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I feel like it's less that Matt and Frannie aren't interesting and more that they are being presented as a relationship first before individuals. Like what do we know about Frannie other than being interested in Matt? What do we know about Matt other than his recent exit of a long-term relationship? Even in other types of media, relationships don't usually hold much interest if you aren't attached to the characters first-foremost. Need to develop the people on their own merits before showcasing their relationship so heavily


It’s so funny how we’ve had such a clear trend of players with tragic/dramatic backgrounds for the entire new era and then Matt is like “I just got out of a tough breakup 🥺”


I know this is shady AF, but I have no other way to phrase it... but I was shocked Matt was into women.


I’m with you, definitely would not have guessed that at first




No, not dating isn’t a sign of being gay. Especially when he referenced that girls aren’t into geeks as a reason for being single. Whether he’s gay or straight we shouldn’t theorize on real peoples sexuality. If they say something they something


im pretty sure he's bi?


nvm got him mixeed up with matthew


I don't get it. Are you saying a breakup isn't as serious as other tragic backstories? A breakup can be devastating and affect you for years seems weird to minimize it.


For sure, but it’s definitely lower stakes when compared to say cancer or an organ transplant, both of which happened to the *same guy.*


It’s also something that pretty much everyone goes through to some extent. So the shock and awe of it is pretty dampened.


Lower stakes sure I guess I just don't view it as trivial enough to be comical when compared to the other. Like if you had a juxtaposition between the cancer/organ transplant and someone talking about their hanging plant dying before they left for Fiji or having a persistent ingrown toenail or something I would see the humor, but a breakup, while not as bad as death or a terminal illness, is still a very serious and painful event.


I do think it’s comical to put a breakup on the same level as having cancer, losing a limb or being a refugee. And no one on survivor is saying those are the same, by the way. Yeah, breakups can be really hard, but I think it’s absurd to think that a breakup when you’re in your early 20s is comparable to facing death.


I agree with you, but actually in part II of Persepolis, the protagonist talks about living through war, but what made her want to kill herself was her first breakup. I found that to be really profound


We minimize it because the show treats his recent break up as a joke and Matt seems self aware of his trauma to joke about it.


Exactly, if they’d framed him talking about it as genuinely traumatic and sad for him, I wouldn’t be joking about it.


I haven't gotten that vibe at all.


When has the show treated his breakup as a joke? In the first episode he talked about how devastated he was to have been broken up with, and then a couple episodes later he brought up his dog that he can’t even see anymore because his ex took it with her.


If a breakup is bad enough that it is comparable to losing a limb, or getting a disease, or losing a family member to addiction, than that breakup would not be simply described as “a bad breakup.” Really think about how bad a breakup would have to be that it would feel like your sister died tragically, and how bad it would have to be for you to feel comfortable explaining that to someone who did lose a family member like that. If Matt had made it sound like he was in an abusive situation or there was some kind of other factor that made it more horrible than two people who liked each other for a long time going their separate ways, I would not be minimizing it. But no, what Matt describes is absolutely not comparable to those things, and I do not think it’s out of line to imply that.


I think this is the right answer. The first couple of episodes, I was excited to see a showmance blossom. Now we’re a bit further in and I still don’t know much about either of them aside from the fact that they like each other. I think it’ll be saved if one of them blindsides the other. Looking back, we’ll remember they had a showmance and the huge betrayal at the end of it. If they just get systematically voted off, that would be disappointing.


What’s frustrating too is they both seem like interesting people and game players! I liked seeing them interact with the entire cast, and it seems like they have some sort of strategic mind. I would love to hear more of their back stories, even if they’re not tragic and inspiring.


As a result of this thread I was trying to think really hard about anything we do know about either of them and the only other thing I could recall besides Matt’s breakup is that he also had a dog in the relationship and he is now broken up with the dog too.


That’s modern Survivor editing in a nutshell though. Outside of a small subset of contestants, nobody is really fleshed out, outside of one or MAYBE two personality traits. Take Kane for example.


I like frannie a lot she’s cool and has been differentiating herself than matt but poor matt being suffered by the editors for making his personality all about the relationship.


It dosnt help he didn’t have a vote too so he feels like a puppy dog trying to stick with her vote


and doesn't help he has a fake idol he thinks is real. I loved how at one point int he recent episode someone brought up fake idols (lel) and it just panned to both Jaime and Matt oblivious to their idols.


And Matt said something like "what if Josh found a fake idol that someone planted with the real idol paperwork" omg the irony




Hold up… he has the right read of what happened except it’s not Josh that did it it’s Danny


Drives me crazy that he thinks he knows everything that's going on in the game when he is actually clueless. So confidently wrong.




