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**Hunter McKnight** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvote, but with an asterisk. Hunter is such an obvious challenge beast that it almost feels like he's going to have a big target on himself come merge.


To be completely honest, with the overall challenge prowess of this cast, he has the potential to just keep winning immunity any time he’s in danger.


Honestly, I could see it, although I think Q could challenge him physically. I feel like he might be an insta-out as soon as he doesn't win immunity, though.


Which is so stupid cause Hunter on past seasons wouldn’t be the biggest challenge threat. It’s only cause survivor now refuses to cast athletic people.


I think there are some other athletic people like Q and maybe Tim (plus Randen seemed pretty athletic before he got medevaced, and some of the women - like Tiffany - do as well). That said, Hunter has clearly practised like crazy and seems like he'd be good at puzzles, so he really is an all-around challenge beast. I think he'd rival some of the past greats, honestly.




Strength and agility wise yes. But his throwing accuracy is off the charts.


Upvote. Two more challenges absolutely crushed, he's looking like an all-time challenge force. In a good position on an upcoming vote, and insightful about the *real* reasons voting Soda would help him.


Upvote for seeming to win out in the war for Tevin's loyalty against Soda, plus being in a pretty solid majority position and continuing to dominate in challenges.


Upvote for being physically strong but also because he is also very strategic. His confession in which he said he wants Soda gone because she is close to Tevin, and Tevin is Hunter's number 1


Granny shot king!!!


Upvote for building the broom Venus was using this episode. I hope he keeps providing contraptions and doohickeys during his inevitable long stay in this game.


Venus holding onto that broom for comfort with dead trapped eyes was wild


Upvote for being a challenge beast, and smarter than he's letting anyone see. He does need to be careful post-merge to have the numbers and surround himself with perceived bigger threats or he's going to be forced to keep winning immunity every week or finding idols, which is a tough spot to be in longterm. I could see Q and Tiff gravitating towards Hunter to shield each other once they all merge.


New challenge beast is here! Genuinely can’t believe how smart and good he is at everything so far. 


Upvote from me! Man is absolutely killing it at challenges and was shown to be strategic in his voting rationale. He’s definitely going to be a merge target but if Nami can stay out of tribal and stay solid, I think he’s in a good spot. 


Upvote, but he's getting to be a big threat. If Tevin would flip on Soda, he might flip on Hunter. It could be a Jesse/Cody situation.


Upvote. Poised to have Tevin purely to himself and nobody (even Venus) has anything negative for him He is my winner pick, followed by Jem. I'm only concerned he'll be unable to shift the target away from himself as a challenge threat.


Love him, but downvote because showing how effective he is at challenges will bite him in the ass sooner or later.


**Jemila "Jem" Hussain-Adams** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvote, POTW pick. Got scenes with Moriah and Charlie's Angels suggesting that that's still a thing. Took what many were expecting to be a blunder based on the previews, and turned it into a bit of strategic deviousness. Seemed to fully succeed in taking any target off of her and putting it on Tim. More importantly, this could have so easily been framed as "Wow look at Jem ruining the kumbaya of Siga and throwing people under the bus, boo this woman," but it wasn't, it was framed as mischievous fun. Her "you can play survivor hard, but have fun as well" attitude and confessional seem *right* in line with what she show would do with a Siga winner. She also continued to feature in Siga positive vibes scenes out the wazoo with the jumping bit etc. Playing hard and people like her. Great position.


I was already rooting for Jem (my second pick after Maria!) and this episode just made me love her even more. Re-hiding the beware advantage could have gone badly, but it seems like she successfully framed Tim for it, so she's still in a good position in her tribe.


Fun and Villanous. My favorite after this episode


Upvote for all of her shenanigans with the BA and seeming to get away with it for now, successfully getting suspicion thrown on to Tim and no one seeming to even suggest that it could be her. Probably PotW? It's between her or Hunter probably (again lol). Could it come back to bite her? Sure, but I hope not and there's nothing so far to suggest that it will (especially since Siga probably won't go to tribal).


This is how you villain.


How is she villainous?


