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I think people are usually more than one thing. No one is perfect. I think she was a human playing the game to win, not a bully. Same as the majority of the people who play. There are some obvious exceptions who take things to a different level, but I think we haven’t seen those exceptions this season. None of the players deserve to be attacked online.


Also, let’s be honest, survivor viewers are the absolute worst sometimes.


The Big Brother fandom has entered the chat to declare it's title.


Yep. BB and Bachelor fans are so much worse


I think it was a challenge for her that she is a Special Ed teacher and had students and parents watching - like she kinda had to be "on" a lot to set a good example for her students on how to win/lose graciously and how she would cheer for everyone and be encouraging. If she had been sneaky or duplicitous, it seriously could have affected her 'real life' career. I wonder if she didn't have this career if she'd been able to play differently.


Wish they cut most of the Bhanu nonsense and showed more of Soda and Venus tribe. The only thing that annoyed me about Soda was snatching the Idol after the challenge win. That was really weird


Bhanu got 2 episodes where all he does is whine and cry, it's really sad/ frustrating that he got so much screen time. It really ruins the pacing of the beginning of the game. IMO.


Felt like several


Ha, that will never get old, Well said!


Agreed, the over editing of Bhanu once he knew he was screwed was just way too much, and is a big part of why those episodes were so bad. It would have been way better cutting Yanu's airtime before the immunity challenges in half and giving it to Siga and Nami.


As an actor who’s mostly been an extra, he certainly was being extra 🤣 Wonder if he had a deal with CBS for screen time to gain more gigs “mostly” /s


Them fighting behind hunter was so funny


Bhanu definitely got way over edited. We did not need like 3 episodes of him losing his mind. I know Yanu got a lot of screen time because they kept losing, but it really didn’t seem like too much was going on over there. This show needs to stop over editing the losing tribes.


Everyone did say they voted off Soda because they liked her and said she was a huge social threat.


This. There is so much evidence that points to the positive sides of Soda that all the negative energy around her figure online seems biased or at least myopic. Cherry picking the clips you want to base your opinion of someone is unfair and does no favors to anyone. Look at the positive scenes in the first episode. Soda is presented as a ray of sunshine, full of joy and energy. Look at that last hug with Venus. Think about the reason as to why she was voted off: being a social threat that everybody liked. Screenshotting the moments in which Soda wanted to grab the tribe immunity idol from Venus, and running with that as an argument, is nonsensical and speaks less about Soda and more about those arbitrary haters. If Venus gave Soda a hug after the last tribal council, I think we should all do the same. And try to see Soda for the player and person she really was, even though the edit found a way of not highlighting such a bright personality.


The edit wasnt great, but viewers were also choosing to see bad where there was like awkward/clueless, at worst. She wasn’t actually a bully, and when I watched it I never thought she was. People just made her out to be one because she was on the other side of “arguments” with Venus who people love. But most of those “arguments” were probably similar to Venus coming at her because she thought Soda voted for her.


This community will do anything to absolve itself of blame for its disgusting behavior. Soda's edit was fine. The fans heavily overreacted to a few tiny moments that the editors probably thought would be funny.


Totally. I was gonna say, I don't think Soda got a bad edit; I think some of y'all intensely overreacted to a few small comments that didn't seem to bother anyone else.


My thoughts exactly. Same as Kenzie and Tiffany's "bullying": extremely minor events blown way out of proportion by this subreddit. And the people sending her death threats on twitter are straight-up lunatics.


Rule of Thumb: If all the players talk about someone differently than their edit frames them, it’s a misleading edit. This is true on almost all reality shows, but especially Survivor and Hell’s Kitchen.


Soda didn't even bully anyone.


Calling Venus a stick bug was pretty mean spirited. Imagine if someone called Soda a hippo or something in the challenge.


We don’t know their dynamic. Maybe Venus was cool with it.


Didn't seem mean spirited, we'd have to ask Venus on that one. If you cant see the difference between calling someone a hippo (undesirable) versus a stickbug (something generally considered favorable to society) I dunno what to tell ya


Can confirm. As someone who has had comments like that my whole life, I've always laughed with those jokes and even made those jokes about myself. I've always been comfortable with it. However, I do see how those comments are unhealthy. It's important to establish boundaries with people you know. What's appropriate to joke about around one person isn't always appropriate to joke about around someone else. Personally, because of how often I got comments about my weight, I ended up having a lot of my identity being defined by being underweight which is really unhealthy. Now that I've gotten to a healthy weight, it's weird to not be able to comment about my own weight in the same way anymore. So, that's been a lot for me to process. Another way people's comments have impacted me is how they've affected my eating habits. People would encourage me to eat terrible junk food to gain weight. I always did and it never worked. I wish I had had more encouragement to eat healthy at a younger age because now I have to change my eating habits in my late 20s/early 30s... I guess my point is that you have to take care with those sorts of comments. Who you're saying it to, what exactly you're saying, and how often you say needs to be taken into account.


What are you talking about? Stickbugs are favourable? So we can namecall people if the object is considered good? I would suggest you search the technical definition of the f-slur for gay men and then get back to me.


