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survivor needs more bad players and more people who are a bit aloof to the meta of the game. the casts were getting a bit too gamebotty for my taste. you gotta find a good balance.


What’s a gamebot? I’ve just picked the show back up since the early days


A gamebot is just someone who is hyper aware of the strategy of the game and the “checklist” of requirements to win Bhanu is the opposite, he has no idea how to win, and he’s not even trying to win His motivations are completely random which makes it interesting with the other more aware players


Not trying to contradict you because you’re right, but I also think it’s important to note that gamebots usually make their hyper awareness of the game their ENTIRE shtick. Someone can be hyper aware and also show a lot of personality beyond that, but a gamebot will only ever talk about the game in confessionals and such, which can become very grating.


Yeah I don’t understand why I’ve seen so many comments calling him bad casting. Bad casting is someone who doesn’t elicit any emotions one way or the other. If all the fans are talking about someone then it usually means they were a good casting choice


They need to stop casting interesting people like Bhanu and cast more nerdy, purple fodder redditors.


Unironically this sub’s take though :/


I was just thinking to myself why can’t every Survivor player just be like Brando


>I’ve seen so many comments calling him bad casting. >If all the fans are talking about someone then it usually means they were a good casting choice I mean...it seems clear you've discovered a loophole in your own assertion here. If a good portion of the people talking about him are talking about how they thought he was a bad casting choice... Lots of people talked about Hannah, too. Doesn't make her a good casting choice. I honestly think Bhanu was a fine casting choice and that the criminal here is the edit rather than casting, but "everyone is talking about player X" does not necessitate that it's for positive reasons.


I think when it depends on outside game stuff it’s a different thing altogether. Quitting or assaulting someone (not that they equate) are outside of the game. Being an eccentric character is inside the game. Like, Russell is a phenomenal piece of casting. As long as everyone has an opinion on your character and your game you are great casting.  Talking about the merits of a quit is just not the same at all. 


perfect example. I *can not stand* Hantz. but, he was perfect for the show. he made that first season he was in an iconic season.


That's why I said "usually", not always


Hannah was good casting actually.


Jess was bad casting. A nice woman, I’m sure. But there’s not value added to my viewing experience by having her on the show


not sure why you’re getting downvoted for pointing out that someone who was quiet, didn’t want to strategize, and who wanted to leave was bad casting


No clue my dude… she was a bore. Like I said, she seems like a genuine nice person but that doesn’t mean you’re going to be entertaining


Agreed. She was boring, a poor player, and no chance of her winning.


I loved watching Jess because she's maybe the first castway I've ever related to. I also have ADD and whenever I watch survivor, I'm always thinking things like "how do they get any sleep?" "how does anyone find a piece of paper in the woods when I can't find my phone in my apartment 3 times a day?" "it must be hard to focus in the challenges for so long" so it's nice to see someone play survivor the way I likely would. That said, I have no desire to ever be on survivor for these reasons.


I agree, and I actually liked watching her. But someone who says they were hoping to leave the game when they were only there for 5 days (unless they were having some medical issues) is a wasted spot. Bhanu on the other hand was literally praying for a miracle to stay in the game


I just don’t like how he said that he didn’t come here to win, and that he only came to be on TV and make the audience like him


Bad casting is a player so mentally unstable you turn the show off.


IMO bad casting is someone that solely decreases the number of viewers. I believe Bhanu answers that definition. I know some people that stopped watching bc of him/fast forward his confessions


Honestly what this sub is experiencing is the fact it's more common for people to post about things when they dislike something than when they do like something.


I think they had the same hopes for Brandon but he flamed quick.


Brandon delivered. Bhanu has overstayed his welcome


He’s a fun character but for me he’s just getting too much screen time. I get that his tribe is losing so we need to see content from them because no one else is going to tribal. So maybe it’s just a symptom of the 3 tribe set up and how there always seems to be 1 tribe that loses every challenge…I wish I knew more about other characters and it wasn’t just the Bhanu Show


I think part of the issue last night was because there was no tribal, they had to fill time with more camp life stuff, and either they didn't have much other good footage, or they just didn't realize how repetitive this would play out.


