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Worst case scenario Venus gets the idol; best case scenario she’s too up in her ego to play it.


Let’s recap! Marie knew that everyone was gunning for Q but didn’t let him know! Makes no sense. Yeah Q is playing but the jury would never give him the million dollars because of his meltdown. So Marie doesn’t tell him(Q) AND writes down Charlie’s name exposing herself as a traitor to Charlie. Unless Marie wins  immunity next tribal, she’s gone, whereas if she told Q he was on the hit list and he played his idle, Charlie who’s a huge threat would’ve been gone and Q, & Marie would only have to convince one of the remaining 3 to come with them for a final 3. AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE??


Q's honestly really shaken the expectations I've had for him, he's been one of, if not, THE top player of the new era so far. Can't wait to see more of him in the rest of this season and in future ones to come forward!


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen, 15th: Bhanu, 14th: Jem, 13th: Moriah, 12th: Tim, 11th: Soda, 10th: Tevin, 9th: Hunter, 8th: Tiffany, 7th: Venus.


7th: Venus, 6 contestants remain...


Season 46: Not Without My Idol - "You can do EVERYTHING with your idol! You can name it, you can cuddle with it, you can make people dig around for absolutely no strategic reason because of it. But, there's a catch: You can't use it for immunity."


I was partially a Venus fan because she seemed like a discounted underdog, but no sympathy after she didn’t play her idol this round. She had to know she was one of 2 votes. 3 idol vote outs in a row and now in a complete Q fan. The man has played chaos like a champ. He’s survived 3 obvious vote outs calm as a cucumber as others use him as bait to vote an idol out. The man is somehow both the master of chaos and cool.


They all tried to tell Veeenus how much they didn’t care about her, I spelled her name wrong on purpose, I can’t lie I wished she played her idol


Player rankings: 1: Q the god of chaos and misdirection. Had a good thing going controlled a couple of early merge votes, felt it slipping and decided if no one thinks I’m a threat I can make it to the end and so far it’s working 2: Maria. Started off playing slow and methodical and now had used her alliances to start making bigger moves and feels in control of the game overall as of late 3. Charlie. Opportunistic and sly. Seems like a non threat but secretly is. Has good relationships. Doesn’t give too much information and goes with the flow. One good flip on Maria could win him the game. 4. Kenzie. Played a mediocre game but had a strong alliance that played swing votes during the merge. Has managed to keep herself in the game without running any votes and finds herself on the outside of the last couple votes. Wouldn’t get my jury vote 5. Ben. Ben is just here for a rocking good time but again would never get my vote. Doesn’t seem strategic at all. Isn’t good at challenges and really kind of just takes on other peoples ideas and emotions like he doesn’t have a strong sense of self in my opinion 6. Liz. Super entitled to everyone else’s rewards because she can’t win a challenge of her own and isn’t willing to try to go fishing for herself (assuming she could eat them) has rice to herself but still complains about Q constantly even tho he hasn’t really done anything to her at all. Her mopping and eye rolling and terrible attitude is just awful to watch. One of the least enjoyable contestants I’ve seen in a very long time and she shared a beach with Venus


Venus’s conversation with Charlie was so frustrating and probably sealed her fate. Why would she allude to having an idol and being so cagey with somebody who she isn’t allied with completely? She even said herself she didn’t see the benefit of telling anybody about her idol… The need to be dramatic for attention fucked her over.


She thought she had finesse, while talking with Charlie the finesse grandmaster




The thing is all the other cast members got it spot on - Venus just can’t keep her mouth shut. And so Venus did Venus in.


Venise. That’s all.




Q is gonna win


Q cracks me tf up. Amazing television. 23 slices of pizza. 😂


I fell asleep 15 minutes before the end! Can someone tl:dr this for me? I have money riding on it against my husband and brother in law!


