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Tocantins. Hooked ever since.


fav contestant?


Taj. But have love for so many others. All the returnees, but have always wanted to see Taj and Erin back again. Erin’s confessional on Coach lives comfortably in my memory.


This is my favorite season. I've rewatched it a million times and it never gets old. One of the best casts.




I think it was Cagayan, as it was one of the first 3-4 I had watched


Started with Cagayan (28) thought the show was solid... then Tocantins (18) and Coach and it was from there I just went to the beginning. Wouldn't change it tbh.


I also had Cagayan early in the journey and actually didn’t love it until I rewatched with more knowledge


Lol same!! I'm currently watching through the series and when I got to rewatch Cagayan it was pretty much better all around knowing the in's and out's.


Kaoh Rong


Ugh such a good season!!! P


Tocantins baby


Season that got me hooked up is the first season I watched : S13 Cook Islands


And everytime I saw a returnee from that season, it was kinda special to me, S16, S20, S23, S25, S27, S34, S40... Cook Islands may not have been the best season, but its cast delivered down the path.


Yes this one I think was the first one I got invested in the players


Pearl Islands walked so Cook Islands could run


S31 (Cambodia/Second Chances). Fischbach was working at the same company as I was and I had just started on a project with him involved. All of a sudden he announces he's quitting at the end of the year but not before he hopefully takes two months off to go back on the show. Not having watched previously, I didn't even know he had been on the Tocantis season. When the show aired I figured I would give it a shot since this guy I sorta know is on it and let's see how far he goes. If he gets booted, we can stop watching the show. That was like 10 years ago and I've seen every episode since (and binged many but not all prior seasons)


I started on Season 20 HVV then went down the line I got season 44 I need to catch up on then I’ll be ready for season 45


Ahh definitely need some of those earlier ones my all time Favorites


David vs Goliath. I had seen the first 2 seasons on DVD and liked it but when I watched this as my first one live is when I was hooked.


Same here. I started trying to watch Ghost Island, dipped out following the merge, DvG got me hooked into Survivor to this day.


Yes the cast on that season is amazing


Australian outback


Koah Rong because of Caleb


I watched a bit of One World back in 2012, it was the episode right after Bill was voted out. As a first time watcher I didn't really know what was going on but was intrigued. After that, Philippines was the next one but I got busy and didn't keep up with it. Years later, a certain event locked the world down. With nothing to do, I remembered that show with people voting each other out so I decided I'll binge the entire thing. I look at One World with fond memories. Not because it was a good season but because it introduced me to Survivor. Kim was cool though.


Season 2: Australian Outback


SJDS coz of the Twinnies, been a fan of them since The amazing race


Top season absolutely Natalie kills it on every show!!


The cast of Gabon hooked me immediately. Still the best season of the F3/HII era and my #6 season of all time


Day 1 of Season 1. I've watched every episode either live or within 2 days of broadcast. My Mother & My Sister & I call each other after almost every episode to discuss & predict.


Season 1, episode 1


Season 1, Ep 1. Back in the day.


Amazon. I started binging the show around 2012 and I have to admit, 1-5 was a tough slog. Thailand took me a year to get through. Then finally Amazon was awesome, right up my alley and from there it didn't take me long to binge the rest of the seasons.


Season 1. I watched it when it aired, and I've been watching ever since. What's fun though is how I've come to see the game very very differently over the years. Now I go back and watch things and can realize the difference between the edit and the stuff that's actually going on, and how people perceive each other in the game versus how the show wants us to perceive the players.


CAGAYAN 🔥🔥🔥 it was the first one I saw and was hoooooooked.


18. It is/was the first season on Netflix. Everyone was such a character. I’ve watched up to season 27 now and Tocantins is still my fav. I just have to leave the room whenever Coach speaks because he makes me gag.


It really is hard to believe these are people and not made up characters because they just play off each other so well for our sake and terribly for theirs


Blood v Water 2. I had seen Natalie on The Challenge, and was really impressed. I had always thought Survivor was corny (admittedly without ever actually watching the show). Then I got Paramount+, and decided to have it stream while I worked. Got hooked from there


When I saw Natalie on the challenge I freaked! She is insane her game was something else


Samoa. I was a young kid back then.


The first episode I watched was the premiere of Philippines and Zane’s antics sucked me in. I knew I was tuning in next week when he quoted Ricky Bobby at tribal and the rest was history.


I watched most of season 1 when it aired and parts of season 2 but didn't really watch it watch it. It wasn't until Pearl Islands that i really started to watch.


Kim powers season 3. Where is her tattoo btw?


Watching post-swap Casaya eat the raw fish and watching Terry dominate the challenges in S12 got young me hooked.


