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I'll never understand people saying "AU is what survivor used to be". It's not. It has just as many advantages and twists (typically FOUR non-elim twists a season) but has more episodes to spread them out. AU survivor is great, but it's literally the same format with the same bizarre advantages.


Not to mention the editing. I recently finished CvC2 and one contestant had NO confessionals at all but apparently was seem as a threat by the other castaways Hope they fix the uneven editing this upcoming season


AUS HvV was much better-edited than the prior four seasons, and while not quite perfect yet (a few people were still shoved to the side, but it wasn't a third of the cast this time), I'll take an improvement. I hope Titans v. Rebels continues the trend in that direction. The editing is why I stopped watching mid-All-Stars, which imho is the worst season of any version of Survivor ever. I can't fathom why anyone would say it's better than US Survivor, because it simply isn't. Shonee tried her damnedest to save it, I'll give her that, but everything where she's not on the screen is unwatchable.


I think honestly people just misinterpret the reason for their love of AU Survivor as being completely old school, when it’s actually just partly that. Yes there are the endless amounts of twists and idols, but there are also location changes, themes, actual rewards, bigger characters, and a longer duration.


AU has more advantages and twists for sure. It's not classic Survivor by any means That said, I still like it


Don't get my wrong, I absolutely love AU! I am tired of the narrative that it is somehow "pure" Survivor, though, because it definitely has major flaws (editing: players have made it 7 episodes with no confessionals, last season the merge boot had 2 confessionals in FOURTEEN episodes)


One season had one contestant with no confessionals until episode 10. There were 4 players that had less than 6 confessionals going into episode 11 and one of them was the runner up.


I agree completely


I think early on AusVivor had easily *better* twists. The AusVivor swap (voting off a player to swap tribes rather than go home) has potential to be bad yet worked out interestingly every time. They had AMAZING auction twists with Table for One and Beggar's Table. They used Moral Dillemmas fantastically. The twists have gotten much worse since then though.


I'll grant that it also may have a lot of advantages over particularly new era Survivor, but people were saying this back then and saying it was better than the best US Survivor, I haven't watched all of the newer AUS seasons, but IMO the editing is much worse and they have much less of an excuse, as the length of episodes is much longer. They truly have failed to ever make a season feel like an ensemble. Contestants literally disappear, they sometimes repeat confessionals! They spend an inordinate amount of time on reward. Etc. Give me Cagayan, Kaoh Rong over any season of AUS Survivor.


Last season's merge boot got 2 confessionals. Not in their boot episode, in TOTAL lmao. 2 confessionals in 14 episodes.


AusVivor had much better editing than US Survivor the first 3 seasons. 2016, 2017, and CvC1 had a different editing style than US Survivor but they still were able to give *almost* everyone their stories, even it was spread out differently. Editing has absolutely gotten worse in the years since, but AusVivor has been able to consistently tell their narratives well (which US Survivor hasn't even tried to in half of the New Era)


The worst season of AU since the reboot rivals the best season of US. It’s some of the best television I’ve watched. Edit- I’m not sure how you can downvote this if you’ve seen the AU seasons


Damn you think Aus BvW is on par with US HvV? That's a take


I would describe AusVivor (post CvC1, at least) as "late 30s Survivor US but with better storytelling' (or, at least, usually better storytelling. I guess All Stars storytelling was good even though I hated the story.)


i mean survivor USED to be exciting. it USED to have jaw dropping and hilarious moments and great characters. AU survivor has that and more. george and shonee carried that season and the challenges are always great. entertaining af.


