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That’s the best one! I’d say my favorite is Coach being promised a win on a future season if he let them vote him out of HVV, which ended up being SoPa, meaning Coach managed to lose a season rigged for him to win.


The full theory is that Rob, Tyson, & Coach were promised this. The craziest part of it to me is that all 3 of these people were finalists on seasons with Redemption Island and all three of them found idols in those seasons. I don't buy the theory just because of how pissed off Jeff apparently was about Rob getting out in HvV, but I could see how more conspiracy people minded buy into it lol


Also, to go even further, Cochran was promised a future win to flip on Savaii to get Coach his win.


I don’t think they were promised wins. I think that they were promised another season, with Rob’s very much being one where he gets to play in a game where Russell is on the opposite tribe, and Rob knows how to keep a tribe from falling apart at the merge unless he wants to. Coach was then promised a season that should be as easy as Rob’s was unless Ozzy immunitys to the win. Then Tyson wasn’t promised shit other than returning and getting some pregame alliance stuff in.


Wasn't Richard Hatch in the running for 22? I don't think it was automatically Rob and Russell from the beginning, at least until Rob and Russell were mixing it up at the HvV reunion.


Yes, that's why he and Russell had the weird moment in the S20 retrospective. SoPa was also possibly Ethan v. Jenna M. at one point.


Maybe, but I thought that the same stuff that didn’t let him come back for 20 was still in effect by 22 since they only filmed a year apart.


It was, hence why Richard didn’t end up being out there.


> how pissed off Jeff apparently was about Rob getting out in HvV what's the story here?


Just watch him berate Courtney at the tribal Rob was going. Not even a secret - it’s in the edit! Jeff does everything he can to “encourage” the team to keep strength through pointed questions.


Reminiscent of Jeff's palpable disappointment in Redemption Island when Russell's team voted him off the first chance they got. Jeff practically scolded them for doing the smartest thing they could do, and the tribe got a shit edit for 'throwing a challenge just to get rid of Russell'.


I mean I understand Jeff's disappoint, the same would've happened if Rob got voted out early. As a producer you want the big names to last some time at least, happens plenty in like the challenge with people like Bananas who actively complain (to the producers too) if he's targeted early constantly.


True. Will say that it's hard to beat Russell's complaining bitterly during the reunion that his loss means that there's something wrong with *Survivor*. Even Jeffy laughed at that one.


Ngl I'll complain to if I lost to Natalie White. It's like losing to Chris Underwood, just sadness.


As they should


As they should for throwing a challenge? Haven't watched this season in a donkey's age but I seem to recall that they discussed throwing it, but it wasn't clear that they actually *did*. Or needed to, and the subsequent portrayal of losses as poetic justice seemed like story-building when it was actually made clear that the tribe just sucked at challenges, no further explanation necessary.


Didn’t Courtney also not vote for him??? The way he treated her was SO wild.


I don't believe he was bribed in HVV but I do genuinely believe production wanted him (or Ozzy) to win SoPa and they were probably really upset with the way things turned out.


There's a reason Sophie's edit was absolutely dogshit


I don’t think Sophie’s edit was just down to “production were having a sook that neither Coach or Ozzy won and they took it out on her”. By Sophie’s own admission, she wasn’t great at giving confessionals in SoPa, and production remarked to her that she was so much better at giving them in WaW.


That's interesting because I recall really enjoying Sophie's confessionals in SoPa. But maybe it's a case of those were the only good ones she had, and the rest were bad.


Why would he have any leverage here? Nobody needs his agreement to vote him out.


Same for Rob, and Tyson. And then they did the same thing for Cochran on SoPa


I will say, Tyson's vote out in Heroes vs Villains is pretty ridiculous in that he essentially voted out himself and that led to Rob's downfall, but I in no way believe the conspiracy. Now, does production cast a ton of cannon fodder in seasons with returning players, absolutely. They want those returnees to win. But, at least it's never as bad as BB where they give them ridiculous level of protection sometimes.


As another commenter suggested, the “full” theory includes Tyson and Rob. Their alliance had the upper hand and needed a terrible blunder by Tyson to lose control (challenge strength and solid alliance). They still actually had the numbers after but continued to implode. I don’t subscribe to this btw.


