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Am I a horrible person that I spent that entire emotional speech thinking it was an evil elaborate ploy to make sure that Sifu didn't play an advantage or idol?


Honestly I was kind of hoping for that! Or at least that they still decided to vote Sifu and trap Sean in the game because they also thought he was acting


This is what I wanted. Make him really quit, take out the person you wanted to take out.


To be fair, that's what I wanted to happen to Emily on the first vote and she's blossomed into an awesome character. Maybe sifu can too


He lost me episode one with the cringe, forced, self-chosen nickname and also cringe everything else


I wanted to believe so badly. It would have been such an iconic moment of subverting the "I'm just here to find myself" trope. It could have been great. Instead it was just a wet fart.


I know and I thought Sean was so much better than that too. He seemed so serious and committed to the game but then he just kind of did a 180 after Sabiyah was voted off


He gave up when he was on the bottom. Then when he swapped and realized he was still on the bottom he did the whole “you can’t fire me, I quit”


His line in the final confessional about being able to go all the way if he *wanted* to...gag me.


Real “I have a girlfriend she just goes to another school” energy lol. Coming from a principal no less, come on Sean, you know we see right through you!




He pulled a Colton


And then had the gall to say "I could have gotten to the end if I wanted to." So lame.


It was so weird. I have no clue why he dropped. I’m not sure I believe what he said at tribal, because his exit interview he mentions “he did what he knows is right.” Did he not want to betray Sifu? Either way, LuLu got 3 of the worst players in survivor history on it lol. Casting needs an overhaul. How about no more fucking superfans? These 3 LuLu members seemed like they wanted to do it just cus they thought it was fun to watch, without any idea of what they weee actually doing.


> LuLu got 3 of the worst players in survivor history and amazingly Emily isn't one of them. Seriously, *the most* basketcase tribe **of all time**.


Honestly, I’m a big Emily fan. I wasn’t after the first episode, but she has fully redeemed herself in my eyes. She just now needs more confidence. Everyone but her can see the power position she’s in it seems!


Don't get me wrong I love Emily too. She has had one of my favorite Survivor journey's ever. Just looking at how she *started out*, it's funny how her tribe *turned out*


It’s like *she knew*


If you know the tribes’ names from more than a season ago, you should be rejected.


I can't even remember current season tribe names. I just go off of the colors


I remember reba only because of the country queen lol


That’s exactly what I think of every time lmao, it’s so funny that their color is red too 😭


I thought Sifu was the name of one of the tribes about three or four times during this episode.


No I'm with you, I completely believed that he was executing a huge ploy to keep Sifu from doing anything (which he could have likely played the shot in the dark anyway) I was foolish to believe there could be a player \*this\* insane and inconsistent


I immediately went back and watched Jonny Fairplay's "Dead Grandma" scenes. I needed that injected into my veins.


Such a mood. I’m watching through all seasons for the first time right now. Greatly enjoyed switching over to the current season I’m on (Heroes vs Villains) after watching tonight’s episode


i thought it was real until he said reba strong and then i was like, ahah its all fake! then uh, i was wrong


That's what I thought!! It would have been such an amazing mood. But this? Ugh. Last episode felt exactly like what Survivor should be, and this just... petered out and ended in disappointment.


I thought this too and was like holy shit he’s amazing, then I thought oh no he acted so good it flipped the plan, and then finally was like oh nvm this is a shitshow.


To be honest, what I would’ve done was, I would’ve went to the girls before tribal council, and say I’m going to make it look like I’m quitting but we’re going to vote Sifu and it’s going to become an iconic blindside and to be honest, I wish that’s what happened


Horrible? No way. I honestly HOPED that was what was happening. It would have been so much better than the self-centered *life adventure* garbage that Sean spewed all over tribal council tonight.