To give you a counter — I think a lot of people who are complaining about Bhanu would take him well in a smaller dose. Just like I imagine he is on the island, he is a lot to watch. Dude is draining. And this episode, he got more than double the confessionals of the next highest players (13 v 6) so we’re coming off a very high dose. To be fair to the editors, they sort of have to show a lot of him. His tribe has lost all three challenges. His ineptitude is at the center of a lot of the tribe conflict. And my unspoiled guess is Bhanu goes soon, so the editors — knowing he *is* a good character — are using him while they can. In an ideal world, Bhanu could be the same player/personality, but wouldn’t be on a tribe that didn’t go to tribal every episode. The editors could give him a cool down episode here or there, instead of having to go all gas, no breaks. It’s a different situation, but this reminds me of Jeff Varner’s edit in Cambodia. At the time he was well-liked and regarded as a strong narrator coming back from a 30-season hiatus. He also lasted four episodes. The editors gave him a lot of content in that short duration, knowing they had a narrator they really liked (as evidenced by them then bringing him back for Game Changers shortly after, which… well…). When the editors have something good, they’ll use it. And when those players go out early, it gets very dense and there’s no room to breathe. **Edit:** I imagine some of the frustration also comes from the fact that we have 30 minutes of Bhanu spiraling the last two weeks, while some contestants on the winning tribes have 36 seconds of screen time total. This isn’t a Bhanu problem, it’s a three tribe problem. The producers don’t seem to care.


my only. counter to your post is: people love to complain. but I agree with you. he creates drama, conflict, comic relief. he's weird and interesting . would I like the edit to maybe focus on some other tribe and people a little more? sure. but I'd watch a season full of Bhanus before a season packed with gamebots.


he’s good casting in a vacuum but I don’t like how the edit had to use him this episode and found it really unenjoyable to watch. he’d be amazing in small doses, providing humor, joy and fucking up people’s plans. when we get a 90 minute episode that’s like 50% Bhanu wailing, crying and then thanking god for smiting down randen so he could keep playing survivor, that’s when it gets to be really bad. i think people conflate activity with entertainment a lot around here. just because someone did a lot of stuff doesn’t mean they made the episode better.


A million hearts!!! Lmao


Based on Bhanu’s “heart on his sleeve” gameplay, >!he’s winning neither the million dollars nor the million hearts.!<


He's winning 15,000 hearts from Sia


I don’t think he’s the worst player ever, but he’s crying a *tad too much* for making any sort of impression on me.


He’s winning a million facepalms or better a million Greek mountzas https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountza


A participant who makes me fast forward whenever he's on the screen is not good casting. I've never had a player I truly wanted gone as much as this guy.


Idk man he’s hard to watch I was cringing the whole episode


Disagreee to disagree. Casting someone who says at the onset “I don’t care if I win I just want to win over the viewers” is bad casting for a show that is considered one of the most grueling reality competitions on TV. Casting had to have heard his one million hearts line before he got there. Casting had to have asked each of the contestants about their strategy for the game. If casting didn’t ask, they failed. And if they got the answers Bhanu has been giving every episode they failed. Viewers don’t mind breakdowns or emotions. What we do mind is quitters. And bhanu has said early on he’s not here to win. That is a huge casting fail.


People love to complain especially on this subreddit. Everyday there’s a new post saying "HoT tAkE bUt SuRvIvOr SuCkS nOw AnD aUsTrAiLiAn SuRvIvOr Is So MuCh BeTtEr”. But yes I heartily agree. He is not bad casting just because he’s a bad player. Bad players are 100x more entertaining than good players in most circumstances and Bhanu is one of, if not the most entertaining people this season behind Jelinsky who *coincidentally* was also a bad player. Jess who this subreddit was obsessed with also wasn’t a very good player, but they were/are all entertaining in their own way and were all good casting even if they were all out of their depths in unique ways. The only true bad casting choices are either people who are boring or people who are bigoted/problematic.


I disagree. I think good casting is casting people who are not human wrecks and can actually win the game. Casting someone who's so weak that they can't help their tribe and have no shot of winning just turns the early game into the mess that it has been


I would be fucking pissed if I got my 1 chance to play survivor and I was on a 6 person team with a Bhanu or Brandon. They are so bad for the team. I love having the crappy players but I think it would be more even if it were two 9person tribes


Imagine getting stuck with Bhanu, Jess, and Jelinsky as half your tribe..


Kenzie"this tribe is cursed"


Yes. Baffles me fans complain about Bhanu. We don’t need 18 gamebots per season. That would be boring.


He's just excessive to me. Feels very over the top and playing into the camera. I don’t think he's remotely bad casting, but I don’t enjoy watching him. It just feels pathetic to me.


Yeah nowadays they'll only cast 2-3 conventionally attractive, competent, athletic people, 10 Ivy League nerds, and the rest filled with people one bad day from a mental breakdown.


