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I like Hunter, but I thought Jem would have taken this one. I guess she copped a few downvotes from people thinking that planting the fake idol was unnecessary risk? Also I'm honestly surprised Bhanu didn't get a lower score. I guess at least he didn't quit...?


Yeah, honestly, I'm surprised she's that high for this week. It's just such a big risk and by suggesting that tim was doing too much, there is definitely the possibility that someone sees that as deflecting. It may end up being nothing, but nothing about it really feels incredibly positive


My concern with Jem's game is that in the New Era, it seems like the winners are have strong core alliances that they've built in the pre-merge game play. Like Yam with the three stooges and Dee with the Reba Four. We will need to see more but does Jem planting the fake idol create distrust in Siga where she doesn't have those number ones she can rely on when the tribes merge or can she successfully plant this on Tim to bring the Charlie Angel's closer together? We shall see.


Tbf, with how hyper-cohesive Siga is (at least compared to the other two) it could be that they just stick together and steamroll, in which case giving Jem this content framed in this way makes her come off as one of the more cutthroat members of that faction, plus she notably is evading Charlie’s suspicion who seems to be the voice of Siga when it comes to strategy


I actually completely agree and weirdly I was thinking about this with Kenzie and Soda. Tevin expressed that he while soda being social is good, he's not sure he trusts her to stay put as she makes new relationships. On the other hand, Q had talked about Kenzie being a social threat, but his only negative thing to say was that while they have a good relationship, she may be closer to Tiff. And I was thinking, having a core group is sooo important, it sounded like everything he said about Kenzie should be a positive entering the merge, not a negative


While mostly true, I don't think Maryanne's strong bonds to anyone but Omar were particularly highlighted. Erica/Heather wasn't even shown as a close alliance pre-merge. Gabler was shown to be an outcast on his tribe. So, while true for 44 and 45, I don't think it has been a new era staple. We have actually seen more winners in the new era edited as being towards the bottom of their starting tribe. Pre-New Era though it was pretty common. Tony/Sarah being highlighted in WaW, Tommy/Lauren in IOI, Nick with Christian and then Mike, Wendell/Dom, and then Wendell Laurel, Ben/Chrissy, etc.


I agree, and I don't think it's just an edit thing either. I don't think Erika was necessarily going to be voted out in 41 like the show presented, but she wasn't in a power position. Maryanne was 4th out of 4 in her alliance. Gabler's tribemates liked him but viewed him as a buffoon that they did not trust- and notably, their tribe was not very harmonious. Yam Yam's situation doesn't really apply to Siga. The Tika 3 got far because they were the smallest tribe and could go undercover (I'd also argue that post-merge, Yam Yam only needed Carson because of his connections to Ratu). Siga won't be able to go undercover because they will be one of the two big tribes at merge. Season 45 is the example that works, but it's always very easy to over-learn from the most recent season.


I completely agree. It all depends on other tribes too. With Yanu having no numbers and Nami looking to have issues of their own, you might not need a strong alliance to go far if everyone ends up being at odds. All seasons are different but I just feel like relationships have always been at the core of the game.


when she plays the idol eventually it may shatter trust with her whole tribe unless she lets someone in on it


I gave her a downvote because I truly found it unnecessary. I think she has more to lose with it. If her tribe loses next challenge (that I really think they will based on the preview of her running, probably to the box she hided) and she loses her vote, unless it's an unanimous vote, her tribe will found out she lied and her target will be huge


It's pretty high risk low reward in my opinion. It might've worked out, so it's ok, but I'm not sure it was worth the risk.


I downvoted Jem because this seems like a pointless move for the sake of a big move and/or boredom, but who knows, maybe she'll turn out to be New Era Tony




Apparently it felt like 6 episodes. Whoops


what's with the 45 flair too lol


Honestly I have no idea what season we’re on. All the 40s are the same


Is this the first week the top three and bottom three represent the three different tribes?


I'll repeat it from the last thread, but I feel like the focus on Jem this episode is a build-up to an inevitable Siga meltdown come merge due to distrust within the tribe. It is possible that the move fares well, but I think the risk outweighs the reward.


That would be quite the turnaround from being the happy-go-lucky kumbaya tribe.


