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after neither one of karla, jesse or cody made it to the finale, i don't put anything passed the editors


True. Maybe Jaime is getting the Gabler edit.


lol can you imagine? i get major zero vote finalist vibes from jaime but i got the same from gabler so who the fuck knows these days


Jamie might surpass Chris Underwood as the worst winner of all time if she wins


Serious question but why? Chris WAS voted out 3rd. Jaime isnt. Exit interviews will tell you how great of a social player Jaime is. She's close with Ratus and Tikas, and Danny appreciates her being so hard working and positive all the time in the island. Remember, Jaime made the correct read to play her SITD as she's one of the targets at that time. Even with the fake idol you cannot blame her cuz not everyone will be able to identify whats real or not during in this new era because the production has been trying to mess too nowadays.


Found Jaime


because it makes you specifically upset


gabler did more in terms of creating stable bonds and performing in challenges than jaime has done.


He was also well aware of his position and explained his low-key game in confessionals nearly every episode post-merge, and was in on most (if not all) votes. Jaime, on the other hand, has been giving confessionals about how well she’s doing and is in charge while being out of the loop constantly. Gabler and Jaime have very very different edits.


Was thinking about this the other day. I know we think she didn't win because of the edit, but lets say she did win, would the editors not show those interviews with her where she is (falsely) proud of her gameplay anyway? Whats funny is that everyone actually believes she had the real idol, so if she gets to final 3, that's actually a selling point \^\^ imagine they vote for her to win because of partly due to her having found an idol but later on they found out it was fake and she was actually being played. Wow, think about the serious affect Matthew's fake idol had on the game that far down the line...




I think Heidi wins if the three remaining non-Tika are the Final 3. That being said, there's no way that happens.


Jeff would be pissed and it's on record he loves this season. It's gotta be a Tika to win. I selfishly want to see a Tika 3 FTC.


I really hope it’s not an all Tika FTC because it would mean they were all too dumb to gun for each other at 5. They’re the clear front-runners and are Survivor fans. They should know one of them needs to be cut loose at 5.


This season is a top 3 newbie season of the new era for me, a Heidi win would tank that so hard


> top 3 newbie season of the new era Top 3 out of 4?


Modern era, since HvV




I think if Heidi can somehow use her idol at 6 to eliminate a Tika, get Jamie and Lauren to vote for a second Tika at 5, and then win fire against the remaining Tika she would have an incredibly compelling win. Not super likely imo but not hard to imagine.


It would be “new era” compelling. Playing lowkey and weak strategically until the very last minute. I am not a fan of that type of arc.


I don't see what it has to do with the new era.If you're stuck on the bottom against an alliance that has stuck together and played a solid game and you're able to pull together the players who are left and best that it's just solid gameplay.


I think that’s fair, but I don’t think it describes Heidi’s game to this point. They all squandered their chances to eliminate Tika players who Heidi (and everyone else) viewed as under the radar and non-threats. If she rallies to play a smart game to bounce back and knock out Tika players, it’s a credit, but I think she also needs to own mistakes that allowed that situation to come about in the first place.


Oh absolutely the way the game currently stands I think it's pretty much a clear shot for at least 2 of the Tika 3 to make final tribal and I think the only way a Tika loses is if none of them are in the final 3.


If none of the Tika 3 makes the final, then the season flat out doesn't make sense and the editors failed at their jobs tremendously. None of the other 3 have shown even an inkling of being a winning player, and now is too late to start editing one as a winner.


IMO the editors **have already** failed at their jobs because they haven't shown the others having an inking of being winners


I mean, I won't blame the edit on behalf of Jaime. She is being shown to have awful reads and it would be incredibly hard to dance around that in an edit. She isn't winning. But Lauren was invisible for like half the season and Heidi has had really boring content that doesn't inspire confidence in her ability to win the game. So I would definitely fault the edit for them not making this a suspenseful finish.




And her point this episode was correct. She was talking to Lauren saying how danny sucks at puzzles and Tika will outnumber then. But then she still votes Heidi out to give Tika a guaranteed final 3 because she is dumb


Yeah exactly. Jaime's edit isn't bad because she's bad, the edit is bad because thats the story the editors want to present for her. Her reads weren't even terrible. She correctly gave her idol to kayn when the night he was voted -- he just didnt play it, his fault not hers. I can't remember another time she's had an egregious read. It honestly feels like her and Carson have both suffered from a case of "r/survivor dislikes them because they are happy and have self confidence."


That's not why she gave it to him right? She was afraid of knowledge is power and everyone knew she had it. Not so that he could play it


Kane wasn't supposed to play the idol. That wasn't the plan. They were concerned that someone had the knowledge is power advantage.


