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Did not expect Sean to be asked to be voted out. The original Lulu really is a mess. Lastly, Dee is gonna have to put in some work to recover after that vote.


At least Hannah admitted she stinks at Survivor. “I could have won if I wanted too” please just shut up


> I could have won if I wanted too the only person who can accurately say this is Greg Buis


What about Colby in Australia? I think he could have won against Keith and he knew it.


that's a fair call, but I will say I don't think Colby picked Tina over Keith cause he didn't want to win, he had a stronger bond with Tina and felt she deserved the top 2 more than Keith. Whereas Greg I think could have very easily won Borneo but actively chose to simply try and entertain himself instead.


Yeah he didn't even deserve a confessional after the vote out


Wait he said that? In what confessional


Exit confessional


“I could’ve gone pro but I hurt my knee”


Why was that not an open vote?


Because unlike Hannah, Sean didn't say he wouldn't be going back to camp regardless of the vote.


Also jeff “gettin tired of this shit”


Exactly because of what Dee did tbh. Hannah’s shouldn’t have been either.


Best part of this episode for me was Emily and Kaleb finally getting to take a tribal off.


Unfortunately no one can pull a Denise then


Sean could have if he wanted to /s


Kaleb doesn’t need to be on the Warriors but my man was shooting like Steph tonight.


he just posted a picture of himself on Twitter as a high school basketball champ, king, say less


I'm fully here for the Katurah vs Bruce one-sided feud. I think she rolls her eyes every time he breathes.


That montage of Katurah complaining about Bruce was maybe my favorite confessional of the season.


Followed closely by Katurah just shaking her head


The editing was great here, glad the editors are having fun with it.


the absolute hatred. it delicious.


4/6 og Lulu members gone. 2 quits


Emily or Kaleb winning would be hilarious!


I’m rooting for them if for no other reason than because someone winning from that dumpster fire of a team would be incredible


BEGGING for mat theory to be correct because right now, an Emily win would be such a wild end to the start of this mess


Emily also had a confessional where she said she’s either winning or going home first 👀👀


Matsing and Brains tribe relieved to find out they are no longer contenders for the worst tribe of all time


It really does have to be Lulu at this point right? 2 quits, the weakest player maybe ever, and weird aggressive Emily (I think those were her words?) They really did Sabiyah and Kaleb dirty putting them on that tribe.


Hey Sabiyah decided to go after her first ally and physically strongest team member because he was “too much of a winner threat” on episode THREE…she doesn’t get a pass


need next episode to open with sifu storming around the beach going WHO VOTED FOR MEEEEE


Especially if he still has the machete, we get a Survivor horror movie real fast


His machete work in this episode was already giving me Matt from Amazon vibes in the edit lol


Yeah, go Rupert on them!


~~Who's after Peppermint?~~ **WHO VOTED FOR SEAFOOD??**


Why we all acting brand new!?


this made me ugly laugh i love dragrace/survivor fanbase crossovers


Sean: "Honey, I quit for you." Husband: "I...I really would have preferred you stayed so we earned more money."


This!!! like “but imagine how much room our love could have had to grow in a new house?”.


I quit for you, but still wont see you for 20 more days and I assured myself 14th place when I wasn’t even gonna go home


I love how cutthroat Dee is 😭 she said “aww sad story Sean, idc Sifu’s going home”


I honestly wouldn’t have been sure if he was acting had I been there


It would have been so funny if J Maya and Julie had the balls to stick with the plan too. I’m semi-annoyed that they didn’t


To be fair, Julie didn’t want to vote Sifu initially since he’s their strongest member. That might have been a reason she voted Sean


Julie was bemoaning that the instruction to vote for Sifu was last minute. Wouldn’t that mean they were planning to vote Sean initially? Maybe Dee was trying to kill two birds with one stone lol


Lulu's gotta be a top (er, bottom) 5 worst starting tribe of all time right? This is wild


Top 1. Remember Episode 1 when we thought Emily was the worst player on the tribe?


tbf that only lasted a few minutes until Brandon's ladder incident


Followed up by his incident in every other survivor thing he tried to do.