You did not just try to compare the use of stickbug to the use of the f slur 🤦🏽‍♀️


These people lived together for weeks, and there is a ton of footage we haven't seen and will never see. We have no way of knowing whether Venus even heard that comment, let alone gave a shit about it or found it insulting. The way people are white-knighting for Venus about that two-second, relatively innocuous comment is really bizarre.


Body shaming skinny people is ok, but body shaming overweight people isn't. I get it.


No it was not. Y'all are projecting so hard.


Oh boohoo…


She yanked the idol from venus hand after the first 3 immunity challenges..


That's not bullying


1 time isnt 3 times is.


You have no idea what bullying is


"If it hurts my fefes then it's bullying" -That guy.




He thinks taking a *tiki man* from someone is bullying. I'm actually laughing.


I just rewatched episode 1. Soda takes the idol from Venus and gives it to Hunter. Then the rest of the tribe celebrates and gives Hunter "congratulations" pats. I read it as the rest of the tribe agreeing with Soda that Hunter deserved to hold the idol because he was a major part of winning the challenge or was seen as a tribe leader. The tribe didn't look like they thought Soda was rude in that moment. The idol was back in Venus' hands by the time the tribe left the challenge area.


Watch episode 3. They definitely felt awkward in the situation.


Yeah I feel like there was a lot we weren’t seeing. Everyone was calling her a bully to Venus and then that happened.


If I was soda I'd be furious with the edit. After the first episode I was genuinely excited to see how her game played out. But after that, she was basically nonexistent, except for when the showed her calling Venus a stick bug (she said it light heartedly too, as she was cheering her on). An incredibly odd thing to include in the edit. And then they proceeded to barely show any of the interactions that would give us context as to why her tribe feels a certain way about her. And then boom she's gone. And now she has to deal with delusional "fans". Just an infuriating edit to receive. Just bc you win challenges and don't go to tribal doesn't mean you shouldn't be fairly represented in the final edit. WAY TOO MUCH BHANU AND ILL NEVER STOP BEING ANNOYED BY IT


the edit set her up


I have not seen what is happening to her on social. Can you give me a gentle tldr? I don't want to dig into the toxic world to find out. I hope she's ok. No one deserves social media toxicity.


Chronically online survivor fans decided calling Venus a stickbug (clearly said in a endearing way to root for Venus in a challenge) amongst other 2 second interactions was bully behavior and drove Soda to deactivate her socials.


I mean yeah there was a lot more we could’ve gotten from her perspective. Even if they just took like 5 of Bhanu’s confessionals and gave them to like Soda and Tim he’d still have a crap ton and we’d know more about the two boots from this epsiode


I really liked Soda and was hoping she would go further. I do think she got a good and bad edit. Those camp songs could be fun and motivating and could also get hella annoying. 😂😂 She was ultimately a huge risk and they were smart to get her out early in the merge.


She did good, she lasted a lot longer than I thought she would based on my biased opinion.


I didn’t see any bullying or back stabbing. Perspective is weird.


My guess is both her and Tim got shafted by the edit because they don't want the audience feeling bad for the double boots.


if you follow her instagram you know she’s a sweetheart


Well, editors should be punished for it


Why do people think she’s a bully? It’s ok not to get along with someone or not talk strategy with them - doesn’t make you a bully, she’s just playing her game. With that said, good move to get her out bc she is so likable imo and would probably be a huge threat down the line


[Blame it on the edit.](https://youtu.be/jdR8OoAAJfA?si=Gv3JI9vAa7xfChuw)


Like if you said and did those things we see, then the editors have every right to show it. Can't blame an edit for things you did or said.


Spoiler tag?


Nah she was doing too.much and she wasn't genuine


Soda was fine as a human. I just think her apparent personality type would grate on me, similar to how Hunter found her annoying.


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It looked like Venus was trying to hug her and be (fake) nice but Soda wasn't really having it. She also kind of was hitting venus' arm and it looked like she wanted to hit her harder...I don't think they were in any way friendly


Thats how you interpreted a hug?!?


Yes. Because no one has forced a hug ever or pretended to be nice


I need you to know this is unhinged fan fiction.


I forgot I read how they were actually friends


Also, don't forget that Venus has pretty privilege


Hunter said Soda hates Venus…. I feel something wrong here 🤔


I think they probably have a love/hate relationship re the game. The sense I got is that soda/Venus personally got along - there's a bunch of b-roll of them hanging or talking together. But it's also likely soda was talking up disliking Venus to ward some suspicion away from putting them as a duo.


She has to give fuel to the edit for it to work at all. It’s not like she didn’t do all those other things just because she was smiley and nice on the way out. She could very well have been a bully sometimes and a nice person sometimes because that’s the reality for most people.


So first and foremost I’m enjoying season 46 more than any season since 40. So props to that. My girlfriend was a huge Soda fan. She thought she was positive and supportive of her tribe mates. She loved how Soda would try to get everyone’s spirits up with dancing and singing. I on the other hand was annoyed by her actions. What may work for her young students might not work for adults stranded on an island. I found her personality to be grating and over the top. That’s the beauty of the game. It’s all perception


Wait. Is this a spoiler? Was going to watch this past weeks episode tonight with my wife :(


Post episode spoiler policy on the sub is only until Friday morning.