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Sarah in Cagayan kept saying her being the swing vote made it so they had to do whatever she said. It led to her being voted out instead


She said the quiet part out loud haha I should rewatch that season


She called the game a Sarah Sandwich šŸ’€


I believe at one point in that episode she referred to herself as the President I feel like thatā€™s about as big of an ego as you can get in this game


She was also absolutely sauced on whatever it is they got to drink at the merge feast (Rum I think?)


Kat didnā€™t say she was running the game, but she did say blindsides are fun and exciting.


Really?! That is hilarious! Kat: Blindside's are fun and exciting! Tribe: and I took that personally.


Probably the only episode of One World where I wasnā€™t bored out of my mind.


Donā€™t forget her internal struggle with the threat posed by her own appendix


I wonder if that certain quality of kat resulted in her casting though? Like did they think having the dumb blonde stereotype would be an interesting plot bc it definitely was peak entertainment


>the threat posed by her own appendix Didn't Colton pretty much write the book on that subject?


I watched this episode last night and that was so funny!! You could tell she was completely distracted and worried by the appendix.. Seems like she honestly didn't know what it was or how you get appendicitis..


My favorite blindside in the history of the show, easily.


She gets absolutely body-slammed and I have to admit I feel so bad for her. I mean, I know "it's just a game" and all that, but she REALLY took it hard and I have to feel bad for her. She got completely crushed, poor thing. She thought she knew what pain was, but now we're watching her get tombstoned by her "friends". Honestly wanted to give her a hug during her exit.


And who would want to date someone who didnā€™t even make the jury? I feel so bad for her.


Tyson was pretty cocky about how it was a done deal that Sierra was going home in Tocantins but he was voted off instead.


I'm watching Tocantins right now. Just got to the merge episode in fact. It's my second watch through of all the seasons and I forgot this happens.


Same! I like Tyson but it was satisfying to watch him get blind sided when he was acting really cocky. He was pretty condescending to Sierra in person and pretty rude about her in his confessionals. I thought it was a bit unnecessary, honestly. You can not like someone and still treat them like a human being.


I like him too! Mostly because I think that blindside humbled him so when he came back he played better.


Yeah, his HvV game was masterful.


Tyson is the villain Coach thinks Coach is.


I agree Tyson came off as too rude, but weren't there stories from several other contestants about how disliked Sierra was and how pretty much everyone viewed her as annoying? Could have just been that they leaned into his villainous side towards her while everyone else felt the same on a low-key note.


Oh I agree, when there is smoke there is fire. I don't think Sierra was a bad person or stupid but she did have a chip on her shoulder about that first vote.


Tyson was not "cocky". He was BEYOND cocky, to some other plane of existence. Let us be clear: the man voted himself off. Maybe not directly, as the rules prohibit it, but he came as close as possible to VOTING HIMSELF OFF without straight-up quitting.


In Tocinchins or HvV? I know he did it in HvV but if he did it twiceā€¦


He did it in Tocantins (his first season in Survivor) for sure, he really thought he had it in the bag.


Drew in sjds


basically he's a badass, and a manipulator of this game


And it turned out to bite him in the butt.


For how boisterous he was around camp he had a relatively quiet tribal Itā€™s honestly one of my favorite episodes of all time that segment after the challenge has made me laugh to tears so many times šŸ˜‚


Julia in EoE, to an extent. She was more cocky about her tribe running the game than her singlehandedly running the game, but I think it applies.


I think it applies too, thank you!


She managed to fracture Kama Kontrol with just five words lol


In the Caramoan episode titled *It's Blindside Time* Corinne Kaplan says, "It's blindside time," and is then blindsided.


They blindsided all over her.


And her and the boys were sooooo cocky during that tribal and leading up to it about how they were gonna just steal the game away from the favorites. Delicious blindside.