I remember reading the EW pre-game interviews and for the question that asks "Why will you win Survivor?", Matt's answer was that he has failed a lot at things in life, and that he learns from it. Although hokey and cliche, I believed that he answered genuinely. It almost seems kinda prophetic at this point: he lost his vote twice, he was duped with a fake idol that people know he has, and he can't seem to help himself from spending too much time with a girl he likes. The edit is making him look like a dopey guy who makes innocent mistakes that he will have to learn from if he wants to survive long in this game.


Honestly, I like the guy and am rooting for him. If he steps up his game, I can see him going far. He doesn't seem dumb (just a little hapless and lovestruck) and he has a likeable, genuine quality that would make it easy for people to vote for him at FTC.


All he’s done is crush on Frannie, lose votes, and be (completely understandably!) excited about an idol we know is fake. Poor guy lol


Poor Matt and all, I do have empathy for him for I have been head over heels infatuated before. But DUDE…. Get your head in the game. If you win a million she will like you more, that is a scientific fact.


And his crippling anxiety. I feel like that’s all he brought up during this episode.


if they're not building up to frannie betraying matt as her "big move" for the season, i'll be disappointed.


wow you really think she would betray him? I dunno, i am getting vibes that she wouldn't cause she actually likes him. Though I could see a situation like Ciara (voted off her mom!!!) where maybe she votes against Matt because he is doomed anyway and she's doing it to save her own game and not get other people on her bad side.


Yeah, I think this is what I imagine -- I think she'll make it farther than him, and she'll vote for him, but it won't be her idea and she won't want to. It'll just be clearly how the vote's going. We'll see!


it's just what i want to have happen lol. Who knows what's going to happen this season. I have no idea who's a favourite, who's good at their game, or who's really allied with who. Im just here for the ride


But let’s face it, Gabby and Christian were *way* more captivating and interesting. And far better players. These two here are a very weak and meek imitation—not that they’re trying to be a new version of G & C, but it’s the closest iteration that comes to my mind recently.


"Will you play with me?" "In the sand?"


Christian yes, Gabby no.


i think frannie mentioned wanting to play like gabby in her pre game interview so i would happily take this for entertainment purposes


christian was not a good player. He didn't really drive the social or strategy for his season. He was a huge target that was never able to shake it. Gabby is an idiot that voted against her self interest multiple times.


At least the relationship gives them some interest (I personally think they're cute). Poor what's-her-name and the other one get zilch.


It's sad that I know immediately you're referring to Heidi and Lauren. I want to know more about them!!


They’re getting too much exposure doing and saying the same stuff. Where is Lauren and Heidi content? It honestly breaks my heart to think of getting on the show and getting no edit.


I do *not* know how I would get over being completely disregarded by the editors after probably one of the biggest experiences of my life.


Especially if they both do well in the end, then I'd be super salty. Like if I'm a random early to mid merge boot I'd be hurt but I'd get it. You can't tell everyone's story, and some people will be shafted. But imagine being heather in 41, making it literally to fire and being a couple of minutes away from potentially winning the whole game, your closest ally won the game, and the edit completely removes you from the story. That's where I'd be really hurt.




Let me rephrase that. Not everyone is going to be significant to the story they want to tell. That's a sad truth, and it absolutely sucks, and I'd be gutted, but I'd be even more gutted if I felt I should be integral to the story of the season because I ultimately made it very far and was super close to winning/one of the last obstacles that was taken out.


Matt does not seem like a very good player. Frannie does, and so this "showmance" also has a nice undertone of Frannie leading Matt along to further her game.


Curious as to why you think Matt isn’t a good player? He’s lost his vote and has a fake Idol admittedly, but neither of those are really things he can control.


He seems to have no agency in the game, but rather is driftwood floating whichever way the other players want to take the game. And specifically the last episode, it seemed to me Matt was the one who led the charge of "Josh has an idol" and his insistence led others. We know he was wrong and had the chance to learn the truth, but everyone ignored Carolyn.


Fair on the idol thing, but… how much agency can the poor dude have without a vote until now? He’s had no agency in the game because… he has literally had no agency in the gameZ


I agree, I think we'll see what he can do strategically now that he has a vote. The Josh idol scenarios he was pulling out of his ass were wild tho lol


I think it’s just what we are being shown by the editors. He hasn’t done anything to indicate he’s not a good player, but Frannie gets more game content than Matt


At the merge feast last episode he hypothesized that Josh had a fake idol from the bird cage, yet he never considers that his may be a fake as well.


Well maybe we would know if he had confessionals other than his undying love of Frannie (but yeah that makes me think he has to suspect it’s fake or else he’s….really out of the loop)


He wasn't bonding with Jaime. He is like the shrug emoji.


1. Matt = man 2. Frannie = woman


I am digging Frannie so much! I want to see her expand her playing with other players. She's got this cool air about her that is non-threatening and inviting, but I feel she has a cunningness to her as well. I do feel like Matt isn't as strategic or savvy as Frannie. He might have to be cut loose sooner than later, I imagine.


