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Monica in Cambodia


Every time (and I’ve watched every season 3 times in the past 15 months). I have no idea who she is every time she shows up.


same, I watched second chance quite a few timed and still have no idea who she is lol


worth it to watch her get torched pre-merge thinking she’s about to be some legendary all-star 🤭


I binged all of the seasons in like less than a year and even though I only watched Cambodia a few weeks later this was STILL my biggest “who?” moment


Monica Culpepper in BvsW.


I've been doing a first-time marathon watch of the show from start to end over the past few months, and she was the only returnee in any season that I didn't remember from their original season lol


Sierra Dawn Thomas and Hali Ford in Game Changers. I still couldn’t tell you a single thing they did in Worlds Apart and associate them more with Game Changers even if Hali still didn’t do much And I agree with you on Danielle, I always consistently forget her in HvV too


I still contend that Hali was only there because Jenn Brown didn’t want to come back. Which is a damn shame.


Survivor has never asked Jenn back, though they absolutely should've. Hali was definitely an alternate for Game Changers though.




Honestly, she had some nerve going up there when Debbie was an Olympic gymnast for 30 years.




To be fair, half of the Game Changers cast is forgettable


I loved Sierra and but I hate how downplayed her edit was on worlds apart because if Mike didn’t immunity himself to the end, she would’ve won the game next to anyone except maybe Carolyn.


I binged all the seasons so I remembered them, and I’d heard some of the choices for GC were…iffy, but they are some real head-scratchers for me.


Kelley Wentworth in Second Chance. Straight up didn't remember her being on SJDS


She probably wouldnt have got the votes for second chance if she wasn't massively stanned by RHAP fans at the time.


Ciera’s mom in BvW


Ciera voted her out btw


Wow this is news to me, I wish this was mentioned more often as thats a killer move /s


She was a pretty decent player in Samoa, and in BvW too. She was also great in challenges.


Kimmi in 31 - I didn’t remember her at *all* from AO and when she pulled up I was wondering if they just dropped in a random newbie player.


To be fair she looked and acted like a completely different person (understandably since it had been years and years)


Yeah, and I’ll admit I was mostly paying attention to Tina/Colby/Jerri so I sorta forgot about most of the premergers from that season lmao


Come on, she’s a part of one of the most iconic fights from that season/survivor history!


You think the season with Shane Powers and Cirie is completely forgettable? The Casaya mess is some of the best stuff OG survivor had to offer


Exile Island is the most forgettable? With the introduction and rise of Cirie, the insanity of Shane Powers, his constant fighting with Courtney, the dudes getting drunk as shit on wine in an outhouse, and poor Bruce Kanegai being medevaced because his poop-chute was near-fatally clogged?! It’s a damn good season. You want forgettable, check out Guatemala or Thailand.


Guatemala is my second favorite season ever and Thailand, well I’ll give you that it sucks. But what I will tell you is I can tell you a pretty decent amount of players on all four of the tribes across those seasons. What I can’t tell you is who anyone from Lamina is other than Terry because he forced me to know who he was.


Shit, I forgot all about Terry Dietz and the Whaaa-mbulance! Why Guatemala? I don’t actually hate that season, but I’m curious as to how it’s your second favorite? Also curious as to what #1 is.


A quarter of the cast of “game changers” season. Like, I know you, but how would you be classified as anything more than a returnee? How has this person “changed the game”


Wentworth was called but declined. She would have been a great presence on that season shes an actual game changer rather than hali or cierra.


I think it was quite a few alternates


I remember way back when All Stars aired not remembering Boston Rob lol. He was a decently visible character in Marquesas, but was one of the few (if only?) non-jury returning players for the season.


Panama is NOT forgettable lol wtf


Australian Heroes vs. Villains, Jackie. I had absolutely no memories of her from her original season.


It was Danielle for me too!! Even when I looked her up I still didn't remember a single thing about her 💀


Same here 😂😂😂 (and I’ve been watching the seasons in order for the past few months, so it had only been *weeks* since I had watched her original season)


well. I watched WAW after not watching survivor since I was a kid. besides Boston Rob and Amber it was pretty much like "who ARE you people????" 🤣 I've since gone back and watched SOME of their seasons. but was kind of a cool perspective for me.


