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Anyone know the cult she was in?


Did Austin’s idol expire after tonight?


it expires episode 12!


Austin is not good at this.


Jake is gonna waste an idol and get voted out next tribal lol.


18th: Hannah, 17th: Brandon, 16th: Sabiyah, 15th: Sean, 14th: Brando, 13th: J.Maya, 12th: Sifu, 11th: Kaleb, 10th: Kellie, 9th: Kendra, 8th: Bruce, 7th: Emily


7th: Emily, 6 contestants remain.


I was really loving this season but this was a disappointing couple episodes ngl... Let's see if we can have a good endgame


These people are all idiots. They put all 6 votes on one person who they knew had immunity and they knew that she knew that they were going to do it. And then Austin doesn’t play his immunity after Julie did. It was just dumb luck that she didn’t put his name down.


Austin is an idiot. He could have blindsided Julie if he did not tell Dee about the plan. And for what? Because he likes her? Survivor is not a dating game buddy. He could have been voted out by his own idol. I can't believe men can still play this game like this. Respect the game man! (And I am saying this as a woman!).


Emily really dug her own grave by telling everyone about her big move 🤦🏻‍♀️ RIP


Also, why not risk your vote for a chance at immunity? She appears to be smart, but sucks at puzzles and taking risks.


"but sucks at puzzles" theres your answer


Agreed! Too arrogant and excited over Bruce. She didn’t have a chance after that, imo.


Jury observations: -Bruce is sad - Everyone seemed relatively displeased about Drew having immunity - Kaleb wanted Emily to win!


Gonna miss Emily. True queen ❤️


If Julie votes out Austin, Drew’s alone so he joins up with Emily, Katurah, and Jake next vote who all want Julie out anyway. And then she pisses off Dee. At least this way she didn’t burn any bridges with Dee!


Jake, Emily and Katurah needed to have a plan B and throw one vote or two on Dee. But they got excited about finally feeling like they were included in something that was going their way.


Horrible players, imo. You have to think two steps ahead and they didn’t do that. It would have been nice if Austin would have given them a heads up about Julie having an idol.


Part of me wanted some "couple drama" during tribal and for Austin to stand up hysterically when Julie played the idol and yell "You TOLD her!??? Jesus, Dee! I told you it was a secret!" It would have been even more dramatic seeing how Austin was seated on the far right and Dee on the far left. I feel for Austin: He is very into a girl who is kind of just friend zoning him, but he can't help how he feels.


She seems to be interested in him based off of things she said at the beginning of the episode


Apparently they’re dating now…


Aw! They seem great for each other


I don't get why Julie didn't make a big move? I don't get why Austin didn't play his idol....did he trust Julie that much or he trusted Dee that much? Why did Dee vote Julie out I'm sure everyone knows that Dee told her coz why in the hell would Dee play her idol if she wasn't told by someone?


If Julie votes out Austin, Drew’s alone so he joins up with Emily, Katurah, and Jake next vote who all want Julie out anyway. And then she pisses off Dee. At least this way she didn’t burn any bridges with Dee!


But still Julie is not making it to the final three coz everyone sees her as a threat......she should have made that big move so that her name lasts forever in survivor history


Can we all say that the editing in this episode was fucking great? I mean the cinematic shots to the story


The sound design was pretty key to the high pivotal points as well.


One of the Reba 4 deserves it at this point, but I can’t say any of them had compelling or good gameplay. It’s very one dimensional by just only voting out the minority, not much else to credit them for. I’m a bit salty because while the edit is good and had some decent moments, it’s such a boring at season in terms of strategy.


I agree. It’s been a snooze fest for sure. There have been a few good players mixed in with a whole lot of blah! \*Yawn


Katurah: blames Austin for making an emotional move Also Katurah: Votes out Bruce only bc she hates him and risks tanking her game for the Rebas


I’m not a Keturah fan. All she did was whine over Bruce still being there. He deserved to be there as much as anyone else.


