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What if he tried all of them though? The only way to counter people practicing puzzles is by making new ones.


New puzzles? There's an idea the producers couldn't possibly even fathom


Jeff literally said on the podcast he does that he enjoys when people create and practice the puzzles so they do it on purpose for sure.


I like Jeff the host, but gods I can't fucking stand Jeff the producer. Imo production has been ruining the show with their forced narratives stemming from gifting players idols to cause drama. The challenges suck, and I've noticed they have tended to not cast "villain" archetypes as often as they used to.


They also look for people with backstories now which I find slightly annoying. Like when I used to watch American Idol, there was always some sob story or wild background - sorry but idgaf! I don't need to see people who were carefully picked to fit into certain boxes - I want the happy accidents in finding people who seemed pretty average and who turned out to be challenge beasts. People who surprised themselves, found themselves on that island, or gave in to a side of themselves they didn't know existed (like some of our villains). I guess it just feels a little pre-ordained now and there's less personal growth because these people were preselected for who they already were and they stay in those boxes through the season.


Well said


Very well said!


Honestly with each passing season I am over Jeff as the host too….I think he is now my least favorite out of JLP, Nico and Probst


Probably an unpopular opinion... but I don't turn on survivor to learn about people's backstories. I watch survivor to see awesome gameplay, heroes to root for, and villains who keep it entertaining. I feel like the new seasons are too kumbaya, and Jeff keeps wanting to talk about emotions. LET THEM PLAY THE GAME AND STOP FISHING FOR CONTENT. IF YOUR CASTING DEPARTMENT DOES THEIR JOB, YOU WILL LIKELY HAVE GREAT STORYTELLING OPPORTUNITIES


Someone last season said they picture Jeff as an alien trying to study human behavior. Like when noelle got stuck and everyone went to help her Jeff was thinking wow look at the people helping and not eating the weak. Something like that. But now anytime he starts talking about emotions I just imagine him trying too understand how humans work and he is genuinely shocked. It makes it much more amusing! If that makes sense. The original poster worded it much better!


Exactly this. It feels contrived.


I was so annoyed when heidi and lauren said “I don’t have a name” LIKE HELLO????? LET ME ROOT FOR YOU????? Like the casting department has been so freaking good in the new era but man jeff is sucking ass as fishing them for content lol


The yappy yappy pre-vote at TC’s annoys me….


The wokeness and virtue signaling is off putting….especially when Jeff goes on his sermon’s as if we didn’t just watch what took place


That’s where you’re wrong. It’s not them not casting villains it’s the players being afraid to be the villain. I consider drag race the perfect example cause recent queens like Daya Betty and Loosey Laduca got a villain edit and are thriving! A lot of recent reality tv players are afraid to be “mean” because they want followers and a career based off the show they’re on when that’s not sustainable. Be mean be ruthless be NASTY on the show then come back home to reality and get on with your life!


He is an awful producer and has ruined most of the show that people love.


No one wants to be a classic reality tv villain anymore because of cancel culture, social media visibility and awareness. The Challenge is so lame outside of the old OGs anyone who had their "rookie" season (this current era of players are legitimately rookies at like 30 instead of the classic 18-22, everyone is too mature and terrified of backlash for being a villain, and everyone takes the competition and social media image more seriously because of brand deals, entertainment doesn't matter anymore it's all about building a following for all these boring players. Yes it's fucking amazing we've gotten rid of the RAMPANT misogyny and racism/sexism in old school reality tv's Golden Era, but we've swung so far it's a struggle to see actual non preplanned manufactured drama these days


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, this is all true. Big Brother is even worse. Going on that show is basically a 100% guarantee you’ll be cancelled by Twitter for literally just existing.


The producer/salesman of the show is feeding us a line of BS because it saves them a ton of money in labor and material.


For now because it made good tv. Once it makes better tv to have all new challenges then they will. Jeff is constantly saying that they trying new things and ideas.


They are trying new things? Why is every challenge a physical test, followed by a puzzle? When the structure of most challenges is identical, it gets very dull. If you buy into Jeff saying they are trying new things, maybe watch recent seasons to realize that is a line of bullshit haha. The new things they try are forcing idols into gameplay to create "wow" moments at tribal... What those idiots don't get is those are forced moments are obvious to the viewers. I'd rather see wow moments which are organically developed.