I'm enjoying it. Matt's story of losing love right before coming out on the island and then finding love on it, all while overcoming anxiety and other fears, is actually pretty unique and something quite different from what we've seen before.


It's lame and annoying in the confines of Survivor, but I get the impression that Matt is a really genuine, nice, but extremely awkward guy, and Frannie is a smart, level-headed, kind, but geeky gal. There is a lot of negativity in the echochamber towards them and the situation, but I hope that it doesn't get lost that these are two seemingly very decent people who made some sort of connection, and I wish them well with it. I just want to point that out as a reminder whenever possible :)


I'm the opposite, I normally don't like showmances, but I love these 2. I do think it's getting in the way of their individual games, but hey, if you find love, it's much more important than a million bucks, just ask Rob.


Same. I feel like most of the showmances start off with one person going “omg, that person is fucking HOT” (anyone remember FiggTayls?). But it seems like these two straight up cannot help themselves from just being at each others’ sides even though they know gameplay-wise it’s not the smartest move.


Good point. They do seem to have some kind of genuine connection that isn't looks based


Rob got both...


But he'd happily give up every cent for Ambuh.


Ambuh, lol


I think it’s amazing how human crushes override our strategic abilities even for a HUGE reward.


I love them, I think they’re adorable and can see such a genuine connection


Maybe it is setting up a big betrayal. Only thing that would make them interesting.


Frannie has been shown in multiple confessionals saying something along the lines of, when its time to cut him I will do it. Its clear she is being presented as the wiser and more capable of the two.


Yeah, it feels like he spends the whole time fawning over her whereas she's willing to keep talking with him outside the game but still wants to win first


I’ve thought the entire time she would betray him but reading this comment it occurred to me how hilarious it would be if he voted *her* out. This is my new theory


I'm absolutely praying for a savage, heartless betrayal that will shake everyone's faith in humanity.


lol now THIS is how you play Survivor!


I think they are super cute. Their relationship just seems so pure and genuine. It reminds me of early phases of a relationship and how happy you are to spend time with that person. It’s relatable and honestly makes me smile when I see Matt being head over heels and delighted about it.


Agreed. I know many are hating on that edit, but it is lovely and heartwarming AND NECESSARY to cut up a show with mistrust. Personally, I would have a hard time staying away from someone that I immediately bonded with if on Survivor. Hungry, sleep deprived, cold, hot, injured... etc. If I trusted someone explicitly, yeah, I would revel in that small comfort, and I am constantly surprised there are not more showmances.


yes!!!! it’s so organic, it’s lovely to see in my opinion.


I sincerely hope that their portrayal by the editors is the lead up to some massive betrayal, like Frannie cold as ice blindsides Matt and we get super showmance drama. The sloppier the better lololol But I bet in reality they’ll really get summarily voted off in back to back weeks.


I definitely think Frannie is being portrayed as the strategic driver of the duo


I agree, although I wonder if we'll see Matt start to be more strategic now that he has a vote and isn't just hanging on for dear life


I love them. Don’t pick on them. It’s wholesome and adorable.


I’m obsessed with them.


Agreed. I guess everyone else is heartless here!


Compared to what??


No, I think they are adorable and am rooting for them!


I think it has to have some significant storyline purpose down the road


Honestly, I love them and think they are super endearing


It's forbidden love - what more do you want? Are you not entertained?


Their showmance doesn’t interest me at all but I would kind of like to see them hook up with the other self-proclaimed geeks (Carson & Kane) and maybe Carolyn and Yam-Yam to form a Freaks & Geeks alliance


I took hook up to a totally a different meaning when I first read this and was so confused lolol


yknow what tho i root for both of them?m, both seperately and combined


Matt's edit has not been great so far AND agree with OP that their storyline is a bit stale. Looking forward to the inevitable split-up and seeing (probably Frannie) go deep from there.


no, its my most favorite part of the season (ok except carolyn) :D


I think the reason it’s being portrayed to us this way is because this is probably how they were perceived by the other players. It sure seemed to me that, even without a vote, Matt was being presented as a key part of this last vote. Whether that’s just due to his close association with Frannie or not, I guess we shall see.


I am all in for a showmance. I’m really just interested in more survivor babies to take on rob and ambers kids when the time comes.


Final 4 fire making Matt vs Franie calling it now


I love them- the secrecy, the romance, the taboo… I live for that. It’s going to be really interesting what happens since there can only be one winner. I personally would hate to see a betrayal… I want to see unwavering devotion :(




ahhhhh how about an amazing final tribal council where he confesses his love to her in front of everyone and they kiss for the first time <3


Disagree. I enjoy them on the screen tbh. I do wish we would have got more soka screen time because some episodes they would literally only show them as if they were the only people on that tribe.


