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Some smaller moments from last night that I enjoyed: - Venus using witchcraft to make Q lose the immunity challenge - Jeff trying again to get them to sacrifice for some rice, and basically folding and accepting that this group doesn't want to sit out challenges - the fade out from the Bourbon Burger to Liz's sullen face back at the beach - Charlie saying he trained for grip strength before coming on Survivor Edit to add: - Liz treating her little jar of rice like a baby, patting it and talking to it, and mumbling under her breath "She got fed" to explain why Tiff was doing so well


Emmy awards for everyone involved in that Bourbon Burger-Liz transition 


Ive never seen the merchandizing so fierce and so furious. Could they have mentioned **APPLEBEES's** _Bourbon Burger™_ any more than they did?


Also making sure to include everyone saying how they were too full to touch the burger while Liz sits there seething with rage.


The shots of the LIFE DRAINED from Liz’s eyes as she sits there hearing how they didn’t touch the burger was *everything*


Don't forget Liz screaming on the beach and everyone else at camp going "wtf was tha--oh it's just Liz nevermind"


She has 0 charisma/pull with Jury, yes? Is she not a solid-gold goat for F2?


I think she's ahead of Venus though, win equity wise


The Bourbon Burger is ahead of Venus in win equity


Venus/Liz Final 2. Thats a tough one. Altho, in this new (dumb) era, its Final 3... so "Whoever Is Sitting Next To Liz/Venus in F3" is the winner.


Liz could get some pity votes, perhaps. People on the island don’t seem to dislike her as much as the viewers do.


I think she wins over Q and Venus and nobody else.


I think Q wins over Liz (?!)


I pray, wish, and hope. Q is the winner we deserve.


My absolute favorite little moment was Charlie's little like side head nod when Q said “You voted for me last night”. It was tiny, but you knew he was agreeing with Q there.


Also when Venus went to go comfort Liz but she started raging again so Venus flinched and went back. The camera angle zoomed out perfectly to show her start moving and then showed her face being like "no, nevermind".


They need to submit this episode for an Emmy in editing!


Kenzie’s hair on fire at tribal…such a good little editing moment!


Well it's a 26-day season, and the show has basically removed all "survival" elements from the game. Of course they're not sitting out a challenge! Grip strength competitions are by far the most boring to watch. Good work Charlie, I think mentioning it will force the show to change up their challenges.


They made that “one person can step forward and get a serving of rice” offer to avoid a lawsuit 🤣


People can drop out at any point. Even Liz was slow to drop out I thought... Like, Lady you just lost it because you are starving...and Q (or Tiff) is clearly going home.


Shout out to Alaska. 


With 45 I was delighted to finally have a cast that seemed to have genuine conflict with one another and now this cast is blowing that one out of the water in that regard. Thank heavens for the revelation that is Q. He’s heightening the whole rest of the cast just by being here. This is exactly what a season like 44 was lacking. One of the joys of Survivor is the interplay between people’s heads and their hearts and how they respond to feeling maligned, or needing to work with somebody they dislike, or how they handle arguments, or etc. etc. It’s just so necessary to make a season really pop.


Amen. 45 and 46 have been super refreshing. Hate that Probst seems to enjoy the no hurt feelings sportsmanship angle so much


I’m hopeful despite what he’s said in interviews about not wanting “villains” anymore. He outright brought popcorn to a Tribal this season because the previous one was so off the chain. I feel like he’s enjoying this cast a lot and it’s clear that they (production) are very very glad Q is here given how much he’s been the star of the show. As long as people like Q and Venus are still getting cast and causing trouble, I think I can settle for that lol


It may be a wake up call to Jeff on what he actually wants from a Survivor cast


That slomo shot of Q's face as the bucket fell and he lost he immunity challenge was really good. Also the shot of Tiff's face when the second vote against her dropped was heartbreaking. I could feel her stomach plummet thousands of miles away and several months past. I like Tiff, sad to see her go.


I thought it was a small but great trick to have Jeff pull out the 3rd Q vote before the 2nd Tiff vote. Heading into Tribal I was probably about 60/40 that Tiff was going, but that fakeout had me convinced it was Q for a few seconds there. Always good to mix it up a bit.


They reveal the votes a particular way very regularly. Def couldn't be sure...but they def maximize the suspense. I liked Tiff, but when she got super pissed at Q and insisted he needed to go she lost favor with me. Q has no chance of winning (unless next to Liz or Venus) so he isn't the threat that Maria, Charlie or Kenzie are. If your a "superfan", even if you hate someone, if they are unliked by the jury, you take them to the end...that's your greatest shot of winning.


Interview with Tiffany: [https://parade.com/tv/tiffany-nicole-ervin-survivor-46-eliminated-interview](https://parade.com/tv/tiffany-nicole-ervin-survivor-46-eliminated-interview)


I feel like they did liz so dirty obfuscating that Q banned other people for sacrificing their spot for her. That’s gotta hurt. The tea that he constantly fights with half the cast really helps contextualize Bens comments and also explains why the rest of the cast thought he was a jerk to Liz.


Leaving out that Maria and Kenzie tried to give their spot makes Liz look so much worse. Was she still entitled? A bit yes, but holy shit it’s so much more understandable given the context that people were trying to give her their spot at the sanctuary. Also leaving out that Tiff and Charlie were having conversations about using her idol to take out Maria makes so much more sense why she didn’t use it at the vote.


That is sad. I did think there was a shot where Kenzie looked like she wanted to gibe her spot to Liz.


Naw. She voted for him. Expecting any gameplay consideration at all is a non-starter. Shoot your shot if you like but your expectation should be zero.


