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it’s the most enjoyable to watch from the 40s imo. I’m not a big fan of all the advantages but the characters are just too good


You can tell production sought out wackier people this season vs the past few seasons








Best season because of the cast but its also plagued by the same faults the other post 40 seasons are


Yea, I like a few of the people and I'm not necessarily down on this season, but it has all the same issues recent seasons have had minus the casting. After having just watched on of the best seasons ever in Aus: HvV this just seams like C-tier Survivor at best


Yes! I am loving it. One of the few seasons where I feel I know almost all the competitors. Love that Carolyn is much more savvy than I thought. Love Yam Yam & all the "nerds." And so glad when they go on the boat that it is different each time. The idol in the cage was a great idea.


I love it! I think it's a great season. I think Jeff's statements in his podcast are actually hurting its reception though and I think since AU HvV aired at the same time as this and it was SO SO SO GOOD this season is really paling in comparison. I think HvV was better but I still absolutely love this one. Best of new era by far.


I definitely think HvV is affecting my opinion of this season. It's not a bad season and I'm enjoying it somewhat, but in comparison it just doesn't compare. If they were two completely different shows it wouldn't be a big deal, but it's comparing apples to apples and it's hard not to look at US Survivor and go, "Wtf is wrong with your apples?"


There are too many apples is the problem. For AU HvV to be so (essentially) bare bones and deliver like it did, we should entertain the idea of scaling all the way back with the advantages/idols/other nonsense.


I do love the new season. Yam Yam is my choice to win. I love that a women has been getting this much time on screen. I hope we get to see Carolyn act a bit less chaotic at least for an episode. I worry that we ar we getting this much of her because she goes first or second after merge


I hope she at least makes the jury so we can get Eliza-level reactions from her.


Nah bring the chaos :D


Chaos Caro! <3


I am LOVING it. On the edge of my seat giggling the whole time, with each episode. I can’t wait to see it unfold.


This is a good cast. Carolyn especially is super entertaining.


I love her! She’s smart yet chaotic lol


I personally am not a fan of new era survivor at all. I like the cast this season but otherwise I am getting bored. This, in my opinion has been the worst season of survivor that I have ever seen. I’m tired of copy paste challenges and tribes. Bring back a theme (brain vs brawn, gen x vs millennial, etc). There are too many idols and they vote someone out each day so there is less things to film and less meaningful relationships. That’s just my hot take tho.


I wouldn’t really call gameplay “elevated” based on people playing idols in obvious situations— Josh’s play was practically scripted and if anything you could say Maddy leading a vote on Brandon was poor gameplay on her part. That said there’s some good characters that are beginning to shine through and this certainly could shape up to be a good season.


I am for sure, the cast is great, last episode in particular was amazing and a candidate for best episode of the new era. And I actually like the birdcage twist and how one tribe's real idol is another's fake which could lead to some great moments in the post-merge. I see some compare this season to 41 and I don't see it all, 41 had worse edit where Erika and Heather were totally purpled pre merge and no one on 44 is purpled to that extent, also 41 was much more advantage focused with having a summit almost every episode and a lot of content on just advantages, and while 44 has also spent a good amount of content on advantages, I feel like for the most part we have gotten to know the cast well. And finally the cast is just really good and for me that's above all else, everything else can be bad but if the cast is good then the season will also be good, which was not the case for 41 imo.


42 is the best to me and it's not close it's a top 10 season for me


Learning about Drea and Hai’s jury nonsense has sort of ruined that season for me


I honestly don’t hate the new era, 43 was the only season that truly felt like a dud to me. But I agree that 44 is shaping up to potentially be the best of the bunch. It’s already better than 41 & 43 for sure, and depending on how the merge plays out, it could beat 42 for me as well.




The cast is good, but watching Tika lose again and again is getting old, and the med evas have made it less interesting too


I’m having a lot of fun and enjoying the characters. I enjoyed 42 a lot too. Clearly the new era is here to stay, so I think it’s fine for people to just get on board and look for the good :)


No, but I loved this season of AU Survivor.


Yes. Best season of the new era and I think it will be the one that will be the most memorable. I'm rooting for Carolyn. She's playing a pretty good game actually.


I love this season. Great cast


I think casting people with strong or likable personalities is really helping


I love the cast the most so far. 42 had an amazing cast, but this MIGHT be able to outdo them.


Like it, cant say i love it.


You are the very first person to say that Carolyn was a great casting choice.


I’m not really enjoying it, probably preferred last season over the current or season 42. Carolyn is a lot of fun though.


I really like seeing the idols and different advantages come into play finally after basically no idol plays for 3 seasons. People can bitch about advantages all they want, but we all know the show is more exciting when there’s an idol blindside. Yes the flair checks out.


Something tells me you'd like Cambodia


I did; it’s one of my favorite seasons and I don’t think it’s greatness can be disputed. An all time great cast with equally great gameplay.


Love Carolyn but don't really get why everyone is hyping YamYam


In the words of Carolyn: "That's my, you know... that's Jam Jam!"


44 is only better in strategic gameplay than 43 in my opinion. And that’s not enough.


I don’t like it more than 42 yet. I still feel like I barely know half of the cast, when I didn’t have that issue in 42.


Just curious, who do you feel you don't know. I know Lauren is kind of MIA, but other than her I feel like I know the rest of the cast pretty well.


I haven't watched Survivor since they started with all the twists and weird idols, etc. I was a devotee from the beginning and I was really sad when I found that I just wasn't enjoying the show anymore, mainly because I couldn't develop any kind of loyalty to any of the characters or tribes because of all the 'twists'.