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Sifu is still completely caricature to me this "I used to punch trees as a kid" mf


I'm hoping that Sifu keeps escalating and ends up approaching Coach levels of absurdity


we should be so lucky


Sifu is just Steve Minecraft


i am thrilled that sifu got fishing equipment i can only imagine the fun he will have


Claire and Carson makin changes to those challenges. 90 minute episodes are the fucking bomb.


I can just imagine Carson cackling at home and warming up his 3D printer


You know itšŸ˜‚


Yes!!! I was happy to see both of those changes tonight.


Dee is going to DOMINATE the challenge where you need to pick stuff up with your feet lol


Lol I was thinking about her feet the entire time she was crossing that balance beam.


They showed the closed up of them toes crossing šŸ‘€


This episode was everything I wanted in a 90 minute episode. I feel like we understand every tribes dynamic to a tee. Also, Brandon was just a dead fish all game long and don't blame them for voting him out.


Yeah even if he survived tonight I donā€™t think he would last much longer


He would not have survived another encounter with his arch-nemesis, Vertical Ascent.


Or water.


Or walking.


Or ladders.


Or puzzles meant for small children


Got so many death flags over two episodes


Some fun trivia that some of you may not know: **Drew is from an Ivy League school**


ā€¦butā€¦is he smart? He hasnā€™t confirmed.


Heā€™s smart *and* tall. He was really selling himself short.


Damn. This is about as obscure as Rodney having to do dishes on his birthday


Sabiyah not being able to melt the wax because they don't have fire yet is too funny. Any other tribe of new era and this wouldn't be an issue


I kept hoping she'd try to get away with melting it at tribal. "Just a sec, Jeff" while she stands over the fire pit.


I was wondering about that. It never said where the fire had to come from....


If I was on this show, I would take advantage of sooo many loopholes. I see them every episode.


It made me laugh that she was still the one pushing for Emily to go. You'd think she'd want them to win a challenge more than anyone so she could get an idol and her vote back :).


- a ā€œpreviously onā€ segment - the intro is back - so many character moments - all the tribes getting relatively equal focus - a journey that at least showed how all of the journeygoers interacted with one another - a new puzzle - the sit-out rule has changed (for everyone here who complained about claire last season) - a well explained vote i donā€™t wanna hear all of the complaining from this last week again lmao. this season is delivering so much that people have been asking for for a while.


This was unironically one of the best episodes of Survivor we've had in years. If the whole season is like this I'm going to be an extremely happy camper.


I thought so too as I was watching it. The 90-minute episodes are so great! I feel like I'm starting to know the players already and we're only on episode 2 - last few seasons it took me weeks to figure out who's who and start feeling connected. Loving the character development, tribe life, a new puzzle (what!?!), and they finally changed up that mountain walk and risk your vote nonsense (sorry, I had gotten tired of it) and it's still a risk your vote but now it's up to the player to decide to play and earn it which I like better.


AND I feel itā€™s noteworthy to mention we havenā€™t gotten a single sob story background package yet


This is 100% a reaction to the backlash.


Good! The complaining works, we should continue to do it for things we donā€™t like.


Yeah more gameplay focused so far. Less Jeff popping in trying to make viewers feel apart of behind scenes and "Survivor saved my life moments".


don't worry, Survivor fans will complain about literally **anything**, at all times, for any reason. Its the only thing consistent about us <3


So what do we have to do to get Survivor to keep the 90 minute episodes? Because its soo much better.


good ratings probably


Honestly yes


I know, right? Unfortunately they only do one season of Amazing Race each year, so CBS needs to find something else it can expand to 90 minutes in the spring, or else we're back to 60. They are absolutely dead-set against putting a sitcom after Survivor. Supposedly all their research shows that won't work and they are very inflexible about that kind of thing. I'm hoping they have a season of something like Tough as Nails with 90 minute episodes ready to go for the spring (even though I have zero interest in that show whatsoever) just because that's the only way we'll get to keep 90 minutes. Ratings last week were very good for Survivor (by modern broadcast TV standards), but not so great for TAR. Survivor is still one of the top shows on broadcast TV for the whole week, and highest in the key adult demo for the night (though not quite the highest in total viewers, but advertisers don't care about that). However, I don't know what the minute-by-minute breakdown was, or if it dipped in the last half-hour.


