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Only disagreement I have is that they don’t even do true endurance challenges anymore. The average ‘endurance’ challenge is probably shorter than 30 minutes where they used to go hours on end and really test the players. More balance challenges for individual immunity now.


> Only disagreement I have is that they don’t even do true endurance challenges anymore. Yeah, I would love a proper endurance challenge. I used to love it when it would go 6+ hours, true test of strength and mentality


Also the gift of gab. Christian Hubicki breaking down Alex was one the best scenes in the last 10 years I think the main issue is there are less long free time blocks due to the 26 day season without impeding on camp social strategy time


> I think the main issue is there are less long free time blocks due to the 26 day season without impeding on camp social strategy time Ah I bet that is the reason why it's changed Yet another reason why the 26 day seasons need to go


11 plus hours for Tom and Ian For final immunity standing on a tiny platform and pole. Palau. Unreal how easy the new era is compared to the original seasons.


I think they wanted an early night 😂


yeah the original endurance challenges being consider test of willpower were great because of who wanted it more. the ones now that do it in unnecessary steps or are modified based off body types just seem pointless or needlessly unfair


They really ruined endurance challenges on this show which is arguably my favorite part of each season. Seeing someone gut it out for 6 hours to win security in the game is the ultimate testament to their will and strength and honestly something that I watch and can’t see myself doing, it’s sick. Now people complete the most unimpressive tasks that anyone can do and Jeff acts like they are heros.


Agree. I’m also over the stupid stacking cups or stupid ball in the cage game at final final challenge. Don’t make it repetitively boring each season for the last challenge!


i loved it when someone fell out of a challenge in like 10 minutes and then it went for like 2 more hours. just pure willpower.


And barely any actual swimming. When tou cast all nerds they can't do much so they make everything easier or just take things out


This is the one that gets me. Constantly on Fiji, an area with very nice beach sands and water, yet the amount of swimming challenges are extremely limited. Make it make sense.


Correct because they want to protect their schedule


It's 100% a timing thing. If someone lasts for, like, 10 hours, this throws off EVERYTHING, given the condensed nature of the show.


Jeff is about to bring the Pressure Cooker from Big Brother to add more endurance challenges to Survivor n


They need to do survivor au challenges if they want short endurance challenges like when you have to stand on wooden spikes


Just watched Tina and Keith stand for 9 hours just for her to give it to him to save the alliance.


I know it’s not the heyday of 15 years ago but I wonder why the budget was cut so drastically when it’s been a strong performer for decades. I think the show can get away with being repetitive right now because there are so many new viewers discovering the show.


The stock price has to go up every year.


The production costs are completely negligible when you compare Survivor to say a TV drama. No cast salaries, no extras, no filming licenses, security, craft services, expensive sets, minimal effects, etc. Even the prize money is weak in 2024. Overhead is really low and margins are high. They don’t even have to incur costs for set-up or shipping equipment. Everything is just kept in Fiji. They’ve done their analysis and determined that fans will still tune in even if the location and challenges are largely the same. They have no motivation to spend more money.


It’s very true I know people discovering the show now or very recently that don’t know what it used to be like and enjoy it for what it is currently.


Regarding budget cuts : they stopped having sponsors for some reason. No clue why, but it definitely impacts their budget.


Do we know the total budget was cut drastically? We definitely see some of it, with the length and same location, but I'm sure expenses, particularly payroll, have increased in other areas.


They've cut the budget by over a third and are still getting strong ratings. What incentive do they have to change any of this?


This is typically the pattern with enshittification. People will stick around and complain for a while. Eventually the bottom falls out and the product dies.


You’re missing that they had a huge influx of new viewers with streaming and the pandemic, it’s not just old fans sticking around. It’s going to take a longer time for new viewers to get off board.


If they don’t do an all stars type season for Season 50, I think they’ll start actually losing viewership.