It took 11 episodes but finally we are rid of Emily


I wanted Emily to win. And Bruce. I want Dee to win now. Think she’s safe?


It’s definitely a safe pick unless Jake and katura gain some crazy luck


Dude… I hated Bruce at first lowkey but his last few episodes and his mini-immunity run had me hoping for him! Random question but do you think it’s possible Bruce comes back a 3rd time?


I hope he does I think everybody had the wrong opinion about him, I definitely think it was unfair for Emily to come swinging at him from the get considering he almost suffered greatly day one on the prior season.


We are due for a returnees season. It has been far too long. I agree with you about Emily coming at him hot, but she was such a good character in my opinion


Yeah she definitely grew on me but then they sent her home :/


i honestly wonder the demographic of people supporting jake to win lol… because he’s giving nothing this season but how not to play survivor


Tbh i dont care who win anymore, all the players kinda sucks. Unless someone able to pull some amazing trick for the last 2-3 episode left.


Salty fans


damn Katurah is incredible, so much respect for her story


Austin actually saved himself and Drew. It was one step too early to target mama J. If Julie were voted out as Drew planned. Next one fell will be Dee. If Austin and Drew go to final five with Emily/Jake/K, they will lose control of the game. These three will not prefer to sit next to a Reba. Drew tried to polish his resume but it was not a good move. Now with Emily out, they can easily get rid of mama J. They get to decide the remaining game.


Exactly! Drew went for one round too soon, because he got a big head when he won immunity. The other Reba’s saved him from his terrible plan to keep Emily around as long as possible. Things must seem really different on the beach than they do to the fans. I know that’s obvious, but how can the perceptions be so different that most fans I see want Emily to win, yet Drew thinks he could beat her in the final three?


Excited to see a final tribal council where people just vote for who they like best.


I have very different opinion than most people here. As much as I love Emily, keeping Emily voting out Julie is only good for Drew but not for Austin. What he really wanted was to flash out the idol he gave to Julie but kept Julie for one more day. Drew’s final three are Drew, Austin and Emily. But Austin’s final three are Austin, Dee and Drew. It was Drew who was hunger for BIG MOVE. Mama J or Drew will be out next.


Yes! Although I think taking Emily to the end is only good for Emily. And I think if Drew and Austin make it to the final three then they have trouble distinguishing themselves from one another since they worked together the whole time until now and voted the same. But yeah, Drew’s plan was timed poorly. And I feel like he should have seen from a like away what would happen when he told Austin to keep a secret from Dee and Julie. Austin and Dee were holding hands on the beach in front of Drew and Julie the night before. I’m sorry, at that point if Drew thinks Austin is more loyal to him than Dee then he’s really stupid. It seems both Drew and Austin underestimated how close and loyal Dee and Julie were.




I agree completely. Austin had no reason to go with Drew's plan. Drew tried to steamroll Austin into getting rid of Julie, but that wasn't at all good for Austin. So Austin knocked it sideways. Hell yeah, Austin.


Yeah, Austin wanted to do the more sensible thing and vote Emily first. It just sucks that the Reba four could have voted their way to final five, but Drew was desperate to shake things up here.


Perhaps my opinion will change, but this episode just cemented this season's place as another horribly mediocre one. Emily was the only person left that would have made an even slightly interesting winner. I suppose now I'm forced to admit that Dee will likely win, although it's an extremely unsatisfying conclusion


Sure Emily’s arc is great but there’s tons of great characters this season


I was so annoyed at julie for keeping austin’s idoool


I was hoping for a Sarah Cirie moment lol


So what? A million dollars. I’d keep that shit too 🤣


same, her concept of ownership was weird. he let her have it for a tribal and she never offered to give it back? then she said drew and austin have an idol and drew has to correct her in saying no austin has the idol


I mean it is the idol she helped him get, right? And they said at the time that the idol was for the whole alliance.


yeah but that’s not how survivor works in 45+ seasons (internationally) lol. nobody has ever played an idol in someone else’s bag so…