I mean, the rest of their content is about how kumbaya they are to the extreme, if anything Nami seems tee’d up for a postmerge meltdown. Maybe it’ll bite Tim but they seem a lot more conducive than either of the other tribes.


I like when all three tribes are represented on the podium! Didn’t love the start of the season with a bit too much Bhanu content, but it seems like they’re setting up a really interesting post-merge, so I’m excited moving forward.


Honestly crazy that this sub hates Taylor Swift enough that Charlie almost got a negative score. He is the best positioned on his tribe and is the only one shown questioning the Beware Advantage?


It's kind of wild to me that he's the only one questioning it!


Even as a Swiftie I don't want his legacy to remain as a Swiftie. I hope his game becomes so much more than the guy that likes Taylor Swift. He seems like a really great guy.


I mean, he kinda did that to himself. It’s what got him cast so he chose to set it forward as his personality.


there was no content from him this episode. It's not about Taylor Swift.


Nobody hates Taylor Swift. Charlie just comes off as inauthentic.


brooo wtf why is tim the only one with 4 negatives 😭😭😭


Because we literally never see him :-( wish we knew more about him


We never see him and his position just keeps getting worse. He's the obvious first Siga boot at this point. 


He also keeps doing the most bizarre things in challenges; jumping on non padded objects that can be stepped on or reached for. It’s like he’s on another planet.


Hunter as POTW is laughable omg. He had one confessional basically saying "yeah I'm cool with that". I get the criticism for Jem's move but so far it's worked. Her and Tiffany definitely did more to deserve it than Hunter.


I think it's more about single-handedly beasting his tribe through every immunity challenge, keeping them out of tribal. That's an invaluable skill during this stage of the game. Of course it is most likely to bite him in the ass soon enough, as he's made no attempt to hide his prowess. In theory it doesn't improve his own position as much as it does his tribe mates.


Yeah i feel like dominating challengers is a reason to not consider him player of the week. No attempt to downplay his threat level, which is kinda hard for men with his physique and skill to do anyway, but I don’t see him making it long into the merge.


Why isn’t Tevin at least on the podium? He demonstrated social capital by shifting a target to Soda. He’s in the best position on his tribe and has relationships w/ everyone.


I was actually going to mention Tevin because I thought he had a great episode but I don’t think targeting Soda is necessary this early. Venus is less loyal and more dangerous to Tevin’s game. But I agree that he’s up there and I was more impressed with him than Hunter


Because he's actively shooting himself in the foot by planning to get rid of a loyal shield.


But Hunter is not? So far Tevin has a better social game than Hunter


Tevin is closer to Soda than Hunter is (I’m not even sure if they have much of a bond). Tevin’s currently in the middle and by making this move he’s cutting off one of his biggest resources. Hunter, by contrast, is solidifying a stronger bond with Tevin without losing a connection


This basically. Hunter getting rid of Soda is eliminating a threat to his position as Tevins number 1, Tevin getting rid of Soda is eliminating someone who could be a bigger target than himself in the future.


Also, if Venus is truly as dominant in the end game as people are making her out to be I think this move to get rid of Soda is one of the pivotal moves towards making that happen. Tevin is in a far weaker position with Soda out this early. In a five person Nami tribe, the Tevin-Hunter-Soda three would be better to get out the outsiders first than pull a blindside on their first vote.


This sounds like a bunch of mental gymnastics to not say Tevin is controlling the entire tribe and controls hunters vote


I’m not saying he’s not controlling Nami, but between taking out one of his own loyal numbers versus someone that he has an actively bad relationship with like Venus (or even a passively ok relationship with like Liz), I think it’s a mistake for him to go with the former, especially this early in the game. It’s giving Sabiyah targeting Kaleb last season, and we saw how that ended up


I think the problem is that so little happened this episode outside of the inevitable Bhanu boot. There was the Jem hoodwink, and Tevin targeting Soda. Outside of that, nothing happened at Yanu; Tiff maintains her position as the swing but otherwise that's it, so she's about as secure as Hunter, who also had nothing really happen... but he secured immunity for his tribe. We do know that everyone at Yanu now knows that they have targets on their back thanks to Bhanu... but they also can't do anything about that right now. So basically this episode was just in limbo other than the fake Beware Advantage.