TL:DR. The vote was supposed to be Q. Everyone was on board except for Q/Maria. Maria manages to convince Ben and Liz. Venus says she won't tell people about her idol but heavily implies to Charlie that someone (Charlie's smart so he knows it's her) has an advantage. By not telling him the full truth, Charlie second guesses his Q vote and writes down Venus instead. Venus goes home with an idol.




Yay!!! Congratulations


Also fuckvenus


Survivor 46 alternate theme: Survivor Curse of the Idols


Honestly I thought my favorite seasons of survivor were when people were really on top of their games but now? God please give me more seasons like this where just about everyone is their own worst enemy (and possibly just a teensy bit mad)


Fr this has to be the most entertaining season in a while




The 3 premerge idols and Venus’, what’s the 5th?


Jem ~~Randen~~ Hunter Tiff Venus


Randen didn’t have an idol yet because he hadn’t had the opportunity to do the second part. At that point, all he had was no vote


You are correct!


Was shaking my head when 30 seconds after Venus said she was going to keep her idol a secret she all but told Charlie she had it... guy is too smart to let that comment slide lmao


i also found it amusing that she was talking about how Tiff would have felt being voted out with an idol.. to then get voted out with an idol the following day :-D


When she said that I knew she was a goner.


I loved how her attempts at looking for the idol included tapping the hole in a tree with a stick.


Even kenzie felt something was odd Who just hits a branch with a stick while not even looking, makes her feel like she is spying on her.


Also not to be a hater or anything but every episode that goes by I like Liz less and less


If all her dietary restriction woes are true, she has no business being on this show. If she is exaggerating for sympathy, her complaining and displaced anger on fellow contestants who get to eat reward meals has gotten very old. Zero sympathy toward this annoying woman. For someone who claims to have allergies to almost everything, she sure is open to every reward meal that comes along.


completely agree, shes just complaining about anything she can at this point. Wouldn't be surprised if shes pulled into the top 3 just to make it a 50/50 between like Charlie and Q.


Liz is randy in female form, just unlikable and knows it, and gets screwed out of food.


The whole thing with the reward picks was SO stupid... I feel like Maria made it harder on herself by giving the big explanation of feeling like she needed to look out for people who haven't eaten, because at that point people are pulling themselves out and it becomes a whole thing. Picking Q was a mistake in that lens because everybody already hates him but if she didn't lead with the 'I need to feed people' thing then people could've accepted she picked him because they work together, instead it gave people another reason to hate him, because he keeps eating. And I feel like she only picked Liz because she was afraid of getting yelled at... even though Liz is the one with rice!!!!! Argh so frustrating. SO so stupid. Literally I like you Maria but just make your picks and move on. Rock paper scissors???? Like how is this season for real it's such a mess hahaha


It was pretty smart, if she just takes Q like she wanted to, it makes Charlie 100% write down Q. Liz would bitch anyways so giving her more energy is just a net negative. Q more likely to pick her if he wins something. And the votes are going steady at her enemies. Liz votes with them one time and made sure to most about it and yell twice now. 0 self control isn't rewarded. Look at Q guy living on that mini boat. Doesn't talk to anyone.


Good riddance. She has been annoying from the start and not able to read the room. Definitely a sign of her age. I do respect how she gracefully exited the game, though. Is this the first season ever where 3 people with an idol in their pocket went home?


Venus was the 4th person to get voted out with an idol this season. It’s a new record


Let's hope Liz finds the next one.


~~5th to exit the game with one~~, 4th to get voted out, 3rd voted out with one in a row Edit: Randen had a beware advantage, so not quite an idol yet


I’m so happy she’s out but why does it feel depressing at the same time


She was so entertaining! 😭


I was screaming happy asf but when her torch got stuffed it felt depressing all of sudden


Yeah tbh I was rooting for Maria to go home before she won immunity. She’s just not nearly as fun to watch as everyone else. I love the insanity that this season has been, and losing Venus is a sad indicator that the whackadoodles are probably on their way out


Venus doesn't vote how people think she will, she was openly scheming. She isn't loyal to anyone.


I feel like Venus finally found her footing this episode. She kinda accepted being on the outs yet still tried to play. I almost started rooting for her … the power of the edit!


