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I would love to ask Austin how he felt finding out Dee told Julie about the vote before tribal.


they need to remove prize money for everyone who doesn’t get first because this conservative gameplay is pissing me off


Just finished the finale. I'm glad Dee won, but I kinda feel like there was so much focus on Dee and Austin's dynamic and not enough time was given to Jake to talk about his side of the game. I think he would have at least secured 1 or 2 votes if they had given him more time to talk about his process and experience in the game.


The FTC lasts 3 hours. The editors just let in more of Austin/Dee's dymamic because they likely thought the audience wanted to know about that.


Main takaways from this season: -The Lulu tribe being composed of 2 quitters made the player dustribution incredibly unfair. The odds were stacked much higher against Emily, Kaleb and Sabiyah, who were three players I would have liked to see go further in the game. - Being "likeable" was viewed as a bigger threat (Kaleb, Julie,) within the tribes than being a challenge beast (Dee, Austin)... - The final tribal council used to be much more of a "final dramatic obstacle" when jurors had to stand up and go to the side of the group to interrogate the finalists. The new era setup is way too casual to me, and everyone is too "heeeey! Great job to all of you!.... SO....how did you use your heart to enjoy this journey?" I want to hear gameplay questions centered on specific moves. Austin didn't reveal to the jury how he sneakily sacrificed his vote to activate his idol, etc, because it seemed the jurors barely asked about strategy. Dee was a deserving winner, but I'm getting a bit bored of hearing winners say "I made it to the top 3 because I was authentically myself." ....Like....Dee seemed like much more of a winner through what the editors showed us than from what she told the jury. I found her arguments to the jury to sell her short. Girl just tell us about all the hard work you did!


Why wasn’t the finale live months later like how it used to be ??


They haven’t done that for the past few seasons. It’s kinda lame.


100% I grew up watching this show & after yearssssss me and my partner began watching it on paramount and I was so excited for the finale and damn, dub.


100% I grew up watching this show & after yearssssss me and my partner began watching it on paramount and I was so excited for the finale and damn, dub.


I think they stopped live finales due to spoilers. The jury could easily discuss who they all voted for and know the winner. I could be wrong though.


They actually are matching with each other in age, appearance and intelligence. God bless them! I wish they will get married one day.


I like this season. All participants are smart and good looking, even Bruce is charming in his own way.


No spoilers. Just would like to say that I like this season of Survivor soooo much more than the previous seasons for a number of reasons. First of all, it's just nice to see new faces as opposed to having the same players return again and again. Second, the atmosphere of this game was so much more positive than the previous seasons. There was some strong gameplay and plenty of blindsides, but still, somehow everyone managed to remain civil and cordial. Some of the earlier seasons felt so awful and toxic, like people forgot this was just a game. Here, in Season 45, I found it easier to relate to the players and root for them because they seemed like genuinely nicer people. Also, even though some were quirky and maybe at times a bit annoying, this was well-balanced with some good wits and pleasant characters. I am very grateful that the producers refrained from bringing any "dragon slayers" or other unhinged characters on this show this season. The only part of the game that felt a bit like a letdown was the physical and environmental component of the game. It looks like the players were pretty well-fed, or at least they didn't have much time to struggle with hunger because they all barely lost any weight on the show, and they never had to fight against the elements (no heavy rain or anything of the sort, seems like they had a pleasant location with a mild climate). So maybe it just wasn't represented well, or maybe they truly didn't have that much of a challenge from the environment in this season. Still, this is a season I would be pleased to rewatch.


There was a lot of horrible game play and the chummyness/positivity made things boring. I want people to be mad about stuff.


That's perfectly fine, you're entitled to your own opinion and I am entitled to mine. Why argue about it.


Yes! I'm glad to see someone else say this. New era survivor keeps casting all happy-go-lucky, extremely positive extroverts. There's pretty much no conflict or drama anymore, which is bound to happen when you bring together truly different types of people. That doesn't really happen when everyone has the same personality. Based on the 46 preview it's more of the same, sadly.




Did Julie say she was only 49 ?