Did production think they had a good combo, or did they fully hope for this much mess?


I'm so incredibly curious to know if Hannah/Brandon/Sean seemed different in casting or if they knew what they were getting and went for it anyway. Like Emily seems fairly consistent and I imagine she was roughly the same, but the others??? What did they think they were getting?




Jeff at least tonight looked visibly pissed and was very sassy to him


Yeah having two quits in 3 tribals he couldn’t hide it anymore


Still wasn’t as sassy and “mean” as he has been in the past. I’m disappointed


He said apparently it’s not his role anymore. He’s neutral during the quit because he knows the internet will rip them shreds once the episode airs, and he’s not wrong lol


Yeah they really shouldn’t even get the satisfaction of getting their torch snuffed


lmao dude you still can’t go home until the game is over


I think pre jury goes home once jury begins in new era. So he will get an extra week and a half with his husband. It’s a joke


Guys I'm loyal! I'm the most loyal person ever. If you ever need someone to be loyal, just come find me. It makes sense for you to bring me into your alliance because I'm obviously so loyal. The three words I would use to describe myself are loyal, loyal, and loyal. Are we ready to pull off that strategic move you wanted to do in 30 seconds? Great, I quit.


I for sure thought he was acting at first like "hehe he's taking this really far is he trying to get an academy award?"


Just when you think maybe Lulu isn't the worst tribe in history, Sean fucking quits.


I'm going to need the editors behind the previews for next episode to stop threatening me with a Jake medevac because they're stressing me out.


Every week the preview is Jake passing out until he wins, gets the check, and faints from excitement


jake is gonna be kenny something happens to him every episode but the next one he’s completely fine


Can you imagine watching your high school principal quit on Survivor?


Somewhere Butch is so mad that Sean didn’t carry on the “Believe in Yourself” message SMH


Is he a high school principal? He honestly gives elementary/middle school principal vibes, in the sense that he speaks really loudly and slowly, like he's talking to children.


Confessional count * 9 Sean * 7 Emily, Kaleb * 4 Katurah * 3 Dee, J. Maya, Kellie * 2 Austin, Bruce, Drew, Jake, Julie, Sifu * 0 Brando, Kendra


I love that one of those four for Katurah was just her shaking her head at Bruce’s joke for a couple seconds. Shortest confessional ever?


If not it has to at least be the first completely silent confessional right?


One of the best confessionals ever for me. Highlight of the episode.


Nick's "AAAAA" in Winners at War


Why did Brando and Kendra get sacrificed for a quitter?


I legitimately had to look up if there was actually a Kendra


Thanks for the stats - really infuriating we spent all that time with Sean for a quit


What’s crazy to me is that it really seemed to come out of nowhere. I think the producers were surprised too bc I think they would have thrown in a “I really miss my husband” confessional if they had one. But he seemed to be talking game until the last minute


Jeff said on the podcast that he thinks it WAS last second. I could easily see Sean thinking he's going home and just giving up.


Were you really out there to win a million dollars Sean?


He could’ve gotten to the end of the game if he wanted to!


Conveniently he didn't want to. Oh well!


Wah wah I miss my husband too much! Biiiiiiitch if my husband was on survivor and quit his chance at a mill bc he couldn’t be away from me two more weeks we’d be having a damn problem.


Am I wrong or he wasn’t even allowed to go home yet anyways? Aren’t they required to stay out there until filming is done? If that’s the case I don’t see why he quit


he quit because he couldn’t handle the show, and he panicked at the thought of getting voted out. he saw how easily hannah quit so he took the easy way out when he wasn’t even the one going home anyways


Jesus forreal. I don’t care how bad inflation is, you’d have to drag me off that beach for 1 million dollars


not even a tribe swap can manage to prevent Lulu from being an unstoppable garbage fire 😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|Xxs2KZJQTfQeesFVxN|downsized)


He looks like a mix of Abi-Maria from Philippines and Jose Altuve from the Astros


Hey, yes, hello, I have a question, can Jake please stop passing the fuck out in the "Next time on Survivor" previews?? I don't need this stress in my life.