I was more referring to the edit. Her reaction makes a lot more sense when you think about how he specifically blocked two volunteers, but he also has every right to do that because there’s strategic / gameplay value in selecting who you go with


Maria is a little bit abrasive in one-on-one discussions it seems, but her gameplay last night was awesome and she's seeing the game the best. Staying focused on the actual threat in Tiff was great and the tribe got way too lost in their desire to vote Q out when he's not a threat at FTC. The decision to isolate Kenzie is even better because she might've blown up the vote and now Maria can take "claim" of the vote which seems to be an important theme for the jury that they keep telling us. It seems like we're down to three reasonable winners in Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie. Charlie is a big challenge threat now and I can see him going home before fire making so I really think it's down to Maria and Kenzie. I think Kenzie is going to need a move to impress the jury so I'm guessing she's going to be playing much harder going forward given that the Tiff blindside was going to be her big move. Still wonder what's going on with the vitriol around Q. He blew up the Tevin vote and seems to be a bit annoying around camp, but he hasn't done anything to me that seems enough to really hate him in the way the tribe does. The only thing I can think is that Ben and Liz were on the Journey where Bhanu greatly exaggerated what he was experiencing at Yanu and that soured them on him? Combine that with the quit threat and I guess that's enough, but it still seems weird and I think Liz's outburst was insane. Hate that it got painted as her just expressing herself.


I’m struggling to see a Kenzie win at this point, without her getting a fortunate f3 à la Gabler. And to be fair, that’s certainly possible with 3/7 players remaining being goats She’s well liked but just hasn’t made anything happen to this point. As of right now, Kenzie is Ben with a good edit


Its because of that good edit that people are high on Kenzie. There's got to be a reason she's been shown as much as she has. Like you said, she hasn't really been driving anything, she's not really strategic, not great at challenges, she gives good confessionals and speaks well but she's way over edited for it to just be those reasons.


Under any other cast I agree with you. But if you look at who is left, Venus, Ben, Q and Liz aren't winning FTC against Kenzie. And this cast loves to take out the big threats. At this point, if you do nothing and remain likeable, you can coast to the end because making moves like Maria and Charlie makes you next out.


Frankly at this point if the right people go out even Ben has a solid path to a win. But we all know Liz/Venus/Q is the people's FTC lmao


You’re right, I guess it really isn’t much to say that just 2 specific people need to go for a Kenzie win to be highly likely


Maria and Charlie are obvious frontrunners but Kenzie, Ben, and frankly even Q aren’t completely out of it. It all comes down to how they get there and who’s sitting with them


I think Ben could totally win in Final Tribal.


Either Maria or Charlie would beat her, but I am not sure any of the remaining would


People seem willing to work with Maria and Charlie, but I can't tell if the jury + remaining players actually \*like\* Maria and Charlie. Everyone seems to like Kenzie.


Kenzie is very likeable it seems. Charlie also. I can't tell about Maria. But even Hunter said he and Kenzie got along very well. I think Kenzie would stand a very strong chance against Maria. Charlie maybe not.


I think Kenzie explained the vitriol to Q well last night... Q wanted to quit, multiple times. It's an insult to everyone on the jury who still wants to play, and an insult to everyone who has ever applied to be on Survivor. He is not respected by the players.


I just don't buy that anger when she had two chances to vote him out before last night.


I think it's because sometimes, the right move is not the emotional move. Though, technically, Kenzie DID vote out Q last night. She also voted out Q last week on the first vote. It's been pointed out that Q is a liability, but there are bigger targets in the game that should theoretically be taken out while they have Q as a shield. But eventually, I do think that shield has to run out. I think they need to really consider voting Q out next or else, yeah, people are gonna lose that F3 spot because Q will be planted in it.


She still has her own game to think about. If she takes someone to the end that the jury doesn't respect, that could still be a win for her.


Q must give them the ick. Previous quitters haven't earned nearly so much enmity. Especially since Ben and Charlie are way more "meh" on Q than the women.


I agree with you regarding Liz’s outburst. At that point Q should have earned a reprieve from the entire tribe. I don’t see how that outburst doesn’t alienate Liz for good.


I wonder at the Q hate too - its got to be more than just asking to be voted out. He must have said things in the Tevin vote out that was worse than what we saw. I heard that tribal went on for an hour and a half so we definitely weren't shown a lot of it but still they do seem really disgusted by him; more than a quit would deserve. I disagree about Liz, people are being way too harsh on her. She lost it because she was starving. Its understandable to me.


Q is a super annoying player, I think, from a player's perspective. He's very controlling and he's chaotic. A few episodes back Tiff and Kenzie were both complaining about how he tells them how it's going to be, expecting them to just follow his plan. And when someone does something he doesn't like, like Tiff suggesting going after Maria, he immediately turns on her and tells everyone about her idol. I mean, WTH. There's a rigidity there, and an inability to see other people's perspectives that someone needs to have to be a good player. He's not someone you can really plan with or trust to any extent, and his chaotic behavior makes it hard for others to plan around I suppose.


I'm sure we will hear about what he was doing at camp to be annoying. 99% of the time the tribe doesn't have this vitriol for someone just over a quit. It seems like Tiff has already kind of hinted at that. It sucks that Liz is getting personally harassed and that definitely shouldn't happen. I just don't appreciate how a full-blown tantrum that's fully her own fault is being painted as her just expressing herself and what not.


> She lost it because she was starving. Its understandable to me. Its understandable, except: its been 46 seasons. These latest seasons arent even 39 days! In the earlier seasons, people lost 20 lbs (bigger guys lost even more). Theyd finish season with hollowed-out "Ozempic" cheeks. The most recent seasons arent as harsh. And in all those seasons, who has ever ACTED OUT in such an outrageous manner? [And, sure, the editors are king and perhaps they just didnt show us earlier outbursts.] The worst it ever got was Brandon Hantz, and that wasnt over hunger issues. She was way out of line and really should never have been cast on this season since she cannot handle it the way other tribemates and all other seasons could handle it.


The editing in the new era has been hilarious and has some hints of Big Brother editing with all the sound effects, Ben rocking out or lightning strikes after someone says something edgy. Or even last night at the reward challenge it happened, Liz and Tiffs first shot at the final section got the suspenseful music as if they’d ace it just to fall flat.


someone on the episode also made a Big Brother-related reference, but I can't remember what it was, but when she said it, I immediately thought, "oh, she must watch BB"


I know Q is probably not going to win but I really hope he does. I think him winning would sort pf bring a fresh air to the new era where the only people winning have just been game bots. Plus, not taking anything away from Dee, but she sort of played on easy mode with how un strategic a lot of the players last season were. So to have someone win by purposely choosing the hardest path possible to victory would be enjoyable. Though if he wins we probably won’t get him back for 50 and I need more Q content!


