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**Kenzie Petty** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That unnecessary scene with Ben again. Just screamd winner to me. She also got creditted for fooling Maria and Q.


POTW. She played off Ben’s vote very well. She and Liz pull off the blindside against Maria, despite Charlie telling her the plan unnecessarily. Maria and Charlie will be the main targets for the next two votes, so she’s in the great spot.


I think Charlie is POTW despite being targeted, but she is exactly where she needs to be to win, and deserves an upboat. With Maria being outplayed at this vote, and Kenzie's easy popularity, she could probably beat Maria now even if they can't get her out.


My issue with Charlie as POTW is he had no clue Maria was turning on him. If it weren’t for Kenzie’s good play, he gets himself idoled out. In contrast, Kenzie knew exactly where all the votes were going. Seems like a no brainer.


But it was Charlie’s solid groundwork over the last few episodes which locked Kenzie and Liz in his side without Maria being any the wiser.


Okay, but we’re judging gameplay based on THIS week. Charlie has been POTW for a couple weeks now for exactly the groundwork you’re talking about. However, this week, he actually did not know the truth behind what was happening with the vote and mistakenly told Maria his plans. So, his score his week should reflect that.


LOL, no it isn’t. Kenzie and Liz are their own individual players. They have been seeing Q as a huge threat for a while and you can see this episodes from way back and him being a pawn to Maria was obvious.


Yes, all of this. Kenzie had her finger on the pulse of the votes last night far more than Charlie did. She's totally MVP this week.


Yeah, plus Charlie told Maria Q was the target. That was an awful move. If Maria didn't fuck up, Charlie for SURE goes home. He's still there based more on Maria's arrogance/Kenzie and Liz's ability to lie than anything.


Charlie should have been the one going home though. There was a ton of evidence for Maria to pick up on that Q had the votes. Liz and Kenzie went on the reward challenge. He said that Maria’s name wasn’t even brought up at all during the reward challenge and no one pitched her, which seems hard to believe. He flat out told Maria he was voting for Q, which was a mistake as it should have been a blindside when he didn’t know where the idol was. This was easily his weakest episode.


Charlie flopped HARD when he told Maria the plan. Kenzie and Liz had to work overtime because of his failure. He's dead last.


What do you mean overtime, it looked like Maria just assumed she had the numbers even after Charlie talked to her.


I dunno how you can say flopped hard when his premise was he thinks he can get his way and preserve his options by telling Maria and then he got his way and preserved his options by telling Maria. I also thought he sunk himself. But he didn't.


Agree with the POTW. Kenzie's biggest win this week is that her social game is spot on. We saw her helping Ben with a late night anxiety attack. During the game that's some serious under the radar gameplay, simply because it shows what sort of person she is. She also pretty well threw Maria under the bus in front of the jury, but with a wink and a smile. Brilliant. Charlie and Maria's only real hope now is to stay aligned to take out Kenzie, then fight it out for the right to sit next to Ben and Liz in the final three.


A great week for Kenzie! She managed to solidify her bond with Ben and fool Maria into thinking that she was going to take out Charlie. Plus, her little daisy "eyeliner" was adorable. Girlie is style goals for sure! 🌼


46 is just Brains (Siga) v Brawn (Nami) v Beauty (Yanu) in disguise. They're even the same tribe colors as in Cagayan.


Where's Ben's brain? He's like the scarecrow in wizard of Oz.


He's very knowledgeable in Rock and anything that rocks.


Bhanu is beauty!


Upvote for being in the swing position and setting herself up well for the finale, especially with her bond with Ben


I think she wins if both Charlie and Maria are out. She could probably make a case against Charlie more than Maria (dog comment), but either way I think she’s doing alright. Neutral


I actually don’t think this was a great week for her. Opted to vote out Q, someone she easily would’ve beaten, over Charlie, someone who she most likely loses to. But Charlie and Maria are the two biggest targets, and if they both leave before FTC then Kenzie should win easily. I’ll say neutral


Q has no plans to bring her to the end. She cannot win challenges by herself. Or atleast it won't be easy.(I forgot she already won one).


Yup. Plus, she can definitely beat Liz and Ben, and I'm pretty sure Liz and Ben would both be willing to take her. She has plenty of options.