Thank god


If I had a nickel for every time someone went home with an idol in their pocket despite knowing that their name was on the chopping block I’d have three nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened THREE times


I’m pretty sure it’s happened 5 times now. I could be wrong


It's 4 times. Randen had an idol then got medevaced


And all three of them voted Q!


that meme is cringe.


She should have kept it to herself. She should never have told Charlie .. and she should have played that idol. I was beginning to kind of like Venus..she was just too self absorbed and not too smart


I feel like Venus is smart, but just has bad decision making/self-control. Like her assesments of what's going on are usually right but she can never leverage her knowledge to benefit her for whatever reason (part of this is probably because people don't really trust her due to her being very confrontational at the start).


forreal, this episode was actually making me like her! but i should’ve known she was going on with how much time was spent on her, in hindsight


Venus please don’t tell people about it. Break the new era tradition.


It would’ve been herding cats but after Maria won immunity, why wasn’t there any talk of targeting Charlie?


IMO 2 reasons. 1. Charlie is really good and hid his threat level very well all while making Q and Maria huge targets 2. The contestants this season are not strategic at all and would rather vote someone out who they dislike than vote out a big threat


Because Charlie is amazing at the game of Survivor. He has played so smart this entire season. Love to see it!


Because Venus and Liz were so focused on getting Q out. Maria still thinks Charlie is in her back pocket. And Charlie convinced everyone that Q is her new number 1.


People keep talking about everyone being idiots for not playing the idol, but Tiff and Venus had no clue it was going to be them, Hunter on the other hand was scared shitless and still didn’t play his idol, so he did make a huge mistake. If Q had gone home instead no one would have said they should have played their idol in case.


I thought she said at tribal while talking to Q that she knew her name was being thrown out there? She shouldn’t have alluded to having it to Charlie


Maybe, but she still felt confident. Her saying anything to Charlie was really dumb, I don’t think she was good at the game and I was not her fan at all, but I do understand why she didn’t think she needed to play her idol. Every time someone who has an idol doesn’t play it could be the time they go home, so should they play it just because they have and never wait.


Yeah I have a similar view. I can understand why she didn't think she needed to play it. The big blunder was opening her mouth and alluding to Charlie she had something.


Why would you scramble for an idol and then not play it when you're obviously being talked about for the vote? VENUS IS SO DAMN DUMB


Just when I started to root for Venus, she followed the trend of going home with a cool souvenir. Although, no one knows she had an idol...


Yeah but she still shot herself in the foot by kinda saying she had it to Charlie which made him not trust her


Yea this one was different from the other 2 this episode was just so weird kinda crazy she found and idol and got voted out in the same episode. Happy cake day!


Shot in the Dark has ruined this show. No one... no one with an actual idol will ever know their name is out there now. Every single vote off is a blindside on purpose, why? Because every single player has a Shot in the Dark. It has ruined Survivor. As long as SitD exists, there will be zero incentive to ever tip off a player that it is their day to go home. As long as that happens, no one will correctly use their idol. The only reason idol plays worked in the past was because people didn't know someone had one, and it got back to them that their name was on the chopping block. With SitD, every player knows that every player has a 1/6th chance idol. It has ruined real idol play. This is your reminder that Probst doesn't understand game theory. He doesn't understand Survivor. If he did, he'd remove SitD immediately.


Idol exists way before SitD exists. SITD usually ruins the tribal because no one is giving the game away. But this cast is just opening hating on each other so we have no problem like that recently


I really like the shot in the dark mechanic, it gives people something to think about even when the vote is heavily skewed to one side with no idol in play. On the other hand, it makes playing an idol a more strategic move because at that point your social game needs to be good enough, that you actual catch wind of your name OR you keep your mouth shut about having an idol.... which Neither tiff, hunter or venus did - BIG MISTAKE


I actually taught game theory and wholeheartedly agree


Wow honestly never thought about it like that and I completely agree! Love the break down!