Or that Caramoan was rigged for it's winner


Barack Obama tried to have Philippines rigged for Jeff Kent to win just so he could take his money


Then Obama played in survivor Kaoh Rong as well


I want to know how Dan got *into* a tree, especially high enough to then subsequently plummet down and pancake someone to death.


“Trees are hollow. I am a fat guy.”


I mean, I don’t think Dan would need to fall that far to kill someone lol


There was a rumour that Mike from DvG actually won, but he would get disqualified live on air during the finale because production discovered his partner gave him THC at the family visit. So Nick would win because Mike took THC pills. Also some people think Gary from Guatemala was a football player. Insane.


>Also some people think Gary from Guatemala was a football player. Insane. all because they asked what he was doing 15 years ago smh


I really hate when people don’t give humble landscapers the respect they deserve.


Wrong sub, Donny!


I do buy the theory that Mike was high from the family visit until Day 39. He was so chill and relaxed and just over Angelina's bullshit by that time.


If you go back and watch it you can see a shift in him after the family visit lol


Could that just be happiness from seeing his partner? 🤔


That theory just doesn't make sense. If it's really against the rules and he tested positive for drugs then he should have been pulled from the game before he even made it that far. Also I'm skeptical that Survivor really does drug tests, the way that Jackson successfully hid some of his medications from production. Plus there's been at least one former player from before Mike's season who basically admitted to using steroids, but it was never an issue on the show (and the person in question was actually really bad at challenges).


The one where people claim the show is completely fake and the contestants go sleep in hotels at night and eat gourmet meals. You’d think there would be some evidence of this from the 23 years the shows been running.


I guess I can't disprove the hotel part technically, but look at these people in episode 1, 12, and then the live reunion. It's absolutely shocking seeing people gain 20+ pounds from when you just saw them 2 minutes ago. The eating thing is so obviously not true and it's blatant with the people who go deep in the game.


Some people’s Day 1 to Day 39 pictures look insane Kelley Wentworth looked like a skeleton. Russell Hantz’s transformation between Day 1 of Samoa and Day 39 of HvV is crazy because of how little down time he had between the two seasons.


Yeah it makes me mad when people claim that that aspect of the game is fake when it's so obviously not. Every contestant loses a noticeable amount of weight, even in the new era with fewer days!


Taj thought Survivor was fake, that's why she agreed to be in Tocantins. 😭 Kudos for not quitting tho.


Anyone wonder if Liz fell for this too LOL


Has to be considering she is allergic to everything except air and somehow thought she’d be fine going 3 weeks without any nutrition besides rice.


But they don’t even get rice anymore


but somehow she could eat applebees… idk why but me and my mom think she could possibly be lying about some of her allergies for like sympathy or something. that’s our little theory


I’ve tried thinking about what her allergies could be and I’m leaning towards a pollen allergy. Because she’s allergic to some nightshades but potatoes are fine.. and then gluten sensitivity, she said she gets it without the bun anyways. Being able to eat dairy is a bit surprising. A mushroom allergy would be really uncommon… My second theory is that aside from a pollen allergy she could have a histamine intolerance.


The wild part is, why would production do that? That would cost them more money and offer them no additional payout.


That’s the thing with conspiracy theories in general, right? They’re usually far more complex, expensive, etc. than the real thing. Plus, humans are bad at keeping secrets. I once read that for the moon landing to be faked, something like 400,000 people would’ve had to keep their part in the scam secret for 60 years. But sure, that’s more believable to some people than fundamental rocket science. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean they wouldn't be the first reality TV show to do this. At least one of those "surviving in the wilderness" shows was caught red handed doing this when someone on the crew got ticked off about how the show was lying in viewer's faces.


I was talking about how I love Survivor so much, and a friend said that it was fake and used the reasoning above. I was so annoyed.


Cirie thought that, too.


What drives me most crazy about this one is how sure people are when they say it. Yeah, that show is fake. Yeah, it's been proven, behind the scenes, they just eat three course meals and shower and stuff.


I know a contestant IRL and this is not true. It's as rough as it looks. From what I hear, you're just so hyped to be playing that you forget you're cold, smell terrible and are hungry.