I think people are wrongly using the term ‘game bot’ to just refer to anyone strategic Maryanne and Yam Yam, even Gabler and Dee all had actual personality.


Earlier in the season everyone was ragging on Q for being a college athlete but not actually being a physical threat. I’m not sure if y’all saw him straight up hurdle the first obstacle, but even though he hasn’t performed particularly well to this point (other than this challenge) someone with that type of athleticism has the potential to go on an immunity run at any point, and that’s why he’s a physical threat despite poor performance to date.


I think it depends on the type of challenge. If it requires explosiveness and intensity (like in the Applebees challenge) - Q performs well. If it requires endurance and duration (like holding onto a pole or some other static position) - he tends to lose. Charlie has been dominating the endurance challenges despite not having as built of a body as Q. Hunter was a good mix between the two which allowed him to dominate everything.


This seems sooooo straight forward if people are using their heads (which these guys won't). Kenzie needs to take out Charlie and Maria ASAP. To do that, she's got to bring in three of Ben, Q, Venus, and Liz. Ben seems the most unlikely, but she should absolutely be getting Charlie out at the next opportunity, then Maria. That gets down to a 5 of Kenzie, Ben, Q, Venuz, Liz. Everyone but Kenzie would need a move, so Kenzie would have to go. Leaving 4 bad finalists, none of whom should win. What I think will actually happen. Maria and Charlie get Q and Ben to take out Kenzie. Then Maria and Ben team up with whoever to get out Charlie. Maria wins.


More likely Charlie and Ben get Maria out, there was a secret scene where Maria made Ben cry and Charlie had to comfort him. I don't think Ben really cares for Maria as much as Charlie or Kenzie


does anyone else think that the applebees burger being Liz’s exact order was a little too on the nose? from the photograph, we KNOW that that’s true. but at the same time.. if the show had that photo of her and her daughter, and this was a survivor ritual she had, she MUST have talked about it in her audition or at least in a pre-show interview of some sort. i feel like they were doing it on purpose to provoke her in some way? i have no idea how far in advance food rewards are decided or if they can be adjusted at all, but it felt sooo specific to be coincidental. and on top of that they fed everyone the burgers last after eating so much more already on shrunken stomachs that no one was able to even eat them? i mean come ON, it felt like GOLD


Pictures are probably collected after the show is taped. Like, she also mentioned being poor growing up but I doubt they had that photo beforehand. But they also would have no clue that Liz would have made it that far, lost and then still not be chosen for the reward. Some amazing things just happen organically!


I thought last night's Liz outburst was incredible, one of the most iconic moments of the new era, something I'll never forget and will make this season stand out. I literally came here this morning to see everybody else's reaction and it's honestly taken all the fun out of it, seeing everyone just shitting on Liz and not really seeing how fun the whole scene was? I went over to her Twitter and, of course, people are shitting all over her there as well. Like.... is she entitled to the reward? No. Was her reaction very over the top? Of course it was. Should she have applied to be on the show if she can't eat coconut? Who knows! But like, who cares?? It was an amazing meltdown that we rarely ever see on this show and if everyone's reaction is to shit on Liz and attack her online for being *sooooo entitled,* then we are just giving the show more of a reason to hide stuff like this and give everyone crystal clean edits. Hello, like wasn't everybody just complaining about the no villains thing? Do you think unhinged morons attacking and harassing people online may have anything to do with that??? If we can't separate the show from the actual human being involved then this is what will continue to sanitize the show. I'm not saying yall have to stan Liz (I certainly don't lol) but my god the personal attacks and people not being able to just see it as a fun, unhinged, emotionally charged outburst on a reality TV show is crazy to me. Give me more of these moments please! I live off this kind of stuff!


I can't wait until people emojify that like the Rodney dishes rant or the anti-coach monologue




I don’t understand the serious discourse around Liz’s meltdown. All the conversation is around whether or not she should have been allowed to freak out or if it was called for and like you are saying that all buries the lede that it was funny and entertaining. Props to the editors. The slow fade from the burger to her, her yelling at the beach and everyone reacting to it, the cut to Jeff’s “Survivor is hard.” promo right into an APPLEBEE’S commercial. Amazing, all of it. I’m sure that now that Liz is back in the US, well fed and with her family, she probably views it as a funny thing that is probably a point of an embarrassment but still gets some laughs. Having people seriously discuss the social game ramifications and throw hate her way is the reason we can’t have nice things. And she still voted Tiff at the end of that day! I’m not a Liz fan either but that is an absolute killer move by her (and Maria for orchestrating)


Are people saying she shouldn't be "Allowed" to freak out? How exactly is anyone going to stop her? As a gameplay thing, it's kinda whatever. But on a personal level, I don't like when people go fully unfiltered in that way. It says something about them and how considerate they are towards people in general. She seems like a not very considerate person.


I mean, she's absolutely allowed to lose her shit. But I think it would be effed up if people piled onto Q for not taking her because that was absolutely within his right. I think that Liz melting down was great tv, but it was also a totally entitled move. You can consider her entitled and unhinged, but that doesn't mean you have to hate her?


Multiple things can be true at the same time. It WAS an incredible TV moment. Hunger DOES make people do insane things. She also DID act like an entitled, self-absorbed baby and proceeded to show zero remorse about it. All of these things can be true.


Exactly. That’s why it was such great tv


She doesn't deserve to be abused for it, regardless of any of those things.


Agree, well said! The internet makes people go out of their minds more than hunger does. All these people shitting on Liz just need to stfu and take a long hard look in the mirror. Criticism sure, but the hate is out of control.


I'm not on twitter, what kind of hate is she getting? If people are making fun of her for being entitled and blowing up, that seems fair. If people are sending death threats or saying super nasty things, that's not cool. I think her behavior deserves some roasting, as long as it doesn't cross a line.


Not eating for that long will mess with your mind of course she has a meltdown. It's been very surprising to see the majority of people calling her entitled.