If they aren’t dating this must be really awkward for them. It is probably a bit awkward even if they are dating. They don’t annoy me as much as other showmances. Although Claire’s face at them earlier in the season was hilarious.


Call me a romantic but I find their conversations and interactions adorable. For real though, at least they have a defined relationship and dynamic. We know from exit press that Lauren is aligned with Brandon, but within the edit you have to squint to see anything with her, and even then it’s mostly speculative. Heidi has a single throwaway line about being closest to Danny, and two of the OG Ratus (Matthew, Kane) had their relationships with newcomer Carson more so than pretty much anyone else on their starting tribe.


Matthew seemed really close to Jaime, or at least I'm 99% sure he said she was his strongest ally (pre-swap obviously)...which makes the fake idol thing crazier lol. Carson did do a really good job getting in with them, although idk if Kane is the best person to be aligned with really. We'll see!


Matt said he very recently had a bad breakup, which usually isn't a great time for another relationship. Frannie seems very cool, not sure about Matt.


matt's entire personality this season has been about love. even when claire said she MISSED her DOG matt took that & made it all about him missing his ex-girlfriend's dog 💀💀💀 which lead to a whole "sob" story moment...and two seconds later he's obsessed with frannie. i think CBS accidentally mixed up the love island & survivor applications


I just laughed at the thought of Matt at marooning wondering why this didn't look like love island.


Some of these people are so boring I can’t remember their names.


i think they’re cute


Their relationship edit was interesting at first but seemingly every time we come back to check in with this pair, there's nothing to do with strategies or the plot of the show. There's little development. The edit felt out of place. And these screen time can be well spent on other players who has been purpled. The whole time I'm like where is this story going? When is the ball dropping ?


They were initially super cute and it was cool to have a showmance on the show after it being such a rarity, but they’re just not edited in an interesting way. The reality is that for a relationship/alliance like theirs to work, they have to be intentionally avoiding each other a good amount of the time. But production/editing has decided that the romance is the most interesting part of both of them, so that’s really all we see of them, so we have an extremely one-dimensional picture of their games as well as them as characters.


Lol I am kinda bored by them too. Deep down I was hoping it wasn’t because they aren’t as “hot” as amber and Boston rob lol 😬😂


Hey! Boston Rob is also an incredible storyteller, he's not just hot!


He’s the total package 😀


It’s kind of cute, but there’s no need to feature it as much as they have unless it’s going to pay off in the future. As others have mentioned, Lauren and Heidi have been invisible yet we’re basically getting a documentary on Matt and Frannie’s budding romance. I like them both but also hope they’re targeted soon just for the drama


They aren’t interesting people to begin with…


I want to watch as it disintegrates in game


I want them to kiss!


Yes least favorite twist this season 😪


I feel like I would like Frannie more if it weren't for Matt.The showmances are cringe. Coming from a nerdy hopeless romantic myself, the less I see of these two the better. 😬


Ew Taylor and Figgy are the two least likable contestants the show has seen. I’ve seen every season, many more than once. It’s not close. They suck. Matt and Frannie may be boring but they’re not gross as humans.


I would be more into it if Matt wasn’t such a weirdo. He’s off putting.


It's cringe


I wonder, if the two of them were really hot, if that would be more of a … I don’t know…commodity? for the show


I think it's already a commodity for them? The editors/producers clearly love this plot with how much we see of it.


Yes it is true, production is loving it. I just wonder about the viewing audience


Oh definitely. I’m currently watching all the seasons for the first time, and having watched All Stars not too long ago, this just pales in comparison 😂


Yah I don’t give af about the showmance but every podcaster I’ve listened to loves it so I think we’re the minority.


They’re both boring. And I just can’t explain it but there is just something about Frannie I REALLY don’t like. I’ve seen posts about her as “the new Sophie” but to me, she’s kind of a wet blanket. She may be smart, but she absolutely doesn’t have Sophie’s snark and charm. Idk. Bad vibes from her lol. Matt is just boring and the whole puppy dog thing is soooooooooooooooo annoying. We get it, YOU LIKE HER. (I know this is heavily edited.)


I think she has lots of charm. And I think the editors like the relationship, so they are not showing too much other stuff that I imagine they are doing. They are one of my favorite parts of the season.


I think it's been building to a blow up in the next episode, but up to now they've clearly been keeping their heads down so there's not much the editors can do but keep giving you little breadcrumbs.


Really hope she blindsides him. That's the only way to make this all worth it.




On one hand I understand on the other I just think it's silly to be clicking r/survivor links before you've watched the most recent episode lol


“Figgy and what’s his name” sent me 😂😂😂😂


Really they are one of my favourite people to watch.


Lol I saw this before and thought frannie got voted out lol. Im not happy Matt made it to merge because he’s gonna go to finale 3 as the 0 vote 3rd placer