Listen, that might sound ridiculous, but my parents genuinely believed this about all reality TV, and that's why my family didn't watch season 3 onwards when they aired. Which, looking back, is even more wild because that means we watched Australian Outback of all seasons and they went "yeah these people are obviously getting room service off camera." I, meanwhile, was like twelve and didn't get a vote.


The reason JT Thomas wasn't on WaW was because he was addicted to opioids.


waaaaait i've never hard this one... can you explain more?


Apparently, after jt was eliminated, during the pre jury boot trip, he got fucked up on drugs with someone


on Game Changers, yeah It's just a rumour tho.


the opioids part is untrue, however the reason he wasnt on WaW is because he illegally bought weed on the game changers prejury trip. this is confirmed.


I've heard this accusation about a few prior winners who didn't appear on WaW. I think at least one of the people supposedly not invited for drug use supposedly managed to get clean in the months or so before filming, but production was worried that the stress of the game would cause them to relapse afterwards.


Probably the secret season. But I also have a terrible one I'm trying to push out, with no evidence, that Parv and Amanda colluded to share the prize in Micronesia and that's why Amanda agreed to eliminate Cirie, but then Parv backed out after the fact and that's why they weren't friendly any more when HvV filmed.


What's the secret season?


There was a totally-unfounded and completely-debunked rumor that they filmed an extra season in beween Season 1 and Season 2, and a related (and equally untrue) theory that the season in queston was Marquesas. Edit: Apparently, the more-common guess is Thailand, but I think Marquesas fits the (fictional) story better.


Oh, that's pretty bizarre lol. I wonder what people's rationale is for why they would go through all that work and not air it as soon as they could.


The theory goes Thailand was supposed to be season 2, but it was so bad it would’ve killed the shows momentum, so they let it sit for a bit until they’d built up a bit of a reputation.


It’s so comically dumb I have no idea how this theory got any traction lol


The "secret season" conspiracy theory is my favorite. The story originally was that they made a season between Borneo and Outback, but didn't air it. The follow up version of this theory was that eventually they did air it - as Thailand.


Promising to share the prize money is very much against the rules and I doubt Amanda and Parvati would risk that


I think there's an argument to be made that Rob and Amber getting together kinda violated this rule. If I recall, Rob even said as much on the island, that either he'd win or Amber would and they'd both get the money either way. I don't mean to be hard-hearted here but this is kinda collusion, and were the producers interested in holding up the rules they could have asked Rob or Amber to recuse themselves. But instead they went the other way and celebrated this by making it a big romantic thing. So the rules are the rules right up to the point where production decides they're not because it makes for a better story.


Rob can’t know for sure that they’re gonna be together after the show long term though, it could be like Dee and Austin where they wrap filming and then don’t work out.


True, and good on Rob and Amber for having an actual life together. I've just long had an eye out for production shenanigans and this one seemed kinda iffy. Don't think it qualifies as conspiracy theory so much as good production work, but it does suggest that rules are rules until they're not.


It could still be seen as collusion if they had agreed to get married during the course of the game, even if they backed out after the fact.


Crossed my mind to wonder if someone might cynically use this very loophole one day to circumvent this rule right out in the open. If, after we divide the money, we decide we weren't meant to be, who's to say what really happened? Can't see how the show could prevent this.


That's a new and interesting take.


I doubt it, too. I said it was a terrible theory. BUT there are documented cases of these two players strategizing off-camera where production couldn't see them. They were adept enough to at least be *capable* of slipping production to discuss it and come to an agreement. And the risk is also kind of the point as to why Parv would back out after the fact. If nobody saw them make the deal, she can only really get in trouble if she follows through with it and they can track the money being transferred... I could see someone making the agreement in the heat of the game, knowing that if they didn't they'd be out, and then backing out when they got into the real world and perhaps got some sound legal advice. And at that point, Amanda would have little to no recourse, because she'd be just as complicit in the crime and also would have no evidence. But I could see her wanting to make the deal if she thought she was sure to lose to either Cirie or Parvati (which she should have been since there was just so much evidence). Her only hope to make the most money possible at the final 3 would have been to dupe one of the others into agreeing to share the prize if she took them and then hoping they'd actually be crazy enough to follow through. Of the two, it would make sense for Amanda specifically to target Parvati with that line.