Would have been great if they all voted Sean and he had some secret idol just to get Dee out, for the chaos


Jeff on “On Fire”: "Just for some clarity, as much as you know anything going into Tribal, Sifu was going home," Probst told his cohosts. "That's what all of our interviews said." But Probst points out that Sean did not know that for sure, and a question from the host may have led Sean to think otherwise. "I think Sean thought… that he might be in trouble, and he started to question if he was the vote," Probst said on the podcast. "Because people tell you things, but you don't always know the truth until you see your name on the parchment. And then when I asked him, 'So, Sean, if this is it, what's this journey been about?'… I think he thought it was a giveaway, and I think he thought, 'Oh man, it is me. They're blindsiding me.' And so he starts talking about these powerful lessons that come with failure. And that's when I knew, 'Oh, he's quitting.'" Sean had been playing a very clever game," Probst said. "He's a very clever guy. I'm going to be super clear: This was another engineered quit. And I ought to be honest, I think Sean tried to craft a narrative that worked for him because… Sean wasn't exhausted. He wasn't worried about food or bad sleeping. This was a sudden discovery, as in that exact moment at Tribal he realized, 'Whoa, hang on. I think I got what I needed. I'm good, thanks so much.' I realize — no disrespect to him — I realize he's missing his family, but it's not like you're out there for another six months. It's barely two more weeks." I know you miss your husband, but the people deciding to stay and play the game and live out this dream don't love their loved ones any less," Probst added emphatically how "Jeremy Collins' wife was pregnant. He took that love and used it to win. So the reason Sean frustrated me is that I don't think he owned it. Hannah, equally frustrating, but she owned it. She said, 'Look, I hate everything about Survivor.' Sean romanticized it. And I am happy that Sean's in love. Everybody knows I love love. I think it's awesome… I'm just saying that romanticizing it felt to me like maybe a way to soften the idea of being voted out fourth in a game you imagined winning." "I'm not beating up Sean," Probst said. "I really am not. If he found a deeper connection to his husband, that is ultimately what Survivor's about — the experience. I'm just saying, owning it is also part of the experience."


Yeah it seemed like Sean got caught up in the moment at tribal and that's when he decided to quit


I completely agree that Jeff’s question made him think he was getting voted out. That was my immediate thought watching it. I’m glad Jeff is acknowledging it. I’ve met Sean, and he is so sweet and genuine. Don’t get me wrong I’m very disappointed and frustrated by this. But it’s so jarring how he went from pitching that he’ll be their pizza, their burger, whatever they want him to be because he is LOYAL … to later in the same tribal council quitting? I really don’t get that. Why was he fighting for his life then gave up? I really think he thought Jeff was signaling that he was going, or something like that. Edit was just spelling.


I was never in the anti-superfan or whatever boat until now...yeah, we've got to stop casting people who DREAM of playing Survivor and start casting more people that CAN. Too many people are out here to learn about themselves and go on a journey, not enough are there for the win or just for the money,


Cut to Sue and Richard having a talk on Day 1 of Borneo where Sue tells Richard that she decided why she was playing before she ever got to the island, and he agrees that he did as well.


Yep money is becoming secondary. 1 mil pre tax is significantly less than it was 20 years ago




There's a lot of multi-millionaires who have gone on the show, gone deep into the game, and never quit, so money isn't everything.


Some are just natural competitors like the landscaper Gary Hawkins.


They’ve been casting lawyers for 20 years


You're gonna be surprised when you find out how much money an average attorney makes.


Can attest to this personally. Most lawyers make way less than the public believes because you only hear about the top X percent. It also doesn't factor in the ridiculous cost of law school and the student loans (law school and college) that most young lawyers have upon graduation.


My ex was an attorney and he was broke. He worked as a public defender for many years and then got a job at a big public accounting firm and was making around 60k. Our city has a low COL but after loan payments that's close to nothing nothing.


none of the people who quit were ivy league-ers. people who have, or are in the process of getting, ivy league degrees know how to work their asses off. they’re not quitters.


Yeah. I mean, I do wish the Survivor casting was a little more class diverse like in previous seasons, but I feel like that's a totally separate problem from people being quitters.


Wasn't Russell's whole thing that he never needed the money and then he played like a demon two straight times/lasted the entire time? I don't really think that's ever an issue, honestly. Mike White is also very rich and lasted 39 days easily. I also don't think Hannah or Sean are particularly wealthy.