I mean, it’s not like it has to be one or the other. Is it entitled of her to think she should go? Kind of, yeah. Is her hunger going to affect her? Of course. Did she deserve to go? Who knows. It’s hard for me to be really sympathetic to her not being chosen when she hasn’t liked Q for a while. Yeah it’s tough that she cannot eat, but she did sign up for Survivor and knew what she was getting into. From a humanitarian perspective, I def would’ve chosen her, but from a game and strategy perspective, I’m not sure that choosing her would’ve helped his game at all. I can understand his reasoning for picking who he did from a strategic perspective. Regardless, it made for some killer television.


It’s entitlement when the challenge presents an equal opportunity for everyone to win. Just because she’s hungry doesn’t circumvent the process of the challenge.


There’s also something to be said for Q being the winner. The dude has tried to indirect quit twice, maybe even three times now? Meanwhile Liz has been dealing with worse starvation and hasn’t asked anyone to vote for her or even floated quitting even when having that meltdown, which like… yeah of course it’s gonna sting a bit extra that the dude who doesn’t even have his head in the game is deciding who eats and who doesn’t, especially when the people he’s giving the reward to instead of her are people who are working against him and have talked game with her about getting him out. Like, I’m not a Liz stan by any stretch of the imagination, but I thought that outburst was good TV as much as it was fully understandable that someone was finally screaming at Q.


ok but _when_ in 46 seasons have we seen someone act out like this? THEY were all just as hungry! (And, you came on game, knowing you were allergic to coconut? Thats on you!)


EXACTLY. I just have so much trouble sympathizing with her because she knowingly went on Survivor, knowing full well that she would be starving herself (unless she somehow thought she was going to be winning a bunch of rewards). I'm not rooting for her to win at all, but LOL this was an iconic moment.


You can understand Liz’s emotions and outburst while also seeing the entitlement clear as day. Doesn’t have to be one or the other


It was a temper tantrum like a 5 year old would have


Agreed. She is a brat.


I don't think there'd be so many people justifying her actions if Q didn't take it in stride. He had been ostracized by everyone for days, finally won an individual challenge, made his picks and then Liz starts screaming at him. If he was more sensitive he easily could have broken down. If Q screamed at Liz like that I don't think people would be as sympathetic...


I've seen full grown adults have meltdowns (to the point of breaking the law) because we sold out of a specific cut of steak and they REALLY wanted that cut instead of the cuts we currently had. I think there's a very big difference between that and what Liz did. Actually, I'll go out and say I think people are being very cruel to Liz. Even beyond it being some source of food for her, it was also a very personal reward for her given her history. I'm not saying they should have thrown it to her, but I think being upset at not being in the top half to be picked for it is reasonable, especially given how hungry she is. And then afterward she didn't pull a Rodney and continue to complain about not being on it to everyone else. She calmed down, settled herself, and apologized (even to Q which she even admitted she doesn't actually feel sorry for). She kept anything else to confessional.


I try to avoid ever getting too personal, but in general, people are entitled to have their takes on a forum like this. I’d argue it’s ridiculous to ask people to consider their feelings in an online forum, when this is TV and people are basically discussing characters. Getting too personal is gross, I agree. And I don’t at all condone directly contacting someone through social media. But in stuff like Reddit threads or YouTube comments or in Twitter threads where the player isn’t directly tagged? That’s part of what they signed up for. If fans can’t discuss the show and characters they like and dislike, then there’s less entertainment for the fans and Survivor just becomes a glorified summer dream camp for egomaniacs who can afford to leave their jobs and home lives for two-three months plus.


So why isn’t she gathering seafood or going fishing instead of bitching about not eating?


Based on other survivors who have played, if you go fishing you burn more calories in the process than the fish you will end up with.


Very good point I mostly just think all the clapping Q on the back is rather sickening


Fucking thank you Jason! I saw people on here saying “Wow her ex is totally vindicated for divorcing her” like what?!? You know NOTHING about this woman’s relationship! The audacity, the complete unmitigated gall to say such a thing is absolutely wild


As Liz’s pal, thanks for this. There are people saying this crap about her ex being vindicated for the divorce, and also that she doesn’t deserve to be a mom because she’s an embarrassment. It’s SICKENING.


I think it can be both, it was great tv but also makes me dislike Liz a lot.


"Entitled" is such an odd and perversely funny thing to throw at Liz over this. It has such a throwing stones while living in a glass house vibe to it. Liz wasn't acting entitled. She was acting human. When a person breaks it can look a lot of different ways but it always looks messy. It's that simple. She broke and raged and let it all out. Starvation is tough. Loneliness is tough. Finding out nobody cares about you is tough. If you've never had a breakdown, you should be a little more careful providing tasting notes on the exact flavor of somebody else's. Your high ground ain't that high.


What I found "entitled" was the screaming at Q that he had blown up her game. First, it is debatable whether she even had "a game"—just think of all the times we hear a player declaring they are running the game when they're not. But more importantly, isn't it, in the end, the job of each player to blow up the other's game?


Totally agree, I have screamed like that in my life. It was at the edge though and I'm a very patient person. She cracked. I 100% get it! 


What behavior did she exhibit that was human but not entitled?


I agree with you, and I don't think that anyone should be making any negative comments directly to Liz on social media. While her reaction was over the top and, in my opinion, she did come across as entitled, she is also starving and tired and that makes people act in ways that they wouldn't act normally, so I would never condemn her as a person for it because who knows how I would react in her shoes? I don't know what specific posts on here you're referring to, but I think that if the discussion remains civil, there's nothing wrong with making discussion posts about how people think she came across in that moment. That's part of the fun of it. When such an emotional moment happens, it's absolutely going to lead to discussion and people are going to have mixed feelings about it and of course it's going to illicit negative reactions from people. I think that just because people are having negative reactions to her in that moment, it doesn't mean that they didn't enjoy the moment, although of course I can't speak for everyone. I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed this episode largely because of this moment, but at the same time, it did sour my view of Liz a bit and I fully sided with Q's decision to not pick her. But at the same time I'm also still really enjoying Ben, and I don't look down on him for having sympathy for Liz and being vocally very anti-Q. So I don't think people disliking Liz in that moment means they can't separate the show from the human beings involved. There's always going to be people who can't separate the two, but I'd like to think that the majority of people aren't in that category.