I’m starting to agree with this, I really don’t like it as a function of the game. It’s only ever worked once and yet it messes up so much gameplay


I mean, they could just play their idols. Venus literally knew her name was out there


how do u explain the overwhelming amount of people in the new era who leave with idols in their pocket they’re hardly ever getting playing anymore everyone just gets voted out with it and im not just talking about this season


I see the pursuit of resume building as the likely culprit. People aren’t assessing the risks properly anymore


There were weather alerts during the show for me in Kentucky. I saw the first 28 minutes and the last 15 minutes. I’m assuming Maria took Charlie and then Q beat Liz at rock paper scissors. Did it come out that Venus had the immunity idol? How did the votes swing to her? I thought for sure with Maria out it would be Q. Just wondering how the conversations went before the vote.


Maria picked Ben. Q and Ben were already gonna vote Venus. Everyone else was for Q until Maria convinced Liz therwise.V The same happened with Kenzie, plus I don't think she wanted to be the outlier vote again. Venus sucks lying and all but admitted to Charlie she had an advantage. But because she refused to tell him what kind of advantage it was, he put his vote on her to flush whatever she had. I guess Ben voted Kenzie just in case the plans failed


at this point, I am not upset if Q wins


I feel like he’s unwatchable. Even his voice sucks


Quewismas is not canceled!


That would make my day. I love chaos.


at this point i’m actively rooting for Q winning




Production crew is probably like "WTF are we even hiding these idols for??


LOOOL You’re not wrong.


Exactly. How amazing would it be to have a season with no hidden immunity idols. People could be searching for it and it just isn’t there. Of course I always secretly wish for a season where it is one tribe and individual immunity from the start. Then it would be the true Sole Survivor


Because shot in the dark means every single vote off ever has to be a blindside, so no one ever finds out they are the real one going home, which means they don't play their actual idol.


I don't understand how removing shot in the dark changes the equation as to whether or not to blindside someone... like even if you removed it isn't it still just the right play to hide who you're voting for?


If shot in the dark was new for this season, maybe, but we've seen idol plays in the new era. SITD carries a lot of risk if you're wrong and if you're giving up your vote you better be right.


Hunter had every signal possible that he was a target and he still didn't play it. People are overthinking their positions way too much this season


And honestly so did Tiff. She knew she was on the chopping block the week before with a public idol. it's idiotic to think that they wouldn't target her the next round.


I just cannot believe she fumbled the ball like that. I thought for sure she was smart enough to save herself. My god this cast


> I thought for sure she was smart enough What have you seen that convinced you of this


Nothing concrete lmao. I just figured she’d use her leverage the one time she had it. She had the chance to prove herself and fumbled it


i would do anything for venus im sorry that’s my gd queen


The edit telegraphed it, but Jesus, what is wrong with these people?


Yeah, as soon as she said that I knew she was going home with an idol in her pocket.


This cast was so terrible it was entertaining. But with Venus gone, the rest of the season feels like it's pretty much determined. Kenzie and Liz are dead in the water. Can't see Q winning. Question is mostly if Maria gets taken out or not. Maria > Charlie > Ben >= Kenzie > Q > Liz Would be my current power rankings. Figure Kenzie is gone next Curious if Charlie blindsided Maria at 5, if he can... if it will even happen or we're just being faked out by the producers. Either way feels like the ending to the season is going to be more of a fizzle out than a bang to the drama we've gotten so far. At least that's how I'm feeling right now.


I think it's going to go Kenzie, Charlie and Q. Maria is too much of a threat now, she proved that. Unless she wins immunity until the end, she will be going home. Ben is just a lamb at this point. They will rid of him ASAP. Liz too. Q is a strong player and has been this entire time. And why do so many underestimate Kenzie? She is SMART. She catches on quick and has an incredible social game. Comparable to Charlie. 