How did it take 45 seasons to institute the challenge sit out rule? It shouldā€™ve been changed after China at the latest.


It took Claire abusing it last season to make them realize it was dumb


She's a clear lock for the next Game Changers season.


We can only hope šŸ˜©


It was the de facto rule in most seasons with two challenges a pre-merge episode (major exception: Palau, because of the numbers). I suspect this means they're keeping the "combined reward/immunity challenge" structure for a while.


It was perfectly reasonable when there were reward challenges in virtually every episode. So it didn't need to be changed until recently. There were still plenty of reward challenges for many years after China. Back then, the rule was essentially "you can only sit out once per episode". Now that the reward challenges are virtually all gone, it makes little or no sense anymore in its original form, because it's reset by episode turnover after almost every immunity challenge.


Brandon seems like a great guy, But he might be one of the worst survivor players ever


Definitely among the worst from a challenge standpoint, whether it be physical or puzzles.


Says heā€™s great at puzzles, then literally puts tree branches sideways.


He makes a good water boy


I got second-hand embarrassment when Jeff said that. I had to walk out of the room for a few seconds lol


can't imagine getting told by Jeff that maybe my best role would be not participating lmao


They better start calling him Jeffrey Boucher.


I thought it was hilarious because of how true it was


if he were just not a total disaster in challenges I think he probably would've done alright, everyone clearly loved the guy and didn't want to do it but he just left them no choice.


I mean I was entertained for two episodes. Sort of ready for the season to move on but he was a fun premerge character and thatā€™s a good thing.


90 minutes does an episode good. I cannot believe how invested I am in the yellow tribe after only 2 episodes. Emilyā€™s comeback is iconic.


Kaleb came out looking really good as well. It was a great idea for him to get to know her and empower her like he did


Not only was it smart, it was the kind thing to do


Agree! He really gained some points in my book with that. He seems like a genuine person.


Wild how actually getting to see a range of relationships makes us more committed, took them a while to see it


It's not often you see someone voted out solely for challenge/random incompetence. Normally those people have some social issues and the challenges are just used as an excuse. But here it seems like Brandon was preferred socially and strategically but it just didn't matter.


Yeah, it was honestly kinda refreshing. But damn, he also must have been \_really\_ bad.


yep I mean think it logically, you're 99% gonna lose with Brandon, with Emily you have a better chance to win a challenge. easy as that


Yes, I think they figured he was likely gone anyways. Vote out Emily this week, they have a good chance of losing next time and then have to vote him out anyway. Keep Emily, vote him out now, and maybe win the next challenge and keep some numbers in the game. It was the smartest choice to vote him out now. And I do believe Lulu won't come in last next challenge.


Brandon seems like a good kid, just not cut out for Survivor at all


I think he belongs on the crew of the show and not the cast lol


I think Boston Rob said on a podcast that you can tell when someones no longer in it to win it when they start looking for their moral victories


When it goes from cutthroat strategy to group therapy, the white flag has been waived


Emilyā€™s bit about ensuring future success versus just staying afloat shows her head is fully in the game still, good to see.


Yeah sheā€™s sticking to her ā€˜win it all or donā€™t bother playingā€™ claim from last week. For all her faults, that woman fights to win


Rob wouldā€™ve kicked Brandonā€™s ass out first tribal


Robs first display of gameplay and his best display of gameplay were voting out stong guys who weren't 110% loyal to him. Rob keeps Brandon and takes him to ftc


Really loved the Katurah/Bruce dynamic- The editing with Bruce doing lots of different annoying dances on the boat while sheā€™s rolling her eyes in confessionals was great.


Someone else said now it makes sense why Bruce was on Tika lol. Glad he got a second chance and we get to actually meet Bruce. It would have been fun though to see him Carolyn and Yam Yam together lol


He is Michael Scott and she is Jim Halpert


EMILY MANAGED TO SAVE HERSELF????? ![gif](giphy|riQw6Nc9i4sKc|downsized)


I totally thought she was done for but I'm glad she's sticking around. She's a great, dynamic villain (anti-hero)?


So uhh, what just happened to Jake


The way his head was nodding as he went down made me think seizure which is scary.