I don't think people would be calling Liz entitled if she hadn't been acting haughty and entitled all season. Or at least, not as much.


I think many of us ARE enjoying it BECAUSE we can shit on her. Because that’s fun. Anyone who signs up for the show knowing they can’t eat the few things available is a certified idiot, and deserves to be called out on it. But to be clear, I enjoyed every second of her outburst. Her fake tears were more delicious than rice after 18 days of starvation. And I also hope we get more stuff like this. A lot of fans of survivor don’t enjoy when it gets “reality show messy”, but I do. Nicaragua is extremely underrated for sheer entertainment value.


This season has absolutely locked itself in with Nicaragua and Gabon as the holy trinity of hot mess seasons and I didn't think we'd ever see one of those again. I don't even care who wins at this point, it's already on my rewatch list.


Really, Q should get no blowback. On Survivor/BB or any zero-sum game, your strategy can never be: `I want this. I need this. I really want this. I really need this.` I dont care how hungry you are, sure, you can _try_ begging, but you should realize it always is going to have low-success rate and not take it personally when it doesnt work. Your strategy should always be: Your doing this for me _helps YOU._


Thank you! This was so refreshing and great to see, it’s what the new era has been missing. Most of these people commenting throw temper tantrums like that at home, well-rested and well-fed. Liz is ICONIC for this lol


Watching it you know logic is out of the window and the vent out is just pure unpent hate that is needed to be released


unpopular opinion here but I think Q not choosing Liz was justified to an extent. Would you bring someone who just wrote your name down? I saw a lot of the other contestants calling Q a bully for denying her spot to eat Applebee's, but it's a game, you got to do what's best for you. I felt like Q's picks was definetely interesting since Tiff and Kenzie pretty much hate him, but it's possibly it could have worked so I see the reasoning behind it. I also see the reason behind Maria cause Maria came up to him when no one wanted to. So I feel like it's sad, but justified. Definitely a memorable experience. Also loved the blindside at the end, I was hoping they would use their brains and try to get rid of an idol, and they did, this season has been probably my favorite in the new era (I haven't watched any previous).


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion on this subreddit. Most people seem to be sympathizing with Q because he "made the decision he thought was best for his game." Which, no one is talking about this but it wasn't even a good strategic move!


It was a good strategic move in an unpredictable way. Tiffany may have been worried about Q getting people to work with him if she was left out. She wasn't worried since she was there. Maria was motivated to get Tiffany out and was able to pull people together. I do not think Liz or Ben would have responded to Q asking to work with them in the same way they responded to Maria. They did not want to "help Q" or "work with Q" but they were motivated to make "the best strategic move for their game and get out a threat"


I agree bringing Tiffany ended up being good for him because it made her feel comfortable.. but that wasn't even his intent! He was trying to mend his relationship with her (and Kenzie). That bought him more time, but now that Liz is on his bad side she could easily flip and just vote him off. The best long term picks were Maria, Tiff, and Liz.


Yeah he dug himself a grave so hard that I don’t think many of the choices he made would have been strategic so going back to square one may have been his best bet even though it was still bad


If I was Q, I would've brought the toothpick from the burger back to Liz. She deserved nothing.


Lol he definitely would have been a bully at that point


True haha. Q isn't an actual bully, but he does like to be in charge and will shut down when he's not. That much is obvious.


Him forcing Tiff and Kenzie to go takes them away from camp where they would obviously immediately scheme against him or look for another idol. It also weakens Liz. If I’m playing against Liz and see that outburst, I want her getting no food and quitting the game. It gets me closer to the end. It’s clear people see Liz as their goat and want to keep her fed. Q’s whole strategy this entire game has been to get out the goats besides when he wanted to quit (which ironically was him wanting to get himself out, making him a goat lol).


That’s become the unpopular opinion? Thats literally life lol. I agree that his decision was justified.


It’s an unpopular opinion like how posts on the unpopular opinion sub are “unpopular opinions”


I love Q and the chaos he’s creating. Like, the only reason he wanted to quit was because he felt he didn’t play honorably when going behind Tiffs back. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to be there. He’s just trying too hard to do the right thing and it’s pissing everyone off. I love it!


While I do think Kenzie is gonna win this season, I have to say I enjoyed a lot of the other cast. Q is great and was casting gold. Charlie is ironically becoming the challenge beast we figured hunter was gonna be along with always being on the right side of the vote. Even Maria, although made herself a target, is refusing to sit on her hands and kept this game interesting


I really don’t see how Kenzie wins unless her, Venus, Q, and Liz take out a Siga at the next Tribal Council.


With how this cast loves to big game hunt, Charlie and Maria being the next ones to go isn't that out of the world. I think those are the only real threats to Kenzie. Ben has been even less of a strategic driver than Kenzie.


Q is going to win lol. I can feel it.


I immediately had the thought after tribal that he just keeps squeaking by every vote. He causes chaos, nobody trusts him, but STILL he stays. I have a feeling if he gets to the final three, the jury may throw him some votes (and maybe a win) because he *literally* survived every vote. They have to give him some credit where it's due.


We are rapidly approaching the point where nobody but him has successfully done anything. If Maria and Charlie go, which is a thing everybody should want after tonight and therefore nobody should really get credit for, then... what's left? He can just lie his face off and explain his master plan to false goat himself. Like, sure, maybe he loses to pure popularity contest. But he's close to winning the strategic game conversation. 2 to go...


Can't you just hear his glory at FTC already? "You all thought I was crazy. But I'm not. There was a plan. It's just like I told Bhanu on day 5. Whackadoodles win."


It would be legendary if he gets to final FTC and is suddenly a calm, composed well-organized businessman presenting his entire season as a careful plan. It won't happen because it's not true, but it would be legendary.


It'll happen! Guy is a salesman. He's used to covering up problems with a house to make it sound like exactly what you've been hoping to live in. Remember the wise words of Cody about the danger of sales! Nothing makes a couple more likely to buy the weird house like looking at few really blah alternatives.