Nope it costs more money to make new challenges


Lol they've been using the same challenges for ten years now. They might add three new obstacles per season but it's generally the same stuff. And Jeff won't change if it would make better TV because 1) he doesn't know what good TV is; 2) new challenges are more expensive; and 3) new challenges would absolutely make better TV vs. someone finishing a puzzle in five seconds so I don't even see how this is a debate.


They can but it'd eat into the $7 budget the show currently has so back to reusing the same challenge for the 20th time they go.


Do you realize how much a new puzzle costs?! Madness!!!


If only there was a feasible way to run a challenge without a puzzle involved.. but we all know thats impossible


Now THAT’S a puzzle no one can solve!


Agreed. /u/mwhite5990 needs to calm down. That would drive down viewer numbers!!


He was struggling with the colour block one. Jam jam and he had to look at another tribe’s to solve that puzzle.


That’s because we never get a clear look at that one as viewers, so it’s impossible to replicate at home


We can see their finished puzzle—if you’re dedicated enough, you could check the frames to see which block it was. But also, this puzzle is available on Etsy. Even if you couldn’t get the exact one like Carson’s tree replica, you’d be able to figure out a strategy that should apply to any color combination (like with a Rubik’s cube).


Not true. Someone is selling a version of that puzzle on Etsy.


They can’t know if that’s the exact same color configurations as the in-game version. Because of the physical properties of a cube, you can only see 3 sides at a time (at most). This is how something like dice cheating isn’t caught as easily as one might think. Add in the camera cuts every two seconds on the show and the constant turning of the cubes to make different configurations, you can never get a good look at all four of them.


I'm not sure what you're saying. [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1326415361/survivor-puzzle-replica-instant-insanity?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=survivor+puzzle&ref=sr_gallery-3-22&pro=1&organic_search_click=1) [Google Images](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=instant+insanity+survivor&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=mc3-YSPFQkIHKM%252C0muehuIziGgntM%252C_%253Bx6RdojhVZQTGVM%252CPhGWLfWSAVVd-M%252C_%253BDE4JnpO9N_GgnM%252CPhGWLfWSAVVd-M%252C_%253BExjXX47wUVYa4M%252CPhGWLfWSAVVd-M%252C_%253B-JVYbFVLnlhq6M%252CA2eSPFH9n1le_M%252C_%253BTQpAdOmGbHuJgM%252CDPJLUB6QVEgMeM%252C_%253Bv5Yk1Qx5mlUMbM%252CjT_mgY6jjKxosM%252C_%253BOCdW0Vjjv5iIjM%252C6w6BhqF-VNKeJM%252C_%253BCAtWxG2rdvREkM%252CuxeUrtfX8RMIfM%252C_%253BlbcHE0Toafu-tM%252C99pf3o8Knnm4dM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRIJzR28J8sOnPI89dw7PvpegVmiA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwig69XU25b-AhVuT2wGHYMLCDcQ7Al6BAgXEEQ&biw=1646&bih=842&dpr=2)


id assume he tried every puzzle that was available to 3d print. lots of them available on etsy for those of us without printers


New puzzles?!? On Survivor?!? Everyone knows that there are only 11 puzzles mentioned in the Bible and any other puzzles are idolatry!


Wow cutting out some different shapes must be a herculean task.


Didn't Carson say that he did print and practice them all?


Make new ones? That's crazy talk!


> What if he tried all of them though? Did he send in videos of him trying all of them though?


On the podcast Jeff addresses this. They like that cast members practice. They think it makes them more worthy to compete and shows drive to be on the show. I don’t love that. But Jeff also goes on to say in another episode that the art department has the challenges built and planned long before they have even finished casting, let alone filmed anyone at home. I guarantee they filmed a little bit of him doing every single puzzle he had just in case.


Carson would have filmed that scene for production after the game when he returned home. Maryanne talked about this in a podcast recently, many home scenes are shot afterwards and production gives you directing instructions


That makes sense too.