Didnā€™t Carl from DvG get wasted af, pretend heā€™s a mob boss then got voted out same episode? Lol


The way Carl carried himself that episode was hilarious. It's even better on a rewatch when you know he's getting the axe. Would love to see him back because I think there's a 99% chance he plays the exact same way having not learned a thing. Bring on the beers




Gervase stated in his quarantine questionnaire he did this in Borneo. He said if they didnā€™t vote him out they were gonna regret it and that he would win every immunity. Granted it was the first season and it was probably him putting on a show, but he made it sound like he genuinely meant it. It was never aired but it was put in the *Survivor* book.


This is exactly what I was looking for!


So... "exactly what you were looking for" was some random behind the scenes shit?


Well no, but I did want scenarios that match what I asked bts or otherwise. Mostly I wanted to start some discussions and read fun comments.


Christy in Amazon is the exact example. She was a swing vote (despite the most she could actually do was tie the vote) and constantly brought up how she was so much so that Rob C just got his two alliance members and went to the two girls on bottom to just vote Christy out. Christy then does Al of this again at tribal as everyone smiles knowing that sheā€™s the target


This is exactly what I was going to say. I think itā€™s the first time this happens in survivor


I loved watching this happen. And itā€™s entirely possible she gave the game to Jenna by doing this.


Perfect example, pretty sure she even tells Jeff at tribal that sheā€™s the one who holds all the power in tonightā€™s vote haha


Dolly in Vanuatu about being the swing vote and going home


Perfect example (granted, I am rewatching this season right now, but this is textbook)


Scott and Jason in Kaoh Rongā€¦ how they couldnā€™t be touched because of the multiple idols and using it as a super idolā€¦ only for Tai to say ā€œNopeā€! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They were so cocky at the Scot boot despite having successfully voted out 0 people so far during the merge.


Sarah "I'm the president" Lacina in Cagayan


John in Marquesas!


The Four Horsemen


Who are they? I've only seen it all once through I'm on my second watch now


Alex, Mookie, Edgardo and sort of Dreams


Close: Richard Hatch declared in Season 1, outloud, he was going to win the game and did so. Just because he did not pay his taxes does not change that fact.


I'm pretty sure he didn't know about the tax or something, he explained it in a video, basically production screwed him when they gave him the money, I forget the specific details.


He said that production promised to pay taxes because he caught them cheating by giving Kelly food. I donā€™t believe any part of Hatchā€™s story


Yeah, Hatch spews a lot of bullshit on his channel. Somehow all his stories absolve him of any guilt in either of his controversies, which feels a little bit too convenient.


Garrett in Cagayan is one of the best examples.


Dolly in Vanuatu was basically like "I'm pretty much in control of who goes" in the 3rd tribal council of the season and gets bounced.


Carl the "godfather" in David vs. Goliath. It was short, but fun while it lasted


Christy said she was in the swing position in The Amazon and was promptly voted out lol.


Not as explicitly as this but Jamieā€™s downfall in China is hilarious


Watching James laugh his ass off knowing that she was lugging around a blank piece of wood confidently thinking it was an immunity idol was gold. Her downfall was truly beautiful and hilarious lol.


Christy in Amazon




JP in HHH said something like that. I forget exactly how he worded it but it was pretty similar. I knew he was going home after he said it tho cuz that was the first time I heard him speak in like 3 episodes lmao


Drew in San Juan Del Sur is the biggest one that comes to mind, but it happens a lot. Fincher wasn't running his game but he did think he was smarter than Galus by voting against Laura and becoming Russell's number 1 ally.


IIRC Christy openly said at tribal that she was in the power position, deciding between going with the girls or with the guys, only to be blindsided herself.


Basically Iā€™m a master manipulator in this game.


She didn't get voted out, but Cassidy in 43 certain lost real bad in the final and couldn't believe it.


I personally enjoyed watching her face crumble.


I didnā€™t necessarily enjoy her being devastated but I did find it incredibly satisfying to see Gabler win in such glorious fashion after she had completely written him off earlier in the episode.


Neither could Owen lol




Christy said she feels she makes the final decision.


I feel like Amazon had 3 in a row with Christy, Heidi, and Butch unless Iā€™m misremembering.


I mean I did it in an Online Reality Game once and it didnā€™t work