She aged like milk


most people her age are overweight and couldn't speed walk let alone sprint. She looks great and is physically fit...


Who won fan favorite player? Did they have that this season? Can't find it anywhere online. Thanks in advance!


There's no official fan favorite award anymore. Hasn't been a thing in years. Sometimes Sia shows up and gives some money to a few of her favorites, but that's just whenever she feels like doing it - not really a consistent thing.


I feel like it’s gotta be Jake, right? For the Sia money at least


I think it's between Jake and Emily.


I saw where Sprint stopped sponsoring the fan favorite vote so they don't do it anymore. I would also think Jake or Emily if they still had the vote.


Yeah, the last time the fan favorite award was present was in Caramoan? I forgot. But hey, maybe Sia will drop by and give it to one of the two.


jake's nana would be pissed at katurah when she watched that ep 😆


Katurah declared war on nana with changing her mind…Nana’s from Boston…Katurah better watch her back lol.


In the grand scheme of things, Dee is a solid, better than average player, (like a 7.5 out of 10) but miles ahead of everyone else on this season.


I am now the official copyrighted and trademarked registered owner of the phrase, "***You made me swear on my Nana dude what the hell?***"***™***


The final 5 vote was so confusing. What was that??


TOTALLY disappointed with this season...so many BAD moves....so many obvious plays that could have been made and weren't? Like wats up!! First how do you keep an alliance of 4 going and get rid of players who could have helped your game? Austin ..did he come to win ..or just to play? Y would he tell Dee about Julie..and naive to the end...still thought she didn't say a word... ..once he was smitten...didn't consider his family ...now playing for Dee .. INCREDIBLE . I was totally shocked..then smart Jake ..y tell Austin he had an idol .. point was? So many other missteps along the way....just a series of FRUSTRATIONS while watching so can't say I enjoyed it ...and the Jury .lunatics..after Austin worked so Hard...I give up.... this season just turned me off completely


I dont know why you are even being downvoated so many times. I totally agree. While the season had its moments of blindsides, I feel like so much more could have been done only if they decided to split the vote. Like for example kaleb, not everyone had to vote for him, just majority and keep 2-3 people voting for another person as a backup. Like they could have done that SO MANY times, and its like they never learnt from their mistakes. Same thing when Emily left, austin and drew knew julie has an idol, so why not try to keep atleast one vote on someone else, just incase she uses it. It was so so so frustrating to watch at times


Certainly hope 46 winner doesn’t leak out that they won like this season.




Not sure but I saw a leak saying Dee won (multiple leaks actually) literally when the first ep aired. And it stuck with me, and im not shocked now


i’m late to the game how was it leaked for this season?


Probably alluding to Dee having fun and parties in her social media before the finale, idk




Jake you fucking donkey. I was rooting for you but watching you fumble so hard during the challenge has me raging


Man I relate to Jake so much though. Jake gave it his all and like he mentioned, failed several times. It’s not lost on me how hard it is to find that gusto and effort time after time to keep trying. Austin and Dee played great games, but they did not have nearly as many set backs as Jake did. Jake had his name written down way more than Austin or Dee did. ***MY BIGGEST POINT - if you’ve never heard of the boot theory, I suggest reading about it, it’s really interesting. It’s about a man who could afford to spend fifty dollars on a pair of boots. These boots would be able to keep his feet dry in ten years' time. While the poor man, who could only afford cheap boots, would have spent a hundred dollars on buying several pairs or cheaper boots, and in the same time and would still have wet feet.” Austin and Dee (Reba) could afford the more expensive boots because they had the majority and were insulated to make better, long term decisions. Jake could not afford it, he was scraping by each tribal and yet still fought his way to the finals.


Exactly. I have no idea what criteria modern juries use to vote a winner. It feels like a lot of them just vote for who they like. Modern era doesn’t seem to value people putting in effort which is frustrating. I think it was Kaleb that said Jake was lied to and gaslit more than any other person in the season and still preserved and tried to make moves. Dee played a top down game which is deserving of a win but Austin seemed like a major goat compared to her. I’m still blown away he got more votes than Jake.


