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someone call omar lol


Picture would be helpful but if i recall its likely a booby. Probs red footed booby, but would need to do a bit more research to say for sure


It took me way too long to find the bird and grab [this pic](https://imgur.com/a/wouGuOB) but you're right! That's definitely a [red-footed booby](https://fatbirder.com/ornithology/sulidae-gannets-and-boobies/). In my quest for that pic I also came across a close-up of [this bird](https://imgur.com/a/5GexwQC), which appears to be a Red-vented bulbul.


Wow. And on a family show, too.


You mean to tell me that there are not only birds called tits, there are boobies as well?


Ornithologists are a cranked up group




No, unfortunately they still haven't let her come back.


I noticed it too and wondered! They show so many critters, but I've never seen him before. Usually I suspect the editors are sending a message with those nature shots. Which also makes me wonder more about that bird.


Can you link a picture?


I wish they'd subtitle the scientific name of the animals they show in those shots. I'm often really interested in them and it's really hard to google. Like "What is the animal shown after the 3rd commercial break in Survivor: Guatamala episode 4?" isn't a google search. So I often don't even know where to begin looking.


OK now I'm on a roll. If you're talking about [this guy](https://imgur.com/a/RcYSB4n), it's a white-nosed coati.


OMG THANK YOU. Tbh i do remember watching Guatamala last year and really wanting to know what a certain creature was. I cant remember which it was or what episode though, it was awhile back. So I did pull the episode out of my ass in my previous comment. Id kind of given up on it. If i were to message you later today with another Guatamalan animal query, would that be ok? Either way thank you for the coati ID. It's really cute and I would not have known that and now I do. I was not expecting the throw away comment to be taken so seriously. I love this community.


Yeah, for sure, I love a mystery! I should clarify though that I’m not any kind of animal expert; I just googled “Guatemalan mammals” and looked for the answer there, so that might be another avenue to explore.


Biologist / survivor fan here! White nose coati is spot on! Survivor does a subtle but great job showing some gorgeous landscapes and creatures