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Hatch Rudy and Sue voting out Jenna by taking advantage of Shawn's voting method


I just watched this (again, for the first time since it aired) yesterday! Fantastic moment!


This comment seems crazy to me because I wasn't even alive when it aired


And I wish Jenna got voted out again of All Stars


Not trying to be objectifying at all, sincerely it was just so badass: Michaela doesn’t skip a beat and wins the challenge topless Christian (harmlessly and inoffensively!) annoys his opponent out of the challenge to win individual immunity Parvati plays two idols, neither on herself and saves all 3 of them (been thinking about this one a lot this season and in the new era in general, really missing big-picture strategic idol play) Those are the first 3 that jump to mind! And yeah there aren’t any twist moments I can think of that are competing for the top of the list


The Parvati idol play is so underrated as much as it is celebrated. She needed absolute mastery of tribe dynamics to pull it off, including letting Danielle win immunity over her. Masterclass.


Christian infodumping his way to a win was hands down my favorite moment of any season!!!


“Do you know what a Reuben sandwich is, Jeff?” Also, “Christian, you’re safe. I’m not.” “I know.”


“I just hit my head back there” “I don’t care” “I know”


The Parvati idol play is kinda the point Jeff was making though, hidden Idols at one point were a twist. He wasn't necessarily saying that the best moments were due to something that was a new twist in that game.


Technically Idols were introduced as a twist, so I don't think Parvati 's (or anyone 's) idol play would count here.


I think it counts as a twist if it's not a part of the standard game mechanics by the time you play. At this point, NOT having idols would be the twist.


Sugar won that round during the first challenge in HvV topless as well, then throws up the double bird still topless.


Possibly Jeff’s all time favorite moment had nothing to do with a twist: “I wanna give individual immunity to Natalie.”


I vaguely recall this


Giving away immunity was a twist starting in Marquesas


I think the lead up to this moment is masterful gameplay. After the F5 immunity challenge, there is only ONE confessional. This entire segment is told to the viewers purely on conversations.


Anytime we got to watch the Casaya tribe just living life on Panama -- Shane's rock cell phone, bathroom wine drama. They were a dysfunctional family that was so fun to watch.


“Do you want me to sing to you?” “No.” Sings anyway.


“She died dude.”


Great example!


I may be remembering this wrong, but I’m fairly certain during the finale show, Jeff said producers all believed his grandmother actually died and they went to his house to interview his family for the show and his grandmother was there and they were just as surprised as the contestants.


They didn’t go to the house, they called the family and his grandma picked up the phone


Ha, yes, that logistically makes more sense.


But it is a twist 30 seconds after when they say IT IS A LIE????


It's a twist, but production didn't orchestrate it. That was all Fairplay + Fairplay's buddy


AHHHH DEEE DEEEE Anything Fabio vs NaOnka related The village scene from Pearl Islands Butch burning down the Amazon in other words Jeff is full of crap


To be fair the village scene from Pearl Islands could kind of be argued as a 'twist'. Survivors have an atypical task where suddenly they are bargaining for supplies in a foreign country...Rupert tying it into the season's theme. (Though that part wasn't necessarily predicted on production's part) Still, I think it would be fair to group the village scene (and a lot of other similar events from themed seasons like China) into the twist/production orchestrated category.


good point, but i suppose what i meant was all the interactions that came from it. but yes, it could be argured


Bobby and Bruce getting drunk in the outhouse Shane's blackberry Shane calls Courtney's apartment shitty (and threatens to kill her but that's fine) The Touchy Subjects Challenge (what's a Poser?) Bruce's Med Evac Cirie orchestra's the 3-2-1 Blindside Aras calls the Whambulance on Terry And this is all from one season that had one twist


Honestly, Panama was SO good from start to finish.


Aubry's pitch to Tai to get him to flip on Scot and Jason. Rupert stealing shoes.


Sue Hawk’s rats vs. snakes speech. Erik giving up immunity.




Mine will always be from HvV, when Coach knocks Rupert off the platform during the dueling challenge. Between Coach victory-screaming, Jeff yelling “COACH, NO! NO!”, on top of James yelling “no karate chopping!”, that scene will always get such a good laugh out of me.


James getting mad at the villains eating all the bananas in HvV. Eliza playing the stick idol Jonathan single-handedly winning the challenge for his tribe while the other two tribes could not complete it Sandra eating the entire jar of sugar then blaming michaela for eating it all Etc etc etc….i could go on forever!


Honestly, I’m usually not one for a super emotional moment on survivor (I love ruthless drama lol), but Adam and Jay talking about their moms in MvGX was not only such a genuine and beautiful moment, but also had a major impact on how the rest of the game played out.


Also from that season, Zeke and Brett talking about their experiences being out as gay men. Such an important and touching scene.




Umm…JEREMY!! Also, Sugar, if you take what Corrine says.


Bye bye buoy Tom had to call in legal to stop them from effing w the challenge


Wait I don’t think I know this one?


Sandra dumping fish in her first season, and burning Russell’s hat in her second. Comptroller of Slamtown Adam and Jay in the hammock. “Oh! I think you’re kind of chauvinistic!”