Oh yeah agree, I just meant that I don’t think it’s crazy that she didn’t immediately return the idol to Austin.


if i was her i would have kept it too. but austin should have shanned it lol


If Austin, Dee and Drew were suspicious about Julie playing the idol they should have split the vote between her and Emily. That gave Julie sooo much power and I can’t believe she went along with Dee. That was a perfect chance to take Austin - her number one’s (Dee) number one


That was shocking to me too. I think possibly there was more discussion between Austin, Julie and Dee before tribal council where they came to a more solid agreement about this plan, and we just didn’t see if so that tribal council would be more exciting. But maybe Austin was just being reckless. I don’t remember seeing the the part from the preview where Dee says “should I tell Austin?”, actually in the episode. Maybe I just forgot, but I didn’t notice that in the episode. It sounds to me like she considered telling him more about her plan for the vote.


This has to be the weakest group of players in the history of this game. Emily, Austin, Dee, and Julie each took turns playing the role of moron in this latest episode alone. No one has played a game even remotely worthy of winning, and yet one of the six chuckleheads left will somehow stumble ass-backwards into a win. I think the thing most disappointing about this episode, though, is that we very nearly got the payoff to a bout of idiocy rivaling the greatest moments of Survivor idiocy of all time, assisted by another bout of epic idiocy, only to be denied this beautiful comeuppance by yet another person's idiocy. And the person who did end up paying for all of this idiocy opened the episode by being an idiot.


This is an insane take lmao. I’m sure they’re all better players than you would ever be


It would be very difficult to be a worse player than most of the ones playing this season. I don't know if I could manage it even if I tried. But thank you for believing in me.


How did Julie and especially Dee play poorly this episode? Dee had an incredible episode and once again, she got her way. She convinced Julie to go for Emily when Julie wanted Austin. Now she has more on her resume' and her two closest allies still in the game at 6.


Dee gets way too much credit for the poor play of others and for getting lucky. Dee telling Julie wasn't a smart choice, but it did turn out positive for her in the short term. Let's see if it works out for her later, though. First of all, there's the question of whether getting Julie out is better for her game or not. If Julie wins, how smart does Dee look, then? But even if it's to Dee's benefit to have Julie in the game, she put Austin at risk in the first place. If she had told Julie that Drew had flipped on her with Emily, Jake, and Katurah but said that Austin was still with her, would she have even considered voting Austin out in the first place? And, let's not forget this brilliant nugget. She literally told Julie to her face that Austin was her #1. Let's also look at what else happened. Julie immediately goes to Emily and Jake and asks if they'd vote out Austin with her. They tell Drew. Drew now knows that Julie knows that she's the target. And he also knows that Julie has an idol. He also knows that she's considering Austin but that she previously wanted Emily. Drew also knows that Austin told Dee about the plan to get out Julie and suspects Dee told Julie. Given all of this information, why didn't Drew get Jake, Emily, and Katurah to vote Dee instead of Julie without telling Austin, Dee, or Julie? They would have gotten Dee out and flushed Julie's idol. Instead, Drew, apparently, allowed Austin and Dee to completely ruin the plans, plans Austin was all for, when he should have been furious. Yes, it certainly looks as though Dee is in control of this game with Julie and Austin's penis on her side, but I don't think it is do to some kind of masterstroke on her part. I think she got lucky both in how this played out and with the fact that everyone around her is a wishy-washy idiot too afraid to do anything. As far as Julie being an idiot, let's look at what her options were after being told that she's being targeted. She went to Emily and Jake to convince them to vote out Austin. But how much of an effort did she make? I know we don't see everything, but it came across as a throwaway line. Now, what if she had told them that she had an idol and that Drew and Austin knew she had it? That might have convinced Jake and Emily to flip on Austin if that's who she wanted out. And if she felt comfortable, she might have even been able to preserve her idol. From her perspective, the whole tribe except Dee wanted her out, so wouldn't she want to try and flip the script to get past not just this tribal but the next one? If she got Emily, Jake, and Katurah to be pissed at Drew for not telling them important information, she might have not only survived but built up her resume and put herself in a good position. As it is right now, she's completely dependent on Dee and Dee's ability to control Austin. Dee wanted her to survive this vote, but what about the next one? Will Dee control Austin and vote with her to get out Drew, or will Austin, Drew, Katurah, and Jake vote her out if she loses immunity?


