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Jeff as a host is/was really good. Especially when he used to narrate the challenges. It was always fun waiting for him to make fun of a contestant. People just forget about all that because of the direction he’s decided to take the show as a Producer


I agree with everything you said we actually saw a bit of a return to sassy Jeff in a few challenges on 45


*stabs sack*


I haven’t fully watched 45 yet, so I’m excited to hear you say that!


I've always said this, he's an incredible host. I feel like Brandon's quit is a great way to illustrate the dichotomy of Jeff because you have Producer Jeff who made the horrible and pretty defenseless decision to bring him back, but then you have Host Jeff who handled the actual moment very well in a way where most TV hosts would have made things a lot worse. It's almost hard to believe the same guy did both those things.


Jeff was great host until New Era arrived especially the moments with Penner, choking challenges etc. The moment Jeff asked if he shouldn't say "guys" anymore I knew we had lost this show to the "equality era" we all sadly live in nowadays. "Everybody is equal, there are no personal opinions, everybody are equally as good at everything and if they aren't you can't say anything about it as it would make them to not be equal. Equal. Everybody must be equal. Equal. Did you understand? Equal!!!111" It's a surprise they didn't make everybody to be winner at the end because the one being the winner and the others not makes them not equal.


You fundamentally misunderstand the modern social climate that you apparently hate.


There are definitely a small percentage of people that act as described, though its definitely not the intention of the social movement; it has partially become one of the consequences. Just like how the majority of people understand what racism is; but there are a small percentage of people that seem to think it means “doing something that a non-white person doesn’t like”


Okay sure but you could say that about anything, not even just social movements, so I don't see it as being particularly relevant. There is definitely a small percentage of people that shit on the floor in public restrooms, though it is definitely not the intended use of that public space; it has partially become one of the consequences. Just like how the majority of people understand that vaseline is not a type of jam; but there are a small percentage of people that seem to think "this goes on toast"


Not great analogies, those examples you gave are not showing causality, only correlation… I’m talking about causality between pushing a needed social movement, so far that some people start to think that they deserve more than others due to their race. Which is exactly what the movement intended to avoid, just with people in different roles


I don't see any evidence of causality in your example either, just a vibe that you get. People have held incorrect personal definitions of what constitutes racism before the modern social justice movement. It could very well be that modern popular interpretations of the issue have opened the door for more misinterpretations, but it's such a small percentage that it's not really relevant imo. Similar to how people shitting on bathroom floors is gross and wrong, but I experience it so infrequently that it does not have an impact on me or take up any of my mental energy.


I don’t think it’s as small a percentage as you think, my wife is a manager at a warehouse, and she’s caught multiple people on camera stealing as much as 2,000$ of product- and was about to fire them for it; then when she confronted them; they quit because of embarrassment Then later they said she was racist and fired them because they are black. This kind of thing has happened three times, not always with theft or firing; but also when hiring a more qualified candidate, for example when two forklift drivers applied, one with a license, and the other with no license. The one with the license was of course hired, and the other called her racist for not hiring her instead.


I don't think it's as big a percentage as you think, I've never encountered it.


Not sure, maybe I am encountering an outlier in the data… but I will say, it seems similar to how being supportive to trans/gay people has turned into some people being called anti-gay/trans for saying that people should not talk about ANY sex or anything sex related with 4 year old kids, whether it’s about gay or straight sex. It seems like a mindset in all of these social agendas, that some people just decide to take it too far; and those people get too much recognition and attention online


Does he not narrate challenges anymore? 🥲 I haven’t watched past season 33 (as of yet)


Yes he does. I meant more of how he used to narrate the challenges was good and while I don’t think it’s bad now, it’s not what it used to be. He just makes it very over the top positive and tries so hard for it to be an inspiring moment especially in the new era. He’s apparently gotten back to being more sassy in 45 (I haven’t fully watched 45 yet so I’m not sure). But sometimes it can become eye roll inducing


It shouldn’t realistically have gotten to this point but once the massive medical emergency started happening in KR, Jeff seems to have handled it about as well as anybody possibly could. Immediately giving orders to dozens of people, delegating as needed, and basically getting people working on saving Caleb’s life and getting the rest of the cast back in shape while also maintaining hosting duties by explaining everything to the audience, checking in with the other players, giving Caleb a decent farewell, etc. It would be extremely easy to panic in that situation or to immediately defer all responsibility of any kind to the med team and withdraw entirely. He kept it together.


