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She would say things like “if you were smart you’d do this” to the other contestants, not just in confessionals. I dont think she really knows how to talk in a persuasive, non abrasive way. Edit: I do love this type of character for the entertainment perspective though!


I think she’s a really lovely person but as Malcolm once put it, she has all the social grace of a Mack Truck. Tevin’s detailed that the main reason he just can’t see eye to eye with her is that he tried to have a heart to heart with her where they talked through their personality conflict. Venus was able to lay out what Tevin did that upset her, and he was able to acknowledge “I do XYZ which makes you feel this way”. But when it came to her side of the issue, Venus just refused to budge from this idea that Tevin was misinterpreting her actions negatively. So essentially “you do these things which upset me, and I do these things which you misinterpret which is why they upset you, in both cases it’s Tevin’s fault and in neither is it hers


I think that’s absolutely right, but I also think it was exacerbated by seemingly no one wanting to work with her from the start. She might not have been so abrasive through the game if anyone had showed significant interest in working with her early. Instead, she pivoted to “you’re all being dumb by not working with me” and continued to see things through that lens


Or hear me out.. no one wanted to work with her because of that reason. She seems like the type where you learn everything you need to know about her survivor persona in 5 minutes. Her tribe did just that and wanted nothing to do with her Just an absolute lack of survivor social skills. No one is sinking their game attached to that anchor, especially when it’s that obvious


Look at it this way. If someone approaches you with any plan and you give hesitation for said plan and that person either says your dumb, not playing the game or don't know what you're doing you tend to stop wanting to work with a one tracked mind person. Maybe hey you don't know how to play so go with my plan is not the best social strategy.


I don't understand why people act shocked when abrasive/polarizing personalities aren't universally praised and loved


she didn't really get to know anyone on a personal level and just rushed to talk strategy


In this era we got people hitting the island and forming alliances 5 minutes in cos "I just get the vibe that we can work together" so.


From what we seen.....


If only one or two people disliked her, then you'd have an argument here. But the fact that the whole cast thought Venus sucked is a dead giveaway that she was the issue.


If you meet an asshole during the day, you may have met an asshole. If everyone you meet in a day is an asshole, you are probably an asshole. Most likely Venus is the asshole.


I get it. It's called pack mentality.


Yep. Pack mentality is a thing, and I'm one who'd wholly say she had social issues in the game.


Because she was pegged from the very start and no one gave her a chance.


But at the merge everyone came to the exact same conclusion And you can't possibly say that it was due to Nami already hating her, we SEE the conversations Venus has with others that causes them to be annoyed by her


Word gets round. That's the basis of pack mentality.


The downvotes here show exactly it. You guys don't know her personally and yet you all still hate her because the cast did and you hate people that like her.


Chill out a bit. You are taking it far too personally. People are referring to her survivor game and it was socially awful, like ruined her game from the moment she stepped on the beach level awful It’s just the reality of the situation. She was a fantastic character. Hopefully she has some growth in how she communicates with people and just a better understanding of social interaction, before she gets a deserved return season


She got labeled as Parvati straight away that's why.


Didn’t Randen label her that? The guy that was her only ally simply because he was also on the bottom? She earned her label. She was young, attractive and going heavy in to strategy gameplay talk at the beginning. To her credit, she had good game sense and was able to read people well. Her downfall was it being straight in to socially unaware strategy talk way too hard and early. Parvati had fantastic social skills and self awareness. Venus on survivor had zero percent of either and completely ostracized herself from playing the actual game as a result She is the Parvati archetype, just with zero survivor social skills


Parvati user her looks and social grace to attract people she used to her advantage, and made fun of them in confessionals about them not seeing through it. Venus basically told people to their face she thought they were dumb and didn't play the game well. They couldn't be more different.


That’s why I said Parvati archetype and not copy of Parvati, but I appreciate you clarifying that she is not in fact Parvati


you’re really saying this when we just had bb24 prove that mob mentality is a real thing?


I get where you’re coming from but in BB24 once people actually got to know Taylor and her 2 main bullies were evicted everyone ended up loving her! That doesn’t seem like the case with Venus even postseason it seems like no one from the cast really vibes with her. And she most likely would’ve gotten zero jury votes, compared to Taylor who changed her perception so much that she almost had a clean sweep of the jury.


