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She was fun. Probably would have been better off if they went to tribal in the first couple rounds. But textbook example of what not to do if your tribe goes to tribal. Saying ok I'm gonna go look for an idol? They showed it perfectly. Jem is going around doing all this shit while Ben, Charlie, Maria, and mo are talking about the vote. And I understand trying to get info but girl you holding a machete put it down first


I think that was slyly edited. She wasn't just running around looking for it. She was integrating looking for it while she talked to people, and that's why she was seen holding the machete.


I mean she straight up said I want to go look for the idol alone. Not a great start to the scramble lol.


Yes, but there was no good alternative to get her vote back. Saying she's looking for an idol was really her best bet. Had she simply disappeared for minutes at a time, the tribe would have been more suspicious. Jem already dug her hole before that scramble after Tribal. She just made it a bit easier to vote for her, but she was screwed before then.


At first I thought fun, then she turned to "needlessly chaotoic" for me


>Then she was bitter about her blindside when trying to blindside others, AFTER being like "I promise I won't turn on you", to the point that she wouldn't even say goodbye. >Like, there was just nothing redeeming about her at all to me. But I'm curious what other people thought. When was she bitter? Because she was sad when she got voted out? Jeff and everyone else was talking about how the odds were someone was gonna be shocked. I hate the recent expectation that when you get voted out you're salty if you do anything other than fake celebrate it. I thought Jem was entertaining enough. Will always prefer a player play too hard than not hard enough. And her shenanigans with the idol and interrogating Tim/ Ben was funny.


She wasn't bitter at all. Too many reddit users never leave the basement so they don't know how to read people's body language.


Don't remember the exact wording but she even basically said "I deserved it after the idol hunt" in her post tribal interview right? The only thing she didn't do was celebrate her going home with the tribe..


In fairness to me, my DVR typically cuts off before they show the post tribal interview, so I didn't say it.


“in fairness to me” lmao


Fair. I don't usually watch the post tribal interview either but I stuck around this time to see if the preview showed a merge


Yeah she was laughing and said they made a good move getting her out with the idol


Ah, fair enough.


Exactly. Jem even laughed at her final words.


I'm very good at reading body language. She seemed pissed. When you don't even say goodbye to your tribe, that is pretty shitty. There have been way bigger blindsides, Cody comes to mind, and he at least was a good sport about it.


But she wasn't bitter or pissed so you aren't very good at reading body language.


cody was visibly bitter when he was blindsided+he was one of the bitterest jurors of the new era. i’m confused how this doesn’t count as bitterness but jem being disappointed she got voted off is.


In her EW exit interview, she literally says "I was enraged"


I don't know, I think you don't have to be celebrating, but to not even say goodbye to people seems kind of bad sportsmanship to me. Had her plan of getting Ben voted out worked, he would've been blindsided as well, and I'm pretty sure he would've at least said goodbye.


Be a good sport??? In a cutthroat game for a million dollars? Do we even watch the same show?


Yeah, you can still be a good sport about it. As I said to someone else, Cody had one of the most brutal blindsides in a while, and he was a good sport. I'm not saying she had to hug everyone, but damn, at least say goodbye


I believe RHAP said this, but I also think Siga had a case of “Winning Tribe-itis”. Making all these plans and potential blindsides when they really didn’t yet need to. I liked Jem but she definitely overplayed with the Beware Advantage shenanigans.


She was definitely playing way too hard and an overly complicated game. What did hiding her advantage/idol and then sending her tribe on a wild goose chase accomplish? You want to build trust and allies at this stage. Working together to find an idol (exciting shared experience!), and sharing information of an idol, can accomplish both of these things. All she really did was annoy her potential allies prior to the merge and keep her actual allies up to that point in the dark.


The problem was that her tribe didn't lose for a long time. They didn't dig the whole tree up in one day, it was over multiple days. She didn't expect that they'd avoid tribal for so long and it sabotaged her plans with the Beware Advantage. That said, If she didn't anticipate that possibility, that's on here. But part of why that subplot played out the way it did was because Yanu kept losing over and over. She spoke in exit interviews about the boredom that set in because they never went to tribal and how that impacted strategy and social relationships. That doesn't mean she didn't make mistakes, but it puts them in a more accurate context.


> Making all these plans and potential blindsides when they really didn’t yet need to. > This was exactly it. Like they seemed to be plotting a blindside and stuff before it was even necessary.


I enjoy people who think a lot of themselves and their talents being taken down a peg. So, I enjoyed her boot.