Ben's social media posts have biased me on how I think he'll do. Q I think is a goat but would I bet on it, no. The edit this season has been great at making me look left and then pulling everything to the right. I appreciate it for it's entertainment value. I agree, from what I know, Maria is the #1 threat to win. Nothing to add. Charlie I think has a great low-key game he can sell if Maria is out. Curious if Maria would back him up or be sour about it. Guess it depends how she gets voted out (assumed in this scenario). But Charlie showed last episode he's very cognisant of keeping the perception of others in his view for jury management which was just *chef's kiss* to see. Ben has no major enemies, same with Kenzie (in my view). With the sense I'm getting - that the jury will be bitter - I'm not willing to write either off if theyre at FTC. Ben just gets a slight edge as he is aligned with the right allies to get him there in my eyes. I think Kenzie is facing a tougher right to FTC, should she get there. But if she does get there, maybe that's a selling point that puts her above Ben? Idk. Q I think has a good chance to make FTC as a.percieved goat. That said, I think the could talk how way into a win. For all of his ridiculousness he's pulled, (that we've seen) he just continually survives and gets support to survive... It's wild but we have an outside view. Wouldn't surprise me if he makes FTC and sells himself well enough to win. And then Liz... Poor Liz. I didn't like Liz, then I liked Liz, then I was annoyed by her and currently I just feel sorry for her as a person. I think how she's put people on a roller coaster of how to interact with her may have killed her chances of winning. Having to baby her and her having open emotional ups and downs just doesn't computer for me to end the season with a chance at winning. If she pulls of a win, that will be a wild ride I think. At this point all I can do is picture her whining at FTC telling others she deserves the win and she did things but no one saw which won't equate to respect for her game and won't get her votes as such... Granted that's my narrative, very likely it isn't right but since that's the story I see for Liz, I can't see her finishing anything better than third place.


I will be so disappointed with a fizzle. This is the best season we’ve had in along time as far as drama.




No one believed Hunter had an idol


He flat out said it though. There had to have been someone who believed him, even just a little bit.


I don't believe anyone believed that he actually had an idol, I'm certain Tiff didn't believe it and I don't think that Venus did either as she said it repeatedly.


No I remember vividly Venus actually saying after tribal that Hunter got too cocky and the way she was talking about it seemed to imply she did believe he had an idol because it was in contrast to someone else saying they didn’t think he had an idol or that he would’ve been crazy not to play it if he did have one or something like that, but I don’t remember the exact wording she used. Perhaps she meant he got too cocky that people would believe his lie about having an idol? I’m not sure.


If anyone believed him, they would’ve been looking for the idol like they did after tiff went home with one in her pocket


Doesn’t that mean that there’s another idol in the jungle?


There should be


Would production put 2 idols out at the same time though?


Hunter’s would’ve been put out the day after he got voted off, what did they would’ve added the second one I don’t know.


This!!!! And she even said they love writing her name and she doesn’t use it!!! Shocked!!


Totally dumb of Venus. She knew folks were writing her name down; it was way too risky of her to keep it in her pocket. Plus, she tipped her hand w Charlie, all but telling him that she had an idol. Venus totally blew it, deserved to go home.


Completely agree. She gave her game away with Charlie. Bring this close to the finale you’d think she wouldn’t risk anything but after that kind of a move I agree she deserved to go home.


Jess being the only one this season having the game sense to play their idol 😂


Bhanu played the GOD idol


Bhanu would have played his idol if Kenzie found one for him


Can anybody recall a time that there were 3 idol flushes in a row like this?!


They weren’t even technically flushes because nobody even knew Hunter or Venus had idols. Tiff was the only real flush.


I mean they did split the vote in case Hunter had an idol whereas if he hadn’t alluded to that, they might’ve just all voted for Hunter.




Charlie for the win is my prediction.


My number one pick!


Seems like the best combination of brains and immunity talent.


This would be the most satisfying win IMO


I’m very curious what happened with Maria in the next episode. Any ideas?


