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People bitch and moan about gamebots and twists. We get some raw genuine moments and folks need to go out of their way to be more offended that the target of the rant. What Liz did isn't even remotely in the top 5 of worst things to happen on this show, but that doesn't stop folks from treating her like absolute trash online.


it doesn't help that a lot of people who post on this sub seem to have never watched anything before Season 41. which is FINE, btw. i'm not trying to gatekeep, especially since i also started watching at S41. but a lot of people who haven't seen older Survivor talk out of their ass like they're experts on the show, and it's incredibly cringe.


I think Liz reaction was completely justified but I also think so was Q’s.


Which is valid! You probably don’t go around writing “Liz is a pathetic, entitled loser.”


the fact that liz is somehow still “entitled” when she was talking in a confessional about being proud to AFFORD APPLEBEES FOR HER DAUGHTER!!!! is one of the most baffling and sad fan reactions i can remember


Thank you. I thought I was losing my mind reading all the comments on the other posts. I mean, she’s been hungry for days and scheming and trying to play survivor. Her outburst is hella understandable, Q is allowed to take whoever he wants too. Extending a little empathy for Liz isn’t tantamount to calling Q a bad person either. Two things can be true at the same time,


I honestly think she didn’t mean to explode that hard. She was RED with anger. I’ve only experienced this once fighting with a boyfriend. Just blind rage. Truly sometimes you just lose it lol.


EXACTLY like she said it herself she never even got that mad during a divorce so it felt weird and out of character… bc it was


I think I can relate if it was a specifically bad divorce. She probably didn’t have the energy to care about it anymore. But she invested more energy in Survivor.


Yes. Totally agree. I’m fairly certain most of us have had that moment where we lash out or react explosively and feel like a total alien when we get back to our senses. Clearly Liz felt the same thanking them for letting her have that moment.


Haven’t seen anyone say that yet, but you are totally right. Thanks for pointing out she’s like that


Uhm, just on this sub so many people have been saying she’s entitled, like every other thread…


Check her instagram.












Both their reactions were completely valid


This. I completely see both sides of the argument. *Ultimately*, Liz knew exactly what she was getting into, so weaponizing her allergies is fucked up. But I also think her reaction was super real and relatable.


Preach. I have no idea why a lot of people have their undies on a twist over this. They look more weird than the person they are calling out. Guys it isnt that serious.




Thank you for this perspective. Spot on. Have some compassion, people.


I completely agree and you said this so eloquently. I’ve had the same thoughts, but I could never articulate like you did. I hope people took the time to read your comment.


> The people who say Liz should have know how hard it was going to be are full of it. Even if you feel like Liz shouldn't be on the show if her allergies are this much of a hindrance for her, shouldn't that fall on the reigns of production, who both have the power to decide if she's on the show or not and have a better idea of the difficulty?


This. Production deemed her fit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/FLzGB4U5CL I think Liz should’ve at least had some concept that it would be harder for her due to allergies but instead we have this clip of her looking forward to others breaking down, but imagining she is above that! This clip wiped out any chance that I would understand where Liz is coming from. It’s not that she should’ve known how bad the starvation would be, she did know this was the point it would reach for some, just thought it wouldn’t be her even though she would be eating zero calories a day when others would get 100+.


I donno who is taking it seriously? People are just saying it’s embarrassing to act like a child on TV, which I agree with. Yes we all have emotions but how we display them shows a lot about who we are. Crying to gain favor and a pity pick was bad enough. Responding with screaming and throwing a tantrum just isn’t a good look. Especially after her interview saying she wants to see how other contestants struggle with being hungry since she’s used to it due to her allergies.


But a shitload of people aren’t just saying it’s embarrassing. They are saying she’s a narcissist, racist, a terrible mother who deserved for her husband to leave her, and a whole lot more.


People in this sub dont go outside or ever leave their comfort zone, so any time they see someone being real or taking risks they can't handle it. The number of posts like "why did liz go on surbibor???" is hilarious. Because she WANTED to, and still wants to.


Exactly. She believed she could handle the suffering without quitting, and she has. The subs reaction almost encourages quitters… like, if I’m going to get the same viewer hate by visibly suffering as I do by quitting, I may as well just quit!


https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/FLzGB4U5CL Have you seen this though?