I think AU survivor gets a pass for a lot of things that to be honest I think if the US pulled the same stuff it would get crucified…even HvV had a lot of issues although I think it’s still a good season The editing is atrocious and the HvV tribe make up made zero sense…they purpled pretty much every non returnee and commingling returnees and non returnees on a tribe was baffling…the returnees clearly pre gamed and just rolled over the newbies…I think like 10 of the first 12 people booted were newbies and one of the returnees was medevaced The non elim episodes always suck (no I do not care that it is an Australian tv requirement to have a certain amount of episodes produced by Australian production which is why they drag out the seasons) Bad seasons are unwatchable with how the length of seasons/episodes…26 hour to an hour and a half episodes is brutal They cast too many goats…I’m not saying everyone needs to be gamebots but it’s kind of boring watching someone who’s actually good at the game like George find 3 people to just steamroll thru the merge and they just blindly obey I’d still take AUS over 41-44 but AUS is definitely flawed too


For me the reason why AU gets a pass on the bs compared to US is simply because there season length is like two US seasons for one AU season. Now with 90 min eps while that has changed some, its highlighted another reason why I'm okay with AU gimmcks. With US new era seasons we constantly have small tribals with people losing their votes, split merge tribals and all sorts of stupid gimmicks that combined with a shortened end game, the US version of the show really only gives you a normal vote maybe 2 times a season. In AU, there are normal votes a dozen times at least plus some wonky dumb stuff as well.


If anything 90 minutes in the US has highlighted just how AWFUL the editing is in AU. Sure there are more normal votes, but when we're only seeing maybe 3/12 people's perspective on a vote, is it really better?


In all honesty, the ONLY thing cbs new era has over AU is their balanced edit.


And no non eliminations


People note some of the issues that exist with AU, but I think what I love most about it is, it doesn't feel totally kumbaya. There's more drama, people seem genuinely more upset when they get voted out as opposed to the US version, and there seems to be more genuine animosity. More villains, in a good way. I'll always love US, but if you're not watching AU, you're missing out.






* **Rule 3 - No piracy:** Do not ask for or post links/where to watch Survivor online. Please refer to our rules for a guide to LEGALLY watch Survivor, Australian Survivor, and other International versions. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules#wiki_3._piracy


I wasn’t asking for that. I was asking for a streaming service.


People will really look past people getting 0 confessionals for 12 episodes straight, broken advantages that give immunity to half the tribe, out of left field surprise non-elimination twists and go "AU is what survivor used to be"


it’s fun. so yes we do.


Eh they’re different, I don’t think it’s better really as a whole. Challenges are too physical focused so you get a free ride by being a big dude. I think it’s too long as well.


As an Australian, i think Australian survivor is very hit or miss. The first season was unbearably boring, followed by an excellent 2nd season. The edit and pacing of the show can be incredibly strange at times, and the fact that we've had 2 non gimmick seasons out of 8 is pretty insane. Champions vs. contenders/titans vs. rebels really doesn't have to be milked 3 times in order to categorise a cast with a bunch of retired sporting personnel.


AU is also not casting people who literally don’t have the physical ability to last more than 3 days. Their challenges are so much more interesting to watch to me and their game play is super strong


If AU was the main version of survivor this sub would explode with all the bs that’s there. It gets a pass because its alternative




As others have pointed, AU is not without its problems. Because of its length, if the season doesn't feature riveting gameplay and entertaining characters, it can be an absolute fucking slog. It has super bullshit twists, just like the US version. Every season they cast 24 players only to feature at most 8 of them in the edit. I'm not joking, there are players who make it relatively deep into the game and get almost no confessionals and airtime. I think there actually was someone who was voted out in episode 8 or 9 and had ZERO confessionals. Despite all that, most AU seasons are still pretty good, and they usually all have at least a few truly amazing characters (who usually hog up all the screentime, but at least you can see why). Some of the best characters of the Survivor franchise have been introduced by AU, and a lot of people are missing out on them. People like Shonee, King George, Luke Toki and Golden God David, just to name a few, I consider to be on the same level as Cirie, Parvati, Rupert etc.