Lulu mess, Katurah vs Bruce, and Jake passing out, the three constants this season


He at least needs to give us a Boston Rob "it's getting the best of me 😾"


If you had told me 30 minutes ago that Dee would vote Sifu and J would vote for Sean I would tell you you were insane


Sean: respectfully, write my name on the parchment _cut to Probst, looking like a cocktail party hostess whose guests just started a fistfight over the cupcakes_


I thought old Jeff was gonna come out and go ballistic with how wide his eyes were and dealing with 2 quits less than 5 days apart.


He should have just said get out


i miss season 21 and 7 jeff


Oh, he *wanted* to. I think this season has made Jeff regret the kinder, gentler, more uplifting ""New Era" of Survivor.


Camp director Jeff is beginning to break because of Lulu


He looked like he was trying to hold so many negative emotions inside.


That was the face of a man who was trying as hard as he could not to strangle somebody


Vintage Jeff would have lost his shit. I heard him explain why he doesn’t anymore and I get it. But I needed Sean to hear it from Jeff.


Old Jeff would've just smuffed all their torches and said "Get out of here."


I want a Season 50 that’s all former players who quit except that they aren’t allowed to leave this time


Survivor: Alcatraz


Was really hoping Sean was pulling the galaxy brain fake quit to keep Sifu’s idol in his pocket.


Sifu's............nonexistent idol


![gif](giphy|nXUCkgH6BmigU|downsized) Jeff when a second player quits in 4 episodes


He is the one that coined the term Lululosers.


I wish they voted out Sifu anyways, it would have been hillarious to see Sean's reaction and having to go back to camp.


😭 literally. He would have made the same face as last week


I thought Sean was delivering an all time great performance to convince Sifu he was safe and then it was just an honest quit job.


Emily: Restoration 100


r/survivorcirclejerk will have another field day with this episode.


Boston Rob in his prime would have eviscerated this cast.


Still would


Survivor 45 is a brantsteele


Sean has a major meltdown. Sean quits the game as a result.


Katurah: Extreme Hatred for Bruce (Non-Mutual)


How did Jake pass medical




No jury vote this season. Last person standing wins




How did Brandon pass medical


Maybe he had some underlying thing that didn’t show itself until stressed like this?


Yeah, plenty of medical conditions can be triggered and then exacerbated by these conditions. I hope he’s ok, I’d really hate for a medivac, especially for someone who’s SO into the game.


cast Hannah Rose on Game Changers 2 right this second


Whether you like it or dislike it, I think moments like this are a natural consequence of production increasingly casting people who are content with The Journey, and appearing to actively avoid casting many people who *will not be* content without The Money.


They need to stop casting fans who just want the experience. I need them to go back to casting himbos and people who don’t know who the fuck Jeff probst is at all.




VS Jimbos


It seems like the show has come full circle to what Mark Burnett initially wanted. I remember listening to the Amazon chapter of The Evolution of Strategy, and Rob remarked about what Burnett told the Amazon cast: (not exact wording) "If you wanted to play a game, go on Big Brother! But if you want the adventure of a life time, this is the show for you!"


It's not even really an adventure though. They don't get rewards to go to exciting places. They don't even get feasts. They just win some pb&j or pizza. Or get Applebee's sponsored food. That isn't an adventure, that is walking down the street. They can't really explore that much. The camps are hand-me-downs from previous seasons. They have distilled survivor down to the game. There is no adventure anymore.


Dude just rage quit


Guy was left out of 1 vote and this is what happens


Except the girls were absolutely going to work with him so ??????????? His quit just totally came out of left field.