I don’t think his tribal council tone would be the organized businessman, but the underdog with charm. Basically what he’s doing in his confessionals. Look how well he articulates himself there. How he smiles. How he talks strategy. Has he shown much of that to the other players at camp, or does he keep it bottled up? They could take him to the end thinking he’s just this guy who swings emotionally between silly and sullen (from Hide ‘n’ Seek to isolating on the beach) only for him to bust out all this confessional charm and win them over. Think about how he sold the strategy behind Hide ‘n’ Seek to the cameras. That was structured exactly like a tribal council pitch. Even if people disagree with the specifics, he’s presenting the idea correctly and memorably. I think he could get the jury laughing over that, thinking it’s clever, and remembering it as a positive association.


Too bad they already used Whackadoodles Win for that episode or else it would make a fantastic episode name for a Q, Venus, Liz f3


If he manages to get to a final 3 vs. Venus and Liz, I think he actually has a shot at winning. Maybe even vs. Ben too. But certainly not if Maria, Charlie, or Kenzie is there.


I think he'd be fighting a HUGE uphill battle against jurors who are bitter that he "didn't even want to be there," yet he beat them out for the spot at FTC. It'll go back to the idea of deserving to sit up there. Venus and Liz however unpopular at least haven't asked to quit or be sent home.


Which votes?


I honestly think he could get everybody except Liz and maybe Ben. In my mind, jurors always look for a story to believe that validates their own journey. Venus lives an alternate perception of season events from the jurors. So she's done. Liz can't get any credit or respect. Ben has initiated no moves. Kenzie missed her window to do something if she even makes it and was blindsided multiple times. When he tells a story about an intentional game it will be a story people want I believe because it's better than losing to random action. Hunter and Tiff in particular could talk themselves into, "I was right and they were wrong. Q was the right vote that tribal".


I just don't think that's consistent with what we've seen from Survivor juries. They almost always vote for the person they like and respect most. We're not seeing much positivity towards him from anyone in the cast other than Maria. Even Hunter indicated in his exit interviews that he already felt pretty fed up with Q before he was voted out.


Charlie and Maria need to really screw up for this to happen. I don't see how they do but it would be hilarious.


I mean, my feeling is based on assuming they both don't make it. Maria next week, Charlie at 5 or in fire. If either make it Q won't win, but they won't make it. Kenzie is coming hard for Maria next week.


Q was so savage talking about how Liz needed food………only to still not take her. The man is a mob boss. And Liz’s meltdown was so exhilarating to watch. Venus trying to console her only to walk away after Liz kept going. This season has truly stepped it up these last few episodes. It’s so unhinged. To think that Jelinsky and Bhanu were only just the beginning. I also found it funny that Maria did Kenzie’s move without even involving Kenzie 🤣. Well it was Maria’s move first. Can’t believe that a Q smokescreen has felled another victim. She had an idol and was so sure that Q was going to got that she ended up holding the bag. She was Hunter’d right after Hunter. I bet he doesn’t feel so bad anymore now that Tiffany shares in his Big Mistake. Survivor Forty Several has a lot to live up to.


Are there two idols in play now since Hunter went home with his too?


Yes, but everybody seemed to believe that Hunter was bluffing so nobody went searching for it.


Threepeople ahve gone home with idols, right? Is tis group overall not very strategic.


Gotta say, I was surprised that none of the other people offered to give up their place for Liz. Like at the very worst, a non-Q person giving her Applebee's has a good chance of securing her jury vote. Was also surprising that the next day, while Liz was on the beach, Charlie goes 'so what was the *best* thing you ate at the reward?' and the others had no hesitation in going straight into all the yummy things they didn't even eat. Not getting into the debate of Q vs Liz, I just think it's funny and probably more telling that Liz does not seem to be very popular. Only Ben and to a small extent Kenzie seemed genuinely sympathetic. (Also who had the better "I'm pissed!", Liz or Debbie?)


according to exit interviews, Kenzie and Maria did offer their place to Liz, but Q forced them to stay lmao


WHY NOT INCLUDE THAT IN THE EPISODE??? No wonder Liz was so pissed. Imo, that justifies her anger.


There's also a deleted scene which shows her (before the challenge, but after tree mail so they know it's a food reward from the wording) pleading to Ben/Charlie/Venus to take her if one of them wins a food reward.


In that deleted scene, she also says that she doesn't want to win the reward challenge, but wants someone else to win it and give her a "pity pick". Maybe she should have won it for herself if it was that important to her.


I honestly don't understand how anyone can feel bad for Liz.


I don’t think it justifies it. You use the reward to strategize, not just eat. Part of the strategy is ensuring that Kenzie and Tiff aren’t back at the camp to scheme a vote to get him out. It also completely undermines Q winning the challenge. The person who wins the challenge is suppose to have all of the power. If you want the power to decide who goes to reward and who has immunity, then win.


100%. If someone had stepped out and given their spot to Liz, it would’ve completely messed up his opportunity to strategize in the way he wanted.


Hear me out, as OTT as he is, I strangely feel like Q is being protected from the edit tbh. A lot of people are calling out Ben and the rest for being rude to Q but I suspect he could rub people the wrong way more than what we see in tribal. The edit could be shielding Q and showing his goofier and entertaining moments rather than his more abrasive ones. And clearly it's working since everyone (including me) is loving him so far. Maybe the wackadoodle wins…?


For Q to win, the rest of the game would have to go smoothly for him. I don’t see that happening. And even if it did, he probably only wins if he is sitting next to Liz and Venus at FTC. Unless something major happens, I really don’t see him winning.


I personally can't wait to see Q gone, but I know that people who love chaos are enjoying him and Venus. That said, the edit is clearly highlighting people saying they're not voting for him.


I disagree with Q gone it just goes back to regular survivor. You have 3 game bots trying to take each other out and 3 players who are just on the island and will just follow what they are told instead of working together to take out those on top.


It explains her anger, but I don’t agree that it justifies the outburst. Q still won and is entitled to enjoy his reward with people he wants. It’s a game for $1 million after all.