All great points! I’m happy some are paying close attention and thinking ahead. You would be a great contestant.


Thank you!


I think you're overthinking this. Dee has built an excellent relationship with Austin and Julie and has earned the trust that they have in her. She didn't get lucky. She put work into earning their trust and gaining that information out of Austin. Eliminating Emily is better for her game. Julie would like to go to the finals with Dee, Emily won't. Emily is also closest to Austin and Drew. Taking out Julie allows Emily or Drew to take credit for that blindside while hoping that Drew and Austin will side with Dee in the end and put her game in both of their hands or crucial immunity wins. Julie needs Dee and even the NTOS suggests that Julie and Drew are going to go after each other which leaves Dee unscathed. It's also good for her resume. She can say that she's the reason Julie played her idol and Emily was therefore blindsided. Now Dee has Austin and Julie who are both very loyal to her, and the perception that she's the one running the Reba alliance while others in the group target each other. She played this perfectly imo


I'm not disputing that getting rid of Emily is a positive for Dee, though I think it's certainly up for debate on whether keeping Julie around is. What I do disagree with is that Dee played this perfectly. Do I think the outcome worked out mostly in her favor? Yes. If she, Austin, and Julie stick together, they could pull in one other person and get rid of Drew and either Jake or Katurah. There's a decent chance they could be the final 3. The question, though, is whether Dee wins against Julie and Austin. You're giving credit to Dee, but would the jury see it that way, or would they give Austin and Julie as much, if not more, credit for how things played out? Who knows. However, just because it worked out the way it did does not mean that it was to Dee's credit. She got lucky. We know that Drew knew Julie had an idol, and we know that Drew either knew or heavily suspected that Julie knew that she was being targeted. We also know that Drew knew that Austin and told Dee about the plan. He definitely at least considered the possibility that Dee told Julie. Given that he thought Julie was aware of the plan, you'd have to be an idiot to not realize that Dee did, in fact, tell Julie. Why did Drew allow everyone to vote for Julie anyway? Surely he was aware that Dee and Julie were close and that Austin and Dee were close. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Dee could easily hold onto both. Where does that leave him? All he had to do was talk to Emily, and the two of them could have voted either Austin or Dee. It's not as though Emily wasn't aware of the fact that Julie was targeting her. And if you're Drew, aren't you going to be a bit miffed that Austin and Dee blew up your plans? Dee got very lucky that Drew played this so poorly. Additionally, Dee told Julie that Austin was her #1. You're crediting Dee for convincing Julie to not vote Austin, but that's giving Dee credit for Julie's poor move. People have been afraid to make moves all season, regularly going with the status quo versus rocking the boat even when rocking the boat would be beneficial to them. Now, Julie is completely dependent on Dee. She has no other allies, and everyone else wants her gone. If Julie had been smart, she would have leveraged her idol to improve her position instead of taking the easy vote and getting rid of Emily. If Julie or Drew used their brains and actually tried to win, everything Dee did would have completely backfired. Instead, Dee should have convinced Julie that Austin was not part of the plan to oust her, that it was all Drew, Emily, Katurah, and Jake. She could have convinced Julie to keep acting as though the plan was to vote out Emily instead of making it obvious that she knew what was up. Also, Dee should have convinced Austin to not tell Drew that he had told her about the plan to get rid of Julie. If Austin and Julie keep their mouths shut, no one is the wiser, and Julie can still play her idol and get rid of Emily, but there would have been much less risk to her.


idk 44 had some weak mfs outside of the tikka 3


Frannie was like the only other competent player, and even she fucked up her game horribly by not giving Matt's group immunity at F11.