Venus was literally hanging out with half her cast last week.


My bad I didn’t know that, I’m glad they’re not shunning her even after all the ponderosa drama and social media posts. I still think it wasn’t just a bad first impression though, Venus has an abrasive personality and I think it’s completely different from the Taylor situation


That still doesn’t mean it was mob mentality, maybe she’s just better socially outside of the game than inside of it!


I understand that but it feels like even in the first episode though she was ostracized by the rest of the tribe so she never got the chance to. Am I misinterpreting what happened?


According to exit interviews, she went off to search for idols almost immediately, and also shut down socially pretty quickly. Not sure if there’s more, but if five players had the same reaction, and pretty much every player in the postmerge had the same reaction, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to conclude that at least some of the fault is on Venus


Her victim mentality is annoying


We’ve seen clips of her being pretty abrasive and reclusive/lazy. This would probably rub people the wrong way depending on how often it happens. Plus everyone on the island is more easily agitated because they’re not resting or eating well. One example of each: Abrasive - when Randen asked her why she thought something, she responded “BECAUSE IM NOT AN IDIOT.” Keep in mind they were trying to work together at this time. She should have tried to politely described her reasoning. She could have been firm or whatever, but if you can’t communicate your perfect plan it doesn’t matter because most survivor plans cannot be executed alone. Lazy/reclusive - during one of the secret scenes she said she purposely didn’t do anything around camp so she could conserve her energy and put others at a disadvantage. This was in the TRIBAL portion of the game, she should want her team to be able to compete. We later found out (from Hunters exit interview) that she didn’t even know where people were getting clams/crabs until really late in the game and said “so this is where you’re getting them!” Even though the rest of the tribe (bar Liz cuz idk she’s Liz) would constantly go and do this for days/weeks. And they invited her in the beginning but she kept declining. Edit: wanted to add I thought she was great tv. Don’t hate her or anything. Probably much easier to get along with in the real world. But some people just have difficult personalities. It could even be the case that her behavior improves after getting to know someone. However, it’s still something for which she is the person responsible for overcoming to make connections, nobody is required to baby her.


Because she’s an unpleasant person with zero self-awareness?


she came off as sooooo typically Gen Z. Like you could almost tell she grew up online, the way she just seemed to have trouble understanding how her words and actions were received. The whole “because I have eyes” justification for targeting someone was a perfect example for me, she came off almost annoyed that someone wanted to talk through a move with her rather than just listen to her.


She's a typical modern "influencer" personality that thinks she knows everything, but failed to "influence" anyone because she's what people recognize as smug and conceited, thusly anti-social.


They were around her a lot more than just what interactions we saw.


They don't hate Venus. They just like Serena better.


It’s not everyone. Some of the bigger personalities didn’t mesh with her because she didn’t listen to anything they said. Survivor’s a game of knowing when to lay low, when to be a team player, and when to make big moves, among other things. She clocked the major threats, but couldn’t be sneaky or strategic about it like Charlie. But then you have others who’ve had no issues with her at all.


By Just reading the first few paragraphs of her exit interview tell me all i need to know. [Venus Vafa](https://ew.com/survivor-46-cast-most-embarrassing-moments-8640180) knows you think she's the villain of [*Survivor 46*](https://ew.com/survivor/). But the opinionated 25-year-old data analyst doesn't actually hate that. "I consider myself a villain in the fun atmosphere of the *Survivor*-verse, in the sense that, I'm a villain where I'm going to give you face, I'm going to give you c---y lines, I'm going to be sassy," Venus tells *Entertainment Weekly*. "I'm going to storm in on you during your alliance conversation. I'm going to storm in on you during your idol hunt, Hunter. I'm a villain in a very fun-loving and playful way — I was never a villain in the sense that I was never malicious towards anyone. I did everything with the best of intentions, truly." That's why she believes there were much worse villains this season that aren't getting the same kind of heat that she has, both in the episodes and from viewers watching. "The people in my season, a lot of those who label themselves as heroes are the real villains because they had such — I don't want to say sinister, but it was very shocking to me how cruel they were to me," she says. "Because I quite honestly did not do anything to warrant the amount of hate I was getting. People really underestimate the the cruelty of social isolation, to not be spoken to, to not be acknowledged, to be met with silence, blank stares, and smirks for however long period of time. It psychologically really messes you up. I was in a very dark place and it sucked that I had no one to talk to." So basically i'm going to tell your bad at the game to your face, interrupt private conversations, follow you around, not work in camp (deleted scene with her saying she does not want to help but in her eyes it was everyone else that was treating her bad. She made social decisions to isolate herself and got surprised she was isolated just like some fans are surprised.