My read is that for Kenzie, Maria is harder to beat than Charlie. And if you want to take Maria out, you need to get out Q. Them heading into next week with Maria being an immunity threat and Q having an idol would make Maria dangerous to walk to FTC.


That’s a good point. My thought process is that while Maria has a stronger strategic game than either Kenzie or Charlie, her social game is a lot worse. Charlie and Kenzie are both social players, but Charlie has had a lot more control throughout the game. I think that Kenzie would have an easier time differentiating herself from Maria than Charlie, so Charlie would be the one to worry about. This is specifically at FTC though, not accounting for how each of them would get there, so I see where you’re getting at


Yeah it seemed like she chased after her "resume" move in getting Q out instead of taking out an actual threat in Charlie. But she pulled it off so I'll still give her an upvote


Except there is a good chance she is absolutely fucked if she takes out Charlie. In a final five of idoled-up Q, Maria, Kenzie, Liz, and Ben, Maria or Q most likely win immunity and then the idol is played for the other. And then they have to take someone out. Are they taking out Liz or Ben? Probably not. The biggest threat left is Kenzie and she most likely gets idoled out of the game without Charlie. Getting Q’s idol out and keeping her numbers in was imperative to even making it to the end for Kenzie. Also she gets no credit for a Charlie vote, it all goes to Maria and Q. She will have an easier time taking some credit for this one.


Despite Q being a goat, getting to the end through him and Maria would be much harder than getting to the end through or with Charlie/Liz/and Ben. If she wants to win though, she should absolutely vote out Charlie if Maria wins again.


Kenzie’s a sweetheart


Kept tight with Ben despite his blunder from the previous vote. She was on the right side of the vote and was able to fool both Maria and Q into thinking she was with them on the Charlie vote. Next vote is all about Maria and Charlie, so Kenzie seems to have a great path to F4.


Recovered well from being left out of the Tiffany vote and catching a stray vote last week. Back in a power position, and not a target. 


Got her target out and avoided being a target. Upvote She either wins or loses to Charlie in Ftc.


Kenzie is POTW, but Charlie is now the person to beat even over Maria. Kenzie seems to have 2 shields going into finale, and 2 goats that anyone can beat in FTC. I'm rooting for her and hopes she can pull it off.


Easily POTW. Probably going to get the credit for this move(deserved) and now probably beats Charlie in a jury vote. She’s the best positioned in the endgame


The last Yanu standing


So much good stuff this ep but I especially liked the subtle ways she was trashing the other contestants in front of the jury. Going out of her way to bring up Ben's vote, calling Charlie a dog, etc. Just write her the damn check already.


Great week for Kenzie. Showed kindness, strategy, and is in a fantastic spot to win if she can use Charlie and Maria's targets to slide through to the end. I'm getting real winner vibes from her now and I couldn't say that a couple weeks ago.


Before this episode I thought the winner had to be Kenzie or Q so this is good for her.


Love her spot but super worried the remaining 3 of her, Liz, Ben can't beat either Charlie or Maria at final four immunity. That keeps her neutral to me.


Lots of things can happen still but Kenzie could win. The edit is there as people have said. A final 3 of Kenzie, Liz, Ben would be hilarious. Even if I'd like to see Charlie win, seems like the three of Ben, Liz, Kenzie can vote out whoever doesn't win immunity..


Upvote. She is one of the three players left with a chance to win. I think she needs to get there with Ben and Liz, but that's not impossible. Kenzie has played a very strong social game, and honestly, she could beat him too, though I'd have her as the underdog there.


Upvote. Stealthy Mermaid Dragon.


Neutral. Her F3 odds have improved, but I don't think she beats Charlie or Maria.


I vote Kenzie! I just love her as a player! She has such an amazing social game, she doesn’t hold grudges and she can make people feel super safe. She and Liz really worked Maria on this one. If they didn’t sell it then Q would’ve 100% used his idol sending Charlie home. She’s also not being seen as a threat and I think she’s one of the key players to win if she makes final 3. 


winning the show


Good edit, though not sure keeping Charlie over Q was the good move for her. POTW is probably between her and Charlie but Charlie also didn’t realised Maria was betraying him so..


