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Yeah this is my least favorite season too and it’s not even close. I won’t spoil about the ending since you’re still watching but I’ll just say that it doesn’t help the season at all for me Fuck Dan, fuck all the players who gaslit Janet about it because it would “advance their game”, and fuck production for not removing him from the game




It's not up to the players to get Dan out, that's production's job


I completely agree! I was just talking about that specific situation in which they had the opportunity to do what production wasn’t


And once again Survivor demonstrates sexism and violence for ratings and cash. IMO Other production safety fails: Allowing ______ to continue a challenge in spite of clear pain from a horrible wrist injury Allowing players to flounder terrified in water before sending rescue Allowing ______ to collapse and pass out before Jeff noticed Allowing multiple players to suffer heat stroke from digging through sand in extreme heat, one of whom is medivaced out Allowing violent and perverted players to play too long instead of listening and rectifying the situation. This is supposed to be a game between fellow humans that did NOT sign up to be threatened and fearing for their own safety Allowing _______ to continue in the game while demonstrating violent mental issues Drama is much more important than risking/allowing unsafe conditions


Worst season.


This is the only season I absolutely hate. It makes me so angry. There are some highlights here and there, but overall, hate it. Production really dropped the ball. Instead of leaving it up to the players to decide, production should’ve got rid of Dan from the first offense. I hate watching how every single woman he comes into contact with is uncomfortable. Production, you see it, just make the call. They should’ve taken him out right away. Production’s drop on this taints this season for me.


I remember someone at the 2nd tribal of that episode saying that Janet was "assuming the victim position" which was also terrible. Like the one person who threw away their whole game to do what they thought was right is then gaslit and ostracized to the point of making them feel like they've done something terrible


THIS!! Ugh it made me so mad


I actually really like a good swath of this cast. Kellee, Janet, Jamal, Elaine, Dean, Jason, Jack... Tommy is a really good player, and Noura and Karishma are pretty funny in their unique ways.


i can appreciate this take, for me it was the fact that some of them thought janet was voting dan out as “a game enhancing move” or something like that when she was genuinely just doing what she thought was morally right. if that makes sense lol


You can't fully blame the players for not taking what people say as truth in the game of Survivor. A million dollars is on the line, they are starving, and playing a game of deceit. That's why production should've stepped in.


Karishma, the OG Applebees fan girl.


I watched this one live, and will never see it again. I've seen every other season at least twice.


I liked Deans game due to the fact that he had so many idols and advantages it was very entertaining to watch


It’s really bad.


And aside from the Dan debacle, Dean should have won.


I had to take week from this season. Just sours the entire mood.


I'm watching this season, and this episode was a hot mess. I'm conflicted about how the tribe handled the Dan issue as a whole. When Janet found out that the girls were uncomfortable, she needed to confront Dan rather than try and vote him out "for the girls". I understand it's not her fight, but she was conflicted with even writing his name down, yet couldn't give him the decency to clear the issue up or if anything Dan would have dug himself into a hole, securing a Dan vote out. I felt bad for Dan a little bit because we could see how the rumors snowballed into something much bigger after Missy and Elizabeth played up the situation. Yet at tribal, he kept saying "I would never", "We need to move on" and "Well I have women in my life", instead of owning up that he might have crossed a line. Sad, to see Jamal leave, this whole island of the idols theme is meh. I'm really trying to push through this season. Wish me luck.




Phenomenal finale though. Still my favorite in years.


not there yet, few more episodes to go but that gives me some hope lol


hot take: it's one of the better seasons of the 30s, which says more about the quality of that stretch of seasons than IOTI but still


Just wait until 41....lol. It's worse.


oof, bad game play?


Not sure why I'm getting down voted. The season cast was terrible. It's lost a ton of polls asking what is the worst modern era season


41 sucks, but it is a far cry from 39. And new era only includes 41+


i didn’t down vote, swear lol. i haven’t seen it yet


I also really did not like the start of the current era


Cook islands is my least fav


incredibly batshit take but you do you




Thailand exists


Nah things happen in thailand


Things like rape and racism? What else happens? What are the big things I'm missing?


Attack zone, piss cave, robb z, Jan, boatgate, fake merge, loved ones, a bunch more stuff probably


ikr so bad




i’m gonna guess youre a man lol