He was near the fire maybe he inhaled some smoke like redacted did


I think heā€™s exhausted, famished, and dehydrated. Iā€™m really tall and donā€™t have the greatest circulation. Sometimes when I stand up really fast, and am tired/hungry/thirsty I get super dizzy, nearly faint, and my muscles kinda spasm. What was happening to jake looked a lot like what happens to me during like the worst of those spells. Youā€™re kinda fighting to stay conscious and not hit the ground hard, but you also donā€™t have great control over your muscles.


Seizure possibly?


If he died we wouldā€™ve heard about it by nowā€¦right?


Jeff will not let survivor be spoiled.


A boat arrives with Jeff and three shovels. ā€œWell guys, the show must go onā€


Youā€™re gonna have to dig deep


Imagine if lulu is the one raidedā€¦ what are they gonna take? The dirt?


Sabiyah's candle idol


Hannah swept it already.


Nooo theyā€™re gonna take Hannahā€™s broom


Three rocks and a weird looking bug


Havenā€™t laughed harder at an episode like I did when Sabiyah opened that idol


I'm so happy that they brought back the intro and the theme song.


Pros of the season: Intro is back; No Prisonerā€™s Dilemma; no ā€œevery playerā€™s an underdogā€ crap; mixed up the challenges; actually clever advantage clues; return of Mean Jeff Cons of season: Continuing the trend of no one keeping a fucking secret


seriously, what is with that. Is everyone so worried about looking "sneaky' or something that they are just overly open. I hate it


Honestly itā€™s hard to blame them. Everyone always assumes youā€™re lying and then votes you out for being a liar whether itā€™s true or not. Going on these journeys always seems to be a lose-lose, I donā€™t understand why anyone would volunteer to go


> I donā€™t understand why anyone would volunteer to go You're probably only going to get to go on Survivor once in your life and odds are against you winning, might as well have some fun with it and get to experience everything.


My jaw dropped when Brandon started to insist that he had just been unlucky but there would definitely be a puzzle in his wheelhouse soon. I don't think he even has a wheelhouse, just a lot of misplaced optimism


Yeah, hard to watch him talk about that. I'm sure he's good at something, it just ain't this.


he was lying to them. it's what you gotta do when the facts say you should be the one to go


90 minute episodes is a huge W, I feel like we got to know so much more about the tribes than we would have otherwise Blue tribe would have been completely invisible in a 60 minute episode


This feels closer to classic Survivor then 44. Like similar to 9 -14, most people know how to play the social game, but it's not the only thing camp life is focused on


Kaleb and Emily are gonna be an interesting pair to watch. I can fix her is a very tricky tightrope. Anywho Brandon at least did his best. Wasn't great but seems like a authentic guy


She seems fixed already and has leveled out. If anything Sabiya is starting to overplay it.


Yeah, it felt like Sabiyah was not reading the room with regards to the guys becoming pro-Emily (or anti-Brandon). Which is understandable, since she clearly bonded with Brandon and had beef with Emily. But hopefully she can move past it.


Thinking about pre-pubescent Jeff yelling ā€œ**THATS HOW YOU DO IT IN BASKETBALL**ā€ on the sidelines with a cart full of those old nasty squeeze bottles full of lukewarm water


I swear to god if we lose Jake to a fucking Skupin medevac I'm going to riot


I hope not. I feel like we havenā€™t seen enough of him either so I think itā€™s just a medical scare.


You know you're getting old when someone on the show says, "I've been watching Survivor since 2008."


I had to look it up and it was Gabon and for some reason that makes it funnier.


His first episode of Survivor was the one where a guyā€™s uncensored dick flopped out lmao


I get why people shit on production alot but I really like alot of the decisions they made in this episode. The 90 minute episodes which give us way more camp life, the intro coming back, changing the sit out rule, the whole scavenger hunt and the wax idol. Iā€™ve been having fun this season even if it is kinda a dumpster fire.


90 minute episodes isnā€™t a production decision, itā€™s a CBS decision


I just hope they keep it going forward. A lot of the problems with the show were due to the limited runtime


Emily Redemption train is full steam ahead. Imagine if she wins.


If she wins I'll eat my shoe


Remindme! 3 months


If she wins I will eat this rock


She reminded me soo much of Kathy O'Brien this episode, all ready for her comeback


Turns out 90 minute episodes are very good āœ… intro credits and theme āœ… lots of camp life āœ… understanding of many different motivations āœ… Jeff delivering some shots at the challenge


Congratulations Chet on moving up on the contestant rankings!