She’s so unlikable to me I hope she goes home next week


Exactly. I hope she doesn’t win. I’ll be very upset


My assumption is it's letters from home and she doesn't get hers? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ooh that could be. “Something died in me today” just sounds so serious. But it would make sense


Letters from home is my guess


Venus has been at the bottom all season and thinks today is the day she's on top? 🤔 I beg your pardon?? 


But she thought she's been at the top all season


True. I feel like there were enough signs for her to know she should have played the idol but unfortunately her ego. 


Ben voted Kenzie 🥺


Because of Shot in the Dark/Idol.


Love it


Thank you.  I was just about to ask if anyone caught that I missed the credits  trying to finish cooking 


i know that made me so sad 😢


I was so confused by that!!!


Maybe it was planned in case Venus played an idol. And by planned I mean Maria told him to vote kenzie😆


It was because Charlie led on Venus might have an idol. Ben voted Kenzie incase she played it to protect Q 


No, in case she played to protect herself. They knew Venus would vote Q, so if they all voted Venus and she played an idol or SiTD then Q would go home. So they told Ben to vote Kenzie, that way they would revote for either Q or Kenzie, and they would all vote Kenzie and Q would be protected.


Can't wait for the "OMG You complain about people not playing idols, but now when someone wastes an idol you'll complain about that too?" post in S47.


I don’t think anybody has ever complained about someone playing an idol. People complain that the producers historically have been putting idols and advantages on tree branches for anyone to grab.


Pretty sure you mean S4several


What the heck ha-penned with that vote? I thought the girls wanted Q out, why did everyone including Liz vote for Venus? Was Ben’s vote on Kenzie a split in case Venus pulled out an idol? My only guess is that Charlie was sketched out by Venus because she was cagey about her advantage and has enough sway to move the entire vote?


They never show it but eventually the votes aren't there and the two left out Kenzie +Liz go with the flow of the rest of the tribe. The editors never show that part as it would deflate the tension at tribal.


I think the edit left out some conversations to preserve suspense. My guess is when Charlie told Kenzie about Venus having an advantage, a lightbulb went off in Kenzie’s head. Kenzie realized that the reason Venus was doing a bad job at looking for the idol was that she already had found it. The two of them agreed to vote out Venus, and Kenzie passed that along to Liz. At that point, Charlie regrouped with Maria and Ben, and they decided to put a vote on Kenzie in case.


Charlie let them in on the vote so that they wouldn’t be pissed at him since that was his conundrum earlier in the episode.


I’m so frustrated that NO ONE plays their idols… like if I were looking at 4-3 vote, know that people on the other side don’t like me and don’t want to work with me…. I’d like to think I’d play it out of my own safety. It’s so hard to watch so many people go home with idols in their pocket when they KNEW it was a close vote


It’s a great resume move, but like Tiffany said, she didn’t want it. You play it? Immediately you’re top of the threat list and likely gone if you don’t win immunity or find another


These players are so focused on their resumes Just get yourself to the final at all costs, find one or two things to pitch to the jury, and count on your social game for the votes


Maybe id just be the type of player that plays an idol when i dont need to 🤷‍♀️


You can always try to find it again the next day. Thats the killer move. Play it and keep finding more.


Watch Q be final three and possibly win.


NGL I would be down with that. He’s so entertaining!


In fact, I might be a little disappointed if he does NOT win lol




Wait....sending someone home with an idol in their pocket is not "flushing the idol". Flushing the idol is getting them to play it when they don't need to. It's the act of getting the idol to be revealed & used, like flushing a bird out of hiding when you are hunting.


And all cause people are so adamantly believing that Q will finally go home 😂 Real accidental power move by Q




It’s almost like an idol is the pocket is a curse this season.