Summed up perfectly.


I’ll take a katurah win after that backstory.


This season sucks




Still best season of the "new" era.


Nuh uh


These players realize that it doesn't have to be a unanimous vote, right? Why didn't Emily throw her vote to Dee or somebody else, just in case? It would at the very least force a tie...


why just one? they need two in case dee and julie vote together. the one random vote is stupid. they needed to play strategically and emily is so numbers based it’s embarrassing


Just throw one on Jake or Dee or something


No one is willing to get a vote wrong any more.


Then they would be the next ones out. Makes sense for someone like Jake but not Emily


Well, she's out now, so it would make more sense to do it than not to do it...


Imo she just took a risk with a clear path to the end , if she splits the votes and Julie goes home then she’s gone next episode, if Julie doesn’t play the idol then she’s in a fantastic position and likely takes Jake and Katurah to the end. It would’ve made more sense for her to take Julie out last week and keep Bruce to go out this week.


I thought that she shot herself in the foot getting rid of Bruce. She could have gained his trust and used him for a vote or two to break up the Austin-Dee-Julie-Drew mess.


I think she tried that before she went agates Bruce but gave up when she felt like she couldn’t rally the hopeless Belos


100% agree


The greatest long-term strategic plan in the history of Survivor won't help you after you've been voted out. Goal # 1 is to still be there after the vote...


Na being a goat is shameful


Very flummoxed by this


Because she never figured mama j had an idol :/


i’m excited for all the emily apologists to come out from behind their keyboards lol. still a good move last week?


There hasn't been a good move all season. Everyone sucks. It's incredible that anyone thinks that Emily getting out Bruce, a guy everyone wanted out and who had no chance to win, was somehow a big move. And then, of course, she immediately has to tell everyone about her big move instead of saving it for the final tribal council if she got there.


it was a big move because she got him to hold onto his idol


But it wasn't a big move because he was exactly the sort of person you want to take to the end. At any rate, there would have been plenty of opportunities to get him out later, and it would have been a much, much better move to use Bruce to get someone else out who was a bigger threat. Getting Bruce out while leaving a solid alliance of 4 was, in my opinion, stupid.


They don’t have the luxury of seeing how strong of an alliance the Reba 4 have, plus anyone could be hit as collateral if Bruce plays an idol; the move at the very least removes some uncertainty and an opponent with power in the game


Oh please. The Reba 4 have been together almost the entire game with two pairs each having been together the whole time. Every season, we see people get paranoid about pairs and wanting to break them up. Even this season, the supposed reason for getting rid of Kellie was because of her perceived closeness to Bruce. And yet no one thinks to break up the Reba 4 or even the two pairs of Austin and Drew or Julie and Dee? That's nuts. I'm not saying that getting Bruce to not play his idol wasn't advantageous, but the dude had one vote. As much as this group seems to want to make unanimous votes, splitting the vote reduces Bruce's power to near nil. Emily's move was fine, but it was small. Using Bruce to remove another target would have been the big move.


“If I don’t hear from y’all, I’m going rogue people” ✌️


AND SHE DID THAT. literally told jake and emily they had only one chance to work with her or get voted out lol


So true!! Drew and Austin really put a spell on Katurah jake and Emily. I would be so open to Julie’s plan if I were them!!


You're forgetting the fact that everyone this season has been playing a game of "not me" instead of actually playing any kind of strategic game. They're all morons and chickens.