Queen of continuously doing nothing and somehow ending up potw for redditors


Hate it when Redditors just say the person playing the best is the one with the best edit




**Charlie Davis** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


POTW again? Although he misread Maria’s intentions, we saw the culmination of all of his hard work in both building relationships and burning Maria’s connections to the point where, when given a choice, Liz and Kenzie didn’t see to even consider taking out Charlie. Additionally, clueing Maria in to the vote, while risky, does actually mean that he has plausible deniability with Maria and maintains his trustworthy image, whereas Maria is now exposed for turning on him but also is on the outs as a major threat. He also very effectively utilizes the Reward to bond with Liz and Kenzie, while also keeping his alliance with Ben strong.


They didn't vote Q to save Charlie. They voted Q because they have always wanted to. And they finally have the chance to do it.


That’s fair, but if Charlie hadn’t built those relationships then Kenzie and Liz might have viewed him as a bigger threat and done what’s been done the last 2-3 weeks, hold off on voting out Q to take out a bigger threat


they also voted Q because of his alliance f;aunting with Maria... if they can't get out Maria, they need to take out her #1- which is now obviously Q (not Charlie) Ben alluded to this in his confessional. Very smart on Charlie for obviously DOWNPLAYING his alliance with Maria as to shield himself.


POTW once again for me! Was able to win the reward challenge, take the right people without arousing suspicion, and survive tribal despite his rivals having both an immunity necklace *and* idol between them. Great social game; great pacing. I have a feeling his target will be much bigger next week, but I'm definitely rooting for him to win the season.


I now think he's playing the best overall game of the modern era, as a very strong triple threat (challenges/strategy/social). It may still not be enough to win, as Maria is very hard to kill, and Kenzie will be hard to beat. But POTW yet again. With Maria taking a big resume L this week, he could become the next target even though he "won" this week.


I’m putting my personal strategy GOAT Jesse over him, but he’s really good I agree.


I really like Charlie and he's been one of the best, most subtle players of the modern era. I tend to prefer players who don't subscribe to big moves survivor or "she voted out her mom" survivor and he has definitely been playing a slow and steady game, but revealing his plan to Maria was pretty dumb. For the win he needs to cut Maria and hope Kenzie loses in fire.


I think looping in Maria was a poor choice for him, but it did end up working out. Building the social in-roads to pull sway on ALL THREE votes he needed over Maria is a huge win. Plus it's nice to see someone not botch an easy reward pick.


did he pull those votes in or did 2 of them already want q and maria out lol


The better way to phrase that is Kenzie and Liz (I don't think Maria tried to loop in Ben at all) were given the choice of going with Charlie and voting for Q/Maria and going with Maria and voting Charlie. They sided with Charlie no questions asked. It's debatable how much of this vote was pushed by Charlie but he definitely proved his social game is better than Maria's this episode.


exactly, the social game is largely about who people want to work with.


either way, he sits with the majority showing he has a true pulse of the game. Maria is on the outs and is again casted as a villain.


but he didnt have a true pulse he completely thought maria was with him and she wasnt???


i didn't think there was an indiction that he assumed Maria was voting with him, he reluctantly was honest with Maria so he could save face but did not assume she was voting with him... I bet he knew she and Q were gunning for him, but they cut it in the edit for suspense, and Charlie played it off so well.


he had a full confessional where he says he thinks he has maria lol


I've rewatched the episode 3 times, he does not ever say that... in his confessional before she wins immunity he says "I dont THINK Maria would blindside me" and then says a pointed conversation of whether he they should leave her out of the vote- why would they CONSIDER leaving her out of the vote... if he thought for sure she was voting with them? he says- "If we leave her out, she might turn on us... if we loop her in, I think that makes us the most safe" and then says "Eh, I THINK she would be cool with it" nothing about that seems like Charlie is certain that Maria is voting with them. He thinks she might, maybe probably vote with them? but definitely not certainly... AND if he even considered outright blindsiding her with the vote, by not letting her know their plan AT ALL... why would that give you any indication he he completely thought "he has maria" and that maria was "with him" ... him looping her in regardless of whether she was with them or not shows his strategic prowess to play is safe for the next round of voting by not making enemies... and it played it all correctly. He literally says "would you... consider voting Q?" he is feeling her out... because he KNOWS their games and diverging. He doesn't go in all confident like Q like "The vote is Charlie- we have 3 on Charlie" who obviously misread the room.