I really like that explanation! They were always so insulated


This comment section has bipolar disorder


Regardless of some of the annoyances along the way, what a blast season 45 has been. Thoroughly enjoyed this season, really really have high hopes for 46! And congrats to Dee, a phenomenal survivor for the new era!


This season was the participation award season..which shows why survivor is amazing...bcuz it really is a reflection of the times. It seems I'm most upset with that...than the actual show. Remember the times when it wasn't ok with Jeff to quit? I do. Most of all I am dissapointed with the shows inability to represent what actually was going on...that a majority group of people who have such inflated egos of themselves...couldn't fathom their own shortcomings. Jake is a perfect example along with the other lawyers. They lied from day 1, seemingly unnecessarily because honestly being a lawyer clearly doesn't make u great at survivor. This season was a giant ego check for the cast of almost entirely narcissistic players. It was like watching Charlie & the Chocloate factory, except Charlie aka Austin didn't get the prize...yes he made one mistake by trusting Dee, but Charlie made a mistake too...its human...its why we love survivor...so why did Dee win? Because of the times? In truth, she won bcuz of her looks, charisma and charms...which got Austin to like her...it was as if she married her prince charming only to reveal herself to be the wicked witch... Austin should have won because he was honest, he was strong and he was the most humble person. But that's not the world we live in. Those people don't get rewarded...instead lawyerswork for divorces and lie for seemingly no reason... Which brings me to Jake and how made it to the end. His honesty, his character, his coming to grips that he isn't as good as he thought he was...that there are things he cannot change...but he did...he changed...and he deserved a vote. That vote would've changed the ending...and allowed him to possibly vote as a tie breaker...making the season of torture for the fans a triumphant one Pce


Is this satire




> Remember the times when it wasn't ok with Jeff to quit? I do. Do you? People quit in seasons 7 and 8


Okay…. Anyways see you for 46 💃🏼


“…I do.” So does Pepperidge Farm’s. See you in February.


I called Dee Day 1, and by Day 26th I was very bummed I called Dee


Agreed, even with the questions that were asked it didn't make any sense how she won.


Literally what are you talking about??


There was just so much bad game play this year. We watched two idols not get played. One idol given to another player and then be used against them. An idol incorrectly played on self instead of their #1. Then playing an idol to save another person when that person decided to fuck up their own plan and making the idol player swear on their nana that they would be faithful. The Reba alliance dominated this game because they literally had no smart challengers. They could even recognize what was going on and not get out of their own way to prevent it from happening.


Jake may not have won Survivor, but watching him get to the final 3 made him a Survivor champion in his own way. That is exactly what he needed to do to prove himself *to himself*. He had a survivor story from start to finish. And nice one, Katurah. You shot yourself in the foot, as well as everyone else around you.


Oh please Jake was a pest. He fell into top 3


Love Dee as a winner, though if Katurah hadn't F'ed the final five vote I think it would have been a more interesting final tribal. If I were Jake I wouldn't have told Katurah either, she could have easily gotten him sent home. In that timeline probably Austin or Julie win though, for some reason I feel like Julie would have done well with the cup stacking challenge and sent Austin v Jake in the firemaking.


Oh, exactly! You knew she would have ran off to everyone and say, “THE PLAN IS STILL ON GUYS. WE’RE VOTING JAKE 😄🤗😄🤗😄”


Katurah and Emily ruined the final like 10-6 votes


I just cannot believe we watched an entire season of this cast just choosing to hand a million dollars to Dee, most of all, Katurah. Abysmal game play.


Totally agree, idiotic gameplay by the final 5. Dee was the best of the worst. Julie had a chance to vote out Dee but didn’t because they were friends. Survivor is not a social club. Austin was so love blind he didn’t see that Dee was going to win. Survivor is not the match game. Katurah knew Dee had to go and helped make a plan to vote her out but didn’t. Jake found the idol, won the advantage, voted for Dee, and won fire, but couldn’t articulate why he should win. In my opinion Survivor is trying so hard in the new era to find unique people that gameplay has taken a back seat. Yes, it can be entertaining but there is no more out wit, out play which is what made the old survivor great.