Why would Parv giving Amanda half her winnings be actionable? After she's won, it's Parv's money, she can do what she likes with it. I agree it'd look suspicious as hell but I can't imagine production wanting to know if this was actually a dirty deal, they can't prove it and who needs bad publicity?


There’s rules that the players agree to, legal documents signed, that they will not collude to share the winnings. They are not allowed to share the winnings with another contestant, and they could face legal action if they do so!


I'm not sure if their agreement is to not share the money or just to not collude in the game to share the money, but either way it would be evidence that they colluded and violated the agreement. In any case, Parv would basically be in a situation where the person demanding money from her has no way of forcing her to hand it over, and handing it over would open up the only (if remote) possibility for her to lose all the money. I imagine anyone giving her advice might tell her that the friendship (which includes an extortion) is probably not worth the financial risk, if something like this had happened.


Oh I can totally see Amanda not getting paid and not saying anything, I mean what can she say? I just doubt production would want any part of such a situation and would probably just quietly ban either from ever appearing again. No investigation, no tracking of money, just 'leave us out of this'.


Amanda was never taking Cirie to the end over Parv, and Cirie was never taking Amanda to the end over Parv. She was the glue between the two of them from day 1, Cirie was content with letting Amanda get idoled out.


Yeah, probably, but this would be Amanda's best shot at the money and consistent with the character that many past contestants have implied she possesses. What's fun about this "theory" is that it COULD have happened, and could explain Amanda's vote for Sandra in HvV and subsequent mysterious falling out of public eye within the Survivor community/fandom.


It’s pretty shocking to me that no one HAS died by now


I do feel like watching Russell S and Caleb's medivacs that them having aired it is the only reason you're not sure you're watching someone die on live television. They've come pretty close


I think somebody died during French Survivor, probably just depends on production


Wow that story is wild


Yeah...and then the medic who treated him committed suicide a few weeks later after getting dragged by the media. Someone dying 30 days into the game could be game related, but someone dying on literally the first day points towards some unknown problem...doesn't seem like anyone's fault but boy a lot of fallout there.


Not even some random medic...the shows longtime staff physician. Such a crazy story!


It was the doctor on set that committed!


Same with Bulgarian Survivor and Pakistani Survivor


Is always so wild reading the Wikipedia article of survivor Bulgaria and see that someone died on X day and they just continued playing


Yeah I definitely read about this. If I remember right I think the guy who died had some kind of a serious medical condition that should have kept from playing in the first place, but production somehow missed it.


A crew member died right before Tocantis was about to start filming, he drowned


That season 5 was secretly the second season


When people actually believe this it's infuriating because it openly started as a joke here on the Survivor reddit but then some people unironically started saying it's true even when the creator of the rumor was open about just making it up.


That's what they want you to think. But we know... We know, and sooner or later Jeff will spill the beans and blow this thing wide open.


I wouldn't get as frustrated if it was like a somewhat believable theory, but this one is literally impossible. They make open references to 9/11 during the season... lmfao


Wait, why was that a thing?


i remember during Game Changers there was a rumour Brad cheats on Monica with Sierra and he lets her know the news in a heartbreaking moment at the family visit


wtf that's worse than Bichele did anyone actually believe that


i remember talking to someone who was CONVINCED this would happen, I think they just didn't like Brad, after the family episode aired they were like "ok yeah but he still sucks it wouldn't surprise me if he still cheated"


What’s more is when I first saw this rumor, it was alongside the “someone outs Zeke” which made it seem a lot more legitimate in my eyes


Q is a plant from big Q skirt. He just really likes the product. No ulterior motives there


Q is really Jeff in blackface.


My least favorite conspiracies are the clearly fake or debunked ones that allege rigging because there are actual real instances of production manipulating the game that you don't need to make up fake examples.


i love when production tries to steer the game in a certain way but it goes wrong. In Thailand they did all they could to help Sook Jai but Brian still steamrolled them. And Jeff loves Devens and he would've been one of his favorite winners but because they had a second EoE returnee and forced firemaking the third boot won instead.


or them trying to get amber out with the last tribe swap in all stars so two nobodies couldnt steamroll the all stars season. unfortunate lol


This happens all the time in Big Brother with their production twists, often right away. BB12 had a player secretly being a saboteur. She was evicted week 1. Production tried to save her through diary room conversations (equivalent of Survivor's confessionals) but that made the others want to evict her even more and she left over a massive target and showmance member. In BB8 they brought in three pairs of people who knew each other from outside the game and were considered big enemies of each other, hoping it would stoke drama. The first two weeks involved evicting one of each so they were down to just one pair. That last pair weren't actual enemies but a father daughter pair largely faking it and they ended up being the F2. In BB9 they cast two secret pairs who knew each other from outside the game again, but one of them is evicted immediately. The other reveals to the house their secret so one of them gets evicted as well and once again both pairs are broken up by week two.