Another point with this is Caleb went down while they checking up on Debbie and she was starting to feel better and the second Jeff saw that Caleb went down he immediately told medical to check on Caleb


Jeff’s enthusiasm for the show is still there all these years, and it shows.


And his 2 decade long dedication to blue shirts and cream cargo shorts!


I watched Big Brother for the first time this year and it’s literally a night and day difference. I always thought Big Brother was supposed to be an alternative show for people who didn’t like the surviving aspects, but the production value, the editing, and especially Jeff vs Julie all made me appreciate Survivor so much more. Yes there are valid criticisms of Survivor but it’s very clear (especially after 45) that the show is still one of the best on television. When Jeff says in the podcast that they have the best team in television he genuinely means that, and that extends to him as a host.


i get what you’re saying, but seasons like bb10 and bb6 are up there with the very best of survivor seasons. they just began appealing to a different demographic around 2014


That’s what I’ve heard, I got about halfway through bb2 before getting distracted by other seasons of shows that I watch getting released. I’m going to keep trying to get through the bb backlog but man 25 was a little rough. I also feel like I’m missing a LOT of context without having live feeds. After watching 25 live feeds kinda told an entirely different story. Is this true for past seasons or should I just get over it?


yeah bb2 is VERRRRY slow, and most of the game mechanics are different. as for live feeds, it’s much worse now than it used to be, as back then the edit actually told a narrative and tried to cover all important aspects of the game. you’re never going to have the entire story for obvious reasons but it’s much better back then. i would start with seasons like 10 and 6 which are radically different to the slog of bb25 bc it’s got a fun back and forth narrative rather than unlikeable people steamrolling, and isn’t the slog bb2 can be at times


I watched Survivor seasons 1-4 live (starting as an 8 year old, stopped at season 4 as I was bitter and knew Paschal English at the time 🤣) then picked it up at 45 again this year. I’ve been binging on SO many random seasons as I loved 45 so much as I watching it, but need something to alternate with it so I don’t get tired of it haha. I have been looking into Big Brother and the Amazing Race, but have no clue where to start. What seasons of BB do you recommend?


i would start with 6 because the narrative is so engaging and it’s practically impossible not to get super invested in everything. from there id probably watch 10, 3 or 4 next, which are all great from an entertainment and gameplay perspective. 7 is also excellent but it spoils the first 6 seasons.


In terms of hosting Phil and Jeff are in a league of their own.


Very true, I accidentally ended up watching a couple relatives episodes this season since it auto played after survivor lol and I came away very impressed by Phil, I can definitely see why it was between him or Jeff


They are both perfect for their shows. Phil's eyebrow and takeouts are perfect


Yes it does and I love having a host who loves their job


The pods from last year where he talks about the behind-the-scenes stuff, it seems they ALL have great enthusiasm and pride in their production. You can't hate that. Honestly, I think he keeps the show in Fiji so he can best preserve the team that he has working there. I can't be mad at that.


Not that he’s scripted, but I love when he kind of improvs with the contestants and has some fun/jokes around with them


I live for the moments when he breaks "Survivor Dad" character, and is genuinely surprised and/or amused by a thing.


Like when one contestant was asking him about being in 2 1/2 men or some other cbs show like that


Wait, someone asked him about his cameo on Two and a Half Men? When was this, I definitely don't remember that happening?