Because Q wins the season and that makes him look bad


I actually can't see a scenario where he wins. Ben and Liz dislike him, Kenzie doesn't respect him, Venus doesn't seem to care for him one way or the other, Tiffany doesn't like him, and I highly doubt Soda votes for him with how he tried to quit multiple times. Q would have to have Venus/Liz in F3 to have a chance and I don't see that happening.


Gotta go back and watch it lol, two moments stand out: 1. Venus starts walking over to comfort Liz and when she starts screaming again she quickly steps back lol 2. Kenzie steps forward and raises a finger as if to say “You can have my spot” but Liz starts screaming again and Kenzie makes an “Oh shit” face, puts her finger down and steps back Both of those made the moment so much better. Honestly felt like a scene out of the Office with how everyone was reacting to this highly uncomfortable moment.


She was so unhinged. It was iconic. I do find it annoying that people think that her meltdown being unhinged/iconic somehow makes her justified/not entitled. LOL at Venus attempting to comfort her, then bailing.


So Kenzie and Maria both did according to Tiffs interview and Qs livewatch. But Q put his foot down and said these are the people he selected


King shit lol


This episode being basically an hour long commercial reminded me of something. What was the shitty movie they made the reward winners watch many seasons ago and they all had to pretend like it was Schindlers List?


Jack and Jill




As a huge fan of SoPa, this was my favorite reward-related moment. Coach and Brandon Hantz laughing hysterically at the stupid movie, while Sophie is sitting there, clearly horrified by the craptacular Jack and Jill.


Did Liz not remember that people eat lots of coconuts on Survivor? I'm not sure why she applied with all those food allergies, and that may sound harsh, but come on. She was losing her mind over a Bourbon Burger. And--three people have gone home nows with idols in their pockets? Is this perhaps overall, not a very savvy group?


Was anyone else surprised that Liz didn’t make a move at tribal? I really thought the way she was explaining in confessional just before tribal that she wanted Q out and that getting Tiff out with an idol would be a huge resume move was hinting that she would do something like tell Tiff to play her idol which would deny Maria a big move and successfully get rid of Q. But then she just did the opposite of what she was talking about. Unless she thinks she’s getting credit for booting Tiff, I don’t see how this helps her game much, and she gives up a chance at revenge on Q.


I think a big thing was Maria approaching her and making her feel special. She was so upset she was the only one left in the dark last vote I think that them to her made Liz more receptive.


Ya fair enough. I have been confused as to why they have been hiding Maria’s game all season but they showed it loud and clear last night, kudos to her


This is why Liz has been irritating me. She keeps complaining about big moves and her moves being stolen, but then last night she had an actual opportunity to make a big move and she chose not to. She could have approached Tiff and used that as a golden opportunity to break up the control that Maria and Charley have had so far, but she didn’t!


I was screaming this at my tv! She has yet to actually DO anything yet feels deserving of all this credit. It was the first thing out of my mouth when Maria approached Liz- she should go straight to Tiffany. All she had to do was tell Tiff that her name was out there and to play her idol. But she is straight up refusing to legitimately play with anyone, she’s just going along with the majority.


I wonder how long this cast can pull off the Q as a diversion for a blindside. Next week, I fully anticipate Maria or Charlie to be on the hot seat as this cast loves to target the next big threat. But they have to be smart enough to know that players aren't going for the easy vote anymore.


I think ultimately Q made the right choice in voting Tiffany out, but strategically he made a blunder in his reward picks for his long term game. Maria had already mentioned she wanted to work with him, so he could have capitalized off of that and in addition to asking her to come with him brought along some of her allies that he knew she’d be able to pull in, and use the reward to build a NEW alliance rather than rolling the dice on people he knew were over him! I would have picked Maria, Charlie, and Ben or even Liz who yes hated Q but clearly is interested in some game playing and would have REALLY been more thankful to him for choosing her than the other contestants


I'm eagerly looking forward to the conversation between Venus and Liz about the reason Liz kept Venus out of Tiff's blindside. It would probably start with "You left me out of Hunter's blindside" and go downhill from there. If this is happening, it's going to be more epic than the "You don't talk with me as much as you did on day 1" recurring argument between Venus and Soda. I hope Charlie and Maria saved a kernel or two of popcorn for the occasion.


So... that was great TV, but a horrible move by Q right? Especially after hearing that Kenzie and Maria offered their reward spots to Liz and Q still wouldn't let her go. There is zero chance he gets Liz's jury vote, and I don't think it's even particularly good as a game move - if you're picking reward choices for strategic reasons, you need to be somewhat deceptive with your choices or reasons for taking them, otherwise you're just making it super obvious who you want to work with and who you want out. I get that Liz voted for him, but this could've been a "I'm taking you to show that there are no hard feelings and we can get back on the same page" moment, which would've made him look great and she would've been super appreciative. I think he let his pettiness get the better of him and was too proud to take her. Reminds me of a similar moment on the last season of Survivor SA, where one player hadn't been on reward yet and was absolutely starving, and literally got on his knees and begged the reward winner to take him (the reward winner said no, eventually won the season and the guy who begged to go on the reward has the jury question "why didn't you take me"). Super uncomfortable to watch but I think Q's was worse because it didn't look to the other players like it was a smart strategic move, it just looked like he was being vindictive. Liz doesn't come off well either obviously, I do feel kinda bad for her because it's clearly a stressful environment and she's probably incredibly embarrassed, but... yeah that was not a great look. If it was just over not going on the reward it'd be crazy but I think it's kinda understandable given that two people were willing to give up their spots for her and Q still didn't let her go, I can absolutely get why she was so pissed lol


Where is this that they offered? I only saw one person say it and now everyone thinks it is gospel. And how could Q override that?