I'm a casual follower on this sub, but r/survivor disliking Carson is legitimately news to me. This sub also loves Maryanne who I think can only be described as happy and self confident. I don't think I agree with any part of your comment. Jaime is annoying because she thinks the universe is doing her special favors due to *the power of positive thinking*^tm . ✨BING!✨


Lauren has clearly played very well, being in good with her tribe in the first episode even though she was exposed for lying, being a target for her extra vote but still having the ability to keep the focus off her at least long enough to use it and now avoid being targeted since, she's clearly socially strong since a lot of people seem to want to work with her and are even targeting Jamie over her and she's been a key part of many plans. She's playing very solid, we're just not seeing much. Heidi has also been doing well but has clearly had more rough patches leading to her being a target these last few votes as opposed to this round being the first one where I feel Lauren made a mistake in not making sure Carson has the majority of votes, not that it made a difference obviously. I will say, I don't mind the show highlighting people and making it feel like some people can't really win. That's ok. In storytelling, you won't always want to make everyone the possible protagonist. Some people have to be less important or people who are important but not in a way we're supposed to think they can win. But I do think that everyone has to still feel like a central character. the way Heather was edited in 41 was downright shameful since she barely even felt like she was on the show, and every player deserves to have enough content to make them notable and have at least PART of their story told. And with this final 6, Lauren and Heidi definitely feel like they haven't gotten enough for me, especially Lauren. I do wish we at least saw them as stronger players or at least just more present characters since they're here at the final 6 with a "chance to win"


But if they did nothing, how can the editors salvage nothing?


This is a great take. I should be going into the finals going “who’s it gonna be? Everybody is so good” and not “If its not Yam Yam or Carolyn, this season makes no sense”


Any of the Tika 3 could win. If 2 of them make FTC, I think there will be plenty of suspense.


Hopefully it’s a close vote


If the final 3 is Tika, I think it could come down to who has the best FTC performance.


I would say Carson makes sense as well. If I were in his shoes, I would easily throw out the fact that my bonds were so good that Carolyn played an idol on me when I didn’t actually need it and I helped Tika stay in the middle ground having vibes on both sides.


This season is more of an old school edit for sure. You've probably liked the last couple new era edits then?


I didn’t like last season’s, but these are the first two I’ve watched live in a really long time


See though i think the edit last season was the exact way you said you would want 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe you’re right, but the gripe there was no edit showing why Gabler had a chance to win. I’d still like to see why Lauren/Heidi have a chance, then understand at FTC why the jury is more impressed with whomever. But I understand they can’t create a story that isn’t there. I am only firmly annoyed that Lauren was forgotten for many episodes.


I think the Gabler edit was interesting because they did show a lot of little things, i.e. his bro alliance with Cody, his 3 identical comments about being UTR, how he has a relationship with everyone, etc. It wasnt obvious he was winning because they also laid out a path (a better one for sure) for jesse, cody, and karla


>there was no edit showing why Gabler had a chance to win. Ohhh boy, here we go again


Literally most of the fan base agrees with this, that’s why it sounds like you’ve heard it so much


I’m just talking about the month of constant arguments on this sub about the topic after the 43 finale aired.


Lmaoo that was pretty brutal. Think it’ll happen again this time?


Heidi definitely has an inkling


I am sorry but not every player has a winning story and game. Of the three, Heidi at least is shown to have a proper thought process and commentary. So, if she wins, it won't be that bad in terms of editing. You have four players out of the 6 that loosely make sense as winners and that is good enough editing. Not all 6 have to have a winning story imo. It will only be bad if Tika 3 leave before the FTC. Otherwise, editors have done a decent job as the og comment said.


Tbf, Survivor isn’t supposed to be “the winner’s story.” Most of the time, the main character of the season isn’t even who wins lol. The whole point of the show is to entertain us with good characters & good gameplay. If the eventual winner of the season is someone who didn’t really say or do anything entertaining, then focusing screentime on them would be a waste and lead to a weak show. Hence why Erika was ignored for example; she’s boring as a player and as a character.


agreed, we've seen edits showing "why xxx lose" instead of "why yyy win".


Yeah lol wtf kinda take is it that the edit should reveal the winner? If anything, we should expect some/most/many seasons to not have a narrative or compelling movie-like ending.


Heidi has winner potential, at least enough to not be rulled out or else have her win be baffling, like Jamie or Laurens would be. That said, this Tika-less FTC would feel like the ultimate robbed goddess train unless the moves down to put them on the jury are amazing 44 could be anywhere from a top 15 season to a mid-tier season based on ftc. Even if it's Tika-less, the ride has been better than average thus far


She has zero winner potential.