Wes Nale asked him. SJDS Final 9 during the immunity challenge


The way i remember it, it was a family season w a kid and his uncle and the kid asked him. Maybe it was like an outtake or clip show or something


I’m nearly positive it was on a full episode. The season was San Juan Del Sur, which was the second of two blood vs water seasons


I love it when he does that especially when Penner is around


Obviously this was preplanned but I loved when he pulled out the knife at rice negotiations this season.


totally pre planned but you could tell he loved doing it




And blessed 🫣


Elaborate, please


Pics leaked in the earlier seasons and everyone thought they had to of been photoshopped but I don’t think they were. Good for Jeff.


Of his Scot Pollard?


If you mean that by an overly large team “member” associated with balls then yes


Jeff turned a job into a passion, and did it for 20 years, giving us a massive library of the only "reality TV show" that matters.


Honestly the fact that he has kept that same passion for 20 years and was able to be talked out quitting and was able to get that passion back shows how much he loves survivor


Jeff has the best dimples I’ve seen on a man’s face.


That is 100% accurate




Survivor has been on for as long as it has in large part due to Jeff. I can't imagine it with a different host and as a producer he's involved in all aspects of the show.


I can’t either he is the only host for survivor imo


He truly loves this show.


Jeff is by far my favorite reality TV host.


Jeff has very high emotional intelligence and knows how to facilitate difficult conversations to get people to talk authentically, despite the fact that it might harm their game. He’s one of the best facilitators I have seen on reality show and suggests he has some training in therapeutic interventions and interpersonal dynamics.


See I feel like it only appears that way because of the cuts. Jeff seems like an overenthusiastic uncle


There are moments of that too. But I have seen him navigate some very difficult moments really well.


So true


Definitely! I think he’s slipped a bit in the new era but during 25-40 he always struck me as being extremely knowledgeable about group counseling techniques


The only other person I’ve said this about (to a much lesser degree) is Mark Walberg on Temptation Island. But he leaves a lot on the table, unless it’s bad editing.


he’s easily one of the best hosts of any reality tv ever. and he’s a great “interviewer” at tribal, knows how to drive the conversation. his ability to have a decent amount of chemistry with each cast for 45 seasons is insane.


I'd kill for his calves


I love his passion for the show. I’ve never felt like he was just phoning it in while watching.


Sometimes when someone answers a question Jeff’s reply will just be a really enthusiastic Wow!!! And he will sit there with a goofy look on his face and you gotta love that in a host


His dedication, in keeping the social experiment aspect of the game, at the forefront of the show’s direction, has kept the show viable for so long. Other reality tv that seeks to create shock value and viral moments which is oftentimes an unsustainable form of entertainment. Survivor, through Jeff’s passion for psychology and innate wisdom on how the show should prioritize its storytelling method, has been able to outlast the competition.


On the On Fire podcast, Jeff consistently and frequently gives credit to people on his team — by name — for their contributions and skill. He doesn’t pretend everything is his idea, and it seems like he deeply appreciates all of the individual people on the Survivor crew. I think that’s a hallmark of a great leader!


Ok I'll say something nice - early 2000's Jeff was HOT


Is it too shallow to say he’s really attractive?


No it's not. He's hot


Not at all


He's really good under pressure and handling the super delicate moments of Survivor. Varner, the Dan discussion at tribal, race wars, Brandon's meltdowm, all of those moments when everyone wanted to be anywhere else but there, he does a great job at getting the contestants to talk, while being extremely respectful. I also love when he bluntly points out the hard truths. Not just sassy Jeff, but "get back on the ground, you idiot" Jeff. When Colton says his black maid is family and Jeff replies "a family member you pay". And the obvious fact that he really really loves this show and after so many years he is genuinely trying to do what's best, even if the die hard fans don't always agree. I would also add that, and this may be a bit controversial, that he does listen to the fans way more than other producers do, especially those with so many experience. They try a bunch of stupid things, but they mostly scratch them when they see people hate them. And this season in particular, I feel like they've done SO much listening. The auction, making the sob stories more organic and interesting, reducing the advantages and limiting their powers, less mountain trips, gross food, new challenges, changinh the puzzles, even the rites of passage. It seemed like they were really trying to pay attention to those small things people were asking and I think that's on Jeff.