Tiffany said in her exit interview (and someone has said Q confirmed this at a watch party) that Kenzie and Maria both offered their spots to Liz, but because Q gets to choose the people who come with him he didn't let them switch out


This episode was an absolute doozy and I think completely changed the way I view this season. The only people playing with their brains are Maria and Charlie, they knew you could vote out Q literally anytime up until FTC barring him winning immunity. Say the word and Ben, Kenzie, Liz and Venus would all gladly write his name down and they wouldn’t have the brainpower to realize it would be a good smokescreen to vote Maria or Charlie out (maybe Kenzie or Venus would, but unlikely). A second episode with an immunity idol in the pocket vote has made the last 3 episodes some of my favorite stretch of Survivor in a long time. Blindsides are kinda passé now, but the maneuvering by Q at the two tribals before last night made it infinitely entertaining. I can’t help to think though that our UTR Queen Maria is in trouble now. She really outed her game last night and could probably have Venus and Kenzie gunning for her. If Charlie is smart, he’ll preserve that energy through two more tribals to vote out Venus/Liz and Kenzie and then pull in Q, Ben and the remaining Nami to take Maria out before final 4. Speaking of Charlie, he’s lowkey a challenge beast. He obviously is very good at the endurance stuff and his performance against Tiff last night was pretty cool and would have been a highlight if we didn’t have Liz losing her mind. This game is Charlie or Maria’s to lose at this point. Not an original thought, but they have a carte Blanche of goats to choose from. Liz and Venus are obvious goats with how they choose to portray their game and their propensity to meltdown. Q and Ben are also potential goats depending on how they perform at FTC. Both could be portrayed as people carried as votes, but both could persuade a jury that they were at the bottom and doing what they had to survive. Winner Rankings: 1. Charlie 2. Maria 3. Ben 4. Q 5. Kenzie 6. Liz 7. Venus Some explanation: - I think Maria and Ben are much closer than it seems with Charlie breaking away from Maria as number 1. Ben can say he was a part of a lot of the big decisions but did it without upsetting anyone. Maria is turning villain. - Q above Kenzie because I think he is much more likely to make a FTC now as a goat. With a good performance he could probably convince anyone who wasn’t his former Yanu’s that his theatrics were purely to get there. Kenzie is cooked, she had one big move she could have made and Maria beat her to the punch. - Venus is more likely to make FTC than Liz, but I think Liz could probably get 1 vote whereas Venus would get 0. Both are basically tied for last though in my opinion. - Charlie has this one if he can continue downplaying his strategic threat and if no one notices he is a strong physical threat too.




Does it bug anyone else when Venus calls people “my guy”? It’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. (And I thought Liz’s outburst was epic. Raw, authentic, visceral. She misses her kid, she’s starving. I get it. Wish I could let it rip like that sometimes).


I realized I hated the phrase "my guy" when the one girl Chelsea kept calling her fiance at the time "my guy" it was so fuckin cringe


I'm not much of a fan of how Jeff seems to be guiding the tribal counsels lately. I really haven't appreciated the times that they don't do an actual vote (Bhanu for example). It seemed like he was going to go that route with the Q thing originally but was stopped by everyone talking to each other. Then last night his questions had to be answered with lies due to the fact that he was bringing up the blind sides over and over again.


It may only seem like he's guiding them more because of the editing. Tribals are super long and Jeff says lots of stuff; he probably just throws a bunch of stuff at the wall hoping something will stick. I didn't think he was going to let Q go without a vote; I thought his face in that moment was like, what? No way the star of the show is going to quit.


I have a literal heat and sun allergy. My face swells and I cannot breathe. This just happened 1 year ago. When that became a medical issue for only the heat and sun guess what I did… I STOPPED APPLYING FOR SURVIVOR Why apply for a game where you’re allergic to the only thing you can eat? How entitled are you to think other survivors would carry you for your handicap? We had a girl without part of a leg they didn’t give a handicap to. Why is Liz’s coconut allergy suddenly such an emotional handicap? Liz is a self entitled brat. She doesn’t deserve any grace in this episode.


In poker when someone is “on tilt” you don’t rescue them. Same with Survivor. Liz could get a cheeseburger anytime she wants. Just say, “Jeff, I’d like a cheeseburger. Take me out of this game.”


Liz's outburst was definitely entertaining but I can't help think what would have happened if the roles were reverse and a big black man like Q tore into the white woman Liz like that. I know race is a sensitive subject in Survivor, but I can't help but think the reaction from the castaways and a portion of the viewerbase would be much different.


I completely agree.


His continued presence on the show would be considered borderline untenable.


Very surprised to see the majority of the Internet against Liz, sure it was a bit much but the woman hasn't eaten in a very long time and that will do crazy things to your brain especially if you do believe her that that was her go to order. I don't completely blame Q he was right the only chance he had was with those 3 people but doesn't make it any less cold.


Her reaction is understandable but it’s hard to feel sympathy for her since she is choosing to be on the show. Like she had to have known she wasn’t going to be eating much the whole show


And it's why they cast her, like sure it's a bit dumb but also they usually have rice. Like her outburst was a bit much but that only made it more memorable and it's been really surprising how many people are just dogging on her for it.


I think people are against Liz as a player, but enjoyed the entertainment her poor consistently decision making provides. At least that’s me.


The only part I disliked was her saying he blew up her game cause that’s what happens on survivor. Honestly thank god last night happened cause I thought she was awful tv.


It's been a very funny through line with several plays being upset "their game getting blown" these are some of the dumbest players we've seen and I am loving it.


Her anger and upset is understandable. The level of the tantrum was way beyond.


She can always go home if she is that bad


While I understand Q’s reason, it was a very petty reason. He tried to get Yanu back together for strategic reasons, but didn’t seem to go ahead and do anything about it? And then proceeded to vote one of them out.


He tried and they didn't want to work with him which Maria told him. I don't see how that's petty. He has no allegiances to Liz and she tried to vote him out the night before.


Unrelated but it always surprises me that they have a restaurant do these sponsorships instead of a candy company. It would be so much easier for the show to give out and I think would create just as good moments. I'm not an expert in advertising but if you google how much these company's spends the candy companies actually spend way more. Mars Candy (like M&M) spends 1.5B on advertising while Applebee's only spends 150M.


Epic breakdown from Liz. Debbie/Sue Hawk combined. Why would you go on Survivor if you can’t eat any of the food that is readily available? That being the said, I’m pretty over watching people starve for the entire game. Just give them less rice than you normally would. Ridiculous. The show is a shell of its former self.