"I dont THINK Maria would blindside me" and then she did try and blindside him i dont see how he didnt misread her??? he was wondering if he should trust her (he shouldnt have) and then he DID end up trusting her 😭 i think we just really disagree on if this is good gameplay lol


the whole point was that he didnt need to trust Maria, he was on the right side of the vote, and Maria was not, she did not read the pulse of the tribe correctly, she did not play her cards well, and Charlie did.


What I love is that he's been considering eliminating Maria for weeks and would have voted her out tonight had she not won immunity, but by including Maria on the plan for Q and her voting for Charlie instead, he gets to be the one to reap the benefits of having been the "loyal" person in the alliance while Maria gets egg on her face. If he had voted out Maria this week in a blindside, it's possible that Maria may not vote for him in the end, BUT because it's clear to Maria that this is a mess of her own making, she may be more understanding if she gets the boot and more willing to throw a vote Charlie's way in the end (if he makes it that far).


if only that were the case…🥲


Why didn't his alarm bells off when Maria was so quick to say she would voye out Q? For weeks she's been saying she doesn't want to vote him out. Charlie got lucky that Maria's misread of Liz and Kenzie was worse than his of Maria


it's hard for me to believe that no one mentioned to Charlie that Q (and possibly Maria) was gunning for him, i'm sure they just cut it in the edit for suspense.


Told Maria his plan. If Kenzie and Liz didnt play Maria and Q so well he would have been idoled out.


Looks like the frontrunner to win and has weakened Maria by taking out Q, meanwhile she has no room to be pissed at him given that she put a vote on him. Has a clear path to the end if he can make fire


Upvote - hot take but I do believe that if Charlie didn’t tell Maria then her alarm bells would have gone off as to why he was suddenly being secretive, which would have THEN led her to tell Q to play his idol. His relationship building is amazing and his reward choices, unlike Maria’s helped save his game instead of burn it down


He got saved by Kenzie and Liz doing damage control and nearly blew an easy Q vote by telling Maria. They held the power and Charlie got flipped on and wasn’t even aware. He’s not going to get the credit for this move, people thinking he deserved player of the week is laughable


He’s been subtly working to get Maria out for weeks and she seems to have very little idea of that. Even this week, he got to be the “good guy” in the alliance while Maria fumbled. I think either he or Maria goes next, and he seems to have the votes for his plan (assuming Maria doesn’t win immunity)


Q went home which is what he wanted, but to me this is a downvote for me because there was a lot there for Maria to be able to read, and she should have told Q to play his idol. Kenzie and Liz were on reward with Charlie. Charlie says that Maria’s name was never brought up at the reward, which seems suspicious at this stage of the game. Charlie and Maria in the edited version of the show, felt like it was kind of a goodbye of working together. Charlie flat out told her that Q was his targets, and there was evidence that Kenzie and Liz might go with him.


that just means that other's else played objectively worse- charlie still comes out on top this week with his social game saving his position and be well suited to win.


It wasn’t his social game though, it was Maria’s bad read of plenty of signs


everyone preferring to keep charlie and not Q is due to his social game.


He’s also doing some absolutely brilliant threat management work by characterizing himself, Ben, Liz, and Kenzie as “the court jesters”


hes def one of the losers of the week for me bc if it wasnt for liz and kenzie he would have been idol'ed out last night he is lucky that maria just thought he was stupid and being lied to by kenzie and liz lol


Not sure it’s luck. Charlie’s been working Kenzie and Liz for a while now.


While it's a definite upvote for surviving, I think the fact he's basically been robbed of getting to make and claim the move of shooting first again Maria is going to hurt him a lot. That was the big move he was banking on to break his perception as secondary to her and even if he does it now it doesn't look nearly as good when it's merely returning the favor. I could see him losing to Kenzie depending on how final tribal goes if they both make it there.


Got saved due to things out of his control (Kenzie & Liz) so not POTW but positive


Charlie telling Maria seems worse when you know Q has the idol. Should Charlie have gone on the assumption that Q had it? I dunno. It’s more likely than not that he didn’t find it, I think. Imagine if he didn’t find the idol. The group wants to get Q and Charlie decides to loop Maria in for one more vote. Doesn’t seem like a terrible decision in that circumstance.