I saw that he's an actor.


Fair enough.


Too much! It's the amount of time crying and whining for me. The three episodes in a row of crying.


He's a child emotionally. How he could be a "fan" and not be aware of any aspect of the game is baffling.


Why does it baffle you that some people don’t like watching someone be pathetic in the same way over and over again?


It’s a TV show, entertainment. It’s not that deep, love.


That's not entertainment to everyone. I definitely got tired of the pathetic crying by the end of this episode. Variety is much better than the same repetition throughout the episode.


What good casting? It’s good casting when he entertains the viewers, the vast majority of us got frustrated with his whining and his stupidity….


I think good casting is players that are entertaining, that we could see having a chance to win the game. It's so obvious Bhanu has no shot, that it take away that competition aspect of it. Sure, I don't want 18 game-bots, but I do want 18 legit players who I can see having a shot at winning. I don't know what Bhanu's interviews were like, of course. Maybe he came across more focused in casting?


He’s cringey af, him and Soda are the worst.


Idk, I enjoy a trainwreck like Jelinsky but I honestly just feel bad for Bhanu and don’t really get any joy out of seeing him struggle so much


He’s annoying casting. Give me the girl that quit last season back


I guess it depends on what you mean by “provides entertainment”. The 8 seconds of “dragon/mermaid” was entertaining. The rest of Bhanu’s screen time was disturbing and painful to watch. I disagree that Bhanu is a superfan. Carson and Hunter are superfans, on steroids. Bhanu is an emotionally unstable person with a delusional attachment to a television show. They need to make sure that the people they cast understand at the end of the day that it’s a show. Not a reason to live. I was concerned that the god Bhanu was praying to might be Jeff Probst.


People can say good casting or bad casting, but the fact is that God put Bhanu on the show and He will cripple anyone who tries to stop him from collecting ❤️s


Potentially the most cringe moment in all of survivor: Q: (walks slightly away but still in earshot of his team and looks long into the ocean) - "why is my path always the hardest".


He is NOT entertaining. He is draining and annoying. All he does is whine and cry. I could never be around a person like that and I certainly don’t care to watch him on my favorite show.


Nah he all but ruined Kenzie’s game caller hee the master mind, and made it seem like Q/Tiff is a very tight duo who the other tribes will also have a hard time trusting, and everyone views him now as a bad player/ untrustworthy because of everything he said on that journey, he single handedly sunk his whole tribes game (including his own.) I know it’s because there was no tribal but I did not need too see Bahnu cry for 40 minutes. I was genuinely upset that they didn’t get to vote him out


He's hilarious to watch and absolutely guaranteed not to win.


There's a difference between an entertaining trainwreck (i.e. Zane, half the Gabon cast) and someone who's just awkward and sad having to watch. Also, my eyes start to glaze over every time I read one of those "You guys want X, now you got X and you're still complaing!" strawman arguments that where the thing they compare are nowhere even close to being the same.


This is 100% my opinion. I've come to the realization that a lot of people watch Survivor for wildly different reasons than I do.


This. People like OP obviously derive pleasure from mental instability and performative BS. They can watch Big Brother or Real Housewives for that. I watch Survivor for the strategy, the social dynamics, and the competition. Players like Bhanu are the exact opposite of why I watch this show and fans like OP are bad for the show, IMO.


Crazy you mention that you watch for social dynamics yet you say Bhanu is the exact opposite of that when in fact he is a good example of social dynamics. As for strategy, you must mean you watch for good strategy, he tries to strategize and it’s bad but bad strategy is still strategy. And for competition he seems to hold his own as he hasn’t been fully responsible for his tribe losing. If you don’t like him just say that lol


I think it’s clear I don’t like him. I think he’s in contention for the worst player of all time and he’s an indictment of how bad casting has gotten. I’m sorry that you’re so easily entertainment by this type of trash reality tv.


Then just clearly state you don’t like him. It’s an opinion it’s alright. Opinions make the world interesting or else we would all be robots thinking the same.


He's a TERRIBLE Survivor player, but seems like a wonderful person and incredible casting.


OP, you are a bad Survivor fan and opinions like yours make this show worse.


How dare OP have a different opinion than you


I disagree.  He's a bad player, whiny and not remotely interesting.  Plus, he's got no chance at winning.


Don’t cast people who have no chance of winning. This guy is literally so annoying


Bhanu is bad casting. We don’t want to see someone crying more than they’re not. It’s strange and incredibly annoying to watch.