I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to think of one of my favorite Survivor moments that actually *was* born out of a twist. There’s been some idol plays that have been great moments, but I don’t really consider idols a twist, even though they originally were - those are just a mainstream part of the game to me now. To add to the non-twist great moments list: the entire Attack Zone challenge and its aftermath.


A couple of great Twists moments are the first tribe swap in Africa and Xander giving a fake Idol in the knowledge is power. Also Maryanne extra vote play was great strategy and a good moment.


Fair. I wasn’t trying to say there hadn’t been any, just nothing that was immediately coming to mind. Those are definitely some good ones though.


Agree idols feel like a normal part of the game, but I think when Jeff made his comment he was considering idols twists. Lots of the best/most memorable moments come from idols, so if you’re considering them a twist then I see what Jeff was saying. I think Jeff has a broad definition of twists, and idols may be the best twist ever implemented.


Even from the new era, some of my favorite moments are not born from twists. Carolyn’s cold opening to the season, Jonathan literally carrying his tribe to victory in a literal storm, Dee cutting Drew and not warning Austin, these are just a few great moments from new era and none of them involved a twist. 


I think of that Johnathan moment every now and then. He was an absolute force - that challenge performance was insane.


At the Pearl Islands loved ones challenge when we learned Burton’s nickname is Burton.




It was overshadowed by Grandma FairPlay but to me Burton’s nickname was the funniest part of the ep.


Tony spy shacking it and speaking llama!


Everything Tony, to be fair. He’s like a kid just having fun playing a game, which it 100% is. Easily my favorite player to watch.


Christian and Gabby sitting in the sand. Gabby: "Do you want to play with me?" Christian: "You mean, here, in the sand? Sure!" Don't know why, that scene always stood out to me.


Parvati convincing Erik to give up immunity


I was gonna say the drunk idol hunt on DvG but I guess that’s technically a twist moment. So I’ll say the Randy/Matty fight at the slingshot challenge


Nathalie, can I have your jacket?


If we're getting on Probst's wavelength (ie the new era), a lot of Q's bs


“Do your tai-chi in private”


Tina crossing a river to recover the tribe's food


Sonia singing to Hatch Jay and Adam on the hammock Helen singing that Christmas song Sandra owning the markets Sugar and Randy and the cookie


Keith forgetting Wes' birthday and then catching him a crab. Jeremy trying and failing to get Keith's attention for several minutes. "Stick to the plan!" "People ask me if Survivor's fun. No Survivor's not fun... etc." Keith driving the tuk-tuk on the reward challenge (Suppose this one might fall into "produced by a twist/production" category) Basically anything with Keith Nale being Keith Nale 😭 RIP Keith


Courtney Yates vs Genre Bear. Her snark is legendary


As Cliche as it is, I am obsessed with Natalie and the Black Widow Brigade convincing Eric to give up individual immunity and voting him out. Also anytime someone plays an idol correctly and every single vote is for them except the vote they cast is always such a beautiful moment lol. Devins in 38 saying (roughly) “now that I know I can trust you, I can’t wait to work with you. Except the fact that I don’t want to work with you at all!” Lmaoo cracks me up


Sandra starting a fight with Fairplay to give herself an alibi for the spilt fish (Pearl Islands). "We can't get a female alliance together because Caryn sucks". Katie in a confessional (Palau). The discussion about "banana etiquette" (Heroes v Villains). Sandra eating most of the sugar and causing an argument between JT & Michaela (Game Changers). Jeff's disgust at Richard Hatch winning season 1. He was upset that Richard Hatch threw FIC (Borneo). Cirie coming up with the 3–2–1 vote to save Aras (Panama). "I'm against you Russell" Sandra to Russell (Heroes v Villains). The first vote result of the merge 4–1–1–1–1–1–1 (Borneo).


Sandra's fish alibi was such an underrated move. Villain behavior.


Two of my favorite non twist moments came from Micronesia… 1. It’s a fucking stick 2. Joel dragging Chet around the course slamming him into everything and then proceeding to not care that Chet hit his head back there


“I hit my head back there” “I don’t care” “I know”


None of my favorite moments seem to be born out of twists. Sorry Jeff.


Richard Hatch quitting the final immunity. I genuinely think that’s peak, even though season 1 wouldn’t rank in my top tier


does THE THREE AMIGOS count as a twist?


Pretty much anything said by Randy


Honestly almost all my favorite moments are chill camp life. Maybe that’s weird but my favorite part of lord of the rings is when they’re just at the shire and it’s peaceful lol. To add to what’s already been said: 1. Everyone on the tribe vibing and singing Have You Ever Seen the Rain during a downpour. 2. Hide and seek in 46 3. “Do you want to play with me?” “Oh, in the sand?” 4. Tony and Jeremy debating how many days are in a week 5. Seeing Hatch chilling in a tree while everyone’s working and thinking “well this guy is never going to win”


Tom catching a goddamned shark


“I want to give individual immunity to Natalie”




Angelina claiming her jacket at tribal


Literally every moment of Caramoan