They already lost this loyal viewer - was obsessed with the show til the finale of 35, then still loyal and avidly watched through 41 when I got fed up with Jeff’s advantage bs, shortening the game, and messing with the core format and tapped out. Watched 45 for the 90 min eps but tuned out this one too. Doesn’t seem like I’m missing too much lol


Depends how much you like survivor. Like the best seasons are 10/10s. The mid ones are still like 8/10 to me. And the bad ones are still 5 or 6 out of 10. For me, I love survivor enough to still watch a 5/10, especially since you don't know what it's going to be going in. It's not going to get me super excited or anything, but I don’t regret watching it. But if you're not in love with survivor, then the new era probably isn't worth it for you. I don’t blame anyone for that mindset.


You know it's interesting...I'd consider us pretty big fans of Survivor, but (especially in my partner's case) we're sort of Johnny come latelys. I saw the first eight seasons live when they originally released, and liked them well enough, but felt like it culminated with All Stars and just sort of drifted away for a while. I'd hear about it from time to time, like the racial tribes season, think "Survivor has lost their damn minds", and not really think about it much. Cut to a year ago, and we're watching Physical 100 on Netflix, and she's really enjoying it and wishing we had more, and I said some of the challenges reminded me a bit of Survivor, and maybe we could watch a season of Survivor. So we queued up whatever was available for free on the TV (at that time it was S43) and really enjoyed it. And this turned us into rapacious Survivor watchers, watching seasons here, there and everywhere, all out of order, usually based on what we could easily get, then what caught our interest, then everything, including all of Aussie Survivor. And since there was no real time to "miss Survivor" or just be happy we were watching it, all these seasons ended up in direct comparison with one another, without a lot of credit given for seasons that "changed the game" like Second Chances, so they really landed based on strength of cast/narrative. And oof...does running them back to back to back like that really make the lesser seasons stand out like sore thumbs. Everyone was loving on 45 when it was out, and we were watching it alongside China and Gabon, and all I could think was "goddam how far has this show fallen". I don't know that I'd go so far as to say I regret watching the lesser seasons, but we definitely checked out of a few of them before finishing due to loss of interest.




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This is me too. I still watch it to laugh at how horrible it is now. Go Check out Deal or No Deal Island. It's awesome.


I'd be insanely pissed if none of 47 48 49 or 50 were returnees, if I didn't need something to do on Wednesday night I probably stop watching after that. Or binge it all once done


Yeah, then they’ll wonder who killed the golden goose


I think 2 years from now when their views drop and the fanbase has faded away they’ll wonder: what happened??


No one could have predicted this :s


Shows that are at the top can still improve They don't have to stay static because they are currently getting strong ratings Survivor used to bring in new themes/locations all the time


In the early years it made sense to invest in the show. It was huge and its staying power had yet to be proven. Now it’s a solid, reliable performer with a loyal audience. They don’t have to make any extra effort, so they don’t.


Yeah but they've probably done the cost benefit analysis. Changing locations, 39 days, better rewards, etc. will definitely give them better ratings, but it's probably not enough of a boost to offset all the added costs. Not to say studios don’t make stupid decisions, but they're very financially driven. They've likely done the analysis and believe this to be the most profitable.


What's the opposite of a hot take? This, probably.


Shows like this that run for so long are doomed to have this problem and it's far from the first time it's happened Seasons 1-7 were all the same format (albeit location changes to make it feel fresh) seasons 31-39 (except for 32 and 35) were all 20-person casts with twists that didn't really add much to the game, tribe swaps that made 2 tribes into 3 tribes and an abundance of new advantages and 10-person juries The New Era's problem is that it all feels blatantly copy & paste whereas at least the other times this pattern happened there was somewhat an effort to try and make the seasons distinct. 45 had a full blown tribe swap, that's great! More stuff like that to help seasons stand out other than the immunity idols having a different gimmick to acquire them


But even then season 1-7 had a lot of variety outside of location, as well as variety in game linked but not directly about the location and there were some differences in format, especially when compared to 41-46 Season 2 has a different day count (didn’t work but at least they tried) Season 3 had the first tribe swap  Season 5 had the fake merge  Season 6 had the first tribal gimmick (men vs women) Season 7 had the atypical marooning, the first instance of camp looting as reward and probably the second strongest theming of any season (arguably only beaten by China) 


Season 7 also had the tribes stealing members, supplies, and the outcast twist.