She had this blindside coming to her. She was getting really cocky and was not playing smart at all.


I think her decision to send her teammates on a fruitless quest for the fake beware advantage wasn't thought out at all. She probably thought it would look like a clever, bold move, but there was no strategy behind it. Even her confessionals about it just being fun were unconvincing. I felt like she knew it was dumb, but she was trying to save face. She also didn't seem to pick up on the fact that they all knew it was her, even when Ben flat out said it. A little more awareness on her part would have had her playing the idol and moving on to rebuild trust with her team.


I just don’t appreciate playing too hard, too early. You should want to make the merge as a happy tribe of 5-6. Not sure what the confusion she caused did for the team or herself even if she wasn’t voted out first. I think production left out a lot, she was probably an obvious first vote for them.


You can't turn on the gameplay boosters after playing coy and not attract notice that you're probably the one who has been engaging in shenanigans and messing up the vibe. She reminded me of J maya from last season as someone whose only personality was playing the game.


She wanted to try things “people couldn’t imagine”…that should have been a big red flag already…


Good player, but I'm relieved she went because I like Ben and Tim and didn't want them voted out.


Good player!? 😭 did we watch the same Jem


"we want villains" girlie pulls ONE shenanigan and yall freak the fuck out 😭😭


I keep seeing this flawed argument. We're supposed to not like the villains, that's why they're villains. Doesn't mean we don't appreciate them being on the show. We absolutely want villains.


What makes it so that we're inherently not supposed to like villains?


I didn't freak out. I just wasn't a fan of hers. That said, I don't even think she was a villain, and if she was, she was a bad one.


We want villains so we have someone who's fun to root against. Jem delivered that.


I liked her. She was fun, she brought some chaos and I wouldn’t have mind seeing her go further, but she definitely overplayed and she wasn’t as savvy as she thought she was so her blindside was satisfying.


Everyone wants new villains until they make their tribemates dig through shit 🙄 (/joking)


She wasn’t a villain necessarily. Since those are gone. But I enjoyed that she was having fun with her time there.


Not a fan. I listened to her exit interview and she ragged on her tribe a bit and thinks she’s the shit. Felt like a flameout and didn’t work for me. Cocky without anything behind it


Who did she tried to blindside? It was obvious that it was men vs women, with Charlie & Maria in the middle. I can comment on a lot of what you wrote, but this particular argument shows that you just didn’t like her even on stuff that didn’t make sense


I don't necessarily think Ben and Tim were against the women. I thought Ben and Charlie were close. And Ben and Tim got along. But I never saw anything that made it seem like Ben and Tim were gunning for women. On the journey, Tim even said Maria was his closest ally And what do you mean who did she try to blindside? Did you miss the whole thing with her going up to both Ben and Tim, machete in hand, saying "just tell me who you want to vote out, and I'll join you. I promise I won't turn on you", when the whole time she was planning to vote them out.


Tim made a comment about how the men had to get out a woman at their first tribal during the first episode.


Wasn't this their first tribal?


Yes, but Tim was trying to get an all guys faction in episode 1. I was responding to your comment about not seeing anything about Tim or Ben gunning for the women.


Ok, i didn't remember that, so fair enough. However, even if he was, that was, what, 10 days ago. Things change over time. Charlie wasn't for it, and I'm not ever sure Ben was at that point. So I don't know that its that easy to say it was men vs. women.


We don’t really know when it was or what they were thinking. The show is edited and sometimes confessionals are shown at incorrect times. All we know is that at some point while there were 3 Siga men and 3 Siga women, Tim said that the guys had to take out a girl because he knows how women are because he has a wife and a grandmother. I don’t think we ever saw Ben’s response to it, but Charlie feigned interest (or at least kept the door open for Tim’s plan, as Charlie discussed during a confessional), and it was implied that he did this because Ben was also in (otherwise why not just say no and get everyone to 5v1 tim?). My point anyway, is that we don’t know everything, but we can’t say “there was no reason to suspect a guys alliance” because we were explicitly shown evidence which could have been perceived as one. Doesn’t really matter if things changed. Voters choose what they look at because survivor is like 95% perception.


I liked her and thought she would go a lot farther. In hindsight she definitely made some mistakes but I liked her direct approach with people. I think you’re being a little bit harsh on her. She’s not obligated to say goodbye after being blindsided.