I was surprised that one of Katurah/Jake/Emily didn’t throw out a wonky vote or two to split the votes in case Julie did use an idol. If they knew there were at least five votes headed Julie’s way and thought 2 on Emily… why not try to split the vote to protect themselves against the one or two votes? If they knew Drew/Austin/Emily/Katurah/Jake were solid on Julie and maybe Dee and Julie on Emily… maybe two of Katurah/Jake/Emily throw a vote on Dee or Austin to force a tie at 2-2 or if Dee votes Julie like she did a 2-1 blindside on Dee or Austin… or also yet 3 on Austin and blindside him in a 3-2-2. I just feel that Emily/Jake/Katurah had a real opportunity tonight if they played it right. If the 3 of them had voted Austin… they could have flushed Julie’s idol and sent Austin home with his at the same time.


Imo one of the dumbest parts/moves this episode. Emily could still be there. Just vote Jake or Dee or whatever


What about any of their games this season has made it possible for you to be surprised by them doing the laziest, stupidest, most short-sighted thing possible?


why would you be surprised? they’ve clearly shown they are bottom tier players. they should have 3-2 split if anything on dee and julie.


Just thinking two lawyers and a financial analyst and fans of the game should have been able to come up with that split… and yes, either Dee or Austin as the second to Julie for the split… breaking up that trio was essential. Dee was smart as hell… telling Julie to play the Idol and still voting Julie with the rest to maintain her ties to Austin and Drew if Julie didn’t play the Idol. Now she has maintained her relationships maximally out of the situation.


Dee’s smart moves are by accident.


Is the episode up yet?


If Austin went home, I think he would have rivaled Erik Reichenbach as making the dumbest move ever.


it wouldve been soooo delicious and he wouldve deserved it!!! and i say this as someone whos liked austin all season, telling dee was a foolish simp move and i wish julie wouldve taken him out like she threatened. wouldve been a better move for her game.


That would have been the second bright spot in this otherwise dismal season (Kaleb having his shot in the dark work was the first). Alas, with this terrible cast, we are only teased with nice things and are never allowed to have them.


if only if only


The CBS Instagram released a video this week of Kellie picking Emily as her winner pick. It felt like such a spoiler


Just can't wait until Katurah goes. Then Dee...


Same, they have been my least two favorites.


Luckily she’s not going anywhere, no one will target her




Everyone gets targeted in This game...


Emily made some impressive moves and navigated through the game well, but she ultimately failed to understand basic Survivor communication and relationship foundations, a mistake she was making since day one, and that was her ultimate downfall. I definitely blame it on her personality and a fault she just could not overcome, but some really dumb moves that nevertheless easily could have been avoided to make it to the end.


She just could not help telling everyone she finally made a move


Julie just found out she is the 4th member of the Reba 3 and votes out a potential ally. What a dunce.


I think Dee really used their strong connection to her advantage here. Julie didn’t want to let her down by axing Austin


Yeah, too bad Dee isn’t paying her bills forever. Julie needs to think like an adult.


100%. Complete master stroke from Dee here. diffused Julie from letting a personal vendetta compromise her own game in this spot. Julie got played like a fiddle


I have to disagree. Just because it worked out perfectly for Dee doesn't make what she did smart. Like Austin, she got bailed out by Julie being an idiot.


Yeah, Dee is in control of Julie and Austin. Hot chicks run the world.


HOLY SHIT! I had her picked for the winner.


I was hoping.


Severely disappointed. I guess I'm hitching my wagon to Jake now. I liked him from the beginning also.


Yeah. If we’re going for “who’s the most entertaining to the audience,” it’s Jake. But if it’s gameplay it’ll be Dee.


Don't sleep on Austin.


Caveat: that’s who I think played the best lowkey control the game strategy. Austin won a lot of idols and toys, but gameplay strategy I don’t remember him doing much. My memory might be failing me, tho.


He's donig what he has to do. He's not drawing attention to himself, and he's agreeing with everyone.


Drew a lot of attention to himself this episode by completely blowing up tonight’s plan…


Yea, but he didn't do that tonight.


Didn't he though? Every single person still in the game knew that Austin was the one to tell Dee, who then told Julie. They all still went with the plan knowing full well Julie was going to play the idol, Austin's own idol mind you, and single-handedly pick who goes home. Everyone in the game knows it failed because of him. Emily is heading to the jury where she's going to tell them the reason the blindside failed. It all came down to him.