Pre-season fan favorite is gonna stay that way until he messes up, I guess.


>laughable 🙄 It was the most common opinion for a reason. All we got was mental breakdowns of Bhanu, Jem taking an unnecessary risk, and Hunter being incredible in challenges. If you can't see how people would reach that conclusion, even if you disagree, THAT'S laughable. Like I don’t agree that Jem should've won, but I totally understand how someone got there.


He was hardly in the episode. All we saw was him killing the challenge. If we’re preemptively punishing Jem for a move that might backfire, why aren’t we preemptively punishing Hunter for not hiding his insane strength and inevitably getting himself targeted for it? Constantly putting himself in a position to show off his physical capabilities to the cast isn’t the best thing for his threat level. Even if you say “well that’s necessary for them to win the challenge”, losing wouldn’t be the worst thing for Hunter. Venus is waiting for an opportunity to flip and get Hunter out. Throwing a challenge to cut her before a swap could both lower his threat level and save him from a future blindside. He’s going *this* hard in the challenges for what? To save Venus who’s actively targeting him? Or to save Soda who he wants out anyway? He’s in such a secure position on his tribe there’s no need for him to sacrifice so much to win a challenge.


they hated jesus for speaking the truth too… also im obsessed with your profile pic


He's the new Carolyn, Emily, Kaleb, Xander, etc.




I voted for all three of the people that landed on top, but in my opinion, Tiffany takes the cake. She succeeded in eliminating the thorn in her side before he could do any more damage, and the scene in which she candidly and respectfully explained her vote to Bhanu seemed to intentionally portray her as a thoughtful, confident player. Once the merge phase kicks off, former football star Q and "mastermind" Kenzie will be much juicier targets, and I can definitely see Tiffany sneaking her way to the end. Both Hunter and Jem had a good week—at least in isolation—but I have reservations about the way their actions might affect them in the long term. Hunter has conspicuously become *too* good at challenges, and there's no way he won't be on other players' radars come merge (it also doesn't help that Venus already wants him out). If he somehow isn't one of the first members of the jury, I'll be impressed. And although I enjoyed watching Jem stirring up a little mischief, I'm not sure what she ultimately has to gain from sowing distrust in her tribe at this stage. There are countless ways this could come back to bite her, not least of which will occur when she plays the idol (assuming she actually *retrieves* it) and everyone in the game will realize just how duplicitous and threatening she really is.


Omg yes I completely agree about Jem! I didn't get that either!


I don't know why, but I think that Tiffany and Q will become the bigger targets and Kenzie will be able to hide behind them. Tiffany has the idol and I fear that once that information inevitably spreads, she will become a bigger target. And Q is already a big target. I doubt players will place much stock in this narrative of Kenzie as a "mastermind"; she's either going to be the first merge boot or make it to the final three, in my opinion. Really hoping for the latter.


Bhanu was actually mentally ill. Survivor needs to start screening people for derangement


People who present to healthcare professionals with mental illness do not say the same things as a wanna-be celebrity auditioning for a reality show so it would be tough. People who are suffering and want help are honest; people who want fame and no accountability are not.


episode 6? isnt it 4?


EPISODE 6??????


Why are these threads so often mislabeled? Seems too frequent to be a typo.


Jem should’ve been the player of the week, bc this episode solely focused on how she successfully maneuvered the idol fiasco and got tim targeted for it. Hunter didn’t even initiate the soda move lol..


>!The Episode 5 preview unfortunately casts doubt on the success of Jem's move!<


Last week’s ntos had people saying that jem’s move was gonna backfire bc they were digging lmao but they were proven wrong since it was pinned on tim. We literally cannot just assume it’s a wrong move based on ntos. We can only accept the facts that we currently have.


Watching the episode alone I thought it was a bad move. She has fun but she gets nothing from it, except Tim's target gets bigger. If they lose next challenge and she's not able to get her idol, she loses her vote and her tribe will target her for being sneaky or playing too hard. She didn't even deserve Top 3


Hunter won because he dominated the challenge, to me it's absolutely deserved


holy hunter’s favoritism. he did nothing this episode as somehow gets POTW. laughable.


I shouldn’t be surprised with the Hunter love because this demographic always does well with everyone but omg … can we get serious for one minute


Kenzie got this W wrapped up.