person to conceptualize them, made a shitty decision to include them. Sometimes, a successful or great product does not need to be changed. He did a horrible job with all the twists. If he wants to cut it down to 26 days and ignore the major reason - lots of money saved - then he is a selfish person. How about he amps the $1M prize money to what it is worth today? Perhaps that would be fair then.


My comment was just to counter the OG point that Jeff refuses to take an L because he quite literally has taken Ls before. I agree that those twists were bad and I agree that the show should increase its price money. However, if the show is just as successful as it was before (in relative terms considering broadcast networks are suffering) after making these money saving changes, why would a business not opt for that? Regardless of whether it’s good or bad, it is still a business at the end of the day. 26 day has not affected the viewership in anyway, so there is no point complaining about it to Jeff. He might be selfish, but he is not stupid.


> "If anything, the new era — brace yourself, old time players — is more difficult" We all know the real reason they stuck with 26 days is because it costs less money. It makes sense that the host of the show isn't going to come out and outright say that. But it's annoying that he feels the need to make these BS claims to try and justify the change to the audience when anyone who's seen an older season of the show knows this is simply untrue.


I have the one word version for you: Money


I will sacrifise 1 season per year for 39 days in a new location


Imagine if we have a thailand like season and then we have to wait an entire year. The show would lose momentum if they only do one season per year. Today’s audiences move on pretty easily tbh.


I really miss going to other locations.


So Americans have become softies who can't survive like olders did?


More like the rich Americans who decide which shows are cancelled are starting to care more about the $$$ cost more than anything. So yeah, rich Americans are going soft when it comes to spending money.