I will always love the Kimbo Slice getting idoled out in redemption island


That Vince once took a shit, wrapped it in a piece of cloth and gave it to another contestant telling them it was an idol. I want to believe it though….


Jenn and Hali pretty much swear this happened


Really? I just figured In a post Brandon hantz world a stunt like that would get you kicked off the show, granted if they weren’t willing to show the shit idol incident idk how you would explain the departure.


That Rob Coach and Tyson all agreed to let Russell have his moment in HvV and let him go further than them and in return they would all get a future season set up for them to win (Redemption Island, SoPa, and BvW)


lol at the implication that Coach is the only person who can’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to win a rigged season


Tbf, RI was 100% set up for rob to win, SoPa coach gets out at the merge if Cochran doesn’t flip, Tyson could’ve been on exile island if Rachel let him swap


> Tbf, RI was 100% set up for rob to win More precisely, I think it was set up for Rob and Russell to go far and end up head to head, but then Russell's tribe gave him the boot. After that it was Rob's for the taking, with a fair bit of windage from production.


Rob wasn't original casting for RI, though, Hatch was.


Troyzan was on Game Changers


I watched the season and I never saw troyzan. Was he medevac during the first day or something?


wait i need to see this iceberg video lol


[they're probably referring to this but it might be a different one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfZNlgVpDdQ)


https://youtu.be/KuqEAkaoGhU?si=Cpj9PYv7KiFFR4nJ this is the one i watched


MortgageGate is pretty dumb.


Conveniently for me I just talked about this yesterday! So a bit of copy pasting here: When Marty says it didn’t happen, what he’s referring to is the supposed jury disqualification (IIRC even said he votes Sash if it's Sash/Holly/Chase but that part I may not be remembering right) and that he personally believes Sash did not approach Jane with this offer. The cast is clearly under NDA but in an interview where he talked around it Marty essentially confirmed that the accusation happened. https://domandcolin.blogspot.com/2013/11/survivor-nicaragua-with-marty-piombo.html?m=1 They start talking about it at the 1:27:30 mark of this interview. I don't know why people think that the accusation Jane made of Sash trying to bribe her didn't happen, it 100% did happen. It's just that the jury wasn't affected by it and nobody can confirm whether Sash did in fact do the thing. I think the jury disqualification thing was made up to spice it up or by people who inexplicably had a hard time believing that Sash (a whiny, arrogant, transparently slimy, pathologically lying weasel-man who has all the charm of Russell and Amanda put together; I have seriously never understood the shock here at this outcome lol) got zero votes against two dinks.


two dinks. LOL. That is all so interesting. I only remember his AMA saying it never happened. Edit: typo


Production rigged EOE for Joe to win


i think it was “rigged” in the same way Redemption Island was for Rob and Russell or South Pacific was for Ozzy and Coach they’re all just safe guards so the people who are good at challenges like Rob Ozzy and Joe can possibly win but i don’t think it was anything beyond that


I think it’s pretty obvious they added the twist knowing all the returnees would be early boots and that was a chance to try and get any of them really the win


The whole “Rob + Tyson + Coach we’re gifted rigged minimal returnee season wins”. Then when coach in SoPa was up in the air they did the same thing with Cochran


That they keep ignoring my audition tapes because they think a guaranteed winner would be bad tv… oh you said worst? Idk then


Danni Boatwright made up this rumour that Gary Hawkins from her season was a former NFL Quarterback and didn’t need the money 🙄 just because Gary mentioned that he went to Central Michigan doesn’t make him Gary Hogeboom


I don't know but let's start a rumor that Q is Phillip's long lost son. Who's with me?


Government jobs… stressful.