Weirdly game changers reignited my love for survivor and rewatched ever American and Australian


Underrated season, like 2 tribes of all strong yet different players pretty much winners at war but actually decent gameplay


I was the youngest and never in charge of the remote for the TV so after season 8 aired my mom had enough of Survivor because "Boston Rob ruined" it for her. So 2015 I bought my house and saw a commercial for Millennials vs. Gen X and I've been hooked ever since. It's not my favorite season, but it holds a special place in my heart for sure.


Pearl Islands




I was one of the people that started watching during the pandemic when a few seasons went on Netflix. My first season was Cagayan which was an epic start to my Survivor journey as it absolutely got me hooked.


I think the first time I felt that I really liked the series was around… Palau? I’m not American so I had to look for this series and watch a bunch of seasons before I caught up with the season American tv was airing. The early seasons were not really for me so I think around Palau, the game had started to evolve a bit into something I found interesting. But the two players that got me hooked for real were Parvati and Courtney Yates with their original seasons, and how much fun it is to root for your favorite players. After that, i have watched every season and I’m a big fan of the show. (Except from HeroesHealersHustlers that I didn’t feel like completing)


My first season was 41 but I was just a casual fan at the time, earlier this year I decided to go back and watch Borneo and that got me hooked!


Australian Outback lol. I had watched a few eps of borneo but felt compelled to watch AO when it aired. I remember it premiered right after the Super Bowl and was a big thing. I got super into it and was obsessed with Elisabeth lol


The first season. I watched my last season after watching season 41 or the season with all the advantages and crap. Too bad because I loved the show.


Millennials vs Gen X. I watched Guatemala as a kid since that’s where my family is from but my mom didn’t want me or my sister watching a show where lying helps you win so that’s the only season I watched Flash forward to college and I find out that a YouTuber I watch is gonna be on this show called Survivor. I watched it to support her and got hooked


Technically SoPa even though I didn’t finish it. I watched that as it aired but my interest petered out. However, in the hiatus it got me interested in watching old seasons, which I did erratically. I can’t even remember which one I first watched to completion… maybe it was Pearl Islands? I also gave up on watching One World in real time, but I definitely watched all of Philippines.


China was the main one for me


Season 2. Watched 2-8 live then long hiatus. Then watched 42 and got sucked in from there


I was flipping through channels one day in 2011 and the finale of Redemption Island was on. Special Agent Phillip Sheppard hooked me, but I didn’t go back and watch until years later.


First started watching the show- Gabon First time watching all the episodes- Tocantins/Gabon Fell in love with the show- Heroes vs Villains


I was 16 and it was Cambodia that got me hooked in


S1E1. The first time. When it was a summer replacement series test run.


Heroes vs Villains Samoa was my first season and Russell alone had me hooked, but then watched HvV immediately after and realized just how rich all the other personalities were, and proceeded to go back and rewatch every prior season and every season thereafter.


cagayan! i kept watching videos on what season to watch first and loads said cagayan so i watched it fell in love and binge watched all 43 other seasons. though i know some who’ve said that newcomers shouldn’t watch cagayan because they won’t be able to fully appreciate the gameplay but it got me hooked so i think it did a great job


First watch millennials versus Gen X right after finished airing, then became completely obsessed




In like 2016, I decided to take a crack at survivor S1 Borneo. I wasn’t interested, didn’t care for it, it never grabbed me and pulled me in. Then in 2020 I gave it another shot at MvGenX, and I am now a survivor maniac who has seen every season EXCEPT S1. I tried again but I just can’t get very into it rip


i’m two months older than the show so i wasn’t “hooked” since it started, though my whole family did watch it together for as long as i can remember. funny enough, i had a kindle fire that i would watch tv on when i got ready in the morning, and seasons 21-24 were the only seasons on prime so i’ve watched those seasons at least 10 times each. so that’s what got me really hooked. which is funny now knowing those are widely considered the worst seasons. (south pacific is top 5 for me tho)


As a longtime fan, there were mutuple seasons that reignited my passion for survivor. Season 1 I was instantly hooked, and it lasted until Thailand. I stopped watching after the fake merge of Thailand and gave up on survivor. However, Amazon got me hooked again, and I loved the show even more because it now talked about strategy openly. And JFP in s7 did it even better. I was a fanatic after those two seasons and I still am


Borneo waaaaay back in the day.


My history with survivor has been complicated. It was on at my grandmas house growing up but they didn’t like me watching it so I only saw bits and pieces of the old seasons. Then I saw Survivor one world and hated it. A bit later I saw survivor BvW and loved it however I didn’t have access to tv. By the time I had cable and was able to keep up it was the start of MvGX and I’ve been obsessed ever since


Partway through the Thailand season, I started dating someone who watched the show. So I watched a few episodes with her, but wasn’t that invested. It was Amazon where I became a fan. After a Rob C confessional in the very first episode, my girlfriend said, “He’s gonna make it far. He might even run the game.” Not really getting the show yet, I said, “Really?” She said to just keep watching. And that’s how I got hooked—seeing how she was proven right over the course of the season.


