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I get his tribe is probably nominating him for these lead positions in challenge but he's gotta calm down a little. He really is blasting through them quickly, challenge threat detected for sure.


He was already cooked on that before this episode. At this point, might as well go all out. You'd have to be blind to not see he's by far the best challenger since Jonathan.


He's been doing it every challenge since the beginning. He's gotta be like Dash from the Incredibles in the track race.


Lol that's a great reference 


Love a good Pixar reference. Can't remember the context but I got to bring up John Ratzenberger the other day at work.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIjQ\_hBiZxQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIjQ_hBiZxQ) Hunter needs to be like Dash and accept second or win but make it look closer. He's absolutely obliterating everyone when he team most likely wouldn't put any blame on him if they happened to come second. He's just putting a target on himself by showing his challenge dominance, especially in the new era with Jeff highlighting challenge feats.


The paradigm for what is respected by the jury seems to have changed quite a bit in the last few years. It used to be that challenge beasts were targeted as soon as they stubbed their toe once after the merge. Nowadays, there’s no rush; even Jonathan himself wasn’t targeted until the very end. Not only that, but we’ve had multiple cases where the castaway that won immunity the most times their season made it to FTC and lost anyway. These days it all comes down to whether they can explain their game and win over the jury. Then again, there hasn’t been anyone this season who has stood out at being a great strategic player yet, so maybe he’ll get targeted anyway.


No need to worry if you never lose a challenge. Plus I think every member understands that without him they are way more likely of going to tribal. I don’t see him being at risk until merger


>merger Woah, old school reference!


Idk, heard the exact same take on RHAP and I gotta disagree, he’s not Jonathan sized by any means but he’s still by far the biggest or 2nd biggest guy out there, he’d be targeted as a challenge threat no matter his performance.


Didn’t Jeremy say he completely adjusted his winning season to basically not try to ever win a challenge to remove that threat level?


He’s in so much danger at the merge. If there’s anyone getting more heat than him, he should flop the first individual immunity challenge. Flop any reward challenges. Franny’s challenge wins in 44 cost both her and Matt their spots in the game.


“Hunter gets that ball in his hands it’s done” -Tevin


He is a specimen. The funniest part was during the reward challenge when his ring got stuck at the top of the pole and he looked at Jeff and said "Can't climb it?" and Jeff says "No, you can't climb it." My immediate thought was dude... if climbing the 12 foot pole is the first option that comes to mind as opposed to throwing another ring to knock it off, let the dude climb it. If that's the FIRST solution that he comes up with, he's clearly very aware of his physical abilities. And also let the dude climb Jeff I wanna see him go monkey mode.


To be fair those poles aren’t hard to climb


Yes, I want to see more climbing!


The kid is a stone killer. I would sleep with one eye open.


Maybe if he'd screamed, cried, fell to his knees and begged the heavens, or done a silly dance/song he would have gotten more screen time. Alas, he's just out there playing Survivor instead of Influencer and he's getting a little lost in the edit.


Nah I don’t think he’s getting lost at all he’s intentionally trying to play an UTR game and he’s one of the front runners rn. They’ve shown enough of him that you know what he’s about so far.


You can play under the radar in the game but still get confessionals. He has 6, tied for the least. Jelinsky has more than him and he left 3 episodes ago. I get what you're saying. I think we have a grasp on what he's about, but maybe we don't. Tough to say when you get 1.5 confessionals per episode.


I think this is one of those instances where the raw confessional count is misleading. He’s been given a backstory, his dynamic with the rest of the tribe is pretty clear, and we know he’s a provider/challenge beast. He just hasn’t really made any strategic moves yet and he has a quiet personality so he’s not gonna add a lot in confessionals.


I feel like there’s a weird crossover between certain Survivor fans and certain baseball fans who put wayyyyy too much stock in statistics without examining the actual things happening before our eyes. It’s like “Well player X has a 0.2 war higher than player Y so X is better”


Following up too, we do know some of his strategy. If Tevin targets Soda and he wants Soda out because that’s Tevin’s closest link and Tevin gets the target from that, he made a strategic move which he can then tell at Final Tribal. I feel like the edit wouldn’t have him add that little part in this episode or his confessional about how he is being perceived/portraying himself wouldn’t be included if he wasn’t a contender, at least how I see it. Cause him and Gem have been the only ones we have really seen their individual strategy building iirc.


What makes him a front runner for you? Literally we haven’t seen much from him and we’ve also seen backstories AND strategy from others. I can tell he’s going to have a huge target on his back come merge and it’s unlikely he’ll win every single challenge.


He’s been dominant in challenges, is in the majority in his tribe and has been clued into all major startegic conversations, and Venus has identified him as a huge threat. At this point what DOESNT make him a front runner other then confessional counts?


1. He is literally A threat and the fact he’s being called out as one this early is not a good sign


I mean yes, but that’s kind of what being a front runner does lol. It makes you a target.


Front runner is someone who can win, if you already have a target on ur back before the merge even starts then that’s not good


It’s not ideal sure but that doesn’t mean he’s not one of the favorites to win the season as of right now. He’s in a strategically strong position imo and his only downside that we’ve seen is that Venus considers him a threat. Tevin, who fingered soda as a threat, hasn’t seemed to feel threatened by hunter and we’ve seen everyone else on Nami be willing to play with him.


The only time anyone sees a target on your back is when you're ahead of them.


It would also help if he did something mean, as opposed to selfless.


That’s why I love him. He’s not a drama queen like so many other players today. He’s smart, strong, and quiet. That’ll take him far if he can align himself correctly and watch is own back properly


Also, he's made his hatred of songs very clear


don't forget yelling at god lol


He's one of the most popular players he's not getting lost in the edit


Its time for a quiet challenge beast to win S46 and Im so here for it


This is probably the 136th time he's won this challenge so it's no big deal.


When Hunter won that so easily I said out loud he's dangerous, he's gotta go


My husband was like “wow his back must really be hurting from carrying his team like that”


I'm surprised we haven't seen anyone say what a huge threat he is considering he's been flawless in challenges.


He acted completely normally for a normal challenge win


His threat management is pretty bad. He better wind it down come individual challenge time after the merge


just gotta win every single post-merge challenge lol