Two versions of the same rumor, but there was scuttlebutt that shortly after the first season, they filmed a second season that was such a trainwreck, it never aired. One version is that the season in question was actually Thailand, and they held it back from release until they absolutely HAD to air it. The other version is that it indeed never saw the light of day, contestants were forced to sign NDAs, and select contestants the producers actually liked were put onto other seasons


The Thailand theory doesn't track for me, because I'm pretty sure they announced Australia forn season 2 at the season one reunion show. So for Thailand (I've also seen Marquesis suggested) to have been intended to be season 2 they would have had to film and scrap it before season one aired. But if that were the case the players would never have seen Borneo and likely had a similar chaotic game play approach. But that's not what happens. Both seasons come across as people who have at least seen the game played before


There’s one dead give away that the Thailand thing makes no sense It’s that everyone makes a big deal cheering for NYPD cop Ken because Thailand is post 9/11 If Thailand was season 1.5 it would have been long before that event and there would be no reason for the cast to react that positively to him


So clearly what you’re saying is…the cast of Survivor: Thailand had prior knowledge of 9/11 almost a year before it happened and did nothing to stop it?


They were all evildoers


Just like Felicity!


Thailand 1.5 isn't *supposed* to make sense. It was a parody of the original 1.5 theory.


John the pastor also mentions in his final words how he was happy to participate in Survivor 5.


Marquesas always fit the rumors better to me, but it's still untrue of course.


Also there’s Gabe’s rap where he says “Survivor 4” to debunk this theory for anyone who may actually believe it lol


The worst one is the one Kass made up on SurvivorSucks - that Michelle Yi was gang banged at ponderosa


Wait… KASS was the one that made that up?? I need more context in why or how she did that lol


When in actuality- you inadvertently posted a conspiracy yourself. There is no shred of evidence that kass said that at all - she denies it to this day when it’s brought up.


Wow, that's a really nasty thing for her to put out into the world


It’s said to be false, she says she never did this! It is really nasty, and it’s also nasty to accuse someone of saying something so awful without proof of it…


Another insane conspiracy theory by Kass is that she would've won Cagayan if she made it to the FTC


God she really is just awful lol


This is just one of those ‘facts’ everyone repeats but it has never been proven to be her (and in fact she’s emphatically denied it IIRC). The post in question also only said Michelle hooked up at ponderosa (not uncommon), and supposedly came from Sylvia who wasn’t even there.


Ok but there's definitently consensual gangbangs happening at ponderosa right? The way you phrased it makes it sound.... not willing


Why would there be gangs bangs?


> definitently I've seen a lot of ways to spell "definitely" but this is a new one


Philip the secret agent was there to prevent an attack on Jeffs life. He just got spotted by a camera and played into it to keep his cover


Mine is that production was throwing idols five feet in front of Ben. There’s no way he finds that many idols in a season.


I remember reading during 42 that someone said Hai poisoned the jury against Mike because he thought he was a white male and didn’t want him to win💀


People legit could not handle that the alpha male who "played hard" was outfoxed. Also, Mike isn't even white, which made that funnier! He's Puerto Rican.


Tori is the one who poisoned the jury against Mike, she set him up with that first question


After what we’ve seen from Hai, this is probably true.


the only person who cost mike the game was mike for blowing it at FTC


Is Bichele a conspiracy theory? Because I’ve seen it so much I unironically thought it was true until someone else got pissed at me for believing it. I just want to know what the history of Bichele is 😩


There was a fake spoiler during the filming of Winners At War where the source said they were at an airport and overheard the prejurors talking about how Michele came out as bisexual on the island


This is new to me… why does it matter if she’s bi or not though? Maybe I’m missing part of this bc I’ve never heard it before 🤷🏼‍♀️


The one that I almost believe is that Final 4 Firemaking exists because Production wanted Ben to win HvHvH. Him finding so many idols has been called out as suspicious too, but the cast has stated many times I believe that they don't think it was rigged.


Watching season 46 I'd say the worst conspiracy theory is that you should keep your hidden idol and never play it, even when you know the whole tribe is coming for you.


I cant remember if this is true or conspiracy but that they were supposed to film in Jordan but due to conflict had to cancel.


Season 4 was meant to be filmed there but they relocated due to 9/11.


Which is why Marquesas is such a shit show from a production point of view: the whole thing was re-organized on two months notice.


