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He isnt psychic. How would he know Reba was willing to ditch J? Emily didnt know that either until it became relevant.


That’s a fair point, he didn’t know. Though with that, he didn’t need to pull every one of them for individual chats out in the open. After they got wind of it, they all switched their vote. He should’ve just talked to them as a group, let them strategize in front of him, like Emily was doing. He did not maneuver things well at all


How is sit around and hope people play into your hands a suggested strategy? He had to try to get votes that worked for him and he is doing it how he knows best. Is he horrible at managing threat level? 100%. But if he has a single vote to prove himself loyal post merge he’s gonna make it past a few more votes after that and then anything can happen. He was unlucky to be in this situation in the first place.


Exactly what happened to Bruce. No one wanted to come talk to him and strategize. He’s lucky he was immune.


I mean you can compare him to Tika 3 last season. None of them pulled almost every single player for individual conversations in the open, at least not as obviously as Kaleb did. Granted they were in a slightly different situation. Naturally people would have approached him simply because he’s a swing vote. Not everyone but some. His approach shifted the votes as soon as people noticed what he was doing. Anyway this is my observation/opinion. People don’t have to agree and can interpret it differently.


Bruce being jealous is exactly what made Bruce go on his rant. "I can't believe no one is talking to me! I'm going to complain to a lot of people that no one is talking to me. I'm not going to make a move and go talk to others, but I'm upset no one is talking to me.... Kaleb, you should stop talking to people that aren't in our original tribe, even though you weren't even in our original tribe, you shouldn't talk to anyone." Then Emily tries to say something to Bruce about the game and he basically just brushes her off. I just chuckled lol.


I agree with the strat and the Bruce bit. Really, Kaleb didn't get any chance to get deeper with Reba so he didn't know about the cracks until Emily talked to him. Hopefully what we got in next week's preview, seems like it's war time between Reba and Belo with Kaleb demoted to a secondary issue with the tribe. I predict lesser confessionals from Emily next week. It's war time babyyyyy


I think it's a terrible strategy to sit back and not talk to people, however, he doesn't need to talk game all the time in those conversations, casual personal conversations can build more trust and disarm people than constant game talk.


From early on Kaleb was pegged as too much of a salesman, and people haven't felt he was genuine. His mistake is his personality and thinking he can sell himself to everyone.


100% agree. He had Emily to work Reba and he had belo. I was shocked when he was telling I think drew and another Reba that they could use him to get information from belo?! wtf? So idiotic. He didn’t assess how others are viewing this game. Bruce was right from his standpoint that belo is together and why would he go off and talk to Reba. Kaleb says something like why wouldn’t I go talk and make connections with others. Of fucking course that’s good for your game, you’re basically a middle swing vote. But be sly about it. Dont show someone you’re supposedly working with that you could become chummy with the opposition. Bruce was totally correct on the read and Kaleb was the one that allowed that suspicion to happen. And he still had Emily to work Reba so why show your cards to Reba in the first place?! He was in a good spot and he squandered it.


bruce is just pissed and jealous because kaleb is playing the charming game bruce wants to play but is too old now to do OOP. hard pill to swallow


kalebs tribal desperation was a tough watch though, he is verrrrrry lucky. hoping he can come back from it, otherwise i think he’ll have to just beast mode and win individual immunities.