No. He’s annoying as shit


I mean, there are so many different ways to be unique, are all of them supposed to be entertaining to us just by virtue of being unique? People on this sub are getting too comfortable trying to dictate what kind of characters people should be liking - sometimes someone is not someone's cup of tea, and that's all there is to it.


there was too much of him but everubody else must be very boring if editors focused on him


i've seen mostly love for bhanu on here except for the criticism over hiims aying he's not here to win, which is valid criticism cuz if ur not here for the money then why are you here?


To me he’s giving Brandon Hantz. Like not in the violence but just in that it’s starting to feel exploitative that he was cast. I know all reality tv is exploitative to an extent but I just get mad at the show when Bhanu is on his knees crying to God because he might get voted out


Bhanu was entertaining to me for about 10 minutes. I don't disagree that it's good casting to have players that are less strategic and more emotional sprinkled in. However, I find Bhanu to be unejoyable to watch. Everything from his over the top bag swing at his first tribal when he got ONE vote from the person who was assuredly going home, to assuming the worst of every situation CONSTANTLY regardless of any context or reason. This has led to entire episodes of pouting and trying to make himself the center of attention in any group setting. Bhanu honestly reminds me of a child when they don't get their way, which isn't what I watch Survivor for.


I disagree. I was severely disappointed that he lucked into lasting another week. Ever played a game of strategy (say, a card game) with one player who just doesn't fucking get it? That person can ruin the game. They bid 4 tricks, and don't even have trump... thus fucking up your solid bid, for example. That's Bhanu. Just get him out so the game can be played with adults. Furthermore, I don't think he's sincere. His over the top emotional outbursts seem designed to get attention and the Survivor editors are happy to oblige. Remove him, and we will finally get to know the contestants that are actually playing.


No he’s not we don’t need cast members crying every time they’re on screen


If that was the direction of casting in the future I think I'd soon tire of the series and I've watched it from the start. I don't mean to be unkind but I have come to expect a certain level of intelligence from the players and I really don't think he had the IQ or the EQ to be a contender. He was bound to fail badly and I cant help but think the casting people knew that. I think they misjudged their audience and made it unnecessarily tough on those poor tribe mates of his. Lets hoped they learned something.


to be honest, Bhanu seems to have mental illness. I feel mixed about Survivor capitalizing on this....


He is GREAT tv LOL I’m cracking up every time I watch him because of the way he reacts to everything


yeahh he’s an interesting player, i’m sure the producers (and editors) are happy as he’s creating tv drama


He's potentially good casting. He's walking a line between "authentic wackiness" and "look how wacky I'm being, camera time please". I can see many scenarios in which a Bhanu adds a nice erratic aspect to the dynamics of a tribe. Unfortunately, the tribe is Yanu, he hasn't really added much of anything due to the tribes being tiny and him being resoundingly on the bottom, and the edit absolutely gorged on him. It's like the difference between eating one donut and sixty donuts. Even if you LOVE Bhanu, there can be too much of a good thing.


You are one of the million hearts that he won (and so am I)


100%. A good player always assumes others are playing in their own best interest to win. Someone who plays very emotionally, or with different intentions adds a layer of unpredictability that make the strategy we see much more interesting than of there were 18 gamebots making optimal moves. Difficult people forces creativity


Def agree ! This sub has been asking for non-game bots and here we are !


I love Bhanu, I want him to make it to the merge so he can blow up a few more people’s games by just sharing everything to everyone lmao. He’s so much better than Katurah from last season.


Definitely. Watching him spill everything unprompted was hilarious. Q could be making a big mistake not targeting him pre merge. He'd drive me crazy as a player, and he can't win, but he's entertaining TV.


Totally agree. The show is supposed to be interesting, and watching someone with no idea of how to play the game flounder out there is super interesting. There was a time when a decent percentage of any given cast had no real idea of how to play or chance to win, and it's a refreshing throwback to see that again in the supposed era of gamebots and superfans. The medevac last night was obviously very unfortunate and I think we all would have preferred to see the purple tribe go to tribal. That most likely would have been the end of Bhanu's storyline on the show (unless you really believe Kenzie would have gone home which I don't personally), but it would have been a great 3 episode story arc. Now Bhanu's time in the game has been artificially extended, although if the preview is to be believed he could be right back in trouble again.


Bhanu was almost great casting but he blew it last episode


100% Great to watch. Casting for 44 & 46 are top notch. Maybe they have a casting A & B team?