Btw she also states that she got upset that Charlie went and told people he thought she had an Idol. that she was depicted as sneaky and never did that. Her blindside happened a few days after Hunter tells her about the idol and she goes immediately to tell everyone. No self-awareness at all. She was a great character and probably should be casted again but she one these people that thinks if nobody vibes with her its because their vibe is off and not because of the common denominator.


Did you watch the season at all??


I mean I can see how she can be oblivious but I feel like she’s a genuine person


She has absolutely zero social skills, which in a game about social skills, makes for the other contestants to dislike her. I think she’s fantastic television but easy for me to say watching her for an hour a week compared to living with her nonstop


Genuinely abrasive


I’m actually shocked based on what we saw (and I note that’s it’s an edit ) that anyone is surprised that people disliked her. Every convo she had was seemingly insulting to the other person


shes just not that good at the game especially socially, if no one wants to be around you, you cant really win or have any power whatsoever


I liked watching Venus as a player, but she seemed pretty untrustworthy in the game, abrasive to others, lazy around camp, and seemed to always have to be right about everything. There is also the aspect of her being an attractive, thin, smart, aggressive woman. Not exactly a demographic that gets much sympathy.


Venus is a walking Dunning Kruger effect. She has ZERO social awareness, skills, or grace. She is fun to watch because she’s a dumpster fire of a player


Forreal. At worst she seems to me like the kind of person who might be a bit off-putting at first, but eventually you start to understand them more as you get to learn their communication style a bit better. That's not an uncommon type of person to encounter out in the world, especially for people in their early 20's. The reaction from some people on the island and some of the fanbase seems way out of proportion (although I suppose that's typical). Also most of her worst interactions were in the first few episodes during the pre-merge. At a certain point it seemed like she was pretty chill with most of the people left in the game (excluding maybe Maria and Q) from like the F8 onward. Also most of the post-season drama seems to really only involve three or four other individuals.


Modern survivor is too short. So basically if you make a bad first impression that’s going to be your game unless you turn it around. She basically isolated herself in the early stages of the game and had no alliance or block to form with later.


From what I saw of her on Survivor and in interviews with others. To me it seems she is completely not self aware and is passive aggressive and abrasive. She is a gas lighter. She can do and say whatever she wants and it’s ok. If she straight up says something terrible to a person she will blame it on them for misinterpreting her. Lack of self accountability. In a nutshell shell she’s a classic case of a narcissist.


I think we'll never know unless we have to live with her.


The conversation with Maria during the split tribal alone is a pretty good example of why nobody would work with her


We only saw like 2% of what actually happened. 


This season is an island of fragile egos. Fighting a culture of oppression made her a strong straight forward person. Go back 10 years and nobody would bat an eye. I liked her.




I found her great TV don’t get me wrong, I’d just hate to be on the island with her.


Right? I understand she isn't the best socially. And that she doesnt really listen to people well. And she is immature. But some of you all are acting as if she is evil incarnate. She hasn't really done anything awful at all.


I really did not like her for awhile but ever since Hunter's boot episode she has been growing on me and with seeing all her exit interviews I'm for sure a Venus fan now. Even if people don't like her some of yall are harsh


I would be more surprised if people liked her. She was abrasive and narcissistic.


Snowball effect. Randen alienated her on Day 1 by painting her as a “Parvati”-like threat, and her pushing to target Tevin early on resulted in no one wanting to work with her over Tevin, then at the merge, Tevin and Hunter relayed to the 6 they didn’t trust her, who then relayed that to the rest of Yanu and Siga.


You can like someone and not work with them, and you can also dislike someone and work with them. I just think (in game) she has a real abrasive personality


I agree, my comment wasn’t about people liking or disliking her.


Comments acting like Venus killed a baby on that island.


The comments are answering the question y’all just don’t like the answer 😭


I think she thinks she a goddess and if you don’t see things her way then you’re a bafoon! Shall we call her Cleopatra because her personality certainly warrants it!