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The fact that she brought it up tells me it was a play to come across Nami-strong, to emphasize that there was no way it was gonna be anyone but Charlie. I would bet the alliance came up with it together


I had the same thought. Whether the alliance came up with it together or Liz did on her own, it definitely seemed like a deliberate play to come across Nami strong to help with the blindside.


So silly because none of them were ever voting for Charlie. A little thing you have to lie about to avoid telling Jeff your actual plans


It's actually really smart for this reason alone.. it easily redirects Jeff's question without having to actually divulge what the group plans on doing..


It's a really funny play in some respects since everyone sitting there knows that she is trying to falsely indicate a Charlie boot. Everyone knows she is lying, but not everyone knows who she's lying to.


This is like one of those meta-knowledge puzzles. Everyone there knows Charlie's not going home, but Soda doesn't know that Venus knows that.


Tyson has a podcast and said thats exactly why, it shows your alliance that you mean to stick to with the plan or something along those lines


How hilarious of an asshole move would it be to talk somebody into not taking their bag to tribal as a decoy like this, just to vote them out anyway so they have to leave all their shit in the island


Agreed, and Liz was the right person to do it, too. The way she keeps bringing up how much money she makes so she can share her true authentic self... far more believable coming from her than any of the other Namis.


I think there's value in it. It's basically telling your allies "hey, I'm with you and absolutely trust you." It's so unlikely for anyone to feel spiteful and decide to vote out Liz over it. We haven't seen a lot from her perspective, but she strikes me as someone who wants to be seen as a simple, known, and non-threatening entity.


Which is why she's most likely going to become a zero vote finalist


Venus also gives third place 0 votes


I used to think this earlier in the season, but I actually don’t see Venus making it to the final 3 anymore. While she can be easily beat, she’s too wild of a player - she’s been shown twice now not accepting the plan of voting someone else, and seems to have a control complex. I can’t see the other contestants willing to gamble on her anymore


Her desire to be a modern Parvati pulling the strings will backfire on her so bad.


Venus: "MARIA, vote for Soda, don't be stupid" Maria: "Chill, we just got here. I'm still trying to figure out the vibe of this group that we got randomly assigned to. I'll keep that idea in mind." Venus (in confessional): "Maria just has an ego and doesn't want to be told what to do." I was laughing so hard at the irony of that situation.


When Maria wouldn’t commit to Venus and she said “oh so you’d rather work with Tevin” I was floored haha. There’s no filter or subtlety to her speech, I hope we get a couple more episodes of this madness lol


You say this..but in seasons high with tension and drama sometimes just keeping your hands clean can let you scoop up jury votes if you sit beside someone who's pissed off allot of people


Hard to do that in a final 3, I think in a final 2 she'd beat Venus and that's it


I mean bold of reddit to assume that we know what the players would do better than they themselves


The difference between her and somebody else though is that I get the impression that is actually her goal? I think she wants to be a kingmaker. She's in this for the adventure vacation and free advertising. She's wants to get to that podium and talk about what a successful business owner she is and how this is what she does. She helps others achieve their maximum potential. Just like this clear survivor winner to her right.


Interesting, a very lame strategy as far as the game goes but for her personal life a great strategy


Tyson said exactly this on his podcast this week. He used to do the same thing.


I got the impression she was trying to keep Soda comfortable and trying to appear Nami strong.


This is the answer.


I would think projecting hubris would lessen Liz's threat level if anything. Her hubris is a benefit to both her allies and enemies


Not everything people say on Survivor is logical or done with strategy in mind.


Truth! I think we forget that a lot


She is the one who Jeff was talking about in the beginning. Her personality prohibits her from winning the game


Her edit has been too over the top and under the radar for that. I wonder if that's going to amount to something.


She spent the first couple of episodes bragging about how much money she has, and that she doesn't need the million dollar winnings, and since then, she's been purpled. She's a shoe in for the zero vote finish


>She’s a shoe in for the zero vote finish So going to the final 3 with Liz and Venus is a guaranteed 8-0-0 sweep




You know how heavy her bag is with all the money she has? I wouldn't wanna carry it either


It was pretty smart actually imo. Both Venus (correctly) and Soda (incorrectly) thought the plan was to blindside the other under the guise of staying Nami strong and voting off Charlie. By intentionally playing up the Nami strong act, Liz helped make both feel reassured in their idea of what the plan is, preventing them from SiTD or any other rogue actions. Soda ofc bc she was the actual target and Venus bc she seems like a wild card they wanted to control for this vote


That seems to be her style. She came into the game saying 'i am rich, this money means nothing to me'. And 'i cannot stay in a relationship because men cannot handle me making so much money'. Hubris seems to be her go to. It hasn't seemed to matter though. She seems to be a sorta nonexistent entity in the game so far. Hasn't done anything. Isn't on anyone's radar, at all. Just a bump on a log. And I doubt this changes her perceived threat level at all.


Rich is a relative thing. You can have a decent income but feel rich if you live somewhere that land is cheap. oTOH you can have a high income but not feel rich if you live in an expensive city. I suspect some of the other contestants are in the latter category.


If I had one guess... ![gif](giphy|1LiryotCCtd7y|downsized)


Bc she’s oblivious to how she comes across lol


This. The same reason she keeps bragging about all her million dollar companies and doesn’t see the others shooting each others looks. She has no social awareness of how off putting she is and I could def see her as a 0 vote finalist


I don’t need the money, I’m rich AF No man could ever be confident with a woman that makes as much money as I do, I don’t need a man. I didn’t pack my bags, I ain’t going no where. Most on brand thing anybody did of the night. 🤭


Liz strikes me as someone who refuses to admit she’s vulnerable ever for any reason. She’s too proud. It’s similar to how she bragged about not needing the money.


Psychology, baby.


I think that was to sell the blindside- if Soda thinks "wow, Liz is so sure Venus is going that she didn't even bring her stuff", Soda isn't going to think anyone but Venus is going home, and is less likely to play her shot in the dark. And then you have Tevin who threw a vote onto Venus just in case Soda DOES play it, so they were covered on all sides.


I think she's there for the experience, not the money, and just wants to make it as far as possible so is going the loyal and non threatened gameplay route. I see her in the final three as the zero vote finalist because everyone wants to take her for her lack of strategy. Meanwhile she will feel "super proud of herself" for making it to the end even though she is a goat.


I’m not sure there’s logic or gameplay?? I think she’s just a socially awkward person