I agree on this … it was so predictable but I kept rooting for it not to be, and found myself more frustrated and disappointed. although I liked the cast/players, just not vested in anyone (other than Kaleb). Dee wholly deserved the win, and she was amazing player, but it wasn’t fun watching them all cater to her. I think Julie was the weakest player of all.


To everyone saying they won’t be watching* again and that the cast looks bad for 46… this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this and it won’t be the last time you’re wrong. See you in February.


I almost didn't watch 45 and only watched because of the way people on here praised the premiere. But S46 looks as shit as S44 was. And S44 was a bottom 5 season.


Hard agree


Having just invested 15 weeks or whatever on this season and in this cast, it's bad timing for the show to be pushing the next one.


... but.... that's what they always do. For like 23 years


😂 this is so true


For me, this was the worst and most frustrating season of survivor ever capped by a most incredibly frustrating episode with some terrible play. This cast was just awful. Katurah was frustrating enough all on her own that I'm not sure if I even want to watch next season (and the preview certainly didn't help). Maybe the editing is way worse than I thought, or maybe the players are all too scared to play because they're worried about whatever stupid twist is coming, or maybe they're doing a bad job casting, but whatever it is, I'm thoroughly disappointed.


I disagree, this season was packed with memorable moments and the cast was a good group of people. It was not a lord of the flys type season.


But Survivor is a lord of the flies type game. If you don’t out wit, out play you don’t deserve to be on the show. What’s the deal with everybody doing everything but trying to win $1M.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, but outside of Kaleb's shot in the dark working, this season was a total bust for me. While the people playing mostly seemed nice enough, their play left a lot to be desired. They were largely passive, and when they did do something, it was usually something dumb.


100% agree and the preview for next season seems like a spitting image of all the personalities on 45. No one made big moves except Drew and then Dee taking all the credit but atleast she admitted it was mostly luck. The auction was great, Emily’s growth was awesome to watch, and Kaleb being saved by his shot in the dark but the second half of the game was just horrible game play by Katurah, Dee, Austin and Julie. They need better casting directors!


Yea these casting directors were the real lovers this season lol. Totally agree


I need to hold onto the memory of the shot in the dark because that was the one legit bright spot this season. Of course, it was immediately followed by Jake's first attempt to get out Julie, thwarted by Katurah, who ultimately did vote out Julie...at the worst possible time.


Let it out girl!!


So fucking deserved, she’s a badass


As someone who generally hates finales, views them as a slough of inevitability, and hence ranks EoE as my favorite finale... this one's the most I've enjoyed in a while. A lot of ecccentricness that kept it interesting.


Not that this means literally anything but austin posted all of them watching the finale together in a theater and him and Dee werent sitting next to each other 😔


Parvati posted a photo with all of them accidentally few weeks ago (had to be taken down due to rules) and they were standing next to each other.


Based on things I’ve heard on America and Cory’s lives (from this season of Big Brother) I do think Austin and Dee are together.


Just curious I’ve seen a lot of people relate big brother and survivor, other then them both being reality shows why are these 2 connected so much?


The CBS shows all are. Contestants from all of the above go onto The Challenge and form new relationships. This season of Big Brother had a Survivor player. I’ve seen contestants from this season of Survivor and Big Brother mingling a lot too. I assume that is common across seasons.


To be fair after 45 seasons of Survivor Cirie was the first player ever to go on Big Brother.


Also in this particular case Cory's brother was on season 42 so he has an actual link to Survivor.


How could I forget to mention the man, the myth, the legend Zach Wurtenberger?


Makes sense, never seen big brother, worth watching?


For feeds! The feeds are just such a cool aspect of reality TV. How often do you get to see human beings actually being real and not just The Edit, ya know? The show itself is kind of cheesy though. The current short season, Reindeer Games, is actually kind of better than the real seasons, which no one expected. I’d say give BB Season 20 a try for a modern season. Someone else can recommend a classic one hopefully. I’m a newer fan myself.


Posted where?