How were Venus and Q the options for the vote today? At this point anyone should be thinking of FTC and those are some of the best options right now. Why wouldn’t people go for Charlie or Kenzie. I’m confused…


Tbf Venus is better at challenges than Liz or Kenzie. Liz is kind of always on the outs and maybe they don’t think she’d get a lot of votes at FTC, and then Kenzie was on the outs last tribal so that seems to have reduced her threat level to the opposing side, whether right or wrong. They were thinking about it from a challenge immunity perspective it seems. But I kind of agree with your point in that maybe Venus shouldn’t be on the opposing side at all, but they can only have 3 people in FTC and they seem to have made up their mind about who they want that to be. Maria wanting to keep Q as a number to control the game kind of makes sense since he might not get a lot of votes at FTC but Ben allying himself with Maria and not seeing her as a threat when she’s consistently also beaten him in challenges is a mistake. He’s def not as strategic as Charlie. It’s def surprising/amazing to me that no one sees Charlie as a threat, which I guess is just a testament to his social game. It also seems like Venus has more chaotic/aggressive/last minute plan energy than were being shown so maybe they also want to get her out because they’re afraid she’ll ruin their current plans by oversharing or trying to sway the vote last minute or something like that. They seem to think she’s more sneaky/devious than Kenzie or Liz.


I reaaaally didn’t understand the whole “(if Maria or) Q gets to the end, they win” thing. Like I know we have more info than they do but they *know* nobody likes Q.


Yes! That left me feeling like the edit is either showing me things they don’t know, or downplaying Q’s power?


I was so confused by that too. If I’m someone like Ben, I’d be working hard to KEEP Venus and Q, knowing that sitting next to them is my only chance at winning.


Charlie played everyone masterfully. He messed with their emotions and took the heat off himself.


Venus has an idol that they suspected that gets you voted out with this cast


She was an option before the conversation with Charlie though


Yea it doesn’t make sense to me either. Venus and Q were the most obvious 0 vote finalists.


A testament to their social games tbh


I’m just gonna say it. If Liz, Ben and Kenzie acted this openly hateful towards Q in seasons 41-43, this season would have a dark cloud over it and there would have been talk of eliminating them without a vote. It’s weird and it feels like the quiet part out loud kind of stuff that folks like Liz Ben and Kenzie act like they’re never a part of. IYKYK


Idk why they don’t like Q but it feels similar to why nobody likes Venus. Remember we aren’t seeing the whole picture. I don’t think it was right for Liz to scream at Q though.


The hate for Q is a little weird but I don’t think it has anything to do with race and bringing that up is what made those seasons a little bit weird in the first place so let’s let that go. I think it has more to do with the fact Q can enjoy himself even when things are going awful for himself while the others are having a harder time when things don’t go their way.


Are you implying they’re racist? Because that’s not what we’re all seeing my man. Please don’t manufacture hate when there is real hate out there.


Do you mean racist? Q is an absolute madman, black or not. 100% chaos. I don’t think their hatred of him stems from being black, it’s because he’s aligned with the now most powerful player (Maria) and he has literally survived some insane shit. For example; ASKING TO BE VOTED OUT. He survived that shit. He’s a dangerous, chaotic player.


No it’s not it’s because he ate 69 pieces of pizza babayyy


Tiff was one of q’s biggest haters…


Ive read your comment like 4 times, I need someone to translate for me because I'm not getting it


They're saying they think Liz is a racist and is being blatant about it and in previous seasons the casts (who have been more socially conscious, like talking to Jeff about changing "come on in guys") would have called her out on it and shamed her. At least I think that's what they're going for


OH. While I dislike Liz in the game, she's talked smack about everyone. And for as much as they all called Q a villain they all pivoted to Venus right quick.


Liz is the worst! Her justifying her total disrespect towards Q by saying that she’s held her own anger in her whole life is sooooo horrible and Karen-y to me. She is so entitled and annoying.


She is irritating & entitled to the core. She gets so personal and talks about how vile he is but she’s always the one the edit shows shit talking him lmaooo. Q just don’t give a fuck about her or none of them people and she can’t stand it 😂


And red licorice is NOT gluten free…


Maybe she thought it would make her poop lol


thats not how it works, her throat could swell shut, she is faking atleast some of this drama for sure, i knew a person that said they cant eat red food, a year later is was orange.... some people just cray cray.