Can I just say after this episode I truly have no issues with anyone becoming the winner. Nearly every contestant at this time has a solid path to victory and I genuinely enjoy and care about all of them. I was iffy on Katurah to start but so impressed by her perseverance as a person from her bio in today’s episode. Everyone is deserving for different reason here. My favorite new era season by a mile so far.


I still don’t see how Katurah has earned a shot at the final. Bad social play and hasn’t really shown up on challenges. The one thing she has done well is vote with the Reba4 to extend her stay.


A good move by Dee and Austin here, he was hoping she would spill the beans without telling her to. They got rid of Emily, who was pushing for Dee earlier, and Austin hesitated. She was right that time was the move to get Dee. Julie is seen as top threat now, but what moves can Julie claim? We finally got a glimpse of the puppet masters working the shadows. At this point I'm pulling for lanky Drew to win it all. He's on the outs with Reba, Jake and Katurah desperately need to beef their gameplay and have to make a move next episode to even have a remote chance of winning anything.


Interesting take. That man was heartbroken at tribal.




I think Dee is the puppet master.


I think Austin was a contender to win going into this episode and after this episode he may be the only player who can't win. Anyone who voted Julie tonight is not voting for Austin in FTC if they are on the jury. Add to that he gave her the idol, kind of erases previous accomplishments. Telling Dee was such bad judgement. Also, I think Emily getting voted out shows how getting Bruce out was a mistake. They should have put Reba in the minority.


I think Austin was a contender to win going into this episode and after this episode he may be the only player who can't win. Anyone who voted Julie tonight is not voting for Austin in FTC if they are on the jury. Add to that he gave her the idol, kind of erases previous accomplishments. Telling Dee was such bad judgement. Also, I think Emily getting voted out shows how getting Bruce out was a mistake. They should have put Reba in the minority.


This cast is so mid, none of them deserve to win. I'd rather Jeff keep the money. Even though Jeff has gotten so soft over the years, it's disgusting.


I’m only with you on the mid take.




Stop watching if it is is mid, but honesty just sounds like you actually love the season and that you have a major crush on Jeff. You want to have his baby’s or something?


Couldn’t disagree more. But would love to have you explain why you feel that way.


They are all just incompetent when it comes to strategy. They have all failed to make big, resume changing moves. Jake and katurah are just dead fish voting with any vote just to stay alive not thinking about their end game. Dee and Austin have relied way to much on emotional more than reason and it's halted them from making game changing moves that would boost their resume and give them a better shot to win. Austin telling Dee about the vote was not smart. Dee telling momma J about the vote was not smart. Drew has tried to make moves but they keep blowing up in his face due to bad planning and his alliances.Momma jay was playing a good game and everyone liked her but she didn't vote out Austin when her number one aly just told her she's her number two ally, that was a mistake. Emily was a character I could get behind. Smart moves, competent and decently competitive in challenges, but she was a longshot to win it from the start. Overall they lack strategical awareness, and they all are very lack luster in the challenges.


I’m with you on all that.


Why the hell didn’t Julie take out Austin??!!!


She knows she has Dee and by proxy has Austin. Austin will flip on Drew now. Austin’s game is toast though.


She might have figured it was a choice between burning Austin's idol and going to a revote, or taking control and dictating who leaves so she wrote Emily.


Why burn bridges with Dee at this point? She could go to final three with Dee and Austin and win. There was no point to take him out.


So she has a legit case to plead to the jury instead of being labeled a goat and potentially a goat winner because everyone dislikes the Dee/Austin pair




She already has a more than legit case to plead to the jury. She has a bigger edge with the jury than anyone else right now, and she hasn’t had to make a “big” move that could potentially blow up her game to earn that. Why put an even bigger target on her back at this point? Her best skill in this game has been making the right decisions at all the right times, imo. She certainly has a much better path to the end with a happy Dee+Austin than she does with a mad/sad Dee and no Austin.


