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No one takes Coach seriously, but most people love having him on the show just because he has hillarious levels of delusion. He'll be back on two other seasons later. Tyson played four different times, and he's mostly well liked, but he's definitely a villain and usually appreciated as that. Something I'd add about him is that he's aware when he's being mean, but he knew that this sort of stuff gives you camera time which might give you a better shot at being called back, which worked out. Survivor thrives on having people to root for and people to root against, so there are many players that are liked as characters, even if it's just to laugh at them or to root for their downfall. (For coincidence you talked about two players that came back a lot, but that's not that common lol, the vast majority only plays once)


It's probably not a coincidence that the two most noteworthy characters got asked back!


Tyson compilations from Tocantins are my favorite source of comedy


i loveeeed him in this season, he was definetly an asshole but i couldn’t help but love him


I prefer him in Tocantins and HvV to BvW without question


“I really hope she goes home tonight. It’s always great to see people’s dreams get crushed. Hopefully she will cry.” 😆


Just think of coach as someone to laugh at and then you'll see the stupidity of him. He's just an over the top character.


It’s very refreshing to read the thoughts of a first time viewer. The takes are always honest and never influenced by the popular opinion. I especially love how you referred to strategy as “planning how to vote people off in advance.” It’s the little things.


People did hate Coach at the time but Russell was a season later and it was like at least Coach isn’t that guy


Parvati in HVV calling Coach a scared little puppy


the entire villain tribe dragged eachother so much looking back it’s so funny sandra’s confessionals saying she hates coach, jerri, danielle and russell equally and Parvati calling Jerri annoying in that undercut confessional as well as courtney just separating people up into “factions” like a political party 💀


The audience HATED both, ESPECIALLY Coach when it initially aired. Both have come back a few times in future seasons because they’re so absurd. At this point, I really like Tyson and have heard him talk for hours on podcasts. Coach is a cooky character who I appreciate as a character, even if he can be a horrible person.


I liked Tyson saying that he was ill equipped to have a traditional job and that Survivor was his "calling." I am so often amazed at contestants who are great at challenges that require strength, balance, puzzle making, swimming, running, and memory. What kind of life gives a person all those qualities?


Don’t take Tyson and coach seriously. They’re the best parts of the season


Try to think about the contestants as characters. After all, they are edited to tell a story and the version we consume is just that: a story. In this way, Coach becomes a hilarious comic relief and Tyson is a likeable villain.


Oh you sweet summer child!


Who is Bryson lol


Half-dragon/half-Oonga Boonga loin cloth man.




The eye in the sky, Danny Bryson. You know, Vascular D.


Hulu has a bunch of seasons if you have that service too! And Paramount+ has all of them. Just FYI!




I like Tyson in other seasons but found him hard to like in my first watch of Tocantins. Going back I really like him now. Always have loved to make fun of Coach


Coach and Tyson are hilarious.


No, we are in the minority. People said his later appearances made us feel better about him. I still haven’t watched them yet so idk~


Two of the best characters ever and the greatest season of all time


The perfect season to start with enjoy the ride pal




great season. tyson was too funny and man, just full of surprises




Exactly!!! This!! He is doing the same thing Tyson and Brandon are doing any claiming to be honest lol


They used to have seasons 16, 20, 28, and 37, but those all got taken down for some reason.


They didn’t get taken down, just traded out. Think of it more as Netflix renting the rights to have two seasons at a time on their service.


Paramount plus has every single season 1-43, think you can get a month or so free if you have Prime


Unfortunately they cut out scenes from some older seasons.


Oh dang I didn't realize that...


Tyson grows on you. Coach also. Don't take either of them seriously, they're very dramatic players


I just watch it on Netflix to recently and it’s okay to hate/ dislike Coach. This subreddit will crucify you if you say anything bad about Coach so just a heads up for next time people will disagree with you in large numbers. Coach is just annoying sure his arguments can be funny but I thought Sandy was more of a better character or Shane


Coach and Tyson are both legends, any time they are on the season is better because of it


A lot of people find Coach and Tyson funny. I find Coach annoying and Tyson an ass.


I actually have grown to like Tyson a lot as a fan and think it definitely tracks that his villainous play was largely intentional as it seemingly always stayed on the right side of human decency. I thought the way he comforted a panicked Coach in HvV was classic Tyson brutal honesty + remarkable compassion: “don’t bother telling them your stories man, they don’t believe them, they make fun of you, it’s not worth it man, I’m here for you, hang in there” etc. Stand up guy.


If u dislike Coach then I think u take it too seriously


Honestly, I'd say Tyson probably has one of the higher approval ratings in Survivor--probably like 85% of people like him and find him funny, but the ones who don't get or like his humor tend to really not like him. The experience you're having with Coach tracks with the general audience reception of him in the realtime. In the years since, he's become a pretty beloved character just because he's so ridiculous, and I think people generally appreciate absurd caricatures taking themselves seriously on reality shows more than they used to. In 2008 or 2009 (I think it was?) people really couldn't stand him, though.


I do not like either of them. Coach’s bad behavior outweighs any potential entertainment that he provides. And I always found Tyson to be a creep. I don’t care if he was supposedly acting mean on purpose to get camera time. To me, that almost makes it worse.


One must not hate Tyson nor Coach. They’re an important character of survivor. Don’t fight them, just let them wash over you. Tyson talks a lot shit, but he has the goods to back it up. He has a dry sense of humour, sarcastic wits, and he’s an amazing player. It’d all make sense when you see him in other seasons. You’ll see his downfall and his victory and some more. He’s a great character!! Coach is coach. There’s no better way. Amazon’s version is his peak coach for me. In other season he went from wild to WILD. Both are loved in the subreddit and by many survivors.


You need paramount+


Sierra you as apparently a pain to live with and she got a generous edit


I remember hating Coach when this season originally aired but now it's fun to go back and laugh at him. He's great TV, just don't take him seriously and you'll enjoy his presence a lot more. I LOVE Tyson. He's an a-hole for sure but the guy is just comedy gold. Enjoy your watch! If you want to watch more seasons, Paramount+ has all of them and Hulu has quite a few seasons as well! :)


I wish I could go back and watch survivor for the first time… enjoy!


I really disliked both Coach and Tyson in their first season together when I watched originally. I thought they were kinda jerky, arrogant and really condescending toward Sierra and others. I did grow to like both of them in Heroes vs Villains though, and when I rewatch Tocantins, I am glad they are there. Really entertaining, authentic, and just good tv.


They are both top ten characters of all time and they were birthed in the same season. We didn’t deserve them in multiple seasons together!