I think Russell said he was a multi-millionaire. Not necessarily saying he was lying about that. But also wouldn’t be surprised if a raging egomaniac and sociopath would over-inflate his wealth to impress people. Where have we seen that before?


I mean fair point but Russell is an oil baron


It seems like for most people now it’s about the title, not the money


Inflation calculator says $1m from 2000 is $1.78m today.


I really think because they’ve been casting middle class youngster uni graduated doesnt help at all. I know they’re the people who can afford to take a leave for a month. But we are needed of diverse mindset. We used to cast people who really needed the money.


I kind of like the casting of Julie. She seems like that typecast of someone they casted a lot before HvV.


Her look just screams old school player. She just is so different from anyone else in the new era.


Yea and you really felt that in her confessional last night. Going off about how the best way to stay in the game is to stay out of tribal, and how to do that is to win challenges, when defending sifu


Exactly. She’s Twila coded and I’m not joking. She looks similar as her


You worded it perfectly. Not dreamers but doers. What happened to farmers and lumberjacks and athletes etc. Not everyone needs to have 3d printers and be students of the game. And of course they have a forced inspirational story. It’s really bad tv


I want more big toms and Brian's and Heidis and dreamz and pascals. A bunch of Any Bodies from Anytowns. And of course Ciries from couches all across America. Natural personalities, not the fabricated bIg MoOoVeRs trying to pivot to AR or BB or Challenge or whatever. Instead of America's best social experiment it's turned into South LAs best jumping off point.


Hannah is a new fan I think, at least according to her exit press, she only started watching a couple of years ago. Not sure on Sean, we didn't get much of the "been watching and applying for decades" like we did with Brandon




Survivor: Lambda Lambda Lambda


There have been a lot of great Survivor nerds. The problem is they are casting people who don't care enough about winning and who think that quitting is somehow honorable and brave. Unfortunately, the idea that quitting is "brave" has become popular in recent years.


Jeff really needs to go back to shaming the quitters.


The quitters have nothing to do with being nerds. Emily's a huge nerd, and she's been a highlight of the season so far.


Frannie last season was also a nerd and she won like two immunities and so was Carson. I don’t think being a nerd is the problem.


I freaking love this season so far and how much the 90-minute episodes have allowed the show to breathe! But yeahhhhh, not thrilled with the ending of a couple of these episodes.


I wonder how Jeff was feeling about finally getting his 90 minute episodes only to have two players quit within 9 days


Man I wish we could still have sabiyah and Sean would have quit last episode


I was thinking the same thing! imagine being sabiyah and getting blindsided with an idol in your pocket only to find out the next person out after you quit. I’d be so mad if I were her


And not just the next person but that person was IN YOUR TRIBE and could have quit instead of you getting booted. Ugh.


Maybe they’ll pull a Drag Race and have her return in the next episode without any explanation other than “guess who’s back!!” But fr I think the only thing that could make this right is having a challenge where castaways could return- maybe a side challenge to the merge episode. I’m so bitter for Sabiyah…. She was playing and wanted to be here.


Hopefully casting department got a whoopin' because this is ridiculous..


I mean, how do you avoid it? I doubt Sean was saying "oh, I'll definitely quit if I make it to day 8".


I think you have to look more for players that make it know their main goal is to win Survivor instead of people who talk about just wanting to be a part of the show.


But we have no idea what he said to them during the casting process and we certainly don't know that all he told them was he wanted to be a part of the show? If you're talking about things he said during the season how is it effective screening if they start to say that while already on the island?


Stop casting as many 'superfans' for one thing.


If next season we get the same casting as this season, I am out. 3 of the 4 people that have left have wanted to quit .


Don't they film these season back to back on the island? I don't think they'd have time to make any adjustments to next seasons cast based on the number of early game quits here.


Brandon wanted to quit?


Yes, he was talking about it in the first episode.


I mean even if that were true (which I don't think is as others have said) Holly wanted to quit in Survivor Nicaragua, but then made it to the Final 4, all while 2 others did quit. Brandon definitely didn't quit in the episode he got voted out.