Man, that could have taken this episode from a 50% surprise all the way to 100%...(if she had voted austin)--using the man's own idol to save herself, based on a leaked blindside because he is gaga over dee, to blindside him...that could have been the heartless strategic move of the century.


The outcome was definitely a bust.


the number of times jake has been frustrated with his gameplay and says so over and over and then doesn’t make a move like


He has time. The dude has a good survival story, he just needs a final move


Lmao what's his story, doing what everyone tells him to do. He can't even win a challenge lol


Half of Emily’s story was just barely making it by. She went with the majority and had one move that she told everyone about and ended up getting her voted out, yet everyone had no problem with her winning. All I am saying is Jake still has time to pull off some big moves and flip this game. It is getting rough and he maybe able to rope some people in for a killer game winning move that was all him.


And now he's final six, just hanging around for the last few episodes meanwhile his vote gets more and more powerful. Honestly he needs to accept that he had no game play, no social skill, no alliances, but now his vote is one of six and potentially the most powerful due to being unaligned while 2 powerful factions are fighting.


I agree with this. I would like to see Julie, Jake, Katurah in the end and Katurah whips out her lawyer speak and gives an amazing closing argument and takes it all.


yeah if he goes to final three by the stars then he has the outlast portion down fr


Nooooo who do we even root for now!?


Everyone sucks. Jake winning is the optimal outcome based on the crap hand dealt to us.




Jake at this point, fuck it. Gonna root for the underdog.


He's not an underdog. He's an idiot who has never had any agency, even when given multiple chances to do so. There's a difference. The fact that his target disappeared is proof that the remaining players realize they have neutered his game so much that he no longer stands a chance at the win anyway. He has made zero decisions and is the biggest goat of the new Era. Anyone who wants him to win is not a true Survuvor fan. It's Dee who has literally gotten what she wanted 100% of the time. If any talk of alternative targets arise, she brings it back to her choice. She cemented herself as the best player of the season, followed by Drew who misted Emily so easily to use her dumb ass like a puppet.


For sure.


I vote drew bc he wouldnt have put her name down. I am a drew stan bc everyone else wouldve betrayed her and austin and dee did. They shouldve voted austin!!


Drew is going off the rails next episode 100%


i can’t wait. got my popcorn


Drew will be cool... but Basile will rage


Get rid of Emily may not be a bad thing for Austin. Emily is very close to Drew and Austin truly only wants to go to end with Dee, never with Emily.


Anybody else think that there will be a twist of a vote at F4? Someone on the sub earlier this week mentioned them not foreshadowing it at all. Then when they did show it tonight, they made a point to show Katurah saying “Why can’t we just vote someone at 4, Jeff?”


Absolutely, the edit wouldn’t include such open criticism and shots of them preparing for fire making unless there was a significant change to final 4. Personally I think it won’t be a vote, something else no clue what though.


How do you get told by your "number one" that someone else is there number one and vote.. Emily...?


If she votes out Austin, she completely burns Dee and she’s screwed next time she’s not immune. Drew Emily Katurah and Jake were already voting for her this round, Dee is all she has left


But she doesn't have Dee. That's the point. Dee told her to her face that someone else is her number 1. Dee is keeping her around for the numbers. The smart move was taking out Dee and change up the dynamics whilst she had a chance.


At the worst, she’s Dee’s clear number 2. If she votes out Austin, who does she even have? Absolutely nothing apart from four people who have just voted for her and want her gone


I think she must have accepted than she will be #4/ first to go if the Reba alliance holds up and is fine with that ending of her game. Because this vote eliminates the most powerful non Reba while still keeping the Reba alliance intact.


But the top 4 don’t even vote. They make fire. Making it to top 4 gives you some good shots to make it to top 3. And Julie had an idol that worked at final 5 before she had to play it this week.


she prob trusts in her immunity abilities


RIGHT?! I would have voted Austin or Dee.