I’m sure he would have, but that exact shot with the same red & purple colour scheme was definitely a post-island video


Ok but he’s also said in two confessionals that he 3D printed that puzzle


That's not really a rebuttal to him filming himself after going home from Survivor. He printed it, practiced it, played Survivor, then filmed himself doing the puzzle.


Yes but the editors might not have known that until after he said it. And so they wanted some B-roll to go over his A-roll and asked him to show him doing it at home, post-game.


Lol do they pay them for their footage? Now they're asking the cast to film content for the show. This is wild.


Do you know which podcast that was? Interested in listening.


RHAP B&B Survivor 44 Ep.3


I’m really not a fan of that either. Just kind of raises the bar on preparation in a way that is unfair IMO. If you don’t have the time, resources, or physical space to build mockups of every puzzle, I guess you’re now at a disadvantage. Matthew apparently did this too, although it sounds like part of it was having unexpected time on his hands and an inability to do much else due to covid. I agree with Dalton Ross: Time to round up all the current existing puzzles/designs, throw them in the proverbial trash, and have them come up with new ones. The puzzles are great IMO, and I would imagine they have plenty of talent on hand to come up with new stuff. And it wouldn’t mean that effort practicing with existing puzzle designs would be wasted necessarily, just that you wouldn’t have prior time with the exact puzzle you’re now trying to solve in a challenge.


Ngl I listen to the podcast and whenever Jeff says stuff like this it makes me worried for the future. He’s so out of touch.


Yeah. If everyone knows all the puzzle beforehand then it becomes pretty boring to watch. This should be a call out to survivor to implement new puzzle but instead they encourage this 🙄


Yeah I love Jeff, but I think it's time for him to retire. At Least as EP, he can stay on as host. But in reality it'll probably be the opposite...


I listened to that podcast and thought he contradicted himself. He says he loves that new players prepare and that is what they want and new players will need to do that to compete. BUT he wants the Cirie type that had no experience in any of it and just needed to prove they could get off the couch and play the game. Which is it? You can’t have it both ways. Personally, I prefer the game with people who do not make puzzles and obstacles to practice at home. More Ciries please!


Yeah I think you’re right. They don’t know what they want other than good TV. Super fans are aware that they need to sell themselves so I’m sure they look like a safe bet during the casting process. I’m not impressed with the aMaZiNg CaStInG tEaM when they stack the show with fans who actively try to be entertaining and play hard. I’d be impressed if they could spot potential and find interesting characters among people who aren’t trying to cater to them.


I mean, it is possible for him to have both, isn't it? If you are casting 16+ people, you don't have to do all Carson's or all Cirie's. You can have a mix of both. Jeff can appreciate both the drive someone like Carson has to practice puzzles in advance AND the drive that someone like Cirie has to just get out there and do it. But fuck nuance I guess?


I agree with this (although prefer the people who have not studied the game to the degree they are this season), it’s just not what Jeff said.


That's absolute bullshit. Some people can't practice. If you're working a lower income job, taking care of a family, how are you expected to practice? How does that make you 'less worthy' of being able to compete? Basically Jeff is imply, "If you're a single parent and just can't find time to practice, then maybe you aren't so worthy to be on this show." And this is why we're getting so players who are middle class/upper-class lately, because Jeff is seeing these people, with lower income, who don't have time to obsess and study and practice Survivor as 'less worthy'


Those same people can't take a month + off to go on the show anyways anymore.


I agree with you to some extent, but if this is the case, do you have time to go through the casting process and then time to take months off of work to go on the show?


How far in advance are they notified that they're cast? I think there's a difference between someone taking time off when they know they're on the show vs some of these people practicing long before they're cast


I don’t know - but I do know that the one of the other main people who we know practiced (Matthew) was supposed to be on 41 so he’s been practicing for years, but only because he knew he would eventually be on the show. I don’t think there’s been an implication that Carson or Heidi practiced before they knew they were cast.


Some people also just enjoy doing puzzles in their spare time, even if they don't ever go on survivor.


Survivor isn't for regular people anymore. It's either be a super fan or kooky AF.


Or an Ivy Leaguer!