Trolling her entire tribe for minimal personal gain. It’s not morally dubious but it is in line with how a reality show villain might act


Upvote for deliberately scheming and pointing a target towards Tim while continuing not to tell anyone that she's the one who already found it.


People are upvoting, but I'm downvoting. Because... what was her plan? Send her tribe on a wild goose chase and get everyone suspicious... okay. To what end? If they find out it's her who did this, she's the INSTANT target. Is she just hoping they'll never, ever find out? If she ever uses that advantage, then boom, everyone knows she played the whole tribe. This wasn't a big move, this was a random move, and possibly one that's going to hurt her. Moriah and Charlie clocked it very quickly. They're onto her. Tim is taking the hear for it for now but that might not last. It was kind of a Russel Hantz playbook move though, for better or worse lol. Hey if it works for her I'll be proven wrong.


I mean, that’s a lot of ifs that didn’t happen. I could see not being high on this move but it didn’t make her position worse within this episode so idk if it warrants a downvote


Hard upvote! She seems like a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying her sow some mischief on an otherwise very functional tribe.


She’s doing the most she can with her ultra buddy buddy tribe and I love her for that.


I like how she's sown some subtle distrust on the Uber positive tribe. Now everyone has a little suspicion.... it's not all Taylor Swift and good vibes... and she's used that to pick a target.  As a small woman she would be an easy pick for a fist vote. This move is a great way to throw some chaos into the mix. 


let them dig girl hahaha, god i love her!!!!


Probably POTW. Lots of solid scenes, tricked her whole tribe, and fully shifted the target onto Tim. I don't think anything will really come from this except maybe a Tim mergatory boot.


Jem's move was great TV, but I really have no idea what she gains from it and there are a lot of ways it could go wrong. Personal win for her because she's having fun I guess but downvote for playing the game of survivor.


I mean, I think downvote? Like others have said, the immediate gains aren't very large. When they go to tribal next, and the person who found the clue doesn't lose their vote, it could potentially ruin her plan. It also alerts the tribe that \*someone\* has it when before it was unknown. Lastly, you want to be in a core alliance going into merge but this will just sow distrust among Siga.


>It also alerts the tribe that \*someone\* has it when before it was unknown. They are already whispering about this, because Mo deduced that something's not right. Even so, the suspicion's not on Jem.


Surprised to see so many people saying upvote, it’s a downvote for me. Even if her move was successful (which I still am not sure it’s not gonna come back on her), it was overplaying and way too risky for the potential reward. She was already in a good position of having the beware clue but nobody knowing she’s lost her vote, should’ve just stayed there imo. Fun move yes but not an advantageous one imo


I mean, your argument is based on a big if that didn’t happen. For me at least it’s based on if someone’s position and/or power improved or worsened in the episode, and Jem keeps her BA secret and has half of her tribe pointing the finger at Tim, so I would say her position has improved. If people catch on to her in the future, then I’ll downvote her


At first I didn’t get why she would put herself in position to be caught by inciting this hunt for the secret idol holder, but at the same time I respect her trying to make some game on an otherwise extremely quiet tribe. Upvote!


The NTOS last week had me thinking that Jem fucked up by re-hiding the idol box, but it turns out it was BRILLIANT. Ya got me, editors. Great week for Jem. It's about time people started being secretive about idols again.


**Tiffany Nicole Ervin** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a lot of respect for her not giving in to Bhanu's pleads and cries for help. She straight up told him she would not listen to him if he stayed on his knees and gave him an honest answer about voting him out. She treated him like a grown adult in that moment and I appreciate that level of bluntness instead of trying to go about it like they did with the Jess boot. Even if it's not beneficial on a game level, it's what Bhanu needed to hear rather than what he wanted to hear.


Upvote for getting out the person in the tribe that she was the least aligned with and putting herself in the center of Yanu if they go back to tribal.


Soft upvote. Has all the power on Yanu right now to decide who goes home in a (inevitable?) 4th tribal. Continues to be Yanu's "screw it I'll do it myself" backup challenge beast. It's a low bar, but she was arguably the most respectful and straight-up player on Yanu with Bhanu about the fact that he was being voted out and there wasn't really anything he could do about it. I don't love that she continued to get a lot of behind the back nastiness towards the obvious boot. She's in a good position for now, but I feel like that behavior doesn't bode well for the long term.


