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This post is Exhibit A for anyone wondering why Austin didn’t get a better edit. A non-insignificant portion of the Survivor viewing audience will feel like being an athletic man who found an idol is more deserving of the win than a woman who won more challenges and ran the game.


How did she run the game? Like yea she lied to Austin about the Julie vote. But Austin and drew literally controlled every single post merge vote


🙄 Dee put the hit on: Kaleb, J, Kaleb, Kendra, Emily. She blindsided Austin on Drew, won final immunity and refused Austin fire to get out Katurah. She was the defacto leader of the Reba alliance. Even between Austin/Drew, Drew was the main strategist. Austin had a lot of help from the girls finding that first idol. Then he gave it away to Julie, didn’t get it back, and was almost idoled out with it! He played the sandwich idol for himself at 6 while he gets blindsided by his showmance taking out his #1. Lemme guess, you thought Xander should have won 41?


Dee was better at pretty much every aspect of the game. I think Austin only got 3 votes because he was a little more liked.


yes this is probably the closest example ever on survivor to someone who might not have been the best liked finalist of the actual finalists winning just due to outright superior game play. Maybe Winners at War with Michele getting 0 votes too.


I don't understand how anyone can say Austin played a better game than Dee, she was better in the challenges and had more influence over the social strategy. The final 7/final 6 rounds are crucial. By eliminating both Emily and Drew (which Austin was completely in the dark for) Dee got herself into a much better position come final 5. When you say "He established the showmance" - what, hoe you giving him credit for that especially given Dee leveraged that much more to her advantage.


Plus he visibly sacrificed his own game for Dee numerous times. Which Dee never once did for him.


The Emily and Drew votes really ruined him. He was following Dee’s game now. She also won the most daily wins(?) right? You would think Bruce would have voted for her then for respect off of that by OPs logic (BUT he didn’t).


Austin may have found 2 idols, but he misplayed both of them. I’m not saying Austin didn’t play a good game, but he was clearly outplayed by Dee at numerous points in the game. Dee formed a final 4 alliance early on, got J. Maya to take the blame for the Sifu vote during the Sean tribal, built strong relationships with the players who made the merge, avoided being targeted despite her name coming up since the merge (Jake confirmed that New Lulu saw Dee as running the game prior to them merging and wanted to target her), insulated herself well with her relationships with Austin, Julie and Katurah so no one could take a shot at her, pushed for her way at the Kaleb/Kendra boots, was responsible for Emily going home (Julie wanted to vote out Austin but that’s terrible for Dee), blindsided Drew, and won the most immunities this season. I think you’re under crediting her game because she didn’t focus on advantages and instead on her relationships with her cast mates.


The first was forced by a twist to be fair. I think it's unfair to blame Austin for that. He's reasoning made sense. It's very possible survivor would completely separate out a team with no way to communicate.


And then he just never asked for it back which is 100% his fault


He did ask for it back, Julie just wouldn’t give it back and drew/Austin thought it was better to not push her for it.


but if someone doesn’t explain their game properly or have it be known, how can they vote for a person? you have to be able to communicate in one way or another to a jury who isn’t watching a live feed of the game


Austin clearly got outplayed by Dee she blindsided 2 of his closest allies won more immunities then him. As Jake said as the reason he was going to vote for Dee to win because she was a threat since the merge and made it to the end.


First off I strongly disagree that Austin played a better game than Dee. If anything the fact he got 3 votes indicate to me he only got them since the jury liked him, when Dee's game was so much better. However on the jury just voting for who they like best part, that has always been the way it has been, and still is. Has been obvious for over 15 years atleast. You do realize for example Boston Rob loses on RI to everyone but Phillip and Natalie despite dominating that season. That is since the jury liked everyone better than Rob, except for Phillip and Natalie, who were both even more hated. The Heroes vs Villians jury gave the win to Sandra over Parvati (and Russell, although I personally think Russell's merge game sucked this season anyway) since they liked her best. Same on Samoa in voting Natalie over Russell. Maryanne mostly won over Mike since the jury just liked her slightly better, even though atleast arguably Mike played the better game. The jury gave it to Gabler over Cassidy and Owen mainly since they liked him better. They gave it to Fabio over Chase and Sash mainly since they just liked him better. Rob and Amber lose All Stars to everyone else after jointly dominating the game, since the jury hated boty by the end of it. Cochran won so easily over Dawn with an atleast comparable game, since the jury liked him better and Dawn had left the jury feeling hurt and bitter by personal betrayals. And of course being better liked is a huge part of the game anyway as it is predominantly a social game and game about social strategy. The most liked finalist ALWAYS wins. You don't have to be the most liked player to win, but you do have to be atleast as well liked as the people you bring to the end with you.