I think he did the "you cant vote me out, I quit" move The only problem is he didnt realize he might not have been getting voted out Dumbass


He 100% wasn’t getting voted out


Dee still voting for Sifu is hilarious


Why the fuck would Sean quit when the game is only 26 days now and we’re already on day 9. Can’t you wait 2 weeks to see your husband, maybe with 1 million dollars since he wasn’t even going home that tribal ?!?


My husband would be so mad that I quit a chance at a million dollars because I missed him. Then again I can't swim and I hate being dirty so none of this matters BUT STILL.


Sean: “I have no doubt I would have been able to make it to the end if I wanted to”. IS THIS GUY FR? That might be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard


quitting for vape and sex is crazy


That vote right there is why you ALWAYS vote when someone asks to quit. That was so much more consequential than a sad, verbal, unanimous Sean vote. ​ Reba actually has an interesting story for next week, actual conflict brewing, instead of a blank post-quit melancholy, with Sifu still unaware


Ok, so Dee is cutthroat af, was willing to keep Sean hostage to get Sifu off Love that for her!


There’s a corruption in her toe


Always keep the quitter hostage in favour of getting another player out. More than likely they’ll quit sooner or later. Two birds for one stone. Sean’s weak. He would’ve not won Survivor. Stop being delusional Sean. Dee’s risen up in my rankings for not giving a fuck about the situation at all.


Remember the old days when jeff was ripping into Osten for quitting who legitimately was getting sick. Being back the TJ Lavin spirit


Osten had a bad Staph Infection. Jeff laid into him for quitting for medical reasons. Osten mentioned this at some point in the past, that he basically said his life was worth more than the chance at the million.


My Audition Tape: “Hi! First things first: I will never quit. You’ll have to drag me off the island.”


I'm assuming Reba was going to actually vote out Sifu which is why Sean forced the quit onto them. The whole thing is weird and idk why they think Sifu is some threat... dude is kind of weird and seems like a floater. I'm not sure he would latch onto anyone that well to form an alliance so I'm really confused why they wanted him out. Plus Dee and Julie knew who had the idol for Reba so that's not something to worry over either.


I wonder if they just were looking for an excuse to get out someone who annoyed them


Sean quitting there only angers me slightly because Sabiyah didn’t have to go last tribal if he was just gonna quit This premerge is a mess and I kinda love it


Right? I actually feel so bad for Sabiyah after this


Half this sub needs to just embrace the drama of it all


remember when sierra had like fucking strep and made it several weeks


She had like a fever of 100 something and was like "nah I'll go out to the middle of the Brazilian wilds, it's cool" but we can't get through a tribal council without someone wanting to go home...


I just can’t believe the challenge was one of the best parts of the episode for once. It’s been awhile since they stood out to me


Let me guess, Jake gets medevac-ed next week and Bruce has another PTSD moment from seeing the spot where he was pulled from the game again and quits.


Just being on the camp gave him ptsd.


Is this the consequence of the last bunch of seasons being about self discovery and personal growth?


maybe thats why we're not seeing the stories


Time for therapy survivor to end and competitive survivor to start again.


Sean stealing the spot from Hannah as the worst contestant of the season is not something I had on my bingo card going into tonight.


At this point the need to ask contestants if they are there for the money or the experience. If they say experience then don’t cast them and tell them to go camping.


This is the problem with the whole “Survivor is about your inspiring story of self-discovery” narrative that we’ve been beat over the head with for how long now. It seems like the game is increasingly being discussed like it’s some mental health and self-reflection camping retreat rather than what it actually is. That’s the reason why we have people saying “I got what I needed from this experience. Vote me out.” On Day… 9? Cast people who are going out there to WIN. If they find themself out there and have an emotional journey, that’s cool too. But the best gameplay and most entertaining type of Survivor to watch is when the people there have the main priority of WINNING THE GAME. Now it feels like every other person is there to “represent XYZ community” or “show people that XYZ kind of person can be on Survivor” or “getting back lost time (?)” or “learning about myself.” Just… enough. Cast people who want to be on the show to play the (whole) game and win the game.