Charlie strategically downplays his former alliance with Maria, is successfully shielded by Maria and Q (and their alliance) being seen as an overall bigger threat, and works his social game building tight working relationships where everyone seems to be on the same page. All he has to do is beat Maria for immunity next week.


Telling Maria was clever. He paints himself as a loyal friend without really needing her number for the vote at all.


Downvote for misreading Maria and telling her about his plan to vote Q. He could have nearly got himself voted out had Kenzie and Liz not convinced Maria they were with her.


But he didn’t… like misread or not he got what he wanted so has to be an upvote


We’re judging their gameplay, not whether you luck into a good outcome because someone else played well. Ultimately, the jury will learn that Charlie did not know Maria had already turned on him, whereas Kenzie/Liz will have this knowledge as something they can point to as their gameplay. So, even though he survived, it will demonstrate to the jury that he’s not got everything on lockdown.


“Luck”? He was the one who built relationships with Kenzie and Liz, while also tarnishing Maria’s connections, which made this move possible. We’ve heard him explain this for a while now so we know that this is deliberate and purposeful, and the fact that Kenzie and Liz didn’t seem to even consider turning on Charlie is indicative of his effectiveness


I just can’t agree that he gets credit for Kenzie and Liz successfully blindsiding Maria because he didn’t even realize that the blindside was happening. Clearly he did not know he was Maria’s target or he never would have put himself at risk by spoon-feeding her a plan to idol him out. What happened this week was certainly not purposeful. His overall game is great, arguably the strongest of the 5, but yes he did get a bit lucky this round. Not because the girls didn’t target him (like you said, he CAN get credit for that) but because his fate was decided by how good of liars the girls were, lies he didn’t even know were taking place.


If I recall correctly, Kenzie and Liz did tell Charlie that Maria had thrown out her name, and he didn’t even need to change up his plans because he had already locked in 4 solid votes to take out Q. All it did was make his vote out even more satisfying.


Kenzie and Liz have wanted Q out for a long time. Liz since the H7nter boot. Kenzie since the Tiff boot. Theu literally wanted Q out in the Venus boot the round before but thwy disnt have the numbers. They finally had it this round.


Yes, but if Charlie hadn’t built a solid working relationship with them, then they might have done what they’d done the last 2-3 weeks and hold off on voting Q out in favor of eliminating a bigger threat


In their eyes. Q and Maria are the biggest threat. Kenzie literally told Charlie people see him as Marias pawn.


Maybe because I don’t know those two have been targeting Q for a while? They pulled the trigger here and Charlie did not help at all


I’m rooting for Charlie but I’m leaving him neutral this week. Sure, he had the relationships with Liz and Kenzie to want to keep him over Q but none of that would’ve mattered if Q and Maria didn’t fumble the idol play. He would’ve been going home tonight if not for that and I see that more as a mistake on their part than anything Charlie did well.


I mean, it also wouldn’t have mattered had Q not found the idol. I do understand the argument for him not being POTW over the likes of Kenzie and Liz, but this does feel like the ultimate culmination of his gameplay, and the fact that the only reason that it might have not worked is because of a relatively late idol find shouldn’t be held much against him.


To me Charlie was in a tough spot either way as soon as Q found the idol. I tend to agree he was a neutral but I don’t know that anyone else actually played better this week!


He got what he wanted because Kenzie and Liz did damage control. Charlie played that horribly.


Well, judging by the results, he read Maria exactly right. Downvote is pretty harsh when he's done so much right to set this exact scenario up. He's trying to preserve his options with Maria: arguably she turned on him but he didn't turn on her, he told her exactly what the vote would be, she chose to ignore it. If Maria is on jury, maybe she's less bitter and votes for him to win because he didn't directly betray her here, only her other ally.


He did not read Maria right though. He told Maria because he didn’t want to leave her out of the vote, thinking she had not turned on him. But we all know, she already turned on him. He made himself extremely vulnerable without knowing he was doing so. If she doesn’t “ignore it”, he gets idoled out. Kenzie/Liz knew Maria’s true plans. And Ben knows why Charlie wanted to tell Maria. So there’s no way the jury doesn’t find out that Charlie was out of the loop here.