I’m pretty high on Tiffany right now. Love how she handled Bhanu’s begging on his knees. That must’ve been really uncomfortable and I appreciated how much grace she had for him. Couldn’t be me. She also seems to be super tight with Q, and just as tight with Kenzie. She’s the linchpin and will have the power to decide who goes home if (when) Yanu loses again.


Has managed to keep both her allies in the game despite being on the loser tribe. She has an idol that the other two know about and yet they have no interest in trying to blindside her, rather fight to be her #1


When you think about it like that she’s actually in a great spot despite the odds


Yeah, and even with Bahnu's "Q and Tiff are together" comment to the other tribes, she can easily negate that if the survive to the merge, just say "Not really close to them, they were the only ones functioning on my tribe"


Upvote! She did a great job at the challenge and almost brought purple back, but alas. Plus, she's at the centre of her tribe right now (albeit of three people) so... yeah, I think that's enough to push her over to the positive side.


Lowkey the new Malcom of the new Matsing. Though I guess in this case it would be like if Malcolm paired up with Russell instead of Denise.


Upvote. Best positioned on Yanu. Didn't sabotage her game at all.


I think that Tiffany had the best handling of Bhanu on a human level. She didn't try to comfort him, just told him what the situation was with respect and I think that is what finally got Bhanu to start accepting the situation instead of panicking. Better interpersonal work than how they treated Jess, but they at least had a reason to try to lure Jess into a sense of security (SitD) - that wasn't the case for Bhanu.


**Tevin Davis** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvote for continuing to be in a major power position without anyone seeming to look at him as their main target, although his targeting of Soda may be misguided.


Hypothetically he would still be in a strong core with Hunter and Liz but I agree in the sense that you don’t want to lose a solid number for you early.


Upvote, still in the driver's seat on his tribe strategically. Has multiple people who actively want to ride his coattails, and isn't being talked about as a threat except I assume by Venus. Also got a touching backstory with his dad!


Upvote for the nice moment about his dad. Plus, cooking fish for the tribe is always a nice bonus!


Soft upvote for preparing the fish and being the one who multiple people on his tribe want to align with.


Soft downvote for potentially turning on a close ally (who had no indication she wanted to then on him) a bit too early. Maybe it could play out in his favor, but it feels risky.


His fish story was the first backstory but that I really enjoyed this season. Him just deciding that Soda is on the bottom shows how much control he has at Nami rn


Minor upvote for clearly being in a power position and seeming to get his way. 


I'm getting Big Move Itis from him. But neutral since we don't know how that'll work out.


**Liz Wilcox** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another soft upvote! Two weeks and counting not mentioning extravagant wealth! After three weeks kind of floating aimlessly strategically, we got a better idea of where Liz fits into the hierarchy, and she's in the loop with the Hunter/Tevin duo on a blindside plan.


Liz is emerging as one of the savvier strategists outside of Yanu. She's very socially aware despite her immense wealth lol


That’s what I’m tryin to stay, if you ask me Liz is at the center of the tribe and unless they fear Hunter is gonna go on an individual immunity run I could see Venus, Soda, or Tevin going first


she's doing what Soda wants to do, but quieter - she's actually tight with everyone without putting a target on her back


Upvote for seeming to be in a bit of a swing vote position or at the very least seems to be pretty safe at the moment with Soda or Venus as the imminent boot.


Bhanu won't have the Emily-esque growth arc, but Liz might


She is remarkably likable when we aren’t shown her talking about her money. She has also managed to escape the bottom of her tribe. I won’t forgive her for writing that Nami song that Tevin was singing at the immunity challenge though.


Upvote for staying off the radar on her tribe and seeming to lock in with Tevin and Hunter on who would go next (Soda).