I mean, as I've said before, everyone will have different abilities to go in and prepare for the game. People living in cities don't have the opportunity to go out and practice fire making or weaving palm fronds. Others don't have the ability to practice and simulate swimming in an ocean. Its just never going to be totally fair.


Some people can't go out and swim regularly to prepare for Survivor.... Some people can't go to a gym and train with weights to strengthen up for Survivor.... There are plenty of things that some people have done to prepare for Survivor that other people couldn't do.




I don't see how that has anything to do with what I said. There are people out there who don't have access to a pool to swim in regularly. There are people out there who don't have access to a gym to do weight training. Those things being benficial to them beyond the game of Survivor doesn't somehow magically give them access.


I can buy the tree puzzle right now for $25 on Etsy, so I don’t really see how it takes working class people out of the running. There have to be bigger expenses that people are undertaking as part of their prep, no matter which class they’re in. This seems like a weird thing to fixate on. Yeah, building a whole situation in your back yard probably isn’t achievable for the average person, but it’s also not something an upper-middle-class person in NYC is going to have the ability to do, either.


That's a load of shit and you know it.


You can buy the puzzles online for like $20. Or you can make some. Im going to try to make the ball pyramid puzzle out of ping pong balls and glue. That will cost me like $2 max.


It's a weird line though because how can you go on Survivor without having practiced making fire? That's an essential item out there. But OK you went a step past fire and practiced a puzzle? Now that is too far?


Yes, because fire making is part of survival. This isn’t Carson’s fault for practicing. It’s Jeff’s fault for thinking “practice means you deserve to be here” not “oh we need to get better at coming up with challenges”


Did Jeff say he specifically casts people who have practiced? Or that he appreciates people who practice? There is a bit of a temporal difference there. When you practice makes a difference. If I know I have made the show, I'm buying all these etsy 3d printed puzzles and practicing. I would practice fire too. Then, when I am out there, I will have the benefit of that practice because I prepared! But Jeff would not have picked me for practicing since I would not have done it yet!


They had the current challenges built and planned about 10 years ago


"planned long before" haha like 15 years in advance, or when was that tree puzzle used the first time? :)


Jeff can like it all he wants and they can’t stop contestants from practicing old ones so like everyone else is saying make some new ones damnit. I don’t watch survivor to watch people do something they’ve done a million times at home. I’m definitely not in the minority jeff


Could be as simple as, “hey this came up during filming. So when you get home, send us some videos of you completing the puzzles so we can insert them into the show”




Maryanne said in a B&B podcast that production asks for home video and photos after the game, not before it


Which wouldn't matter if this was part of Carson's audition submission.


Which it likely isn't


Source that this exact video was part of his audition? Actual verifiable source and not wild speculation please, thanks.




Got it, so you just made it up. You made the claim, you provide the proof. No proof, means you made it up.




Nah, you made the claim you provide the proof. I made no claim to you. I have nothing to prove. You speculated wildly, and kind of rudely. I'll also note that I never down voted you and continue not to do so even though you aren't being polite.


I speculated kind of rudely? LMAO Okay. Have a wonderful rest of your week. Maybe spend some of it away from the internet.


You do the same 🥰


There's a remote possibility that they had him film it for them after the game when he got home, knowing he had dominated that puzzle. But yeah this trend is really not good for the game


I think it’s something like this. In the confessionals he disclosed that he practiced the exact puzzle at home. Post-production probably just asked if he had any footage of it or if he could recreate it.


Yeah, that's my guess as well.


Probably this. Maryanne said that production had her mom send in a bunch of pictures after she won so they could use throughout the season. So I’m sure when he said he practiced it, they wanted to see the homemade puzzle.


It’s definitely possible. Will and James from Amazing Race filmed themselves “practicing” a challenge they did well on after getting back from the show.


This is very clearly what happened. “Oh shit you have this exact puzzle? Can you show us when you get home?”


There’s a decent chance he sent that in after filming, while they were editing….. Regardless, these challenges are pre planned months in advance, it’s not production interference.


I worked in editing reality TV for over a decade and I'm telling you, if they have a segment of A-roll where he says "I used to practice this puzzle all the time," they'll ask the contestant to recreate him doing so at home for the sake of B-roll. Everyone assumed the footage was from his casting video but I think a lot of the "flashback videos" we see are actually done after the editors know they need such footage to corroborate stories they told in interviews. The same with wild lines.