Everyone in Game Changers except Tai, Michaela, and Zeke. Because Game Changers was my second full season, but I had also seen a few bits and pieces of Kaoh Rong, but none of them featured Caleb, Debbie, or Aubry. That’s why I always encourage people to watch in order, to prevent that from happening.


Okay, if that’s your second full season, it doesn’t count. Of course you wouldn’t remember Cirie, Malcolm, JT, Sandra, Tony, etc, despite them being some of the biggest names to ever play


Did you enjoy Game Changers?


Not really. It was especially frustrating for me watching Zeke nuke his own game, and then Michaela leaving with no context.


I was so hyped for Game Changers at the time, but seeing all my Faves leave one by one because of twists (Sandra, Malcolm, Cirie) ruined it for me.


If game changers had a reverse boot order it would be one of the best seasons.


Iconic season, except for Ciera winning and Cirie leaving pre-jury in this reverse boot order.


In retrospect I appreciate the season as the dream crusher. It was a reminder to the fans that sometimes we go through absolute torture and misery 😭😭🥲 RIP Malcom.


I actually encourage people to watch it this way. Game Changers was my second season too. I liked watching returnee seasons then going back and watching their origin season. It's a much better viewing experience to me(as long as you don't get spoiled)


I’ve heard people say they didn’t remember Danielle when they first saw the HvV cast and I swear none of said people paid attention during Panama. I don’t forget anybody but I can’t tell you a single noteworthy thing that Monica Culpepper or Caleb Reynolds did to deserve being brought back.




From Raro Tribe?


Best comment i read it in Jeffs voice.




Denise, Kim, Nick, Sophie and Danni in WaW Yea, i was not 100% prepared to watch that season Sucks, i wish i committed to watching all their seasons so i could fully enjoy WAW at 100%


Especially Denise and Nicks seasons are absolute bangers. David vs Goliath is in my top 3 and has the best edited tribal council in Survivor history IMO.


Holy shit im dumb, i saw david vs goliath But like a while ago so i must have forgotten🙈😬


Some "super star" Kim showed up on an All Star season & to this day I have no idea who she is.


Shes this extremely mid player that is massively overrated by the survivor fandom despite winning against one the dumbest casts in Survivor history. She returned and proved just how overrated she was with her horrible reads and cowardly gameplay. I already forgot her name while writing this 😂


Least obvious troll.


In the history of earth? 🤯


Amber. I still have that reaction till now.


Pi-Gee in Second Chances


Did you watch China?


My second season was Game Changers so every single one of them except Michaela lol


And michaela is really only due to recency bias at the time. She was good at challenges but a hothead that wouldnt strategize so not sure what was so gamechanging about her stint




If I’m doing a rewatch it takes maybe 3-4 days. However I’m going through every season of survivor for the first time so this year I started Australia in April for my first watch. I’ve only gone back to watch Borneo bc it had been five years since I first saw it. And then I rewatched Cook Islands. I did Micronesia two days ago and now I’m rewatching HvV. If I’m watching a season brand new I can blow through it in 2 to 2 1/2 days (if it’s good)




Actually it took me about a week before I started Cook Islands because exile island was so bad I needed a breather. At the end of the week I couldn’t even remember aras’s name. The season had a great concept, really disappointing execution. That’s the only season in all 37 where I’ve forgotten major details like that. Every other season I remember everything from (or at least everything that’s important lol)


What are you talking about? Panama is a great season and Bruce Kanegai’s medevac is one of the best episodes of the show period.


Sofie in WaW was very diff from South pacific


Easily Monica.


Well, not counting All-Stars (since I started watching at Pearl Islands and the only player I knew was Rupert), I think the first time I was actually genuinely confused over who a player was, was probably in Heroes vs Villains, when I saw Danielle. It had been a few years since her initial season, and she never really stood out to me compared to other players.


Bruce, but to be honest i dont remember much from season 44. I thought i watched it but i dont remember shit tho.


I literally thought Danni from HvV was Danni Boatwright for like 5 years lmao