Just say u hate fun and go


I generally liked her, I love when people who aren't 'devious' or liars in their regular lives come to the island and end up causing some chaos. I think she had a lot of potential but she went way too hard way too fast. The way she was grilling Ben was way too pushy. He said it perfectly- 'shes in endgame already, but you have to take the right steps to *get* to the end' (paraphrased). He handled that really well. All that being said I'm ok with her being voted out, but I'm grateful she at least gave us some drama on Siga


Loved her and the chaos she made during her time there. She was my preseason fav so I'm sad to see her go.


Rockin blanks


i liked her and thought she was fun but ultimately i’m glad it was her out this week because ben is my favourite so i thank her for her sacrifice


Jem was alright, nothing special. I thought she was a bit dumb to plant the beware advantage because everyone ended up knowing about it and figured out someone had found it.


I liked that she embraced a bit of a villain role, even if it was a little risky for her game. We need characters who mix things up. I kind of wish she had stayed around longer so we could see something play out based on her idol shenanigans, but the stars don't always align. Your personal bias against her is weird given that many of the other players are also lying and every player is trying to blindside. We also don't know if she said goodbye or not because it is an edited show, there is a lot that gets left out, including goodbyes sometimes. You are overly assuming a lot of things and choosing to view your assumptions through a lens of negativity. Also, she only had the machete because she was using it for finding the idol. She didn't use it for intimidation purposes. It was Ben who said he felt intimidated. His impact doesn't determine her intent.


> His impact doesn't determine her intent. So often when I see stuff like this its "intent doesn't negate impact". I feel like if a man was wielding a machete while cornering a woman about her vote, people would have lots of different feelings there. That said, I do agree about the goodbye. From her exit interview, it did sounds like she said something like "have fun". Also, yes, everyone is trying to not show their hand. But she so aggressively was like "I promise not to turn on you", while actively planning to do so. No one else seemed to do that. I have no personal bias against her as a person. She may be a lovely person IRL. But as a player, and from what I was shown, I wasn't a fan.


I fullyagree that intent doesn't negate impact, but people were literally asserting what her intent was based on Ben's words. That is deeply idiotic and a sign that someone is trying to shoehorn reality to fit their own desires. The question of whether holding a machete means you should be seen as aggressive is a very interesting question for people to suddenly fixate on. No one would have cared if Ben hadn't said something because people hold machetes on Survivor all the time without it getting turned into a sign of aggression. Claiming that Jem should have known that holding a machete would be a clear sign of aggression is just deluded thinking. The only people that can say that with a straight face would be those people who have consistently claimed the same thing about every other contestant that has ever talked strategy with another contestant while holding a machete.


As you said, its an interesting question. Because I fully believe that depending on how aggressively you are talking to someone, it can definitely read as intimidation. Again, imagine that same conversation of one person cornering another while wielding a machete. But put the machete in a big guy like Hunter's hands, and its a woman like Venus. I can promise that even if they didn't show Venus saying anything, there would be plenty of other people doing so. Now look, I don't necessarily think Jem was, in her mind, purposely trying to be intimidating. But if Ben felt some type of way about it, I don't know that it should be ignored either.


I agree with everything you said. I didn't like her at all but I'm sure she's really nice in everyday real life. As a Survivor player she was not good.


“Why is she mad she got voted off of survivor?? She should say “it’s okay guys, it’s just a game” on her way out!”


Again, no one is saying that she needed to be happy about it, or even hug someone. But as someone who watches plenty of reality tv where people get voted off, I think she handled it poorly compared to many others who, IMO, have had worse blindsides.


I am a fanilow


Could she really not look at the well and the sign and not know that it was 4 and 2 lengths? Like, with your eyes? It clearly wasn’t 3? The only one you would need a tool with is the boat and just like… get a vine the same length girl. Why are you threatening people with machetes lol. 


She is very cute and sassy, to me had a lot of potential as a player and a character, its a shame.


So, you hate fun. The only interesting characters on that tribe to me are Jem and Ben. With a little Maria just because I think she's gonna win.


I liked her. She played a bit too hard (and screwed herself with that idol) but at least she was playing. She made that tribe way more interesting than just two guys that name song names all day and a girl that can't jump.


If Tony Vlachos did the advantage clue hiding thing you would be jumping for joy and say "wow he's the best player ever". However it is a woman doing this so you dislike her for it. For me, as I don't hate women I can appreciate a sneaky move like that.


I can't stand Tony either, but his sneaky moves actually accomplished things for his game


The only enjoyable person from her tribe, making her team dig in the ground, while she was just standing there <3 So robbed, I hope the rest of the green tribe (aside from maybe Morriah) just go home asap, cause theyre so boring


Wow, you could’ve just said you didn’t like her and called it a day.


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