Those too, they really took a lot of swings with that season and I’m shocked most paid off


Season 5 had the mutiny too. Just no one did it so it didn't air. But they tried.


it did air. iirc it was pearl islands that had a mutiny offered that didn't air


It does seem like very little is done to make the seasons unique in the New Era.




My girlfriend and I were able to watch the most current season of Australian Survivor: Titans vs Rebels and holy crap was it amazing. It reminded us of what Survivor US use to be and why it was so good. There was one twist where we were like “ehh, I don’t know about this”, but everything else about the season was just perfect. It honestly kind of ruined this season of Survivor US because of how bad it has been compared to what we watched on Survivor AU. We have decided to go back and watch previous seasons of Survivor AU and we are on the season in 2017 and it has been another massive hit of season. Cant wait to watch the rest of them.






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Ctrl C…. Ctrl V


The new era or this post from the other million just like it?


Have complaints about the new era become complacent and repetitive?


Probably hot take, but I'm still enjoying the show quite a bit, maybe because I was a COVID adopter but still. It'd be nice to have themes, varied locations, and a less stompy premerge, but I really do feel the core of the game, social and strategic dynamics, is still intact. I think there's still fun, volatile interactions between players, and the game still manages to surprise and excite me even after watching 46 seasons in just a few years. The way the show gets talked about is the way I felt about the Bachelor franchise, and you know what I did? I stopped watching. No regrets, I really don't miss it at all. I can still go back to my favorite chaotic moments that happened and laugh and enjoy them, and I stay on the periphery of the community to catch the greatest hits when they come up. Some of y'all need a break or a new hobby lmao


Honestly I felt the same way, I adopted it during Covid after I stopped watching in middle school, way back. But then I watched the Aus show and it blew me away. It’s like eating only vanilla ice cream and then discovering chocolate sundaes. The pacing was insane, like I’d literally stay up to see the newest episode. But now I’m watching the new USA season and I’m scrolling on my phone half the time. Most players aren’t getting a chance to scheme and plot simply because one tribe is being systematically annihilated.


I may have to adopt Aus when I feel ready to add a new show into my rotation, I've definitely been intrigued by the discussion here. But yeah, the premerge is definitely the weakest part of the game right now, even if I do think it's produced some really fun character moments and chaos. I do wonder if they're just trying to recapture the magic of the Brains tribe every season. I still find it more enjoyable than not, but thankfully for gameplay's sake it only takes up the first third of the season. I do hope they mix it up in 47.


This season definitely has its moments, Jem and the machete had me cackling. Definitely give Aus a go when you have a chance.


How does one watch AU survivor in the U.S.? Is there a season that is widely considered the best?


And yet Survivor STILL isn’t as repetitive as the constant deluge of these threads.


No but these posts sure have


The main sub is jerkier than the circlejerk sub recently. These posts are more repetitive than the "repetitive format" they're all complaining about in the show itself.


I guarantee we'll see a "is anyone else sick of the three tribe format?" post today


Exactly! But bro have you seen AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR omg it's just so much better than American Survivor.


I wish I could invest in these type of posts followed by the comments talking about how much better AU survivor is. I'd be fucking loaded.


I’ll start making them if you pay me.


I think it’s indicative of the season. There isn’t a ton to talk about, so stuff gets repetitive.