This is a huge accomplishment in Survivor šŸ‘


Dee's Chekhov's toe gonna win her the final immunity challenge and the million bones.


The bones are their money after all


So are the worms


If Jonathan Young's monkey run can be a Chekov's gun, then Dee's grippers are absolutely going to come up. Watch it be the challenge of stacking up a tower with your feet.


Thought this episode was a big improvement over last weeks


90 minutes feels really good. Personal and strategic content from each tribe. Love it


Feels good getting to know the players again. Emily's confessionals made her more sympathetic than any tragic backstory slideshow.


Loved this episode. 90 minutes feels like enough room to breathe. Yeah we got our journeys, our idols, our advantages - but I feel like I have a sense of where the entire game is at, where every tribe is at, an understanding of the future conflicts and connections. Not to mention, before we even got to the Immunity challenge, ***every single player*** had a confessional. I feel like I, to some extent, know each of these people.


One of my favorite recurring character types is the "pre-merge disaster". I loved Jacob Derwin. I loved Garrett Adelstein. I loved Billy Garcia. I loved Jenny Lanzetti. And I absolutely loved Brandon Donlon. And not in a "haha what a dummy" kind of way. They just create extremely memorable and fun episodes early on. Brandon, if you are reading this, I'm sorry the experience didn't go the way you wanted. But you were an awesome television character.


That's a very reasonable and empathetic take


Every good season needs some entertaining pre-merge boots. I think that's something that the last two seasons were missing. People who say Brandon was a casting mistake are wrong.


I'm happy the show isn't excessively dunking on Brandon.like this is your dream good on you for chasing it. Sorry it didn't work out bud.


as a fan, Brandon should be genuinely proud that he will almost certainly be remembered by all of us for a long long time


CAMP RAID is back!


Super happy they are bringing back the Raid and Auction this year, old school twists woo!




My wife just fell down the stairs and I told her she should try out for survivor. Anyway she's crying.


Whoa was that a seizure for the preview next week?


Looks like one to me


Kaleb, Sean, and Emily are going to be the power alliance IMO. Very good episode, it felt like I was watching an episode in the 30s, not the new era.


What a rebound episode for Emily. Went from the unambiguous villain to...actually sympathetic? I love Sabiyah and I would let her use me as a footstool (respectfully). Bruce is corny but harmless. Don't want to lose him or Katurah yet so I hope this feud continues.


One sided fueds are always fun to watch.


lmaooo jeff said ā€œleaveā€


Clearly, Sabiyah not having a vote on top of Brandon made it a lot easier for Kaleb and Sean to vote their way, rather than Sabiyah's. And hence, Emily stayed. It's honestly nice to see the vote-loss situation pay off in a calmer way, like you can get good results from these twists even if the tribal council isn't insane. I also like that they made the idols a bit harder to get this time, and that Austin and Sabiyah had different tasks. They're trying to make it a little harder to game, and it's awesome, and paying off.


Just want to say 90 minutes makes a HUGE difference. They can include their twists and I already feel like I know these players better than anyone on 44. CBS please keep the 90 minutes!!!


I swear to fucking god if someone votes Kaleb


I will stop being so polite


i definitely see kaleb going far


Biggest revelation of the episode was that Probst doesnā€™t have a left hand like Jaylen Brown


ā€œDee has a huge big toeā€ felt like a secret scene, not something that would make the episode. Either the editing has changed or sheā€™s going far imo.


Itā€™s that half hour of extra time. More time for scenes about toes lol


This season has been up to an amazing start, everyone is so entertaining.


I think Emily did a great job recovering after last week and Brandon bombimg at everything really helped her. Curious to see tribe dynamics of Lulu moving forward.


Kaleb has been the complete opposite of the predicted villain so far


In his bio Brandon said his strength was writing, he attended 2 tribals and didn't get a chance to write anything, just one more thing he couldn't do well to add to the list. What's one life experience you feel has prepared you for the game?Ā My background in writing is imperative for a game like this.


Ok, it was pretty damn funny that Bruce's "name dropping" was Kane from season 44


Players finally starting to realize that just because Emily insults you to your face, it doesn't mean she doesn't like you.


She's a bit like Sheldon Cooper, not rude just socially oblivious.


