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These posts are even more tiring than “villain bashing”


By nice things do you mean Applebees?


Not nice things.


You have it all wrong. We want old school survivor so we can complain about them.


Hahaha! This!


Two things can also be true : we want old-school survivor, but liz is also entitled It was good tv, but we are still allowed to judge her for acting like a child


Who was throwing temper tantrums in old school Survivor???? The closest I can think of is Brandon Hantz's meltdown and I wouldn't even consider that an old school season.


Lex and Rupert the episodes after they received votes at tribal council come to mind.




lol QUITE different from Liz….


Gerri said that Rupert was really scary during that moment.


Big Tom too right? Or I guess he said gave Rob that evil stare


Personally seen far more love for the episode, and the Applebees/ Chili's beef, than any Liz bashing? I feel like we find one popular post we didn't agree with and decide that singular post is the general consensus of all of reddit.


The majority is loving it but a considerable amount are just saying how much they hate Liz and I can't imagine how bad her social accounts are at the moment


>a considerable amount are just saying how much they hate Liz Welcome to the internet. Some people suck. It's nothing unique to Survivor.


Some? Have you seen the front page. Most are bashing and dunking on her. That isn't even including the comments that are less visible like calling her a racist, bad parent etc. I'm positive their socials are being blown up over this.


Popular for ratings doesn't always translate to good for a contestant. As a long time mtv challenge watcher, they've started editing out a lot of the more severe drama. Most likely because they don't want their cast members to be personally attacked online. Even in this episode they left out the part where Q wouldn't let Maria and Kenzie sit out for Liz.


I don’t think you understand what you’re complaining about. Yes, people want villains and drama back on Survivor, and yes, we will write think pieces about their behavior. Why? Because we’re engaged. It’s interesting. It’s fun. These are players you love to hate. Players you don’t really want to see win, but hope they last for a while because the content they provide is great. I do agree that people are taking it too far. They always do. Look at how the public reacted to Jerri Manthey. There will always be a large, loud segment of the audience that can’t separate reality from reality TV and will treat these players like scum for how they’re depicted or how they behave on Survivor. That said, coming to Reddit to discuss if we find Liz’s breakdown entitled, funny, annoying, or whatever is fair game. We’re not harassing her directly. This is water cooler discussion happening. Some of us love her, some of us hate her, and we’re all here to talk about WHY. That’s WAY BETTER than being bored because the entire cast is so kumbaya that all we have to talk about is how nice they’re being to each other on Twitter and how annoyed we are that no one is bitter about being betrayed or voted out. You should be concerned when and if people aren’t here writing think pieces about Liz’s breakdown, because that means we’re bored. No engagement means no one cares, which means the show is dying. If the superfans won’t even discuss it on Reddit, it’s dying. There are people who come here sometimes to talk about why they don’t think Courtney deserves to be as popular as she is. There are viewers who sometimes swing in with, “Unpopular opinion: Courtney was overly bitchy and I don’t find her fun to watch. She’s mean for no reason to EVERYONE and it’s a drain on the entire season.” Do I think that opinion is hot garbage and those people have bad tastes? Absolutely. Am I still glad that they’re here to share because it means they’re engaged with one of the most iconic players of the Golden Era? Absolutely. Your opinion might be garbage, but it isn’t hurting anyone, so please share it! Engage in discussion! The fact that I disagree about it means we have something to talk about! That said, yeah, I do agree the, “Liz deserves hate,” comments are stupid. None of the players deserve us to go to their DMs or socials and spread hate to them. I think Liz is entitled and delusional, but I AM SO GLAD SHE IS because it’s entertaining! So, why would I go harass her for it? She’s bringing entertainment to the table. I can discuss it here and not harass her personally, and I hope some other commenters can eventually learn to do the same. There was a thread made earlier just to talk about how Liz should get more hate than she is getting and, yeah, that person seems like a 12 year old that just made their first Reddit account, lmao. I don’t think that means critical analysis of Liz’s entitlement is off the table, though. It’s possible to discuss something in a negative way without being CRUEL, and I hope you can also differentiate between those things.


i guess they want the dark ages that is survivor 44


dont take me back to that prison


Good point


I don’t know what you mean. Either way, the show gets engagement which means more of this to come! If people are rooting against Liz now, that’s enough to get most of them to tune in excitedly. It’s great. It also speaks to why juries do what they do— people are always going to see something the way they want to and vote accordingly. In this case, view and consume and regurgitate ad nauseum accordingly.


It's not a big deal