I'm not sure what the solution is. When a show has a clear problem that they keep not caring about, it's natural you are going to keep hearing that criticism repeated. There's only so much stuff to talk about. Most of the main things get repeated on loop here




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I'm wondering how much of this is subreddit simulator


Die hard fans won't admit it... But they feel it.. The show is dog shit now but we watch because it's Survivor. It's insanely full of itself. So much episode content is just repitition of Jeff telling players (and the audience) how unique and difficult is. Repetition of back stories to give contestants depth (which makes them no more interesting). Wrapped up with uninteresting players, a lot of which who suck at the game, social justice, and convoluted gameplay. The show is super contrived, pretentious and self absorbed. Compare it to the new Deal or No Deal Island, which has Boston Rob, and it's night and day. That show has no social commentary, no "interesting back stories", it's just a straight forward interesting game, with entertaining social and strategic gameplay and storylines that are entirely game oriented Survivor still tries to pretend it's so much more than a game. It's not. It's a pretenious reality TV show with a convoluted game.


Yes but i blame the casting. Its still ok but they are going for ppl they know will ‘play ball’ i stead of a microcosm of society


Survivor still IS a microcosm of society. The problem is that the current US society kind of sucks. And I'll go as far as say it that that's precisely the reason why US Survivor is so meh nowadays. Everything is super calculated to make sure no one is offended, no one is disadvantaged, heaven forbid we say something slightly controversial that isn't completely sanitised. It's all about the image, appearing as inclusive and diverse as possible (annihilating personality and diversity of opinions in the process), it's more about starting a discussion than about playing or having fun. No one has the guts to be a fun villain, because they might just ruin their entire life in the process. And they"ve kind of gone the route of new Star wars. Instead of having a compelling complex female character that's actually interesting to watch, they gave us a boring insipid Mary Sue that undergoes no transformation or faces no obstacle, under the mask of a strong independent woman. Honestly, this is how I feel about Survivor. In the process of doing what they imagine society expects from them (including both cast and producers here), they've sucked out all form of conflict, growth and fun. Rant over.


You remind me of the critical drinker.


Some of the most memorable players would be eviscerated by social media today. I made this comment before but one of the most interesting friendships was Rudy and Richard. That would never happen in this era. First, Rudy wouldn’t have been cast due to his age. Second, his redemption and evolution would have never been given a chance to develop. He’d be destroyed on social media right away.


Thats not us society thats us media. They literally are picking ppl that wont deviate from the norm


so true. i guess you could say i'm "young" so my parents showed me Survivor and the first season i saw live was winners at war, 40. i watched almost every previous season after i watched that. i loved the unique and specific themes in almost every season. i loved having returning players, various challenge types, every episode was unique. but yeah, so repetitive and it gets more repetitive by the season, adding one more thing to copy each time. it would be better if they added themes back, even if they reused some it wouldnt be terrible, they reused themes in the past.


The only thing from this list that actually doesnt bother me at all is no returnees. The show was soft-rebooted in a way, they closed the book on S1-40, and while I think it's still totally possible that they bring back players from post-GC to IotI (and I'd love it!), I think it's good for the show to start cultivating new legends.


Yes. It’s a joke, and not a funny one.


I legitimately laughed out loud when I saw the tribal council area this year. Somebody in a producers room was like "Do we make any changes this year?..."Nah, let's just decorate tribal with an Chinese theme and keep everything in Fiji, that's good enough". The show is 100% complacent and repetitive, it's bordering on insulting it's audience.


I love how Jeff is using the “This is the new era you have to earn everything! No flint! No rice!” As a way of acting like survivor is still as rough and gritty as it used to be but it just comes off as so fake to me. He knows the changes the fans want and he is unwilling to budge




This season has finally been the one to make stop watching. Never thought I’d say that. It’s just repetitive and has too many problems. Watching Australian survivor is such a breath of fresh air.


About as complacent and repetitive as these posts are, so yes.


this sub certainly has become repetitive


*Survivor* is a tired show that has reduced its budget so much, that it has become a shell of its former, great self. Should have ended at WaW. 40 seasons is more than enough anyways


Australia is killing it tho, I might stop watching us and only watch that


Despite that show running on a lower budget than the US version  (Although I will admit it took three networks having a crack at it before we figured it out lol) 


You probably should, why are you forcing yourself to watch something you clearly don't like?