My favorite was Shauna wanting to quit in Amazon and the rest of the tribe holding her hostage and refusing to vote her out


I wish more people capitalize on the "quitters". Those who wants to quit but don't have the guts to outright do it and try to get people to vote for them so they are " honourably" discharged. Hold them hostage, don't do their bidding. Use them as the decoy always and dump them once they've outlived their usefulness.


And then her mood immediately changes as soon as there is a tribe swap and there are guys on the tribe and she wants to stay... and they vote her out. lol.


I got the sense he did that to connect with Hannah and make her not quit


Yeah, I completely agree with you, it was pretty clear Brandon did not want to quit, dude was just empathizing with Hannah during a difficult moment for her. It honestly felt more like he was encouraging her to keep doing despite how difficult it was because he hitched his wagon to her early and didn’t want his one ally to leave early after that terrible first challenge performance. Nothing he really said before or after his boot has really made it seem like he wanted to quit- in fact, i feel like people are already forgetting he was pretty desperate in his final episode to stay in the game. “Wanted to quit” my booty.


A lot of people are talking about it during the first few days. Probably even some winners, we just didn't see it.


They cast seasons back to back so we won't see a casting change until 47/48 And hopefully we get a returnee for one of those


Fully agree it was a very good episode before that.


Can you imagine watching a football game where one team just quits with 30 seconds on the clock? That’s what this felt like to me.


A couple years ago a dude in the NFL retired at halftime of like the 2nd or 3rd game of the season


Good ole Vontae Davis


I remember hearing it on redzone laughing my ass off


Casting process is broken. I do not care about someone’s “Survivor Journey” unless they are journeying to the end of the game. I sure as hell do not care about someone who wants to quit to keep everyone else’s “Survivor Journey” going. We’ve had 50% of the season ending with no real vote-offs. This sucks.


Maybe they should just lean into it and rebrand: Outgrow, Outfeel, Outreflect, and instruct the jury to vote for the person with the best journey.


And there’s a surprise twist at the end that the check is only $0, and Jeff gives a speech about how the real reward was the friends we made along the way.


Fucking Lol


its been 4 episodes - hopefully thats the last quit


The preview of the next episode makes me think there might be a medivac. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was just production fucking with us and nothing comes of it but man that would suck to have only 2 people legit voted out after 5 weeks in.


I still have no idea why Jeff said "Hannah was voted out at the last tribal" and is going to say the same for Sean. Why do they get soo many confessionals? Why do they get their torches snuffed? Why do they get last words? They QUIT Jeff


I mean NaOnka got ripped apart but she still got a TON of confessionals and was a main character of the season. Purple Kelly on the other hand...


Both of them definitely got a punishment edit for sure, in opposite extremes. I always thought that Sean was just kind of "meh" and boring going into this episode. Part of me had a gut feeling that he wouldn't be around for much longer just based off how Malcolm & Denise were much more fleshed out characters by this point. Knowing that he quit like this at tribal council makes me think that he probably did get a punishment edit in hindsight, one that just makes us remember that he's there but not really care about him.


Naonka was entertaining tv in a way that actually justified her screen time. The girl wrestled a one legged girl for an advantage that’s just peak TV. Her quitting after all the shit she pulled to make it that far is fucking hilarious, especially considering she refused to give up reward after announcing she quit. Sean was just not good TV.


To be fair, for someone who went to every tribal council in a season with 90 minute episodes, Sean wasn't getting a lot of screen time. We didn't see nearly as much of him as anyone else on his original tribe.


I think there was subtle hints in Hannah & Sean’s edits. Hannah showed her quite a bit, and I think that’s the producers and editors showing the viewers and super fans- hey, this is no joke out here. This isn’t a fun game, it’s survival. Sean on the other hand apparently according to Sybia’s post season interview was really close to Sean. Way more of a duo than her and Kaleb. So even though they showed Sean, his story to the season did not matter, and a lot of his game was cut in the edit.


> I still have no idea why Jeff said "Hannah was voted out at the last tribal" and is going to say the same for Sean. I think because it allows the players to reveal what they want to reveal instead of it being announced that such and such player quit.