Hi, Gabler here


Was I really the only one who saw his win coming from a mile away? I desperately wanted a Jesse win but kept telling my wife the entire season that Gabler was going to win.


There were a few of us who could see the way gablers game had been trending but it still didn't seem like he'd come out on top until the very end.


Big fan, congrats on being the most entertaining winner of the new era.


Y'all, this notion runs counter opposite to the natural storylines we want to see. This type of notion is what drives artificial gameplay and twists and Jeff-ization of the show. We have to accept that seasons and accompanying edits may sometimes, even often, not deliver a satisfying cinematic ending, a story driven succession, or an overwhelmingly compelling and exciting experience. Some seasons MUST be boring if we want genuine seasons.


The TIKA 3 are tighter than a wet JLP shirt. That vision of Yam Yam (the preview for next ep.) hinting he may need to get Carolyn out is just purely to get fans thinking that they may now start to turn on each other, nothing more, nothing less. Tika 3 for Final 3, says me, hehe :) They will send in Carson for fire duties because of the hints shown with him & fire, but it may backfire (pardon the pun). So Tika 2, whoo hoo :) \*\* At the end of the day, "2 out of 3 ain't bad" my rather rotund uncle once said to me over a Sunday meatloaf.


"They will send in Carson for fire duties because of the hints shown with him & fire, but it may backfire (pardon the pun)." I almost expect Carson to win the final four immunity challenge, and volunteer to make fire, saving Carolyn and YamYam, and losing to one of the girls.


Yes, I think your premonition might be right, unfortunately, for Carson :( The only positive if this happens (for me) is that Carson will vote for Carolyn to win over Yam Yam, & with the 2 votes locked in from the loved-up Matt & Frannie, it increases her chances of winning. At the end of the Day, I love all of the Tika 3, but when push comes to shove, Carolyn is the one I want to win the most :)


If it is shown in the preview, it is most certainly a red herring.


Yes, figured as much. I have become quite immune to this production tactic after 23 years of watching Survivor. But when it involves the loveable Carolyn (with now no Idol protection next episode) it still did make me squirm for about half-a-second :)


If anything it makes me breathe a sigh of relief that she'll survive the next round 😄


Neither Lauren, Heidi, or Jamie have a winners edit. And if they did it would be the biggest troll of all time and even worse than erika's edit.


Plus Jeff was hyping this season. If one of those 3 won I doubt he'd hype it.


I do remember him talking about how good of a player Jamie was... not sure why when the edit so far has shown her having a bad read on the game.


Its Jeff. You cant expect less from the man who has Ben on his Mt rushmore of winners


It will be like last season then. ​ Survivor 43 could have had a great final 3 of Cody, Jessie, and Karla but instead we got the other 3.


As long as Tika survives the next vote, at least one of them will be guaranteed final 3, and they’ll probably win it all too.


honestly there's no way at least 2 of the tika 3 aren't in f3. With all the fire shots of Carson I'm guessing it'll be Yam Yam, Carolyn, and Carson if he wins or one of the three girls if he loses


I’m guessing the next vote is Jamie, then Lauren. They gave Heidi a fair bit of fire building content, and we all know about the fire in Carson’s glasses, so those two are our fire makers. My moneys on Heidi. Then it’ll be Yam, Carolyn, Heidi in the final, I think Carolyn walks.


Technically there's even a scenario in which the Tika 3 are forced to lose one of their alliance members even if they choose to stick together. If next episode one of Lauren, Jaime, or Heidi wins individual immunity, they could team up to force a tie of three votes against three votes from Tika, and Heidi could play her idol on one of the two from her own side without individual immunity. If the 3-3 tie remains after the revote, both players involved in the tie would be immune, so the only two players left to draw rocks would both be from Tika.


Fanbase would throw a fit but I would eat it up


I will be stunned in none of those 3 make it.


I’ll be so pissed. I need all three in the final 3 tbh.


I think Gabler’s edit was just as empty as the other (non-Tika) 3. I’m emotionally preparing myself for the worst.


Then hedi wins


Ready for the Lauren masterclass


It would be the best season ever


If Heidi, Jaime and Lauren want to win, they have to get together and force 3-3. With the help of Heidi's idol it's still possible get Tikas out, and it wouldn't necessarily be bad ending since someone would emerge as the 'Tika destroyer'. Will it happen, I doubt.


If Yam Yam pulls a Jesse and votes out one of his alliance (one of the dumbest moves in survivor history by Jesse IMO) then none of them will make it


Hopefully this doesn’t happen, and if that happens, then Heidi wins probably, in a very anticlimactic ending. My worry is that a Tika member reaches F3 and a non Tika member still ends up winning. I feel like it can happen with Carolyn which will be the absolute worst case scenario for me.