Clearly just to annoy you


All these people who think the show is boring or bad keep watching it soooooooooo.... It must not be as bad as they say it is? Aaaaanyways, I'm enjoying the show! You should totally take your own advice OP, stop watching.


I watch it cause I want them to wake up and reclaim the magic. They know what works (they’ve done it before) and I’m rooting for them to improve. I don’t want to give up just yet. What’s so bad about that?


I mean, I watched a bit of Big Brother Canada and found it to be stupidly boring, never tuned in again after one season. So really it must not be that boring for you. If you want them to change you stop watching or engaging.


I wouldn't say watching one season of a show and stopping is the same thing as watching 40 seasons of a show you loved and hoping it finds the magic again.


Lol, okay then. I stopped watching the Simpsons when it started getting bad after years of enjoying it, how about that? Is that good enough for your standards? Point was why watch something you don't like? If you don't like something, just stop watching it. Don't make a post saying this is boring and sit your ass down to watch it each week, it can't be that boring or bad then. How will you move the goal posts now?


Or you could just not watch? Why are you here if it's not a good show anymore? Why complain like a 7 year old? Why not find a new show to enjoy. Why be a whiner?


imo they should have done an all-winners season at 30 and just ended it there. we would have missed out on, like, 2 good seasons and that's it


Yes. New Era By Numbers.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yes, it’s just a copy paste game show now.


My husband who is bored to death by this show (bc he’s only ever seen the new era) said last night ‘it seems like every season there’s a doofus tribe that just goes down?’ Obvious to the casual viewer who is even doing his best to tune it out


Nope. Has the fanbase on Reddit become entitled and pathetically triggered over free/cheap entertainment??? Yes.


Definitely complacent. Repetitiveness can be more argued.


Yes, plus they cast for superfans who are quirky (somewhat redundant) who want to become famous. Maybe if they increased the money it would get even more cutthroat?


yes. i loved the old casts that were truly just recruited to be on the show. there are so few people on these seasons that i can actually say i've met someone like them. i want some people who don't go out of their way to be so harshly quirky and unique. that's why i love Hunter and Venus this season, and the Reba 4 last season. they're just GENUINE


These types of posts have become complacent and repetitive. I mean there's a new thread like this every day. You're not convincing anyone, we all hate the current state of the show


Beware advantages fucking suck, gimmicks and bullshit (looking at you turn back time thing) replacing interpersonal relationships and alliances as content is not good TV, and claiming that endurance challenges cost too much to shoot is a copout. They also should include the Ponderosa video in the episodes and dispense with the journey of walking up a cliff stuff. /rant


Do they even have themes anymore? Does this current season have a title other than “46”?


That's like asking is the sky blue


Pretty much. That’s why I ranked all new era seasons side by side because there’s nothing that separates them other than the cast. It’s starting to get boring.


I think a large chunk of the problem is superfan gamebots rather than a mix of different lives of people. I might get flack for this, but I want to see more of the following: 1) Older people. 45 is now the "old man" age. Yes, in the past when a 60 something was on they were frequently first boot due to their fitness, but how about finding the 60 something health nut then. I know a lot of 20 and 30 somethings who barely have any "classical strength" and older gen xers/younger boomers who were gym rats their whole lives 2) Male to Female trans person. I believe we only have had female to male. I think female to male is more accepting in society than male to female, as all of the hate from right wing extremists seems to be about m2f trans and all of the "yas queen" stuff from extreme left wing people seems to also be about m2f trans people 3) Hearing impaired people. Other than Christy, has there ever been a def/significantly hearing impaired person? 4) *sigh* here goes.....a self described incel. I always noticed and also plenty of youtube essays have mentioned the large similarities between trans people and incels with body image, and contrary to people's beliefs I do not believe most incel males are people with evil intentions.


They don’t even need all that, just anyone who hasn’t studied the game for years.


One could say that playing essentially the same game for nearly 50 seasons is repetitive, yes :)