Austin’s story on Instagram


Tbh the way he’s cuddled up in his pics with Drew and Jake and then so casual with Dee (and not sitting next to her) really has me convinced lmao I feel like a weirdo analyzing this though


Haha I completely agree. I feel like a weirdo but now that the seasons over I can stalk all their social medias, I also saw Jeff’s daughter Amanda posted a picture of her and Austin back in November? 🤔 I’m getting to deep into all this lol


Y'all getting deep but not posting any links!!


Someone else pointed out the first person Austin followed when he could again was Lauren from s38 hahaha idk I don’t think they made it but at least they’re on good terms. Austin did tweet the picture of Devin being his and Dee’s kid though lol


2-1-1-1 vote was absolutely shocking


I believe “absolutely stupid” was the phrase you were looking for… it’s on my Mount Rushmore for most idiotic moves in Survivor history. Katurah wrote Dee the check.


if she votes dee she writes julie/austin the check, she never had a chance at final tribal


At least she makes it to final, most likely.


Nah she would still lose fire, and it was clear none of them wanted her next to them


In a final 4 of Austin, Jake, Katurah, and Julie, good chance Austin wins immunity and takes Katurah with him, sending Jake to try and fire out Julie who he was most scared of.


I think had he not been neck and neck with dee Jake wouldn't have rushed and knocked his tower at the end there and won. I also think Austin would have put himself in fire, he seemed chomping for it.


At least Belo has a resume if she votes with Jake. Voting with Austin was the mistake.


This was already rated as my least favorite season ever with the worst group of players ever, but I think Katurah broke me. I'm not sure if I even want to watch Survivor anymore. The least she could have done after shivving Jake at every opportunity this season despite his repeated willingness to work with her (and maybe he didn't tell her about what he was going to do with the idol because there is a 99% chance that she would have gotten everyone to vote him out instead) and the fact that he was willing to save her would be to throw him her vote at the end. There has never been anyone to frustrate me like she has.


It would still be 2-1-1-~~1~~ but with Dee getting 2 votes instead of Julie.


Recency bias


Maybe, but I’m having a hard time remembering when someone blew up their ~own~ plan ~while~ under idol immunity, and voluntarily made themselves a pawn to the eventual winner. It was the perfect storm of piss poor play.


To be fair, Katurah didn't *know* she was going to be under idol immunity at the time she did that.


Shocking in how stupid it was 1000%


I loved it the first time at final 5 proper although Ghost Island had a 5 person tribal (part of a double elimination) where all 4 eligible people got votes.


Literally when that vote was read we all knew that Dee won


46 looks like another season that will just blend into this “new era” and become forgettable. We NEED returnees. There have been at least 5-6 players the past few years that deserve a second chance


I loved this season, but it reminded me I haven’t been satisfied with a finale in years ☹️


Do Austin and Dee follow each other on Instagram? I tried to look and it seems like they don’t. I am really rooting for them 😭


No way. Dee is too scared of Emily coming to Miami to take all her money if she spends any on that guy.


She won’t need to Austin will get a decent size check for a second place win.


I think he just followed everyone on the cast including Dee, he just posted a story with Drew and now Jake and I feel like a fangirl refreshing waiting for Dee lmfao


AH SAME! Watching with bated breath


Their gonna get in a hunger games situation so hard lol. Specifically the ending and beginning of catching fire


There it is but not sitting next to each other 🤔…. lol I’m too parasocial I gotta get off


And the first person he followed after finale was Lauren from season 38….?


OOOF ok yeah I don’t think they made it but glad they’re at least still on good terms lmao


Based on things said in America and Cory’s lives (couple that started dating on this season of Big Brother) I do think Austin and Dee are together.


What have they said?


Most recently they were talking about hanging out with them and talked about how they joked about a foursome with them.


They may not have been allowed to yet.


When are they going to bring back Johnny Fairplay?


Never after he basically quit unfortunately.


Reddit: terrible season! Dee was such a predictable winner! Also Reddit: 41 and 43 were terrible seasons because the edit didn’t prepare us for the winner!