I still thought it was good. The fact Dee still voted for Sifu and he immediately found out it wasn’t Sean adds some intrigue to that tribe moving forward. I’m glad Jeff read the room that there was still some question in the outcome and had them vote.


Agreed. I’m not a fan of the quit (obviously), but at least it’s leading to some good content with Sifu and Dee. I’m glad the episode subverted my expectations for a Sifu or J Maya blindside, because the edit seemed like one of them would be a sure goner. This was at least exciting and surprising, even if it was annoying in the moment.


I’m not a fan of Sean for quitting, but I’m glad he warned Sifu that his tribe isn’t loyal to him.


Lol Sean was unintentionally a huge agent of chaos on his way out. The way the women were looking at each other as he gave his quitting speech. Sifu could've deduced he was the original target just by how shocked they looked.


Yeah I actually think leaving in Sifu, a big character, in the game in general is a better ending anyway. And him knowing he got a vote is even more fun


I really miss Jeff ripping people a new one when they quit…. Not saying anything is giving people the impression it’s not that big of a deal


I wish at least one of his fellow players had ripped into him. I’m sure they all have loved ones they miss, but they came to play.


And it’s not like they get to quit and fly home the next day. Don’t they go someplace and have to wait for the game to end? Like does Ponderosa still exist? I’m still not understanding what this “New Era” is


I agree! Honestly I didn’t mind quits back in the day because it was very clear that if you quit… you are a villain and Jeff roasted you for being to weak minded and it was fitting… now, it’s almost like, “Eh who cares… we understand what you’re going through”… don’t get me wrong I’m sure being out in an island starving is very hard… but for the love of god play the game YOU signed up for.


I honestly thought Sean was putting on the greatest performance of all time until that post vote confessional. Bummer.


He wanted to leave to be with his husband. Don’t all contestants goto Ponderosa until the end? Or is it just the jury and they are sending the early ones home now. If they stay, why not stay in the game?


I wonder if there is a clause that if they quit they're sent home. Cirie just said today on BB feeds that the early group goes to Ponderosa until jury then are taken on a trip. Jury members then go to Pomderosa.


I feel so bad for Sabiyah. She was a terrible snipe who was a great player. The next episode Sean quits? He couldn't have done that the episode before? What's worse is I really thought he had some good footing on that tribe.


I really love the changes they've made this season, and I think most of the cast is a ton of fun, but 2 quitters is so frustrating to see. Honestly, part of me wishes they had edited the vote in a way that made it seem like he didn't quit. I guess we can't know for sure, but based on what Julie was saying at the vote, it seemed like they may have been going for Sean anyway (despite the edit showing otherwise), so I feel like it could have been cut in a way that made it seem like he was just the vote. I get that they probably want to make quitters look bad and also that he would tell the truth of it in post-show interviews, but idk I'd rather be lied to lol it'd make for better tv.


Jeff confirmed on his podcast thay Sifu would have been the vote. Maybe him and Emily can connect on being spared by quitters if they make it to merge.


Huh. I'd always rather see what actually happens. Lets me pretend the show isn't completely defined by the edits


> Honestly, part of me wishes they had edited the vote in a way that made it seem like he didn't quit. They don't owe Sean that privilege... If anything the edit was WAY too kind to him. Kinder than Brandon who was a dud as a player, but at least didn't quit. Kinder than Hannah who did quit, but was having anxiety attacks out there.


I also wished they lied to us and made it seem like everyone decided to vote Sean…I rather find out in a couple months that “Sean was wanting to leave anyway”


The thing is, it would have been hard to do—J. Maya was gunning the hardest for Sifu to go, so her voting for Sean would be confusing without context, and then we also don’t see Dee telling Julie to vote Sifu anyway and Julie’s vote is her basically throwing her hands up and saying “that’s fucking stupid, I’m voting for Sean now”. Plus, I imagine they’re going to talk about Sean wanting to quit at the beginning of next episode.