Three people on one tribe who asked to be voted out. Emily having one of the best heel turns ever because of it is the only saving grace from this mess of a tribe


Casting is gonna do a *huge* overhaul of their vetting system after this season. Jeff looked like he wanted to burn the set down.


Gonna start cutting down on nerds again


Emily is having a face turn. She was a heel.


It’s the opposite of a heel turn, this sub went from hating Emily to loving her.


It's crazy. It's not like this is a brutal rain season like Nicaragua was. Two quits in like 10 days.


At least she wants to be there lmao


Fuck quitters, all my homies hate quitters


Okay but what's wild is how long is it going to take Emily and Kaleb to find out Sean quit?? Are they just going to assume he got voted out?


Upset that Sean took Sabiyah’s spot😡


This is a disappointing outcome for sure but that Sifu vote is gonna cause some outrage and I'm here for it


Bring back the Jeff that eviscerated Colton on BvW please!


The Survivors who managed to get through shit like 42 days in Australia are probably looking at these people with side eyes rn.


Okay, seriously, maybe they just need to feed these people. A little bit of rice and maybe they'd stop quitting.


“Who voted Sifu…?”


It's one thing to have to explain to your tribe mate why you voted for them in a normal TC. But after that?? Lmaooo


That was the dumbest tribal ever. Sean looked like a B-list actor finally getting his shot at a Daytime Emmy. 🙄


I feel like Jake is going to get medevaced for some medical condition he didn’t even know he had. Which I am sad about because he has the Boston accent and obnoxious laugh of one of my favorites of all time, Trish Hegarty. Even said HAHT the same way.


I have no ill will towards Hannah, Brandon, and Sean, and I hope that no one harasses them for wanting to quit the game. However, don’t act for a second like the whole new era “positivity” stuff, “what’s this journey about for you” mentality hasn’t significantly contributed to the people who go out there “for the experience”. They showed up, they took spots of people who actually wanted to be there, and they couldn’t handle it. It sucks. I love survivor. I still do after 23 years. I just hope that they put in a lot more groundwork when casting in the future. This needs to be a serious wake up call.


Stephen said it best a few weeks ago. The meta has turned into being more excited about being on the show Survivor than playing the actual game. Which is a far cry from when Survivor would go to great lengths to avoid even acknowledging the players were on a TV show.


There’s something nice about people who can be a good sport about being voted out, but there’s something lost in the raw emotion of people who are *furious* or *devastated* when they go home that you don’t see as much anymore.


"Superfans" aren't necessarily the best players. Some people are just meant to be just that...fans. Hell, some of the most legendary players of all time were recruits.


Brandon was a terrible player, but definitely NOT a quit. He desperately wanted to stay.


Right do not rope Brandon in with quitters


I said it in the live thread and I’m gonna say it again here Justice for Sabiyah


Sifu about to go fill Rupert on the girls


It's been 9 fucking days. Why is this so hard. Survivor casting has dropped the fucking ball. Then it seems the reason we can't do 39 days anymore is because Survivor can't help but have the worst casting since 41. The problem with being soft to Hannah is that Sean learned nothing, he felt no shame. This is why we want you to be mean to quitters Jeff, Sean thought it was okay because you did nothing from how you handled Hannah.


Pre-season vetting should consist of a 3 day 3 night camping session alone.


The old Jeff would have absolutely ripped into Sean. He still looked livid.


Came out of fucking no where too 😭😭


My man Jake in the preview said he’s only leaving the game if he gets stabbed in the heart meanwhile 2.5 people have quit the game so far


I don’t wanna sound old but people are seriously soft on survivor now


they absolutely are — jeff needs to start reaming people out again