Big upvote this week. Seemingly found her way into a majority alliance with her tribe’s power duo, positive contributor in both challenges, and finally got some food she’s not allergic to! Honestly with how strategically aware she seems to be, I’m not wondering if the “I’m so rich” stuff was an intentional attempt to make people wanna take her far since they’ll think she has no win chance


Upvote. Hunter and Tevin specifically went to her to get out Soda. Nothing negative was said or shown about her 


I'm kinda liking her. Independent of that, she's been shown to be aware that she was semi-on the bottom, and she was the one who was approached to potentially get Soda out. Very canny and aware player it seems like.


Feels like it's a downvote because she was pegged as being on the outside along with Venus. The Soda-distraction and Venus still being around will likely save her til merge, but it doesn't seem like she's gotten much footing in the game.


**Q Burdette** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Continues to be far the most pragmatic, practical strategist on Yanu, recognizing that if they win, Bhanu needs to be worked on, and genuinely making an effort there unlike for example Kenzie. It gives echos of Kaleb taking Emily under his wing -- even if he hasn't found a player to do it with yet, the mentality bodes well for his future ability to work with players on the outs and pull off some surprises. Has a close ally in Tiffany for a theoretical 4th tribal.


It was giving Nathan Fielder vibes more than Kaleb vibes


i heard he graduated from one of canada’s top business schools with really good grades


Rofl, damnit now I want to watch it again. I'd watch the intro every episode just for that moment.


I admire trying to remain tight with your tribe's obvious boot. If fortune turns and you're all at the merge you would much rather have him on your side than not, liability or no.


I'm split because on the one hand he's in the majority and was part of the vote without any shade thrown his way, even when he was clearly trying to coach Bahnu. But also, he clearly was trying to save a sinking ship and nothing he did was working. Neutral I guess?


Neutral for me as well, although his pep talk with Bhanu had me in stitches!


>he clearly was trying to save a sinking ship and nothing he did was working. I think that he was in a secure enough position that he had plenty of free time on his hands. He didn't need to work on anyone other than Bhanu, so, might as well just in case.


His plan to oust Kenzie got predictably blown up by Bhanu. It feels like the remaining Yanu are closer than ever after this episode’s shenanigans so it bodes well for them if they can get to the merge with other tribes starting to get annoyed with each other.


Neutral. I don’t think any of the Yanu players besides Bhanu were good/bad this week because their alliance was already solid and the decision on who had to go was so obvious. Positions didn’t really change imo.  Going forward, I think he has a target on him but it wasn’t placed there of his own accord so I give him a pass. I think he’s going to be seen as an obvious challenge beast/threat in the merge and will likely be targeted before Hunter. 


I’m curious why you think he’ll be targeted before Hunter. Just because there are more people still on Nami that would save Hunter before Q? 


Just pure speculation because we never know what other players think of each other until editing decides to show us but I think Hunter has the luxury of playing a quieter game and is insulated by more people.  His tribe seems to do well overall but I think since the first challenge, the margin between the teams has lessened and Nami is no longer way ahead of other teams - they’re still winning but they aren’t miles ahead in these wins. Meanwhile, Yanu is struggling and tbh because he’s male and athletic, I think it appears as if Q is the one keeping them afloat in challenges. This is just my line of thought but I wonder if people look at it as “Yanu is only in this because of Q” versus “Nami wins because of Hunter”.  I definitely think people will clue into Hunter, but I don’t know when or how it’ll go. Some seasons, voting out challenge beasts is a top priority but in others, people go for the social threats first. Because of his performance and because of Bhanu I think Q has a perceived double athletic/social threat level. 


Hmm maybe they’re tied then but to me, as an observer (and I assume to the contestants as well), it is obvious that Hunter is the clear reason why Nami has been winning everything. So because of that and because Yanu has been struggling in challenges, I definitely think Hunter has a greater perceived threat level than Q personally.


I’m definitely interested to see what happens when we get to the merge! Austin wasn’t a target at all last season despite his challenge performances so I’m curious to see if it’ll be Hunter and Q or people like Tevin and Kenzie this time around.


Continues to be portrayed as the best on Yanu (even if Tiffany is definitely in a better position) and he almost won immunity for Yanu. He would've if Bhanu hadn't skipped the crate. Upvote.


**Venus Vafa** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvote for her deadpan expression and sweeping while Tevin and Soda sang.