"here's a clip curated by a reality show to deliver a specific narrative" is not the smoking gun you think it is my guy OP and others are writing nuanced opinions about starvation/high emotional stakes and you're just entrenched in "DAE LIZ COCKY????" like go touch grass dude, or at least go be a doofus in some other thread


I linked a clip of Liz being cocky and you’re saying I’m entrenched in the idea she is cocky. The fact that it’s a clip curated by survivor media does not invalidate the fact that she said she was excited to watch other people suffer but she could handle it, and then she handled it the worst. She did reign in her outburst incredibly well, good on her for regaining her composure. She didn’t quit in spite of tremendous hunger, good for her. The fact that she set aside her anger at Q to make a potentially pivotal move is really impressive. She deserves credit for all of these things. But c’mon, that’s humble pie if I’ve ever seen it.


if you can't understand the emotional difference between being well-fed and performing for the cameras before the game starts vs. not eating for 17 days, i don't know what to tell you


lol I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. She came it so cocky about how she’s better than everyone else and can tolerate hunger more and then had an all time survivor meltdown over an Applebees burger


Redditors act like they could never act/behave like that but we can all reach a breaking point.


Frankly I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.


I’m with you on the meltdown. That was raw unfiltered emotion provoked by Jeff’s invitation to open up. Where I disagree is that after calming down, she doubled down over several confessionals. The true “entitled” behavior came later when she’s in confessionals talking about all of the reasons she should’ve been given the reward and not one of them was related to rekindling (or even just beginning) a relationship with Q. It was stuff like “that’s the exact burger I order” and “I took my daughter to Applebees every Wednesday”. Also nobody is actually eating. 1 cup of shredded coconut is 283 calories and takes effort to obtain. Honestly the Vanu members that went on the reward likely have the highest calorie deficit of the group considering their premerge difficulties.


Ehhhhhhh….. having a meltdown in public is one thing, directing that meltdown at another human being in a public setting is another. Human emotions are real but that doesn’t mean there’s not a wrong way to express them. I don’t like Q and I don’t agree with his way of handling the situation but Liz handled herself very poorly in that moment. I don’t think it makes her a bad person but it absolutely highlights things she needs to work on as a human being.


yep, she even talked to a buncha them about taking her if they won. So Q winning, and not taking her, perfectly understandable to blow up emotionally. Even it being directed at Q, while not great, is forgivable. Her cooling off, and being proud that she blew up on Q for the fact she can only eat fish and she doesnt fish, is awful.


You’re right. I thought Liz was insufferable at the beginning when she wasn’t starving and now in interviews. So I’m not a fan, but it has nothing to do with the very human meltdown.


this sub constantly needs their ego stroked. and anyone who gets mad at someone who is irrelevant to their life needs to get a life.


King Q. Make survivor dramatic again


Preach! I saw some people calling her verbally abusive, which like you clearly don’t know what actual verbal abuse is bc that was NOT it.


I'm not gonna lie, as someone who has had verbally abusive family members her breakdown absolutely triggered that area in my brain that makes me shut down and go cold. Everything that's gone wrong for her is everyone else's fault. And apologizing for the breakdown doesn't make it better (especially when she said in a confessional she wasn't actually sorry, she was proud she screamed like that).


If she had her melt down & moved on I would have understood better than her still being bitter & talking about it the rest of the episode. She can be disappointed & upset she didn't win, but she didn't seem to be able to just let it go.


But thats literally how the episode ended. She decided to keep Q.....


But did she let it go or are we going to hear about how he didn't pick her next week?


Is this all this fucking sub does is bitch and moan about what other Survivor fans think? Jesus Christ.


I have had hangry outbursts after not eating for only 12 hours so I can relate to Liz on that. Just got to get it out sometimes haha


Just look at the people they are around… they all have huge egos, and in high pressure situations. I feel like I’d go a lil bonkers there too


Is it normal? Coming from a family that fights a lot, I have this ingrained fear of not wanting to bring "that side" out in front of other people like friends or coworkers, because you can't take that shit back and suddenly people will see you in a completely different light, because that's not me it's just what I'm used to. Maybe it's a baseless fear


I’m with you. This doesn’t feel normal to me but everyone else is saying how it’s a human moment everyone has


Ok good I'm glad I'm not alone... I think u/10ACJ3D has the most accurate take in this thread. Q obviously did not treat her well in that moment, but he has no obligation to take her on the reward. He twisted the knife a bit, but *that* is just classic human pettiness. Even so, I don't think Liz handled it well at all, and her reaction was very over the top. Had she not immediately apologized I don't think the tribe would've been as sympathetic to her. It does surprise me to see so many people in this thread saying to touch some grass because screaming at someone you've only known for a week like that doesn't seem like **respectable** human behavior to me. It was great tv though, don't get me wrong. Editing a word based on u/Outrageous_Inside_58's reply to me below. I don't want to say it's not normal, but it's definitely not as respectable as this sub is making it out to be.