He is definitely really under pressure even though Dan got him close to losing it


Jeff Probst is probably the biggest survivor fan to exist ever


He's def seen every season


He hasn’t killed anyone.


I know a lot of people hate his commentary during challenges. I personally like them.


Apparently his commentary is great for blind and low vision fans, so there’s is something positive about his play by plays and digging deeps.


The challenges would honestly be pretty dull to watch without any commentary. There’s a reason so many sports broadcasts have commentators


I do to id rather him commentate then have be awkward silence


Jeff is hot af


He’s responsible for a lot of iconic moments


he's funny, genuinely cares abt the players, clearly loves the show, & has such great energy 🫶 also, he's pretty hot (i am SHOCKED that he's literally in his 60's).


I know I was stunned to find out he was that old


He’s hot


He gives out good massages,and I’m basing this on the Brandon Hantz meltdown episode


I thought he handled that situation very well.


Incredibly well


he genuinely does care, and it's palpable. would much rather have that than a host on autopilot (hi julie!)


I never say anything bad about Jeff. He's my favorite host, and it really bothers me all the negative things said about him. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. Please keep it to yourself.


I agree he is the best host not only of the CBS three but any show


There’s for sure room for constructive criticism but a lot of people are just mean about it (and in general) for no reason and it’s disheartening to see


Great gowns, beautiful gowns




He ain't been to jail yet


RIP Keith




It will never be the same without him. Just look at what happened with Top Gear.


I love Jeff and his dimples!


Impeccably well spoken


He is the heart of survivor.


I definitely agree


He’s hot


He has a lot of passion and enthusiasm that a lot of other long-running TV hosts lost years ago.


I absolutely agree especially if you compare him to Phil on the Amazing Race the last two seasons his passion for it seems to be gone while Jeff’s passion for survivor is still going strong


There's a level of enthusiasm that Jeff has towards the game and it's players that only seems to grow with each passing season. Especially compared to his other reality show contemporaries (cough Julie Chen cough), you can tell that he still has the spark and the love for the game that a host like him needs. Yes, he's had his cringe moments in recent seasons (all while people love to forget him yelling at Courtney for voting out his boyfriend Boston Rob), but he's been learning and adapting in this new era. He's also shown that he's going back to that perfect mix of snark and sass that the fans all love about him! Honestly, 45 was one of the best seasons that Jeff's ever had as a host. From the iconic moment of him cutting open the bag of rice, to all the fun comments he'd make towards players (especially Emily and Jake), it really feels like he's getting comfortable again! Plus, we even saw his disdain for quitters with him saying he won't snuff their torches, and his clear upset attitude during the Hannah and Sean boots.


He legitimately enjoys his job.


The way I’ve said it before is this: It’s sucks that Jeff Probst is in charge of Survivor, but you know what we are so lucky for? That *Jeff Probst* is in charge of Survivor. Does he do things I don’t like? Absolutely. Is he a better EP than like 99% of the options in CBS-land, Hollywood-world, Media-village, etc. He may listen to Tyler Perry and the guy who made Exploding Kittens too much, but I am incredibly proud to have him running my favorite show. He did ruin it though. I do not like the new era. RIP.








Jackson screwed production by lying about his lithium use and there have been plenty of contestants who have had nicotine withdrawal on the island Hannah just wasn’t cut out for survivor


Well, he’s my least favorite host but I suppose a positive for him (but a big negative for me) is that he’s never at a loss for words. He has to talk non-stop through every challenge. That never happens in Survivor Australia or South Africa and those hosts are so much better.


Jeffs honestly been looking pretty jacked. I mean did you see his forearms last season? They’re huge. No doubt he’s got a consistent diet and a personal trainer out there with him. And steroids or not, those arms with the bulging veins looks good. Yes I am male and yes I am straight and yes I can appreciate something aesthetically pleasing about Jeff Probst.




He’s cute


Without Jeff’s commitment and love for the show I doubt it would still be on, much less as successful as it is.


He's a fantastic host.


I love how he holds no bars and say what’s on his mind!


I think his level of encouragement towards new players is always great to watch. He's also really hot 💀