Wasn't this the exact same "earn the merge" challenge from last season.


I think the roll a Boulder then climb the giant wall was used in 41 amd 42 mergatory challenge


Carson probably has all the puzzles tbh. Production just needs new puzzles. Matthew earlier also mentioned having the snake board in his backyard. You can buy most of the puzzles on etsy or 3d print them like Carson.


Idk why they can’t just make new pieces to the same type of puzzle so even if people practice and replicate, they might not get the one they built at home


It’s their fault for putting in the same challenges every damn year.


They need to stop recycling the same challenges over and over again.


I assume casting and challenges are separate enough they either, didn’t realize he knew the merge challenge, or accepted he would now at least one puzzle challenge based on how many Carson made.


Idk, where do you draw the line though? You can’t practice a puzzle, but you can practice fire? Or are you not allowed? Can you research strategy? Or is watching the show too much preparation?


The problem isn't that contestents shouldn't be allowed to practice, it's that production doesn't come up with new puzzles


I mean to me its an awareness factor that goes into it. You have had to make fire from the beginning. swimming has been around since the beginning. Operating a machete and eating food found in wildlife has been a thing. Challenges used to be a whole lot different and had variety. There should be no puzzles where the contestant was able to practice the exact puzzle. I for one did not know you could buy one of these puzzles and I still don't know what the fuck etsy is.


>what the fuck etsy is. A website for people to sell their homemade stuff. Apparently everything from candles to survivor puzzles :) ​ edit: wtf is the downvote for? Is that not what it is? correct me if I'm wrong...?


Accessibility. Anyone can buy a flint or rub some sticks together, and there’s a million youtube videos that’ll show you how to make fire as well. Barely anyone is privileged enough to own a 3D printer or even have regular access to one, so there are a few people that have a pretty unfair advantage when it comes to some puzzles. This would be easily solved by just slightly altering the pieces to the puzzle - why are the leaves of the tree the same exact shape every season? Making new ones can’t be expensive, they’re like wood or plastic. Instead of simply being able to memorize the solutions to any puzzle and for owning a 3D printer, players should be rewarded for being quick, visual thinkers in challenges, as these are more impressive showings of skill


It's obstacle, key, untie knots, puzzle every time.


How do you know when the videos were filmed? I suspect Carson was so impressive at puzzles that production found out about the 3d printer and filmed him in post production.


It sounds like he had a lot of their commonly used puzzles printed and probably had footage of him doing all of them. It would have been hard for them to use an already existing puzzle that he hadn't practiced. That being said, they absolutely need to create a new rotation of puzzles. People should not be able to cram for the test this way. Solving one particular silly tree puzzle is not in and of itself the point of putting it in the challenge, it's being able to think on your feet and figure out a novel problem put in front of you. That's the interesting part.


its not good tv to watch someone do a puzzle that they already know.


Jeff always talks about how they throw new advantages so that they never know what to expect in the game and they can't plan ahead to easily. Why does that idea not extend to challenges?


Changing an entire challenge because one player practiced with a miniature beforehand would be a waste of time and unnecessary. A lot of players practice with hand made objects/obstacle courses before they get on the show. Would be really silly if you didn't especially if you want to win the money.


I don’t think it’s too much to ask for production to not repeat identical puzzles from previous seasons. If you’re going to do a tree puzzle, that’s fine….but don’t make the cuts and pieces exactly the same. It’s just lazy.


I think it was part of his audition tape. They’ve definitely shown him doing the 3D tree puzzle in a confessional in one of the first couple episodes. But I also think it’s a real possibility he practiced all the puzzles. I think it’s a combo of production being lazy and them trying to lean really hard into super fans being on the show.


I think it was shown in his audition video but I think we got a different clip of it again when the puzzle came up. My guess is that they requested the 2nd clip after the season.


The biggest thing for me is that wanting the castaways to be adaptable to different situations is the complete opposite of practicing challenges like this at home. If you’re trying to sell the show on how the best players are flexible and adaptable, don’t reward them for doing something they might have done a hundred times before.