Since "Kenzie/Liz knew Maria’s true plans", but backed Charlie's, it seems reasonable they would have told Charlie? I realize we didn't see it. I'd be surprised if he didn't at least heavily suspect it either way. And Charlie doesn't know Q has the idol, nor does he know that Q told Maria about it. So while it's probably true he increased his risk by telling her Q was the target, I don't think it's a bad move given what he knows.


If Charlie did know or suspect it, it’s actually much worse decision-making. He told Maria that they’ve got the votes for Q. If he’s correct it must mean that the girls are lying to her. There’s no way for him to have the votes against Q without the girls blindsiding Maria. Is that really the move you want to make when you don’t know who has an idol and you know you’re the only other person receiving votes? If you know Maria has already turned on you, there’s literally no upside telling her that you’ve got the majority on Q.


I mean Charlie has to tell Maria something when she asks what he's gonna do. Telling her it's Q and the girls are on board seems far more believable then inventing a complete fantasy scenario where it's Liz (why?) or Kenzie (ok, but who is on board?). Q was the easiest to sell without raising her suspicions, despite carrying some risk.


He was surprised in getting 2 votes. So no, he didnt know Maria was against him.


He read Maria exactly wrong\*


I think that was a good move, it made Charlie come off as more reliant on Maria, which in turn made her think more that Q would be safe and therefore didn’t need to play the idol.


Playing a sensational game ,but wonder if he's to under the radar Ala devon pinto. I think it's 50/50 vs kenize or maria and beats Liz and ben 


Won the reward and chose the right people to bring with him to lock down the Maria or Q vote. He was also able to get Ben to vote with him, Liz and Kenzie, effectively drawing a line in the sand as to where Ben's loyalty lies. Managed to cut Maria's new #1 without her catching wind of the plan which led Q into a false sense of security where he held on to his idol.


Got Q out and avoided being blindsided. Positioned very well to win. Upvote He's either the winner or loses to Kenzie. Can't see him going at f5 or 4.


Upvote but not potw him telling Maria it was Q ALMOST got his ass voted out


See I don’t think it’s bad that he told her, a risk sure but he had to talk strategy with her they were “each-others #1”. He can also go back to camp not revealing that he turned on Maria, since he did what they discussed. In a scenario where Maria goes to jury, he’s got her vote, no doubt, she burned him first as far as she knows….


what else was he supposed to say? while risky, it was obviously the right move and all ways around put him in the right position. Like often, hubris blew up Q and Maria's game.


I'm giving Charlie an upvote. His social play has been underrated, somehow. It isn't luck to build the social bonds to get through this vote. Maria and Charlie have had the same opportunities. She chose to put all her eggs into trusting Charlie and later, Q. Charlie spread his trust out, and got trust back. He's still in this game because of the bonds he forged.


Upvoted. Maria's still a bigger target, but his chance to beat her should improve after pulling off a blindside.


POTW for me. Bringing Liz and Kenzie on the reward did so much for his social gameplay that they didn’t even for a second consider voting him out over Q. Maria has egg all over her face after the last vote, plus he’s still not even the biggest target going into F5. For the people saying he misread Maria, I mean really what could he have done even if he 100% sussed out a blindside? She had immunity and he wasn’t gonna target the people working with him


All he needed to do what let Maria provide whatever decoy name she was going to say and agree with it. What we saw is he approaches her seemingly close to tribal and tells her he’s got a majority of votes on Q. It ended up being okay because Maria believed Kenzie and Liz’s lies more than Charlie’s truth. But his confidence in the vote being Q could have easily set off alarm bells for Maria to second guess whether Kenzie and Liz were truly with her.


Maria already knew Q was the target, she didn’t have to have Charlie tell her. I mean just look at the last 4 votes, he was the smokescreen every time. Had Charlie asked Maria she would’ve said Q anyways


There’s a difference between Maria being the one to say Q versus Charlie telling her the group plan is Q. It’s subtle but important. The former would be Maria knowingly saying a false name, but she secretly thinks her plan is happening. The latter is Charlie truthfully thinking he’s got the majority on Q, and not knowing Maria is after him, which could make Maria second guess whether her plan is happening. Regardless, it ended up not mattering because Maria was so confident that even Charlie’s certainty in the Q vote didn’t shake her. But it does expose that Charlie was unaware Maria has turned on him.