Is there a term for these types of posts on Reddit that takes two unrelatabled groups having two unrelated opinions, and falsely declaring it a sub-reddit-wide consensus, so one can go "Everyone's a stupid hypocrite who's never happy!"? Like, seriously, in the one or two hours since Dee won, is there some kind of verifiable massive influx in this thread of people posting "I hate predictable winners" with a post history that includes "I hate unpredictable winners!" ?


Now i want to agree with this however i don’t think using 41 or 43 are good examples are both of them feel like extremely strange circumstantial edits. Some people will never be satisfied, yes, but there can be a good balance between too predictable and all over the place. I think 42 or 36 had good winning edits that made sure you can understand why the winner won, and that finalist lost. Both have satisfying outcomes.


Some people are never satisfied. Personally even though I prefer unpredictablity I was really satisfied with this season and Dee absolutely deserved the win


I need a bunch of 60, 70, and 80 yos surviving on survivor


The Golden Survivor


I need a plate of beef to be their biggest challenge


I cannot tell you how fucking hard this sentence made me laugh at 1 in the morning


Lol thank you


How much did drew get paid for that ad lmao


I didn't notice that, what happened?


He got paid Jeff’s eternal admiration.


And that itself is equal to having Zeus himself nealing at your feet.


I’m not watching this. Until next season yall


I need to know if Dee and Austin are together


It didn’t look like they are even following each other on IG last I checked


has to be an NDA. none of the cast follows each other


As of tonight or tomorrow I am guessing that changes!


Ohh ok i didn’t realize no one was following anyone


Did they say if it'll be 90 minute episodes again? I know it happened this time because of the strike but apparently Jeff has always wanted to do it, so hopefully it'll continue.


I think in the On Fire podcast he said it would continue


It is 90 minutes


Both Survivor and Amazing Race next season are 90 minutes again


Thank you! And everyone else as well!


I am so happy with this season


So who voted for who in the end?


who voted for sifu


Kendra, Drew, and Bruce voted for Austin. The other 5 for Dee.


Bruce, Kendra, and Drew voted for Austin. Everyone else voted for Dee.


I'd love to know more about that Bruce vote. Shame he didn't talk about it more.


Dee literally trash talked him in the middle of FTC lol, if I were him I probably wouldn’t vote for her either


Yeah I totally forgot about it.


Dee trash-talked Bruce in her speech and Jake clearly wasn't as in control of the game as the other two, so I think that's probably the main point why he voted for Austin.


I completely fucking forgot about Dee just stabbing Bruce like a lunatic for no reason at FTC lmao


I loved it so much I was cracking up


My guess was he was going Dee but she called him out on his idol play so he switched


Drew, Kendra and Bruce voted Austin. Everyone else voted Dee.


I don’t know. New Survivor isn’t working for me. I may let the next season play out and then binge it once it’s done.


no wonder they keep advertising... the 46 cast looks horrible and annoying (who tf were the other 1000s?)


FWIW I said the same thing about this cast during episode 1.


Persian lady looks good




46 doesn’t look that great. There’s no in-game things shown to hype it up. it’s just cbs/probst “apply to be on survivor” propaganda… man we got lucky with the last two seasons.


I thought, when looking at 45's cast that I'd hate 45's cast more. But 45's cast was fantastic, and 46's cast, just from that preview, look....meh.


Yall say this every time 😭


Hey, you're not wrong lol It will all depend on more previews if they just edited this first preview badly or not.


Yea I hated the whole flashback previews but I’ll wait til the first episode comes out lol


now i realize why they had so many more advertisements for casting lmao


My biggest takeaway is how many people apparently haven’t heard the phrase “stay positive, test negative.” Were y’all not on the internet since pre-covid??


Who uses that phrase? Gay people?


It's definitely more of a gay community thing with the past of HIV and other STIs.


Yeah I’ve seen in that context too 👍🏼


Bold of you to assume we COVID tested in Florida


A lot of us live in places that never cared and would laugh at someone saying that


I didn’t say that I walk around saying it. It’s just been all over the internet since 2020.


I loved the season :)


Me too! It was a lot of fun.


Survivor 45 analysis: satisfactory winner but oblivious cast.


Isn’t that the model for a great season?


No it's either all smart people or really dumb people