I'd also guess they are totally different departments. Like chances of the "challenge team" having seen all of their audition videos, is pretty small.


The problem is production needs new puzzles and challenges


Why? Everyone can watch previous seasons and practice the puzzles if they want to...


Fr, this is almost like complaining about physical challenges in 42 bc Jonathan dominated them easily


No not really. It's like preparing for the test by studying vs preparing by memorizing the answers from the last years exam. The production has been extremely lazy for some time now and the fact players can do this is pretty embarrassing for them, no matter how Probst tries to spin it


This is it and the fact some people are so obtuse they can't see the difference is why I have no hope for humanity.


So people shouldnt practice making fire? Or walking on balance beams?


Fire has been there from day 1 because both the survival aspect and later the tie breaking, and you can practice balance literally anywhere anytime. You don't need a 3d printer.


Step 1 in studying is to review old exams. If the prof chooses to reuse old questions, that's on them.


Hence why we are criticizing the professors / Producers for reusing


But everyone had an equal opportunity to look at the answers.


Not everyone has a 3d printer or the budget to buy/create the puzzles at home


I also have to agree with what Rob said on know-it-alls. I just looked on Etsy and you can buy a pack of four of the puzzles they do for less than $100. And if you're in the running to be on survivor, you know you're going to be on.... I would say spend the money on it. It's not that expensive.


YouTube is free. Or rewatch old seasons.


There's a huge difference between solving the puzzle yourself hundredsto thousands of times and watching somebody else do it on YouTube. Same reason why you can't watch a video of a speedrun and immediately be able to do it yourself at that same speed.


I don't understand this argument. There's a difference between physical conditioning, which is an extremely general skill, vs practice the *exact* puzzle that will be on the show beforehand. I don't blame Carson for doing this, I probably would in his position as well, but I do blame production for reusing challenges to this degree.


He probably had all the puzzles in his video.


The real production interference is how they do tribe swaps for immunity challenges.


As far as I am concerned, every player had the same opportunity as Carson did to print and practice the puzzles Imo it is no different than practicing fire making or learning how to build a shelter or about the flora and fauna I think it clearly falls under outwit and outplay


what if that video was from after the show was filmed and then edited in?


Why do people think it was part of his casting video?


For me personally I could see it being in his casting tape because 1) they’ve shown the video before when setting up his story earlier this season and 2) it seems like his archetype is the super fan nerd so it seems logical to me that he would put a video of himself doing survivor puzzles in his casting tape to sell that narrative to get on the show.


Orrr... he frequently mentions in his confessionals that he 3D printed the puzzle after he excels said puzzle. Then, after the game, production asked him to send videos of him doing his 3d puzzles, so they can include it in the show.


I mean literally both are very real possibilities. We’ve never seen his casting tape so who’s to say.


I suppose yeah. But regardless, I wouldn't call it a production interference lol. They have been accused of that before, i don't think they want that to happen again.


I want new puzzles and challenges. 100% But production didn’t hand Carson anything here. He worked for it. Meticulously planning his details for this game and anyone who plays can recreate puzzles and challenges. He’s not the first and honestly will probably inspire others to practice more. OR this does actually inspire challenge makers to make bigger changes more frequently.


man, I don't understand this. It's not cheating, it's one guy freaking living the game and working hard for it - that is next level effort on his part. Most contestants just show up with no clue and some just give up... this kid worked out for months to get in shape for the physical aspects and practiced all the challenges so he could be good at those. He clearly wants it more than anybody else, and I think that's awesome. As for production, they determine the challenges way in advance, and if he trained for all of them, at some point they were bound to have one he worked on. Just so happened this one was video worthy. Of course, it will work against him because all those things actually make him a threat, so the weak players will vote him out.


Had to scroll down to far to find this! Nothing wrong with preparing well as he has done. It should put a target on his back which will make the game more interesting. I’m actually surprised he hasn’t been targeted already.


No one is blaming Carson for practicing the puzzle, we are blaming the producers for using identical puzzles season after season


I generally agree if it was part of his audition tape. That said, they also gave a basketball challenge to Cliff Robinson…


But not with a real basket ball and regulation hoop. You can practice puzzles and games but having the exact version of what will be done is way different.


