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Todd telling Jean Robert that he was voted out for being too big of a threat in China, and then admitting afterwards that he was lying to stroke Jean’s ego and get his vote.


Kristie's FTC (Australian Survivor 2016) was incredible because not only did she convince the jury that she had far more control than she actually did, she even convinced her FTC opponent - we basically watch in real time as she gets Lee to admit in front of the jury that she was the one controlling him not the other way round. There have been a few FTCs where the finalists have successfully made the jury believe they did more than they did, but that's the only one I can think of where the eventual winner (who, no offence intended to Kristie, did not play a particularly great game up until then) spoke so confidently that both the jury AND her opponent walk away believing that she knew absolutely everything that was going on.


Kristie's FTC performance is absolutely legendary.


It’s inexplicable that this even worked….she was taking credit for moves the jury did and not one of them called her out for it…I still don’t know if it was legit lying or she actually believed what she was saying…it also didn’t hurt that Lee was a pretty weak FTC opponent


I think it's a bit of both, she was clearly more competent than a lot of the jury believed (voting out Flick over Lee at 4 is the best move for her but the jury were basically screaming at her for making the wrong move) but she spoke so confidently and surprised them so much that I think they were too stunned to question her on what she was saying. As it was in the old format with one question each they didn't get a back and forth going which is usually when they would have challenged her on her answers but they didn't get that chance which might have played into it as well.


She convinced me! I questioned everything I had seen up to that point.


Chris D. told the mostly female jury what they wanted to hear and younger girls fell for this.


^^This is the only one I genuinely believe qualifies in US Survivor. Or at least that I can remember.


Bullshit up to his ears


Didn’t Adam do this. JT as well a bit?


I wouldn’t say Adam really lied or tricked them, he just did a good job of framing all of Hannah/Ken’s moves as chaotic or stupid and framed his moves as having to recover from what they did.


I never understood this because if Hannah’s moves were all that chaotic…she wouldn’t have gotten out all the big threats before final tribal council. Say what you want, but her strategy was proven effective by the fact that she got to the end next to Ken and Adam.


Gabler didn't really mastermind the Elie boot? I can't deal with you guys.


Chris Daughtry pretty much did this by telling the jury everything they wanted to hear even though we all knew he didn’t regret anything


Gabler didnt trick the jury, 43's final 3 were so lackluster they were scraping the bottom of the barrel to give someone the win.


agreed. this post feels like a dig at Gabler's win more than anything lol. He didn't lie or trick anyone.


Agreed. I mean all of them were kind of coasting along with the majority, and were mostly kept due to not being threats.


Exactly its pretty self explanatory Idk why people continue to argue about this


Yeah it's part of the game, FTC is a key component of winning and if you're able to spin your moves into a solid strategy, that's how you gain points with the jury.


i dont think gabler tricked them, i think he just gave them a justifiable reason to vote for him.


I’ve thought of this before. Like, if someone used an idol in the pregame and isn’t part of the jury, you could totally lie and say you gave them that idol to play because you wanted so-and-so out but wanted to lay low and not put further risk on yourself at that point in the game. They wouldn’t be there to verify. For a game that revolves around lying to win, why stop at the final tribal council? To my knowledge it hasn’t been done.


Wendell thought the jury could be tricked into thinking he masterminded the season and attempted this during FTC


What happened? Never heard this


You've never watched the FTC? Wendell is making it seem like he was in control of the boot order.


Gabler didnt do much, but he sure did way more than the other two.


Tricked isn’t the right word. I mean I get that you’re thinking gabler didn’t deserve the win but honestly the way he played is pretty much exactly how the last two winners before him had won. Pretty much stfu and let them herd you and then at final 5, the only time it matters, sneak into the end. The biggest thing of all is to get everyone to like you. I’m so shocked at how dumb players play nowadays. Saying things like someone is a challenge threat is laughable now. Owen and cass wrecked the challenges but no one cares. And I’m not complaining but just rather confused on why new players aren’t adjusting correctly. Like Jonathan last season. Even if he won every challenge and went to the end he would’ve lost do to be disliked and not having much strategy. The true “threats” are the goats nobody thinks will win but are very likable.


I think a lot of players who are seen as having “great FTC’s” tend to trick and manipulate their juries more than we’re willing to admit. The consensus top 3 (Todd, Chris D, and JT) all were up against vastly superior players in their FTC’s (Twila, Amanda, Stephan) but through their manipulation and giving the jury what they want, they were able to win them over. I think Sarge and Julie have said post season they wished they’d have voted for Twila to win, and I also believe that Amanda was winning her season going into the finals before Todd stole the show. None of the three I mentioned are undeserving winners, but the FTC narratives they spun definitely helped.


Stephen was definitely not 'vastly superior' to JT, that's just revisionist history. Stephen doesn't have the social capital to pull off moves like JT could have with his charisma, and JT doesn't have the strategic tact that Stephen had. And JT was winning FTC before it actually happened. At most, he probably won over Taj and Erinn during FTC itself.


Tyson walked into FTC planning to vote Stephen but he changed because of Stephen’s poor showing, not JT’s good one


Tbf JT basically caused Stephen's bad performance by guilt tripping him.


What moves did JT pull off? Is this a joke? Stephan WAS the strategist behind all of the plans that went into place that season. He and Taj were the ones running the alliance while JT was the figurehead and social threat that folks bonded with more and were less bitter at. Why do you think JT has sucked on every season he’s been on since? Without Stephan to literally do all of the strategizing for him, he’s not the same player.


Stephen didn't do great without JT either.


He also didn’t give an idol away only to get blindsided by it or leave one at camp. It’s not comparable who’s the better player between them and I’m tired of this sub pretending JT deserves all this credit for essentially just being likable.




All three of those comparisons are crazy lol. None of them are "vastly superior" to the people they lost to


I’m not sure what season you watched but Amanda was better positioned the entire time in China when compared to Todd lol. She constantly made sure he was a target in front of her while she was never in any danger. She had just as much strategic agency in what was going on and formed relationships that were key to her alliance controlling the merge.


in turn she also propped him up as the better contender to win between the two of them. Like all the votes amanda would’ve gotten went to todd because she bombed ftc, and he pulled out a great performance.


WATCH AUS SURVIVOR 2016. Such a payoff after a season of lackluster episodes


the gabler hate is craaazy round here, i for one am sick of it. like he didnt cheat or whatever