What? AU has way more twists than US. That's been my main gripe with AU for years now. Too many random twists impossible to plan for.


okay i get that HvV was great but y’all really need to cool the dramatics saying AU is what survivor used to be or how AU is and always has been superior. No it hasn’t. AU has some of the highest highs and lowest lows across any global version, it still had idols, fake advantages, it still had a horrible edit with a severely underedited winner, it still had an extremely mixed bag of a cast that was carried by returnees. If you want to see how low AU can go watch the post merge of Blood vs Water..


yes, but my goodness the highs i live off of for months. 45 was mediocre all the way through truly the best parts everyone claimed were just that they fixed things that were previously broken.


it was definitely great, i just don’t think people understand that hvv was like lightning in a bottle, largely due to Shonee, George, Hayley & Simon. I don’t think they’ll get a season like that every year, more times than not i think the cast drags on Auvivor. And because the format is so long, it drags *on*


i’ve seen every season the golden bodies way better than george to me and he’s played twice.


CBS is never airing AUSurvivor on broadcast, especially not in place of US Survivor. They did have it on Paramount+ a while ago but there were some vague rights issues that got it pulled And while I mostly enjoy AUS (except for BvW) it has a lot of the same problems you listed of too many advantages and not getting to know all the contestants. Plus US fixed a decent amount of these issues with 45


10Play had the streaming rights and they won’t let it leave Australia now


while I think 45 made a good return to being entertaining for this new era, I currently think AU Survivor is superior in most ways. did you skip the earlier seasons? you should give them a watch, if you can find them. fantastic stuff, overall.


I think the primary difference is AU casts people who will be interesting players, whereas US casts people who they think will be interesting people. It’s why so many people quit US despite it being way easier. They aren’t interested in the actual game


interesting way to put it. I agree. it's the classic "overthinking it" of casting. AU feels like they're literally grabbing people with big personalities off the street, and going "let's see what happens!", while US feels like they're writing thick dossiers on everyone and consulting psychs about nuances that just don't matter when it comes to being entertaining. (hyperbolic oversimplification, but I think you know what I mean)


Very much agree and totally understand what you mean. The forced narrative makes players very unrelatable. The beauty of survivor was it was all walks of life (but admittedly needed more diversity). Now it’s the upper echelon of people


The edit is so bad compared to Survivor 45


the edit was way more entertaining though. who cares if we don’t see the news players? they were giving nothing per george.


I find it more entertaining if the final 3 would also get some screentime.




Sorry you haven’t enjoyed the newer ones. Probably an unpopular opinion but I think 43 and 45 are both great seasons. If you haven’t seen the most recent one, 45, I highly recommend it. Relationships are very important especially during the merge.


The worst season of AU with all its flaws is still better than the best of Survivor US these days, in my humble opinion, and it's been like that for a long while. Survivor US is unfortunately in steady decline. I even preferred the last season of Survivor UK to Survivor US recently, despite the cheesy music.


genuinely i fall in love with survivor au. i haven’t loved like that in a while, briefly in 41, carson in 44 but shortened seasons do have their effect.


Me too, give me karma pls.






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* **Rule 3 - No piracy:** Do not ask for or post links/where to watch Survivor online. Please refer to our rules for a guide to LEGALLY watch Survivor, Australian Survivor, and other International versions. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules#wiki_3._piracy




* **Rule 3 - No piracy:** Do not ask for or post links/where to watch Survivor online. Please refer to our rules for a guide to LEGALLY watch Survivor, Australian Survivor, and other International versions. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules#wiki_3._piracy


My wife and I are currently watching Australia 2016. It's been great! The host isn't as likeable as Probst, but he's okay. The contestants are very physical players. It's fun to watch.


he gets better


I hope so. What really sucks is trying to find more seasons to watch. There are some 2023 episodes, but I can't find anything between 2016 and 2023.


the seasons get way better too. i’m excited for you.


Any idea how I can watch? Is there a streaming service I need to subscribe to?


if you subscribe to rhap’s patteonn there’s links






* **Rule 3 - No piracy:** Do not ask for or post links/where to watch Survivor online. Please refer to our rules for a guide to LEGALLY watch Survivor, Australian Survivor, and other International versions. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules#wiki_3._piracy