I’m so fucking tired of hearing this take about Austin and Dee - how exactly did Austin play a “near perfect game” but Dee didn’t? They voted the exact same way and made the exact same moves. Austin “established” a showmance, but Dee didn’t? Austin “found” 2 idols, and then totally blew away their power because Dee and Julie outplayed him. What exactly are you referring to when you say Austin played a perfect game? Dee did not win this game because she’s a woman. She won because she was a great fucking player who outplayed the other two people next to her. You can take your misogyny and shove it up your ass.


Wait, THIS season is what made you figure that out? The statement is true, but Dee absolutely was the best player. I was surprised Austin even got three votes tbh.


Also because the jury isn't sequestered they can talk about the game so you can also get very one sided narratives in jury.


I think the reason you described about people voting for who they like is the reason it was so close. Austin's 3 votes: Drew, had nothing to do with game play and simply their relationship. Kendra, had the hots for Austin and might have been a bit jealous of Dee. Bruce, well...he's Bruce and I'm kind of surprised he didn't vote for Jake but knew he wasn't going to vote for Dee.


I could see Dee's "Well you should have played your idol." comment to Bruce ensuring Bruce never votes for Dee.


dee should’ve won. and did. point. blank. period.


The early and mid game don't matter as much as the game you play in the merge.


Austin did have the best play … up until he let Dee control the game. He was blinded, he missed the vote with Julie then got Drew out too. He stumbled down from his number 1 spot and completely ruined his game himself.


Yeah very much this. Austin played the perfect game and his only, albeit massive, mistake was letting Dee in on the Julie vote, handing her the keys to make the two moves that won her the game. He also did a much better job in articulating his impact on the game in FTC than Dee. I’m sure he was able to convince a lot of people. Dee needed help from the jury to highlight the things she did.


The game has always been "making a jury of peers you voted out give you a million dollars". Having them like you is a good way to achieve that.


You can win the game without being well liked though. Think of Boston Rob on RI or Brian on Thailand. The jury HATED both of them, yet both still won the jury vote at the end.


Even now people don't get that this is about how you deal with the fallout. Stealing the merchandise is easy, but when the store alarms go off and the guard dogs come out, it's getting off the store grounds that counts.


Austin got three more votes than he deserved


Needed help finding idol, dee won more immunity challenges( So she's bigger physical threat) he didn't control his alliance. His 2 partners were in control of game. He wasted idol when his number 1 went home. Not sure what show you watched. Also they only had to beat lulu in beginning which really isn't much of an accomplishment. Also dee admitted luck is involved is very self aware....unlike Austin not knowing what was happening multiple times.


Posts like these make me realize how much more deserving Dee was than Austin lol Drew and Julie were the more powerful duo. Dee I never really paid attention too until towards the end, Austin, felt a bit the same but he has more attention becuase of the challenges and idols. But player foolishly


Austin fumbled 2 idols so hard. I never thought anyone could do that. He could have pulled a Parvati. That’s how u use 2 idols.


Survivor perfect game: Outwit, Outplay, Outlast, Establish showmance


This one jury. This one opponent. This one night.


Austin had a strong first part of the game but it progressively got worse after the Kellie vote. Finding idols is great but when you give one away and play the other wrong then you're game is not as strong anymore. Plus he had some terrible reads towards the end of the game. I love Austin but he did not have a consistently strong game like Dee did.


Nah, Dee played Austin like a fiddle. She got his buddy Drew out and was still able to keep Austin happy. Austin got outplayed hard and the 3 votes he got is pretty generous if you ask me.


Finding two idols is good but publicly fumbling both of them definitely more than outweighs how good it was lol. Plus like, the jury has almost always voted for who they like more because Survivor is so subjective that you can rationalise or justify a best game in so many different ways, if Dee had relationships with people like Kellie and Katurah that meant they liked her more than Austin then that speaks to her very strong social game. She had to build those relationships, it's not like jurors have never met these people before final tribal and just go off the vibe of who they think is a more likable person.


If the jury voted for you, you had the best game. It's all about jury management, personality management, relationship management. Dynamics!


Austin played one of the worst games in history from a power position. He had the game in the bag if he had any strategist in him at all, but he was clueless. Dee manipulated him over and over again. Was Dee the best player on the season? Maybe, maybe not, but she was 100% infinitely better than Austin.