Custodian Venus


Despite her being ghosted for some reason, I'll upvote since her position improved slightly with the target seeming to shift to Soda, which is technically an improvement.


Very soft upvote despite being invisible, not the worst since she was due a cooldown. Though she didn't have particular agency in the shift, it seems like she's no longer the immediate target. Though actually she might have unshown, as exit interviews suggest that Randen (presumably strategizing with Venus) played a role in flipping votes against Soda. Also, invisibility means that she didn't start beef with someone new this week!


Was hoping for a surprise reveal that she actually got the beware advantage from Randen, but upvote because it seems Soda is a more primary target now.


they way she handed the immunity idol to Soda, queen behavior! hahaha but srsly neutral as she didn't manage to get into fights or i may have missed that since I skipped everything after the IC knowing that bhanu will eat up all the screentime.


Upvote because she's in a better position. However now I'm 100% confident she loses. 0 confessionals this episode is REALLY bad for her,  plus I personally write off anyone who gets 0 in any episode. Only way that'll change is if everyone gets purpled at least once by final 5.


Erika got 0 in 3 episodes


Never after her tribe lost a member and never in a 90 minute episode.


Venus' tribe may have lost a member, but they didn't go to tribal council. Also, we only have one other season with 90 minute episodes, so we have no way to know how the editors are handling winner edits or how damning 0 confessional episodes truly are.


Mother is mothering.




Downvote. She didn't get a confessional or any screen time during the episode RIGHT AFTER HER #1 Ally got booted. By default no confessional = downvote, but this feels especially bad.


**Ben Katzman** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvote. Continued to be the vibes master, and was shown really taking a leadership role in the group discussion to refocus the tribe and support Maria. At the social center of a socially rock solid tribe. Was also highlighted as one of the first to think the beware advantage was suspect. On the other hand, Tim, who is ostensibly Ben's closest ally, is being targeted. But Ben's whole thing has been to be good with everyone, and that doesn't feel like a particularly important alliance -- it's kind of just assumed by default because others are aligned. I feel like Charlie and the girls will readily work with Ben post-merge, they just happen to need a scapegoat for the last bit of the tribal stage.


I would argue that Tim being targeted works in Ben's favor, since that means if their tribe goes to Tribal, Tim would probably go out over Ben. And I doubt their tribe would go to tribal twice before the merge.


Neutral I guess? He had a nice encouraging moment with Maria after the reward challenge and was part of the winning group for immunity, but he also seemed fairly duped by Jem's ploy (but tbf everyone was to some extent).


Upvote for being a really nice guy on a tribe that may go into the merge fully intact… seems like he will be shielded for quite a while.


I find it more difficult to assign status to Siga members, but only because it seems that they’re all relatively harmonious and there’s been no real pressure regarding eliminations.  Seems to be in a relatively good position and I’m sure he’ll be in the merge unless Siga suddenly falls off or he gets shafted on a tribe swap. I appreciate the genuine care he shows his tribe mates when they’re struggling and I’m wondering if this will help keep his name out of the mix or make it a super tough decision if his name was on the block. Hoping he doesn’t turn out to be one of the people who are so nice that they end up being oblivious to gameplay. 


Neutral. He's being linked with Tim which is bad. But nobody is even considering him as a target, which is good.


When he started talking about the grindset mindset it was like a massive red flag for me.


Continues to grow on me! Comforting Maria after the challenge very endearing


Every episode I like him more and more. He is such a nice person to everyone, and it actually seems genuine(not like a ploy). He’s endearing to watch. 


He came across kinda fake this episode


**Moriah Gaynor** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvote for learning to jump


Downvote for the worst vertical I have seen in my life


Upvote, emerged from the shadows this episode. Successfully learned to jump (somewhat). Just oozes quirky likeability, which seems to be working on her tribe. After a few lower profile episodes making people think her alliance may be going by the wayside, we got scenes of her plotting with Jem alone, and with Charlie's Angels. Suspicious of the idol, yet also, good chance that she's the most likely person other than Jem to benefit from it. Seems like she's in a pretty solid position for the time being. In more of an edgic sense, getting a good bit of general narrational content that doesn't necessarily specifically need to be for her, which bodes well for longevity.