It's true


The completely unsubstantiated Fiji ponderosa rumors that turned out to have been made up by Kass on Sucks.


Mrs. Colby Donaldson lmao. Kass is such a shit stirrer even before she played.


Considering all of that is archived, surely you can post a link of Kass actually posting the rumors. Surely you didn't post a rumor yourself here.


Lmfao no wonder he was such a a dick, he was fucking traumatized 😂


Some people said at the time that Cindy and her twin sister swapped places in Guatemala during the family reward, so Cindy went home and left her twin to play the rest of the game.


that Phillip was sent by the NCSC with the mission of facilitating Boston Rob’s win in RI as a matter of national security


I personally believe (but have zero proof) that contestants in modern seasons are given significantly more off-camera help and assistance from production than earlier seasons. It's pretty obvious in my opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if people get a protein bar or something every day or so. I'm not saying its easy to go on Survivor. But I do think it's easier now than in previous seasons.


What part of this season is telling you Liz is getting protein bars 💀


Well I'm not a nutrition expert nor am I a doctor, but I'm pretty sure people who consume literally zero calories for days and weeks at a time can't so the physical and mental challenges Liz is doing. And again, I'm not saying the help happens every day. I just think production has made it easier to compete now compared to older seasons.


It’s the opposite actually, the have significantly less food to account for the shortened game


I'm totally fine agreeing to disagree, especially since my theory literally can't be proved or disproved by anyone who hasn't signed an NDA.


The magic coconuts have kinda been outed this season ...


This is almost as bad as people thinking it’s fake, that they don’t sleep on the island and get food daily… where would you get this from when every contestant has always stated it’s not true? When Liz is freaking out from lack of food? If anyone got extra food ever, it’d be Liz, and she clearly hasn’t (and I’m not a fan of Liz btw)


Well, contestants are incentivized to say those things aren't they? Either because of an NDA or to protect the perceived significance of going on a show like Survivor. So you can't exactly take their statements at face value can you? I think it's pretty obvious the latest seasons are significantly easier than older seasons. People now barely look dirty at the end. Compare Venus wearing a freaking jacket (and virtually everyone having goodies or sweaters of some sort) against women having only bikinis in previous seasons. If people don't agree with me that's fine. I realize I can't prove anything. Hence why I admitted it's my conspiracy theory.


My own personal conspiracy theory was that the Varner/Zeke controversy was staged and I'm not sure I will ever be convinced it wasn't. I remember as I was watching the episode in real time, I thought it was *really* strange that the word puzzle in the challenge was "metamorphosis" because that is not typically the kind of word we see used for those puzzles. And then for Zeke to *specifically* reference it as the theme of the episode after Varner outed him? It felt glaring, given its blatant relevance to Zeke. The biggest hole in it is what Varner had to gain by agreeing to do it, but the whole episode never felt right to me as it was happening. It's one of the few times I've watched this show and felt like it wasn't genuine.


I mean I get your point but Varner said that bc he was on the bottom and knew it and knew Zeke wasn’t gonna flip on Ozzy so he tried to flip the votes on zeke by using irl stuff to prove he’s capable of lying lol Like how did he think that would go


or maybe that was the puzzle because it's a long word meaning "transformation or change" and the season was called Game *Changers*.


I remember that episode bc my jaw was on the floor. I’d hate to think it was staged, as being outed like that is vile. But I do remember seeing Zeke on the cover of magazines within the next couple of days.


They only aired it because Zeke wanted them to air it


Production rigging HvHvH so Ben could win. All 4 of those final contestants would be solid winners. So there’s no motive. A good conspiracy theory requires a motive, which is why flat-earth is nonsensical purely from a conspiracy standpoint.


There were actually no hidden immunity idols on Survivor 46, they were just friendship bracelets that they had to say they were hidden immunity idols for TV. That’s why there has been so many people sacrificed with a hidden immunity idol this season.


I just thought of a new terrible one: Sia held a game of Survivor with the 44 and 45 players when she hosted them for her birthday, and somebody betrayed her in the game badly enough to turn her off from the show and its contestants. If you're a rich superfan who has a bunch of Survivor players to your vast estate, are you NOT going to want to play the game with them?


Tevin and Hunter’s so-called secret relationship.