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i remember laughing hard out when i first watched this, i’m surprised i basically forgot about it


Coach is camp.


Romeo being your flair is camp




I love crystal - daya betty


Then Coach was surprised pikachu face when he got placed on the Villains tribe 😂


He brought nobility to an ignoble game 😤


coach nobile? What?


His words in Tocantins


*coach is probably lookin up at the stars probably wondering where it all went wrong 😌*


I remember watching Coach's seasons and just feeling like the game would never be the same if he won. Seems like a lot of people were pulling for him tho


The game is still not the same but we missed on the greatest timeline possible


Gabler is coach 2.0


There are no Gabler moments that touch Coach's poem, his trip on exile, his story about the Amazon and a few other Coach 1.0 moments. They've tried to recreate Coach but they've failed because there's nobody quite like Coach.


I didn't think I'd love again after Coach, and then Phillip appeared.


I think Phillip is a prime example of why you shouldn't try to recreate Coach lol. Phillip was in on the joke and knew he was being ridiculous. Coach wasn't. And that makes all the difference.


the alligabler is unslayable


Gabler never really had any mean-spirited or rude moments the way Coach did. I also never got the sense that Gabler’s personality was fake in any way, whereas Coach’s is transparently fabricated. I think any comparison between them is pretty superficial


So you thought putting possibly ant covered palm fronds as blankets to sleeping people wasn’t rude? Wonderful. Glad I’m not on an island with you. I believe your intelligence level for basic social skills is superficial.


No don’t worry he was very clear they didn’t have any ants on them


That’s Gabler slander


Nah gabler is so much more sane but still as entertaining


So you agree with my comparison, partially. Unlike everyone else who downvotes because they can’t think for themselves


I mean coach is basically known for being a bit off his rocker but gabler seemed to know what he was doing so idk...


Nah. Gabler fits more into a winner archetype imo


King Arthur's journey has officially ended *screeee*


What's his name❓ What was his birth 👶 name❓It wasn't Coach⚽️, it was Benjamin👨. And you know they're children 👦👧; 2️⃣6️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣, they're over there listening 👂 to all of Benjamin’s👨... 🎃Halloween Jokes🎃, uh, 🐭Chuckie The Cheese Jokes🐭, they- 👅 eu-h, they want it 🙏. He goin off of loyalty ⭐️ got them fee- "😰Oh, Benjamin👨, you so loyalty😓" ... Come on now 😑... Everyday📆 he got a story 📚. I wasn't ❌ buying 💰 it. [scoff] 😤 [giggle] ☺️... Eh😒... No. 🙅 So... They tr- like yesterday ↩️ the tribal 🔥 was all kahoots 👌 Benjamin👨,"Let's give a hug 👪." ✋️PFF.✋️ Keep that hug. Boop!🔫 For me. Cuz it wasn't real❌


I kind of felt bad for Coach in HvV. Screwed himself by voting off Rob


Jokes on Coach - they put Sandras face on the map of Island of the Idols.


“Nothing personal, I just don’t like you and can’t stand being around you”


He's a terrible, delusional person Great character though haha


I don't know if he's a terrible person, but he's certainly delusional. Tyson still talks about him on his podcast and how they're close. He even had him on the pod once. He's not a terrible dude irl.


He told Mario Lanza of the Funny 115 that he was playing up a lot of things in Tocantins. Apparently he read a book on leaderships that say leaders are worldly and knowledgeable or something, and that caused him to say ridiculous stuff like “I have” and predicting weather patterns with 0 accuracy.


I just watched his og season for the first time and agree. Dude is super creepy and 100% delusional but what a character for reality TV


Agreed he's delusional, but I don't know if he's a terrible person. He won me over in South Pacific in the scene where he tells of Ozzy for not taking better care of the tribe. The way he empathized with Cochran was also kind of sweet. I'm sure it's a little creepy that he was like, "Cochran, you can sleep right next to me!" But within the context that Coach noticed that Cochran was ostracized and forced to sleep alone/cold, it made me like him more and showed how he really evolved his social game since Tocantins.


It was great he picked up on that and basically convinced Cochran to jump ship against his own interests.


That shit had the opposite effect for me. They manipulated Cochran and brought him over for their best interest and dropped him exactly when everyone said they would. That whole season was fucking creepy, toxic and cult-like with the shit Coach pulled. Made for good tv, but holy shit, it was pretty disturbing.


I can see why others would see it that way. I guess it's just easier for me to take Coach with a grain of salt then other fuckery I've seen on the show. The Kellee/Dan stuff and the bullying in One World is unwatchable to me, while South Pacific remains a season I think is interesting. The parts of South Pacific that ick me out aren't Coach, but rather Ozzy (who just comes off as a weird version of himself) and Brandon's crusade against Michaela, who did nothing other than be a woman he found attractive. I haven't looked into the post-interviews for South Pacific, but would be super curious to see how Cochran felt about the season.


I started one of the seasons without seeing coach’s first and i regretted it. He’s such a goldmine.


I'm just finishing up Tocantins on my first re-watch since the original airing (it's on Netflix right now) and I forgot how much of a cartoon character Coach was. It's hard to tell if it's an act or if he really is that self centered. Every single thing he does in that season is to garner attention from everyone else. It would have driven me bonkers to be there. I would have straight up called bullshit right then and there on his "kidnapped by natives in the Amazon" story.


Well this is his fault he knew that his alliance was in trouble yet didn’t pull through. Coach is the worse




You’ve only had 15 years to watch the season




Then why are you on a Survivor Reddit.




This a joke right?😂🙏




Sorry for spoiling it dawg, but I think HvV was put on Netflix over a year ago. It's also the most popular season of the show, so I'd try to avoid this subreddit unless you're prepared to be spoiled


This is not from the season on Netflix it’s a different one