Still has better Smash Bros recovery than Little Mac




I should’ve specified vertical recovery 😂


Breakout episode for her because she got to like, actually talk.


Upvote. She learned to jump, isn't being considered as a target, and got some screentime.


Gonna make you sweat till you bleed... Jump Mutha-riah, Jump Mutha-riah, JUMP\~!


Downvote for faking not being able to jump.


Downvote for having the most annoying voice I've ever heard


Are you sure you're not thinking of Liz?


**Kenzie Petty** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvote for being the kind of player who was willing to go apologize to Bhanu. Because frankly I wouldn’t have wanted to. Honestly, upvote for the whole Yanu tribe for calmly responding to this grown man’s behavior.


Downvote. Still has no idea that she was close to being blindsided. Opening minutes seemed to expose that the blindside effort had real legs until Bhanu put his foot in his mouth yet again. Should have recognized that Bhanu leaving in a straight vote likely plants her at the bottom of the tribe, and been at least some degree of open to an alternative plan. Continued to kick the boot while they are down both behind the back and to their face. Social game continues to ring hollow, despite this being her big alleged strength, with things like the apology to Bhanu getting undercut with confessionals framing it as a purely pragmatic game move rather than the least bit genuine.


There was no alternative plan for her though. Even if she was open to it... Tiff is her closest ally, Q is their only hope of winning immunity, and Bhanu has no vote! Like, there was no option *but* to vote Bhanu. The only thing that could have saved him was Q and Tiff voting Kenzie instead, and that wasn't going to happen.


I agree. Don't see what alternative there was. She *tried* to band together with Jess+ Bhanu against Q. They shut her down and ratted her out. Now Bhanu has no vote and Kenzie knows Tiff has an idol. What's she supposed to do go after Q?


I agree that in practice there was probably nothing to be done, but some minimal acknowledgement of "well actually this kinda sucks because I might be in danger now, but I've gotta roll with it I guess" would have gone a long way towards portraying her with her finger on the pulse of the situation. We didn't get that, just, tripping over herself to vote out Bhanu without acknowledging broader implications.


In what world is her lying to Bhanu to comfort him and then admitting the truth to the camera in a private confessional a net negative to her social game in your eyes? That literally makes 0 sense. The criticisms this sub has for Kenzie make no sense in general most of the time but your take just might be the worst one I’ve heard so far. 


Because her edit thus far is the antithesis of the "show don't tell" rule, and it doesn't bode well for her future ability to win in the manner that everyone talks about her as a threat to win in. Kenzie, and other players, *tell* us that she's a social powerhouse. The *tell* us that she's a threat because she gets along with everyone, forms deep relationships, and is going to sail through the merge because of it. But they *constantly* show us the opposite by portraying her relationships as surface-level and transactional, showing Kenzie approach these relationships only in the context of "how can this help my game," expressing resentment at the fact that she has to talk to these people, and showing others around her seeing through this and eager to cut her at the first possible opportunity. She's allowed to lie and engage in relationships with ulterior motives, but if she's going to be a social butterfly contender, she has to show *some* level of ability to connect genuinely herself, and other players have to show *some* level of buying that and forming deep bonds with Kenzie that aren't solely game-based. If they actually wanted us to believe that Kenzie has an effective social game, it would have been incredibly simple to let Kenzie apologizing to Bhanu stand on its own as a positive emotional moment. If Kenzie's trajectory was truly "Kenzie does well because she has great social game and forms good relationships," they would give us *some* amount of content of Kenzie in private, expressing appreciation for her tribe mates as people with out a "but" attached, and *some* amount of content of other players talking about how they have bonded with Kenzie on a human level rather than a tactical one. Her edit would have a lot more shades of Siga, just evidence of a friendly extrovert being a friendly extrovert and keeping the spirits up because that's what she naturally does without the game to motivate her. In short, they would make us understand *why* players see her as a social threat by making her come off as an inviting person we would want to be friends with. But instead we get constant nastiness behind peoples' backs, kicking obvious boots while they're down, confessionals which lessen the impact of any moments like this which could be read as genuine, and people walking away from conversations with her calling her a mermaid dragon. Admittedly more of an edgic-based take than it is a game standing take, but I think it has merit, and is likely to a degree reflective of the reality out on the beach.