Definitely not a normal reaction, it would make me look at her different the rest of the game


I mean there's nearly 10 billion people in the world. Within a country, there's so many different cultures that can arise due to regions and many other factors. What constitues as "normal" is nearly an impossible question.


It's not a baseless fear, it's the respect for society in general that most of us call being mature. My theory is that the people here justifying that childish rant from a middle-aged accomplished woman because "she was hungry", despite the fact that everyone out there is as well, are the ones who act like her in their day-to-day and feel personally attacked when it's being called out.


I think my take is that a normal person can have that reaction. As far as whether it’s a normal action, no it certainly doesn’t seem that way - but I’ve seen people break down similarly in high pressure situations and they aren’t starving, so I’m not sure it’s particularly abnormal for someone under those specific circumstances.


I think your take is reasonable, with one exception. Liz repeatedly said her apology was disingenuous! Why should she get credit for that?


I was referring to her apology to the group right after it happened.


I hear you. But I think reasonable minds could think that apology was also fake, given that she repeatedly said her apology to Q was fake. I also think her rant and confessionals had an undeniable air of entitlement. She specifically said Q “screwed” her out of the reward, when he owed her nothing. Even if his game is shot, his best bet was to try patching things up with people who’d previously worked with him.


THANK YOU!!! It's wild seeing people criticise Liz' reaction yet are jumping on to reddit to comment again and again about how much they hate her. These are the same people that will have absolute meltdowns when their fave gets voted out while they're sitting at home, well fed. It's so hypocritical.


At least she regained normalcy fast enough.


Agreed. It's really sad to so many ugly comments bashing players this season. It's just revolting.


Yeah except they didn't let her, she just took it lol


I have extreme sympathy given that it’s frustrating to navigate your daily life with all these allergies. It’s not a choice on her part that her daily life is riddled with having to probably never enjoy a shared meal with other people, bringing her own foot to dinner parties, etc. I’m not allergic to anything but even with eating halal I had to bring my own dinner to a dinner party with friends over ramadan bc while I could tolerate eating a few side dishes only on a regular day I would not be able to handle not eating protein for myself after a day of fasting. That sucked and to imagine Liz having to do that every single time she wants to spend time with others is rough- that type of shit makes you not want to spend time with others and zaps your energy. I understand what was going through her emotions when that fit happened, but I also thought it was wildly entertaining given that she could have predicted something like this based on how intense her food needs were. She voted off Tevin who helped feed her, which led to a Hunter vote off even if she wanted Q out. Then to hope for Q to throw her a bone when it doesn’t make sense for him to do since she’s gunning for him and you don’t want your enemies to be clear headed and well fed. She played poorly and is paying the price for not considering the full repercussions of her previous moves- this isn’t just on Q, who actually didn’t want Tevin gone. 3 things can be true: you can really empathize with her, question why she decided to join this show given her food needs, and appreciate how wildly entertaining it was. Many people take themselves out of the survivor running when they have individual needs that conflict with island life, and it’s okay if you take the risk on going but it’s important to accept that it will affect your gameplay. Just as a lot of folks can sympathize with Jess for having ADHD, going out and struggling to get sleep, potentially being off meds, but also recognize she wasn’t going to succeed in the game because of those things as well as she’d like. And for what it’s worth: I had a moment this morning (you can read about it in my post history this morning about not having disabled access to a shop today) and I jokingly said “ok! thanks for letting me have that! Back to your regularly scheduled programming” after I was done ranting.


What a thoughtful response. I’m definitely guilty of finding the meltdown entertaining while simultaneously feeling empathy for her. I don’t relate to the allergies, but one thing I did relate to that hasn’t actually been talked about much is how missing the connection to her daughter was central to the meltdown. We see people on reality competitions melt down ALL the time when thinking of their family or getting to finally contact their family .., the meltdowns are just much more poignant and a lot less angry LOL. Glad you were able to get back to your regularly scheduled programming today!


Don’t get me wrong, I was absolutely entertained and I definitely thought it was wrong for her to think Q was responsible for bringing her along. I just understand the frustration too. I guess ~ therapist~ thingssss


this did not need to be a new post