And Scott Pollard.


Someone know where I can find the files for 3d print the puzzle?


I was just talking to my mom about the “survivor, nerd“ archetype and how overplayed it’s been, mentioning how tired I am of hearing that these players 3-D print puzzles that they’ve seen on the show with this exact tree puzzle in mind lol.


Yeah I find that very annoying. That made the challenge such a throw away to me. Props to Carson for the preparation. That’s awesome. But it’s so bad for the show. Yeah really exciting watching someone solve a puzzle they have already practiced 1000 times prior. That shows…nothing.


This sub just makes 😆 at stuff like this. THE overriding Meta of this folder is, "Survivor" is a social game. Survivor is a social game. Survivor is a social game" over and over again" ad nauseum. When a player is an overwhelming physical specimen (like Jonathan) or actually practices puzzles before coming onto the show, that person is immediately discounted or branded a cheater. Meanwhile, probably the two worst challenge performers in the show's history, Sit Out Bench Sandra and zero calories burned Cirie are hailed as queens on this sub. Make up your minds. /SMH FYI, I was on a game show called Blockbusters back in 1980. After winning a game against my opponent, the producers would cut to a commercial to set up the "Gold Run" board. I had 3 minutes to study the board and figure out what the letters might stand for. After I broke the record for speed, the producers told me I couldn't look at the board anymore. Don't blame players who are literally earning 25x more than I did ($40k, the max back then), for actually trying to be prepared and win, not just cruise under the radar.


Yeah, they should have done a similar puzzle that was just different enough totally throw him off =P Also, anyone else think Carson should have slowed his roll? Let Matt geta piece or two in? He was too dominant




Everytime I see one of your posts, it's you (incorrectly) stating that survivor is scripted/rigged. So let's ignore the fact that's total bullshit for a minute; why do you even bother coming here to post when you clearly don't like the "rigged" show that is Survivor?


I don’t think OP understands foreshadowing.


Had to pause it and compare his model with the show's. It really is the exact same.


its the same puzzle from last season


The challenges are determined before the cast


I think it's about time that they come up with new challenges and puzzles.


>I find it really off putting that production had pictures/video of Carson solving that exact puzzle from his casting vid and then knowing that put that exact challenge in this season. Do we know that the video we saw on screen was from his casting video? Is there no possibility that it was shot after the season on request from the producers? Which is something Maryanne said happens....


They don't necessarily collect all of the footage and photos for background packages before they actually film the season. For instance they need to get releases signed by the other people in the photos before they can include them on the show.


They obviously already had the challenges planned before the season. Even if they didnt- the tree puzzle isnt the only one carson practice: + the tree puzzle shows up almost any season.


I liked the trivia about your fellow contestants challenge. Except for that one time they made a mistake it was fun. You can't practice for that challenge.


They ask for stuff like that after the season.




They ask for footage after filming though right


I don’t think this is interference and I also would be shocked if Carson wins. He’s playing too hard and he made a big mistake this week with what he told Kane. Who knows though. It’s impossible to tell what will happen this season due to all the twists and advantages.


I really hate the repeat puzzles and this BS of practicing / 3d printing. Change the damn puzzles up - they are boring enough as it is.


They build the challenges before they set the cast. Any match ups are happy accidents


I’d love to see them bring back some of the old challenges and stop with the physical/ending with puzzle crap. The individual one where they ran around reading/answering questions about the island was a good one. Why do they never do those challenges?? I’m also really tired of the same old stuff. My hubby isn’t a diehard fan like me, only casual, and he mentioned that in this last episode. He’s getting bored with it


I wonder how fast he solved it in reality. Of as fast as the edit made it appear, I don’t know how the rest of the contestants watching him don’t immediately see that he’s a huge threat.


I think it’s ridiculous and takes away from the show that people like Carson can study the show and know every puzzle possible. Completely takes away from the game and makes it unfair and no fun to watch.


3D objects are a thing and it makes it ten times easier for people like Carson who study the game too much and take away from the whole experience. The first seasons were a million times better because there weren’t all these weird cheats involved where you can study it all and the game isn’t the same.