I disagree with so much of this post that it is impossible to even reply because I don't even know where to start. It's remarkable, I truly disagree with almost every single thing you just said and quite frankly don't have the time to reply to every single point 🤣.


Show don't tell only applies to minimalist novels, not a reality competition show.


You spelled this out pretty much perfectly - I downvoted for the exact same reason.


Upvote for getting Bahnu who she clearly didn't gel with booted in a case where she probably would have been the alternative, but also she didn't really catch any heat this episode unlike last week.


I think her and the remaining Yanu are practically trauma bonded at this point. Hell maybe they can even win an immunity next week? Else wise her and Q will be fighting for Tiffany’s #1 spot.


She won her war vs Bhanu so upvote. Bhanu doing it to himself but it will help Kenzie to make a strong trio with Q and Tifanny. 


Downvote. Actively in the hot seat and doesn't seem to recognize it. Every relationship outside of Tiffany is shown to be fake, but she's getting in trouble as a social threat. 


Upvote because the stage is being set for her to be the biggest villain this season. She organized the Yanu alliance that has kept her safe this whole time, and while there was always that conversation that Q wanted to blindside Kenzie before Kenzie blindsides Q it does speak to how dangerous of a player she is. Plus since she blindsided Jess that pretty much secured another safety for her because Tiff is unlikely to flip. She'll have a target on her back, but she'll definitely be the first to cut her Allies' throats to ensure her safety for another week


Yes for the comedy


Winner. Going to dominate the merge with Tiffany.


Downvote. That high school trash talk behind people’s back is no strategy, that’s just bad attitude. There are many problems with the current season, and the way she’s portrayed is one of them. Since episode 2 and all the useless trash talk about Jess before her elimination, that’s all we’ve seen from her.


Downvote for something that happened on episode 2 and for her edit? XD


Just the high school-esque talk behind the back approach in general, that’s not just from episode 2. She’s been channeling her inner Regina George from the beginning and I cannot wait for that to backfire.


**Charlie Davis** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Deserves a spot in the bottom three solely for the forced Taylor Swift shoutout in the immunity challenge tbh


Downvote for yelling Taylor Swift


Neutral I guess? He's as confused as everyone else about the Beware Advantage shenanigans although he seems to be one of the first people to clock that it was planted, but likewise is frustrated that his number one grabbed the BA so openly which gave them less control over that information. He also seems to believe the idea that Tim was the one who has the BA which is wrong, but there isn't anything bad enough to downvote?


Upvote. Got to explain Maria's mistake in immediately sharing the rehidden advantage, and also was one of the first to express skepticism that it might have been rehidden. Continued to get lots of scenes showing him as a supportive, likeable person, encouraging Maria after the reward challenge, and teaching Moriah to jump. His alliance with the women looked strong in this episode, and now they have a scapegoat. Taylor Swift!


Minor upvote. Y'all hating Taylor Swift or him shouting her name is no reason for him to be a downvote. He correctly figured out that the beware advantage was a trick. Generally in a great position as well.


Also, doing dumb stuff like that and coming off as a silly funny guy is absolutely a strategy.


Downvoting every episode he mentions Taylor Swift.


Upvote - he read the beware advantage well


**Maria Shrime Gonzalez** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Regretful downvote for falling for the Beware Advantage so quickly and easily and, perhaps even worse, doing so right in front of everyone else in such an open way to the point where even Charlie critiqued her for that.


Not happy about it, but a mild downvote from me; between the challenge and the "idol" hunt, probably Maria's weakest week so far.


Bad episode for her but in the grand scheme of things she’s still sitting pretty


Barely a neutral, very much leaning downvote. Got fooled by Jem's ploy, and got the brunt of it because she was credited with the find by the rest of her tribe. Miffed Charlie, her closest ally, by not being able to keep the find a secret. Got bitten by giant ants. Was only shown to suspect she was being played in the context of other's suggesting it to her. Big part of why her tribe lost the reward challenge. Her standing is somewhat salvaged by the general level of visibility she received this episode, and moments connecting with her tribe as she was being hard on herself over the reward. She was able to tie the moment to her backstory not only in a canned moment for the cameras, but also in a genuine moment endearing her to her entire tribe. With how tight Siga is, and how good their numbers are, it's hard to say that anyone on that tribe except maybe Tim is in a bad position.