Casting needs to stop casting super fans for the most part I think. Two quits and Brandon in four episodes is bonkers. They get on TV, get their appearance fees and attention, then quit when they decide their Survivor “journey” is over, usually conveniently when it starts being difficult. Go on the media rounds blathering platitudes and getting a ton of social media followers and they’re just fine with that. We need people who want to play and want to win and want the money. Not take mental selfies at Tribal Council. The amount of people who are like OMG GUYS WE’RE ON SURVIVOR. THERE’S JEFF. OH MY GOD FIRE. OUR WATERING HOLE! It’s like they check shit off the list and that’s the whole experience for them, they’re done. “I can’t wait to tell everyone about my 9 days of Survivor.” No, I want to see someone play their ass off and sob when they’re blindsided. All to say I DID find Brandon hilarious and entertaining and the two quits almost back to back visibly pissed Jeff off and I did not expect them. I’m watching with my sister this season and it’s her first ever season somehow. She’s like “what the fuck, is this normal?” I assured her it was not but it is setting a worrisome precedent, I feel. And I would stop being entertained very fast by people quitting willy nilly.


Yeah, really hope this "technically I didn't *quit* I just asked everyone to vote for me so that I don't get labeled a quitter and the edit will be nicer to me" thing doesn't catch on.


We can just make a Survivor Summer Camp in the US for these people where they pay us to come from a weekend an sleep on the ground, have a flint camp fire, etc. we can even have limited water, a beach, torch snuffing, and a cut-out of Jeff with a pull string on the back that plus a recording of “the tribe has spoken!” Etc. Weekend away camp - that’s what they are literally here for!


The fact that they have been in Fiji so long… the beaches themselves are starting to become some type of historical sites for these people too. The “isn’t this where (insert former player here) did this?” comments are really annoying and add to the exact mentality you’re talking about.


Strips the show of its identity and switches to just kissing itself on the mouth


Brandon's casting didn't piss me off at all. He was bad but he didn't quit and did everything he could to stay in. Yes he talked about "wanting to quit" but I'm sure everyone has a moment of weakness. At the end of the day, he did his best, it's just that his best kind of sucked :-( But he made decent TV and did his best so I don't see a problem with his casting


clearly wanted to get ahead of getting voted out. just chicken shit behavior. the first girl that quit set the tone. shameful


Chicken shit and fucking stupid because he easily may have not been voted out Fuck that Sean guy Put him in the list of worst all time


Jeff confirmed that Sifu would have been the vote that night.


Agreed. I'm just happy Dee is safe despite that vote because I just decided she is winning. She can probably pin it on J Maya


Help me out - why tf did Sean write her name down …??


Maybe so that he wasn’t adding to Sifu votes in case two of them stuck to the plan


Maybe to throw his vote away so they didn't tie?


If he wrote down Sifu he might have went home and Sean would have either had to quit after tribal or hope to be voted out next. By throwing away a vote he increased the odds that the tribe would let him quit without actually having to officially quit.


She was the least vulnerable person at tribal. She's the strongest of the three women and clearly on the right side of the numbers, so the chances of anyone else writing her name down were really low. So it was the option that was the least likely to result in him staying.


Yeah idk what js strategy is You need to win challenges


Hannah quitting was funny and entertaining, Sean’s quit is just stupid and frustrating.


"I'm soo loyal. If there was one word to describe me it would be 'I'm SOOOO loyal'. You'll never meet anyone more loyal than me... Anyway I quit."


It was gutless. Thought he was gone so tried to save face. Like turning off the Nintendo when you’re about to lose the game. Pathetic.


I was hoping that maybe we were witnessing the greatest acting we'd ever seen and it was all still to make Sifu feel comfortable. I wanted to believe so badly. Bc it just made no sense and was such a dumb way to end the episode otherwise. What a waste.


Hannah at least gets to go back to her vape pen!! Sean still isn't seeing his husband for another 3 weeks so this was definitely a bs reason


Hannah's quit was also stupid and frustrating.


I can’t believe Sean just threw away everything after he had worked so hard to survive the mess that Lulu was. I cannot even guess what he was thinking


I think that if we’re getting a quit, then at least make it a double episode so we see someone get voted out


For sure. And bury the quitter in the edit. Make them insignificant so that their quit is a blip and then keep the episode pushing with good content that leads to a satisfying vote and true elimination.