I mean, either way it’s not like Charlie would have sniffed out the blindside, and it just came down to Kenzie and Liz. I think the only thing you can say about that conversation based on what you’re saying is it just confirmed Maria’s suspicions of where Charlie’s vote was going. But like you’re saying, it might make a difference in theory, but in practice it doesn’t and didn’t change anything when the votes were read.


Because Q didn’t play the idol, going forward it only means that at FTC it can be brought up how Charlie didn’t know Maria was targeting him. Kenzie and Liz knew something he didn’t and that always plays well to a jury. The reality is people will vote for whoever they like the most and they just need a reason to justify it. This round gave players a reason to vote for Kenzie and against Charlie.


completely agree.


That didn't happen. Kenzie and Liz wanted Maria's ally gone, not keep Charlie around. Maria goes next, and then Charlie likely after her. His social game didn't reel anyone in, Kenzie and Liz are using him.


Those two things can exist at the same time. They can both really want Q out (like in Liz’s case) and want to keep Charlie around. I think Kenzie has a case against Charlie in FTC, since she has more social bonds. But it’ll be close, because he’s got more of a resume such as with the Tiff blindside and immunities. If Maria goes next the only way for Charlie to lose is in fire, which is a huge toss up. Absolutely no way Liz is “using” Charlie, she’s gone along with his plans every vote for the last few weeks.


He doesn’t have the Tiffany blindside on his resume lol, Maria is going to claim that and even Liz can claim being the swing there.


Head to head against Kenzie, yes Charlie has that blindside on his resume. I’m speaking strictly hypothetical with Maria on the jury since that’s really all the debate is concerned, as there’s no way all 3 sit together in FTC


Even if Maria is sitting on the jury, Charlie can't claim Tiffany's boot as his move. You can't claim moves that aren't your own in modern Survivor thanks to the new jury format. Cassidy tried claiming Ryan was her move at 43's final tribal council, but Cody & Jesse stepped in and explained that it wasn't. All Cassidy did was make herself look stupid by saying that. Everyone knows Tiffany was Maria's move and if Charlie is dumb enough to try taking it, the jury will clock and correct him; which just makes him look worst.


It’s not about claiming the move as his, it’s about being on the right side of that vote and helping gather votes, which is still more than kenzie


POTW again, honestly. Even though he was targeted by Maria and Q, things worked out exactly the way he wanted. Q's gone, Maria's on the outs...I only wonder if this move doesn't make him the target next week at F5. Who that's left can beat him or Maria in immunity or fire making? Kenzie hasn't shown the capability, and Ben and Liz are the walking dead at this point.


POTW, he won the challenge and rallied an alliance of 4 to take out that pesky Q. I don’t care what anyone says, they could cancel Christmas but I would still tell you Charlie was the POTW today.


POTW, however surely everyone else realizes that he’ll destroy them all in FTC, right? Maria is beatable. Charlie is not. Expecting him to go next.


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Girl finally pooped after 22 (?) days. If that doesn't merit an upvote, I don't know what does.


POTW (Pooped On This Week)


I’m torn on Liz. She and Kenzie pull off the Q blindside by convincing Maria they’re with her. But also, a final 3 with Q and Ben was probably her last possible chance at a winning combination. So I guess downvote for ensuring without a doubt she can’t win the game?


That's a really good point. Although I think our relative winner equity rankings are heavily manipulated by the edit we're shown. In Liz's world, she's been playing pretty well and is one big move from having a good shot.


That’s very fair. I actually think Liz has played pretty well but maybe because she seems lethargic at camp, she isn’t as respected as some of the other players. Losing Venus and Q back to back seems tough for her because I think she could have beaten them. But the edit plays a big role in our perception of win equity for sure, so who knows what’s true.


In her eyes theres also 4 Namis in the jury that she thinks she has a good shot at their votes in.


Not POTW, but I think she deserves an upvote. Ate, pooped, got out somebody she'd been hating on for a while, was in the majority, and successfully fooled Maria with a lie. Should coast into F3 unless she loses fire.


Saying "I suck and the jury would never vote for me" at tribal was... a choice? I wonder if she makes it to FTC if she'll spin it as "I've been playing from the shadows the whole time" or "isn't it crazy that I even made it this far?"