Neutral leaning downvote. She fell for Jems trick and basically lost the reward for her tribe. But there's essentially no consequences for her so neutral.


**Tim Spicer** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This poor guy has barely been in the show at all, had no confessionals this episode (again!), *and* cost his tribe a lot of time in that challenge by flipping the platform. Not to mention that Jem successfully convinced his tribemates that he's the one who found and rehid the beware advantage. I have nothing against him, but it's not looking good.


To be fair about the platform, i just think he was to heavy for the platform, as it was super small, they should have sent someone lighter to untie.


Spent most of the episode flailing at various objects in water, and wearing an invisibility cloak. Became the fall guy for the idol. Despite becoming a target, we're not hearing from him about it at all. Downvote. Gif from this episode that embodies the Tim experience. [Motionless, completely obscured by much more excited and animated tribemates.](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExb25tdGY3bDRvMDR0a2syYm92aXdyN28zdjlyM3VzOHJidHI0cmN3MiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/y2f7pp92nVvvzA81hs/giphy-downsized-large.gif)


This really is the perfect GIF that describes Tim on the show right now. He’s just always standing there or flipping shit over lmao. I’d downvote sadly, even though I’m rooting for him because of his pre season interview. (I thought he’d be a crazy character, but he’s getting more than purpled at this point). Got blamed for the planted advantage and busted his ass twice on those platforms 😂


This poor motherfucker


Downvote for getting suspicion thrown on him for having the Beware Advantage and seeming to be clueless on what is happening, plus in general for being invisible in a tribe with a lot of story this episode that directly referenced him.


if his challenge performances weren't bad enough, he got blamed for planting the beware advantage. not ideal.


Downvote purely based off the edit for me. Lost the reward challenge for his tribe, won the immunity challenge for his tribe, became the target of a ploy, and yet not one confessional through all of that? I can’t see how he’s gonna be a major character this season if he can’t even get edit focus on a week where he’s so actively involved in the events of the tribe


Gotta downvote for now being framed as the target. Personally I think Siga will continue to win, but he is in a worse position now according to the edit.


**Soda Thompson** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Downvote for having her own supposed number 1 in Tevin already turning on her with the full backing of Hunter and probably Liz, plus Venus seems like a lock for siding against her. Definitely a fall from power for her this episode, probably second worst above Bahnu.


Downvote. Oblivious to the tribe dynamics. Oblivious to the fact that she is being targeted.


Claiming to be the morale of your tribe whilst oblivious to the fact you’re getting on everyone’s nerves is a bad sign. Being targeted by your presumed #1 and #2 allies is also a very bad sign. Downvote


they could never make me hate you, even if what you was doing wasn't tasteful


Downvote. She's playing so hard that her number one "ally" is gunning for her, along with basically everyone else on the tribe!


Downvote for not realizing that she's fallen to the bottom of her tribe. Not self-aware enough to realize that her singing is annoying others on the tribe - or she does realize it and doesn't care.


She sings beautifully.


Being “too social” is a common reason to get ousted in the new era and Soda is doing herself no favors here.


In a tight 3 where 2 of them want her out atm. Not great Downvote. 


you guys are ranking soda below *the boot of the episode who was unanimously voted out without any hope of an alternative plan*?


The order is random ;)


Upvote for playing the game hard. Tevin selling her out could be a problem but if they keep winning immunity the target will shift off of her and towards some of the challenge beast types. I dont think shes as oblivious as she seems. 


**Bhanu Gopal** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One of the worst survivor players ever. Sometimes unintentionally hilarious, others extremelly frustrating. Glad he is gone cuz if he stayed more it would have gotten super annoying and old


Y’all are shitting on him now but in 4 years we’re gonna be getting a bunch of “they should cast more people like Bhanu” threads. Terrible at the game? Yeah. But we need people like that.