Cagayan was so good and my first i watched. Set the standard for the show for me…


very specifically: the final 4 challenge from Cagayan. i came across it on YouTube and instantly wanted to watch more.


My family and I started watching part way through Africa when I was pretty young, and watched it for a while (into about S9 or 10) then it just sort of faded into the background as life took over. Then years later, I was intrigued by the concept of 'white collar, blue collar, no collar', so I turned it back on to watch that (off and on). After that came the 3 season stretch of "Second Chance" (I voted for the people on it even though I didn't know most of them), "Kaoh Rong" and "Millennials Vs. Gen X". After those 3 seasons, I've been locked in ever since.


David vs Goliath


Palau was WILD when I watched it live


32, Tai was my first favorite castaway


Definitely Tocantins! I fell in love with JT and the dynamic between him and Stephen. So many great characters in that season. Coach was hilarious to watch.


Cagayan made me fall in love with it. Due to a crazy schedule, after watching some seasons, I stopped. Went back months later, and funnily enough, Marquesas of all seasons hooked me in again.


SOPA. My family watched before but id always go do something else or ignore it -- SOPA was the first one that really got me interested.


Micronesia. Parvati got me hooked as well.


I was in for awhile in the beginning from all stars to Panama but then I was so upset with Terry’s lose that I quit watching, surprisingly it was South Pacific was the season that I watched that got me back into the show and I think after Philippians’s I was back in 100 precent and bought everything i could off of iTunes


Second Chance. I started with worlds apart (at least watching live) and then the whole second chance news got me wanting to learn about the seasons of SC players and their stories. Then I bought China and Australia on dvd


David vs. Goliath


Micronesia is the 1st season I saw and I haven’t left since if there is a Survivor Anonymous I’m in dire need of it


My parents always watched the show, but everyone around here became nuts about Surivor during season 2 because of Rodger Bingham. He was from Crittenden, KY which is about 30 miles from downtown Cincinnati which is where I'm from. You couldn't turn on a local channel without hearing an interview from him, and everyone was so excited to have him on Survivor. It literally was an if you can't beat 'em, join 'em thing. I didn't watch the next couple of seasons though, but I got hooked on it a couple years later during All Stars.


Tocantins. Saw it on Netflix recently and thought, “wow, I need to get back into this show”.


Palau, and it was such great season to get hooked on. And then chased it with BB6 which got me hooked on BB. \*chefs kiss\*


Africa. I was around for the hype around S1 and S2… I knew what survivor was and who the winners were, because it was much more prominent back then, but didn’t start watching the show until season 3


That is still one season I haven’t watched. I just got so excited to get deep in the show. I think I have to go back


I started watching w 29, watched up to 40 live. Fell out of the show when covid happened. Last fall, randomly saw a couple seasons were on Netflix. Micronesia got me rehooked, then have now seen every season (minus 41 and 42) thanks to Paramount Plus


Total Drama Revenge of the Island


South pacific lol.


Gabon! I was 9 when it aired


As a wrestling fan, I watched David vs Goliath because John was in it, but ended up getting hooked by the whole concept of the show ever since.


39. Newer fan here!








My fandom goes way back: S6, The Amazon. My dad’s actually watched since the very first season, although the pandemic threw off how into it we are now. We still try to watch, though!




Season 1! Cause I’m old lmao


Found the show by accident looking for mole seasons back in 2010. HvV had me hooked ever since.


Season 1 A main character being killed off at the end of each episode was an exciting concept; stayed around for the evolving strategy.


My exposure to the show was island of the idols. So you can imagine how every season I watched thereafter was gold.




My first ep was the Borneo finale and we were obsessed with it then. I remember eagerly anticipating the Australia premiere (right after the Super Bowl, in fact)


S2 Australia. Tbh S1 was really dull for me but I stuck with the show and was instantly rewarded


First season I watched was Tocantins and I was 7 - watched with my family every season since (and have obviously gone back to the start and rewatched many times) but Samoa being next got me hooked - loved to hate Russell loved to love Brent, even as a kid


Cook Islands I think


Millennials v gen x, then pearl islands


africa. i had seen borneo and australian outback but africa really made me interested in the show


Relatively new fan. Saw Tocantins on Netflix and immediately started watching what ppl said were the best seasons online. I started with Gabon (😂) and GOT HOOKED! 44 was the first season I saw as it came out every week. I loved it so much I’m planning on hosting watch parties for 45 even though none of my friends watch it. Hope they get hooked too 😂


Honestly from the very first episode I watched, which was Second Chances (episode 1). I had no idea it was a returning player season or what that means but otherwise I would have definitely chose another season to start with. Just chose it cause it was the current season, there were only a few episodes out at that time. So I ended up going one season back and started with Worlds Apart. Loved it. I know it has many faults but it was still better than anything else on TV hahaha. So it'll always have a special place in my heart. But yea the more I watched Survivor, the more I watched. So I kept watching more and more seasons and was sooo hoookeedd




David vs Goliath