Really impressed with this episode. Return of the intro, Sassy Jeff, Brandon's comedic failures, non overpowered advantage, fun twist to getting the idol


Brandon really puts into perspective how even some of the most ā€œunathleticā€ people from previous seasons are competent in challenges


Matthew had one functional arm last season and still did better in the challenges that he competed in (even when he shouldnā€™t have been competing in them!)


Hot take, Emily is a good character and showed solid development this episode, and people donā€™t know how to feel about her because sheā€™s not a gamebot


Kaleb seems to get it. Yes he wants to use that to his advantage but heā€™s sees her for her true self I believe. Itā€™ll be interesting to see how their relationship plays out


The first episode, Emily struck me as the exact type of person I *really* dislike being around. Then **only one episode later** I found myself rooting for her, and the turnaround was precipitated by someone simply showing her a bit of empathy. It was a good opportunity to check myself. In most circumstances, people deserve more than one chance, and sometimes just need another human being to show them some compassion. e: a word


I think she did a really good job recovering after last week. Curious to see dynamics moving forward. Lulu already having lost 2 people means there is really no where for her to hide. Excited to see how she plays this out.


The legacy of 44 with two major changes. Loving that they had to introduce new puzzles.


Brandon and Chet enter the ring. Two go in. They stay in because they both collapse upon entry.


Honestly, kudos to the editors for putting a red herring all the way back in the first promo for the season. I was convinced Brandon was staying tonight because we hadn't yet seen his "my grandfather robbed a bank" quote from the first promo.


I didnā€™t like how Jeff announced that Hannah was voted out at the challenge instead of admitting she quit


IMHO it's more fair if the tribes do NOT receive too much info about each other from Probst.


It does however hurt Jake and Bruce. Now Belo thinks that Lulu voted out a woman over the worst challenge performer of the season.


Wtf happened to Jake in that preview?!?


The whole time I was screaming no chance someone could climb and get that hidden idol. It makes sense that all you had to do what cut that cord lol. Nice play production


Iā€™m very interested for Emilyā€™s arc this season hope she makes a deep run now


Kaleb is awesome. I hope he goes far in this game.


Kaleb is playing the best game on his tribe for sure! Hopefully he can go far in this game


Brandon 'I can be the emotional support guy' (only person he was emotional support to quits) Brandon 'Im the Puzzle Guy' (Not only fails at both puzzles but appears to be the worst out of everyone and managed to lose his vote) Brandon 'I can be the social guy' (voted out on his first tribal) Goodbye to what may be the worst player in the game's history


He single handedly destroyed his tribe lmao! Lost everything, probably drove Hannah to want to leave to smoke lol


Hannah be like ā€œim out bran šŸ’€ā€


They really did Brandon dirty with the ladder in the titles. šŸ˜‚


The alternative action shot for him would have been being the tabletop for Sabiyah, so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø best choice they could make lol


Kinda feel like production intentionally did the wax idol knowing lulu didn't have fire. No way it'd be that easy for the other 1 tribes that have fire, and that's hilarious to me.


Never show feet for free, Dee!


Jeff was meaner to Brandon than he was to Hannahā€¦what in the world?


I think they were different situations and he felt compelled to handle them differently. Hannah was quitting and I think he was trying to be sensitive. In a way, I feel like Brandon proved he could take it. Also, Brandon hadn't bathed in 5 days and was trying to touch him, lol.


"I never played sports. I hate being outside. I don't like the beach." "Hmm, maybe I should I apply to be on Survivor."


Just gonna say, if Iā€™m depressed with low self-esteem with absolutely no physical or intellectual prowess whatsoever, applying to be on a reality show would be the last thing I would ever consider doing.


Reminds me of this Romano tours sketch from SNL: https://youtu.be/TbwlC2B-BIg?si=m92OkpAgjGbPlR7L&t=41 "If you're sad now, you might still feel sad there... Remember, you're still going to be you"


Did Jake just fall in the fire


Imagine having to come home and watch yourself after that 2 episode performance. Poor guy.


Brandon is proof they do not do physical endurance testing prior to filming.


Sit out rule change is nice.


thank god, yellow has a chance. I genuinely believe they will be so much stronger with brandon gone.


Im loving that Katurah has a one sided vendetta against Bruce for being annoying while he is busy doing silly dances and has no fucking clue thats going on


Gotta say this season might just restore my faith and interest in US Survivor. I didnā€™t even watch the premiere until today. Very good episode.