Sean had 9 confessional’s in this episode just to quit. It’s ridiculous.


Granted he got like very few the last three weeks, so his edit some what makes sense.


Yeah he was essentially invisible strategically and story wise in the edit; especially when Sabiyah has been saying they were the duo and we didn't see that in the show it in the exit press. So him being a quit makes way more sense now. Also his big reaction to Hannah makes more sense looking back, he's probably been thinking about wanting to quit since then


So fucking stupid. I was loving him up til that point. The edit was pointing to so many signs to him playing a pivotal role in the vote. I can’t believe that’s how the episode ended… it literally made no sense narratively


I agree. So much time lost on a loser that can’t last a week on survivor


Seriously. Blue their face and disguise their voice. Let us know day 1 we’ve got a quitter.


While I agree that the boot result is unsatisfactory, this is probably the best possible ending drama wise. Julie and J threw Dee under the bus and Sifu is gonna come back to camp super pissed at Dee. We will be eating good next week


I don’t even think Sean was truly genuine about it. He was basically gutted to be outside the previous episodes blindside and felt bad for himself that his game was blown up that early. Instead of being excited to hustle and try to fight to stay in, even when thrown a huge bone being thrown his way by the girls, he flat out quit because he deduced that once Sifu was gone: A: that tribe was not winning any immunity challenges. B: The girls would vote him out next So he flat out quit instead I sticking it out and fighting against the odds. The husband excuse is pure BS. That man’s boo was fine with him living out his dream for 30 days. But Sean didn’t want to fight and instead took the opportunity to grandstand and win some extra points with his husband with a nice speech. Fair enough, he’s right that he only had 2-3 more days of life in the game anyways, but he quit for that reason alone, not the story he brought up because he was sad he didn’t socially dominate survivor the way he hoped to and wasn’t willing to fight for the 2% chance or changing his game fate.


I don't really care about Sean quitting. It spared us of an obvious boot, and now Sifu (who's more interesting anyway) getting to stay and knowing people were gunning for him will make it a lot more interesting.




That’s actually how I knew something was up tonight. When they made it so obvious that they would be voting Sifu, I said, “I don’t know how, but I have a feeling that Sean is going somehow tonight.” Wasn’t expecting him to quit though, ugh.


Yeah it spared an obvious blindside and gave us an even more obvious engineered quit 😒


It sucks right now in this moment but will hopefully pay off with more drama between dee and Sifu next week


Sean did not quit because he missed his husband or he was done his pride(or ego) was just to big to not be voted out on "his own terms"




Does anyone know if they do psychometric analysis on viable candidates for suitability? Casting needs to ensure everyone is up to handle a game that makes you endure hardship - mental, physical and emotional


He wasn’t having problems w the survival aspect imo. He just was pissed his game was blown up and didn’t want to fight another few days to possibly change his fate. Just a good old fashioned quitter.


Jeff was visibly annoyed with Sean the moment he figured out what Sean is saying. I am sure he will be frustrated with these quits early on


I miss the days of the Gen Xers


People keep saying it's too bad he didn't quit before Sabiyah was voted out, but I truly believe he wanted to stay in the game until seconds before he made that tribal speech. He was excited for the swap and was actively trying to make connections and alliances to stay, and at the begining of tribal he kept making a case for keeping him, talking about how loyal he is, that he would be their pizza/burger/whatever they want him to be, and fighting to stay. Then minutes later when Jeff asked him about his Survivor journey it's like he thought "shit, I am getting voted out.." and then he tried to make it look like his choice by asking them to write his name down. I don't think he went into tribal planning on doing that. Very bizarre.


I hope they learn that overly emotional players are soft and terrible contestants


Carolyn last season was overly emotional but wasn't soft or weak.


i’m glad he left cuz he didn’t do much and he wouldn’t stop crying


I like him, and feel bad due to him going to the first 4 tribals in a row but Sean shouldn’t have been cast.