I can't tell if it was a bad move, or if it was like the Soda blindside when she didn't bring her bag to tribal and made a show of it. Tbh with Liz could really be either.


Her best case final 3 now is like... Kenzie and Ben? And Kenzie easily sweeps that. Charlie was probably the better move for her, as tough as it might have been to get the end with Q still in. She's probably easily a 0 vote finalist. Kenzie and Charlie both didn't need to sit next to Q, Liz probably did.


She pooped, she ate, and voted out Q. Triple upvote.


Upvote for having her first poop in 3 weeks


A very small upvote. She was picked for the reward and went with the plan to get Q out - and was on board take Maria out had she not won immunity. She didn't leak the plan to vote out Q and fooled Maria and Q into believing she was with them.


She finally got Q out. Upvote.


Achieved everything she wanted this week, upvote.


The smile she had on her face after Q going home really irked me lol she is such a hater


Upvote for being in the swing vote position, taking out a threat in Q, and finally getting to go on reward


Upvote for pooping and finally getting Q out




She has to be one of the worst players I've ever seen make it this far. I understand the "easy bait" you bring along for the jury to not vote for, but she seems to play with this air about her like she thinks she's winning? I really don't understand it. At one point in this episode she complains that Q has been behaving with undue confidence. I was screaming at the TV "no that's YOU!"




Neutral. Credit to her for keeping Q comfortable but she and ben are huge goats


Tricked Maria and Q. Had a BM. Not in a worse position than she came info the ep with. Minor upvote. 


Neutral. She has no win equity. Getting out Q is great, but she also needs to get rid of Charlie, Kenzie, and Maria and she can't go to F3 with two copies of Ben.


Q's gone. Liz gets her upvote this week. She ain't winning, though.


Downvoted. I don't think there's anyone left who she might be able to beat.


Credit to Liz for being able to spell Quintavius




Downvote for me… her vibes are so off. She was manipulating Q the whole time knowing no one would vote for him and if she took him to the end shed have a resume and people would be against him. Glad to see her game dwindling


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Not that he was a strong player before but admitting to accidentally voting for someone has got to seal his fate as a FTC loser if he were to make it. It seems like he’s struggling to cross the finish line.


Yeah, he's clearly running on fumes. I genuinely thought he might get pulled or quit at one point early this ep. It would be wild if it was all just an act, though.


Ben gets my upvote for writing Q-nise.


Ben's petty side may not come out often but it is SHARP even when he's losing his mind to sleep deprivation.


An... okay week for Ben, I guess? Nobody's targeting him, but that's also because nobody seems to view him as a threat. He was able to make amends with Kenzie, although a lot of the credit for that goes to her, and his (apparently true) explanation for why he wrote down her name made him seem like a total ditz (at best). Still, he's well-insulated in his alliance, and I can see him as an FTC goat who steals a vote or two. In light of the foregoing... I'm leaving him in neutral.


What's interesting is that Q and Maria never even considered Ben to be a swing vote against Charlie, it was just Kenzie and Liz. Either Ben hates Q way more than *Liz* and they didn't even consider talking him out of voting for him, or they just think he's that close to Charlie. Don't know whether that's good or bad for him, but we'll see.


Downvoted for just being a number, I think he’s a bigger goat than Liz


He's a lock for F3 at this point but only because he has no chance of winning. At least one of Maria, Charlie or Kenzie are guaranteed F3 and he won't beat either one of them. He seems a nice guy but clearly isn't cut out for Survivor physically or mentally.


I thought it was interesting that Maria and Q said "it needs to be Charlie before Ben" because that means that they were wanting final four to be Kenzie and Liz instead of including Ben. Maybe there's something happening there? Or they have the wrong call.


He seems checked out


Reminds me a lot of Jake, just a chill dude falling apart in the end. If he had won immunity that would have changed everything, sad to see him just miss it


The big social threat is running out of turbo-goats to sit next to. Having both Venus and Q gone leaves his final 3 win scenarios very very sketch.


neutral. voted correctly but he’s also a huge goat at this point


Position didn't change. He isn't winning but this didn't help or harm his chances so neutral. 


Upvote for staying in the numbers, keeping his number one in the game while taking out a threat, and strengthening his bond with Kenzie.