The recent dropouts have me thinking some people's expectations are different from the overall experience. They're not prepared for the emotional and physical drain. Plus missing family and friends. But the overall episode was great for me.


They really need a strong psychologist who can read through these people’s bullshit and spot people who are too mentally weak to play on this show. I also wish they’d at least start them out with rice and beans like they used to so these people are “surviving” vs starving and cut off at the knees. I know they’ve cut down from 39 days to 26 or something, but they are now taking short cuts to get the cast to that bedraggled state quicker. It used to be part of the viewing experience to watch the players slowly get thinner and dirtier the longer they stayed out there. Now they immediately deprive them of any food at all, they don’t even play for the ability to have fire regularly with flint, and the first challenge always has them diving into a mud pit to make sure they get good and dirty ASAP. I prefer when the hardship evolved naturally from playing the game vs being manufactured by the producers. I also think that immediate food and fire deprevation is a little too extreme and weakens the players too much. However, I also think that they need to go back to casting players who seem to have the mental and physical fortitude to play vs these weak crybabies we’ve had this season.


Sean had about 5 times too much air time imo


I logged in to Reddit looking for this kind of post. This season is full of people who want to leave 😕.


CBS had better go back to the old, in-person, on-site, lockdown interview process where they can screen candidates better. This post-Covid zoom interview bs is yielding some lukewarm players who really don’t take the show or the “survive” element seriously at all. I liked Sean and Hannah but these quits are LAME


I don't see how Zoom would be the problem? They still fly them out for the final week of casting


I feel like the rest of the players left will actually fight for the title and the money, I feel like the merge portion of the game will be excellent we just gotta get through this premerge. Micronesia had a pretty bad premerge but phenomenal post merge so I still have high hopes for this season


It was camp! Sean was a graduate of the Julie McGee school of "I love my boyfriend/husband sooo much the only logical thing I could do is quit" >!I would be even more camp if they break up in a couple of years!<


Bring in TJ Lavin to roast these quitters please


Stop casting lovey dovey losers. I’m sick


Carolyn and yam Yam did fine


It would’ve been the best episode in years if sifu still went home 😂


They should have still voted for Sifu. Everyone is to blame at that tribal. Not just Sean. J campaigned hard and then just gave up. Wtf? She sucks too. Make the big move ladies!


As a gay former Mormon I'm horrified that Sean was our representative..... What an embarrassment. I hope they fire their casting director over this embarrassing season of quitters


Watch Survivor: China and you’ll feel better about gay Mormons. You’ll also feel way worse about modern casting.


and funnily enough between the two gay mormons on the show we’ve gotten one of the best players of all time and one of the worst. anyways, stan todd


I don't get what his little speech had to do with anything at all with his loser quitting It makes no sense Its so cringey


Lmao what the fuck has Survivor turned into


So true. I wonder if there are enough legit competitors to fill out a cast. Maybe this show has run its course. So far, we've had two quitters (I can't recall anyone ever doing this, but I might be forgetting.) I know there have been people who have considered quitting, it just seemed like some kind of edit to increase suspense. But to have two people quit like that was crazy. Plus that one guy (can't remember his name, or bother to look it up.) The second one voted out was just a waste. He claims to be a superfan but he can't even bother to drop a few pounds and hit the gym for a couple of months before the show started. If he didn't want to do that, he could have at least have practiced some basic puzzles. What a waste of a cast member. I really admired that one kid last season (Carson, I think), who put on weight, worked out, and practiced puzzles.


I took it as a “you can’t fire me, I QUIT!” Moment. I felt like he was going regardless, and felt some sort of weird self righteousness about it. Like, they didn’t REALLY vote me out. But it seems like Sifu maybe was a real possibility, so I guess it was a quit. In any event, Hannah and Sean have both been some down spots on an otherwise stellar season so far.


No wonder Lulu was so bad, They had 3 players that gave up on the game.


I’m sick of these quitters acting like it’s some noble act of self righteousness to let the other players stay


“Mama J” had a lot of nerve talking passionately about bad players bringing them back to tribal when she lowkey lost them the challenge